Originally posted by pokeyfiero: Maybe it was the part where you asked "what was that supposed to mean?"
Merry Christmas
So I'm just supposed to let it go that he called me a troll? What the hell is a troll anyway? If the definition of a troll is someone who posts info in order to help others, then monitors the thread to keep up with it, them I guess I'm a troll. ~ Paul aka "Tha Driver"
The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.
Could it all be just a misunderstanding??? I say this as one person’s impression of a 9 or an 8 may not be the same as another person’s impression of a 9 or an 8. What I mean is just to take a look around at the people you see. Some people are married and one of them will be gorgeous and the other will be troll-like. To each their own.
No it's NOT a misunderstanding. He mis-represented the part & everyone agreed with me. Obviously you haven't read the thread: https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum2/HTML/087545.html . The bad part is that he wouldn't even TRY to work it out AT ALL, & instead resorted to calling me names (including "bastard" !) & telling LIES. THEN he called me a THEIF in his feedback!!! I even offered to pay his ebay fees (which he didn't have to pay in the end anyway). How the hell am I a #$&% THEIF??? Yes I'm thankful that I have my health (for the most part), & food to eat. Heck I even have leftover mexican for dinner tonight on Christmas instead of the usual hot dogs (which I had on thanksgiving) or microwave dinner. But I'm NOT going to sit by & be quiet when this JERK is calling me a THEIF & telling LIES about me!!! Would you? ~ Paul aka "Tha Driver"
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07:06 AM
johnyrottin Member
Posts: 5495 From: Northwest Florida Registered: Oct 2007
Actually, yes I would. Like I said, in the great scheme of things it really doesn't matter. I'm sure we have all heard that there are three sides to a story, which in this case would be yours, Todd’s and the truth, somewhere in-between. What I am saying is it's over. There is no way that anyone is going to come out of this feeling any better than they do now. The name-calling may make us feel good at the time but does it get us anywhere?
Think it was my dad that told me many moons ago that sometimes there are no winners. And somewhere along the lines a great man said "Forgive and forget". I think it was the same guy that said "If someone smashes you in the check, give him the other." I am not suggesting beating the crap out of each other, but merely suggesting that if you both sit back and just think about how menial this disagreement is in the grand scheme of things, there are so many other things that you could put your energy towards that would be beneficial, both for yourselves and others. You can both apologize, not for the fact that either has done anything wrong, but more for the benifit of the other. Apologize that you have drawn each other into this and that others have to be pulled this way or that to "take a side". Heck, even those of us that take no side will be effected in some way.
I would just rather see people work things out. I have seen too much negative and hurt in the world to just stand and watch two people in a "civilized" society act this way.
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07:41 AM
SuperchargedV6 Member
Posts: 1966 From: Hinckley, Oh, US Registered: Jan 2006
Paul, you have made me sorry that I even opened my mouth to back you as you are at this point are acting crazy. You made your point but will not back away and have made yourself look pretty bad. Toddster was incorrect on his grading and many folks agreed with you. You weren't happy with this so you continue to try and ruin this mans sales. You have crossed the line to the point of someone with enough money to sue you as this becomes harassment. You never bought the mats, you came to a agreement and then you still continue to attack and I find it repulsive at this stage. I'm sorry but you need to step back and look in the mirror. Rick
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10:11 AM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
On this special day I have no ill will to anyone. I only have one thing to say, even to Paul, Merry Christmas and may you all be blessed with prosperity in the new year, may our country find hope and optimism come the new dawn, and may all of your dreams come true.
Paul, you have made me sorry that I even opened my mouth to back you as you are at this point are acting crazy. You made your point but will not back away and have made yourself look pretty bad. Toddster was incorrect on his grading and many folks agreed with you. You weren't happy with this so you continue to try and ruin this mans sales. You have crossed the line to the point of someone with enough money to sue you as this becomes harassment. You never bought the mats, you came to a agreement and then you still continue to attack and I find it repulsive at this stage. I'm sorry but you need to step back and look in the mirror. Rick
I'm sorry you feel that way. If standing up for yourself when someone tells LIES about you is acting crazy them yes I'm acting crazy & will continue to do so. I don't lie, & I DO NOT LIKE IT WHEN SOMEONE LIES ABOUT ME! Like I said I was BEYOND dropping this but he keeps posting LIES about it. I'm just trying to keep the record straight. How is this an attack? Nothing malicious or harrassing about it. When he stops posting LIES, I'll stop responding. BTW not just "many" folks agreed with me; EVERYONE agreed with me. He never even had to jump in my thread in the first place as I never mentioned his name. I was just trying to get other's opinions on the condition of the mat. Also once again THERE WAS NEVER ANY AGREEMENT. He wouldn't act civilized enough to agree to anything. I'm REALLY sorry this has not been dropped & lies continue to be posted about it! I hope everyone is have a great Christmas including Todd - I'm sure not. ~ Paul aka "Tha Driver"
Actually, yes I would. Like I said, in the great scheme of things it really doesn't matter. I'm sure we have all heard that there are three sides to a story, which in this case would be yours, Todd’s and the truth, somewhere in-between. What I am saying is it's over. There is no way that anyone is going to come out of this feeling any better than they do now. The name-calling may make us feel good at the time but does it get us anywhere?
Think it was my dad that told me many moons ago that sometimes there are no winners. And somewhere along the lines a great man said "Forgive and forget". I think it was the same guy that said "If someone smashes you in the check, give him the other." I am not suggesting beating the crap out of each other, but merely suggesting that if you both sit back and just think about how menial this disagreement is in the grand scheme of things, there are so many other things that you could put your energy towards that would be beneficial, both for yourselves and others. You can both apologize, not for the fact that either has done anything wrong, but more for the benifit of the other. Apologize that you have drawn each other into this and that others have to be pulled this way or that to "take a side". Heck, even those of us that take no side will be effected in some way.
I would just rather see people work things out. I have seen too much negative and hurt in the world to just stand and watch two people in a "civilized" society act this way.
Obviously you don't know me. I LIVE for the TRUTH. I SUFFER because of it just like I am right now. But I was taught to TELL the TRUTH, & I do. What part of this (& what I say about it) do you not find factual? PM me if you find anything that I've said that you don't believe is the TRUTH. I HAVE apologized that Todd has dragged everyone into this - Like I said I never even mentioned his name in my thread untill he jumped in & started right away calling me "bastard" & lying. I NEVER intended for all this BS, but it seems Todd just won't let it go. I have a LOT better things to do but I have to defend myself. OK: THAT'S IT; I'M DONE. If no one wants to hear the $*@^% TRUTH then there's nothing I can do about it. I guess the teachings of Jesus dosen't mean a thing even on Christmas day. ~ Paul aka "Tha Driver"
[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 12-25-2007).]
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04:03 PM
Fiero Thomas Member
Posts: 4669 From: Round Lake Beach, IL Registered: Jul 2005
Heisnt posting anything about you anymore. You are the one going on. You are the one looking bad on this now. This is my last post on this here and the other forum you are dragging this out on but damn dude just go away from this and dont bother yourself with this anymore.
BTW, I LIVE in Silicon Valley. Half of my clients, friends, and neighbors work at eBay. all I can say is...keep an eye on the feedback he left for me.....while you can!
[This message has been edited by fieroparts.com (edited 12-27-2007).]
U N F R E A K I N G B E L I E V E A B L E!!! Shows you that both TODD & EBAY are nothing but CROOKS!!! You can't trust EITHER ONE OF THEM!!! BTW he left me negative feedback here from this thread - AGAINST PFF RULES!!! ~ Paul aka "Tha Driver"
[This message has been edited by Tha Driver (edited 12-27-2007).]
U N F R E A K I N G B E L I E V E A B L E!!! Shows you that both TODD & EBAY are nothing but CROOKS!!! You can't trust EITHER ONE OF THEM!!! BTW he left me negative feedback here from this thread - AGAINST PFF RULES!!! ~ Paul aka "Tha Driver"
Things might be better if all parties just moved on. Continued bickering only pisses the rest of the forum off. This isn't a hockey game. Just an opinion from the stands.
------------------ Ron
It's the Soldier, not the reporter Who has given us the freedom of the press. It's the Soldier, not the poet, Who has given us the freedom of speech. It's the Soldier, not the politicians That ensures our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. It's the Soldier who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, And whose coffin is draped by the flag.
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12:46 PM
pokeyfiero Member
Posts: 16203 From: Free America! Registered: Dec 2003
Things might be better if all parties just moved on. Continued bickering only pisses the rest of the forum off. This isn't a hockey game. Just an opinion from the stands.
It seems half the parties have moved on to Todd's credit. He is usually there to the bitter end so I think his effort at being civil should warrant something.
The DRIVER reminds me of a friends whacked out EX wife.
Originally posted by Tha Driver:
So I'm just supposed to let it go that he called me a troll? What the hell is a troll anyway? ~ Paul aka "Tha Driver"
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01:29 PM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
Originally posted by pokeyfiero: It seems half the parties have moved on to Todd's credit. He is usually there to the bitter end so I think his effort at being civil should warrant something.
The DRIVER reminds me of a friends whacked out EX wife.
Thanks for taking the time to read the whole thing.
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02:09 PM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
Not that I'm dignifying this wacko but since my feedback IS an important issue to prosepctive buyers I should point out that he has left a few details out:
when the questions start he stops communiction..WATCH OUT FOR THIS ONE!
NEUTRAL: this guy left me neutral feedback, not negative. I fullfilled my contract and he has issues. I have since added him to my blocked bidder list. He has 18 negative feedbacks in 671 transactions! I have just 4 in nearly as many.
NEG. Threatened & prematurely demanded immediate refund for lost uninsured item
NEUTRAL: NOT Negative! This is a Neutral feedback item. The seller never shipped the book but claimed they did even though they could not give me a tracking number. After a lengthy 'he said, she said' fest they found the item still in their stock room and eventually sent it. They never admitted their mistake or apologized for accusing me of lying about not getting the item.
His check was returned Jan. 18 for insufficient funds. I await an explanation.
NEUTRAL: I sold a rare book for $7,000 the week prior and the guy I sold the book to sent me a bad check. I had 4 of my own checks bounce as a result, including this guy's check. I sent him a money order including his NSF fees for the trouble. But before he bothered to contact me he left this neutral feedback. He later added this comment: "I gave neutral feedback before talking w/buyer. He's made it right. My apologies"
Refused to wait for payment even though my son was very sick - be careful
NEGATIVE: my reply was this: "$ due in 10, I gave her 20, she DEMANDED more time. Don't bid if you can't pay". This wasn't her first phony bid either. She had just 9 feedbacks before being banned by eBay.
Was mis-represented, "UNbiased opinions wanted" on PFF or contact me for details (that's mine)
NEGATIVE: bid, won, never paid. Never got the item so he has no idea whether the product was misrepresented or not. The guy who eventually bought them agrees the description was accurate. The kid has subsequently gone on a tirade stalking me around every webpage you can find with my name on it. We agreed not to leave feedback and mutually forget about the deal...even though I didn't have to and had every legal right to sanction him. He left negative feedback ANYWAY claiming as his reason that I would have done so if he didn't do it first. He has 5 negatives (4 from the same person so it only shows on eBay as 2) in just 90 feedbacks versus my 4 negatives in over 600. Be the judge
Defect much worse than desc., slow ship, box broken w/ UPS note 'rec'd damaged'
NEUTRAL: Again, this is a neutral feedback item. my reply: "2-9 day stated, got it in 8. if UPS damaged Y didn't you call me to file a claim". Slow shipping my ass. He got a delivery across the entire country in 8 days over the holiday season and the auction stated delivery would be as many as 9 days. As for the damage, am I now to blame for UPS damage that the buyer didn't even bother to ask me to file a claim on? the guy never emails me to try to work it out.
Fast ship. Thin packing in lrg box nearly destroyed box. Lucky item ok anyway.
POSITIVE: Yep, if you can believe it troll boy is actually trying to criticize me with positive feedback. Yes, the box apparently got the usual Gorilla treatment from UPS but it was still packed well enough to make it to it's destination safely. I usually packege things EXTREMELY well as my feedback states clearly.
Said "great condition" NOT!! Fraud claim eventually forced a return for return. Bob Hartl P. Eng,: hartlbv (at) hotmail (dot) com, get the REAL story
NEGATIVE: 4 negatives in 105 feedbacks. This guy had bought my item (a T-Top kit) with used seals. That is the way they were described. He was upset that the seals where not in perfect condition and filed a claim with eBay who sided with me. Actually he had already started working on the kit. He was just trying to extort a post auction discount out of me. When eBay figured out what he was up to he was forced to keep it or (because of my goodwill gesture) return the kit if he paid return shipping or let the Square Trade investigation determine he would have to be banned from eBay for fraud. He shut-up after that and agreed to pay return shipping. I resold the kit to a happy customer.
If disappointed uses mafia-like threats to get a refund ! AVOID.
NEGATIVE: This guy was a flat out thief who sold me a forged celebrity autograph. I am an expert in rare books and spotted it as a fake immediately. He had 5 negative in 70 feedbacks for the same scam and was banned by ebay
There you have it. The ENTIRE story.
4 negatives, 2 posted by scammer who ebay banned, 1 by a scammer whom ebay threatened to ban if he didn't pay up, and then of course there is troll boy.
NOW feel free to judge.
[This message has been edited by Toddster (edited 12-27-2007).]
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05:00 PM
Nazareth Member
Posts: 730 From: morristown, TN Registered: Aug 2003
can you pm me a list of what you have for a fastback anything at all and i need a getrag select cable if you still have one pleas include prices with or with out shipping to 68107. thanks for your time and hope to hear from you. oh and do you still have an indy i want to get one for my dad or maybe both...
------------------ Tony
86 gt 3.3 5 speed Just plain fun...
[This message has been edited by Black86gtFastback (edited 12-28-2007).]
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06:18 AM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
can you pm me a list of what you have for a fastback anything at all and i need a getrag select cable if you still have one pleas include prices with or with out shipping to 68107. thanks for your time and hope to hear from you. oh and do you still have an indy i want to get one for my dad or maybe both...
PM atcha
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11:04 AM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
I HAD quit posting on this & wasn't going to post any more but everybody else keeps posting & they hate me anyway so screw it! Plus todd is continuing to post LIES. I hate lies! It's driving me bananas that I'M the one catching flack for continuing to post the TRUTH, and NO ONE is giving todd any crap for continuing to post LIES!!! I'm ONLY posting again 'cause ONCE AGAIN todd has posted MORE LIES! He hasn't "moved on" like you say, people! Besides, todd likes the free bumps. AND... people continue to post in other forums too all the while saying I"M the one who "won't let it go"! Look in the mirror, guys!
Originally posted by Toddster: Not that I'm dignifying this wacko but since my feedback IS an important issue to prosepctive buyers I should point out that he has left a few details out:.
Yeah: it's important enough to have it removed by your friends so that you can commit fraud! (why else would you go to such lengths?)
Originally posted by Toddster: NEG. Threatened & prematurely demanded immediate refund for lost uninsured item NEUTRAL: NOT Negative!
The guy forgot to check the neg. box but notice he made *sure* to say "NEG.". Todd had his friends REMOVE it.
THIS is what REALLY gets my goat. This is MY feedback & here he is POSTING THE SAME DAMN LIES ABOUT IT!!!!
Originally posted by Toddster: Was mis-represented, "UNbiased opinions wanted" on PFF or contact me for details NEGATIVE: bid, won, never paid.
I was the only bidder.
[B]Originally posted by Toddster: Never got the item so he has no idea whether the product was misrepresented or not.
Originally posted by Toddster: The guy who eventually bought them agrees the description was accurate.
LIE! The guy who bought it says it's NOT A NINE!
Originally posted by Toddster: The kid has subsequently gone on a tirade stalking me around every webpage you can find with my name on it.
This "kid" (I'm 54 todd - YOU'RE the CHILD here) has tried to warn everyone he can of this jerk. You told me to "do my worst" todd; I'm just getting started.
Originally posted by Toddster: We agreed not to leave feedback and mutually forget about the deal...even though I didn't have to and had every legal right to sanction him.
LIE! We DID NOT AGREE TO NOT LEAVE FEEDBACK!!! SHOW ME todd where I agreed to that. SHOW ME! Do you even know what sanction means, todd? Todd sent ebay for a "Unpaid Item Mutual Agreement", which I agreed to (simply told them that the item was not as described & we mutually agree to not go through with the transaction). HE initiated that. I did not have to agree to that releasing todd from paying the ebay fees. I did it 'cause it was the right thing to do IMO. Then todd called me a THIEF in his feedback! SHOW ME how I'm a THIEF when - as he said above - I "Never got the item"!
Originally posted by Toddster: He left negative feedback ANYWAY claiming as his reason that I would have done so if he didn't do it first.
LIE! I left negative feedback to warn others, not because I knew todd would (I never "claimed" that as the reason). If some of you ebay buyers (& here too) don't appreciate that, I can't help you. He jumped in MY thread and RIGHT AWAY called me a pinhead, clown, & a BASTARD in his first post - showing me that he was NOT a reasonable person & would not negotiate a fair deal. I left the negative because after several of his posts telling lies I was subsequently proven right!
Originally posted by Toddster: He has 5 negatives (4 from the same person so it only shows on eBay as 2) in just 90 feedbacks versus my 4 negatives in over 600. Be the judge[/b]
I have 4 negatives from one COMPANY that AUTOMATICLY leaves you negatives if you leave them one. They deserved it - I didn't. They had no right to do so & it was against ebay rules but ebay does nothing about it anyway!. Check my feedback: you'll see that EVERY ONE of them are postive except this company & todd's. That's right; YOU be the judge. BTW todd; How many times in the past have you had your FRIENDS at ebay remove your negatives & neutrals? Maybe that's why you don't have any more!
Originally posted by Toddster: Fast ship. Thin packing in lrg box nearly destroyed box. Lucky item ok anyway. POSITIVE:Yep, if you can believe it troll boy is actually trying to criticize me with positive feedback.
That's enough of that... You can hate me if you want, but don't side with todd when he's the one posting LIES & I'm the one posting the freakin' TRUTH!!! This is my last post here in this thread. People are leaving me negative ratings because I'm standing up for myself. I have one thing to say about that: no one FORCED you to read the thread. If you don't like me posting the truth then don't read it. Don't give me a "-" when I'm only standing up for myself. This is not a "difference of opinions" - this is truth against lies! If you read my thread you'll see I'm right. NOW watch todd jump back in with STILL MORE LIES and then tell me who's NOT LETTING IT GO! (if I post again saying "I told you so" does that count? ) Paul
P.S. Anyone else find it HALARIOUS that todd has The Thinker as his avatar? ROFLMAO!!! He must be thinking how he can best mis-represent his parts!
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03:16 AM
Fierofreak00 Member
Posts: 4221 From: Martville, NY USA Registered: Jun 2001
Kind of like latching onto someone like a pit bull and not letting go, right Todd? Remind you of anyone else you know?
Originally posted by Toddster: And the longevity of this forum when SOOOOOO many others have failed is due in part to people like me who are not afraid to tell a trouble maker to get lost and stay on their asses like a pit bull until they clean up their act or leave.
Guess it's time for you to clean up your act or leave, Todd. Sucks when someone else uses your own methods against you, doesn't it?
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11:24 AM
System Bot
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001
Yes, yes it does. Good thing I have a reputation for turning the other cheek until some smart ass pushes the button once too often. You've run out of pushes.
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04:24 PM
Fiero Thomas Member
Posts: 4669 From: Round Lake Beach, IL Registered: Jul 2005
Christ already can you just let it go. Nobody give a crap anymore. At this point nobody is even reading what you have posted. I think I will have to post that PM you sent me and see how fast it quites you down. give it up already
Oh and Todd free BUMP for you and thank you for the other indy stuff you are sending me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just had a wonderful idea…. I should send Todd one mat and Paul the other. Each could autograph their respective mats and send them back to me. They are becoming quite famous after all and then being signed they would be worth big buck someday.
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06:00 PM
Fiero Thomas Member
Posts: 4669 From: Round Lake Beach, IL Registered: Jul 2005
I just had a wonderful idea…. I should send Todd one mat and Paul the other. Each could autograph their respective mats and send them back to me. They are becoming quite famous after all and then being signed they would be worth big buck someday.
Yes, yes it does. Good thing I have a reputation for turning the other cheek until some smart ass pushes the button once too often. You've run out of pushes.
Looks like you ran out of pushes a while ago, boy. If you wish to threaten me, say something more impressive than "You've run out of pushes." What are you going to do? Have your Ebay friends ban me?
You're a good one for talk, but you don't like it when you get some of your own medicine. Well, what comes around goes around. I'm not dishing this helping out. I'm just enjoying watching you twist in the wind. Reap what you sow.
Though I am branded a devil in priests clothing I cast not the raiment I wear for I am not beholden to any flock with which any color has been given to me.
[This message has been edited by pokeyfiero (edited 12-31-2007).]
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08:53 PM
Toddster Member
Posts: 20871 From: Roswell, Georgia Registered: May 2001