See craigslist ad for pictures. Feel free to ask me any questions.
Hard to part with this car, but it is just in too good of quality for me to deviate from stock. Not a spec of rust on it anywhere, stored in a climate controlled storage under a car cover for its entire life. Its a real bargain!
Would not hesitate to drive anywhere, brakes were gone over and re-lubed, oil changed, Freon topped off.
Asking $7900
[This message has been edited by darkhorizon (edited 08-10-2010).]
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06:38 PM
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Carver1 Member
Posts: 2843 From: Edgewood, New Mexico Registered: Nov 2000
nice and clean. i just purchased the same car in feb. off e-bay for $6,500.00 dollars 87 gt 29,500 miles and not a lick of rust. hay good luck with your sale. i drove the same car 20yrs. ago.
Unfortunately out of the price range for a college student.... Beautiful car though, but may I ask: What's up with the missing lugs and covers? (just found it odd and a little funny considering how nice the car is)
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08:45 AM
darkhorizon Member
Posts: 12279 From: Flint Michigan Registered: Jan 2006
that is a great ride but missing some lug nuts bud!!!~Tom
I had locks with a long lost key so i beat the old locks off there. They have already been replaced and the caps were put on, I just didnt have them in time for photoshoot day..
It is missing the center caps on the front wheels, but that can be fixed via a visit to the fiero store.
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09:47 AM
Jul 12th, 2010
darkhorizon Member
Posts: 12279 From: Flint Michigan Registered: Jan 2006
Can you PM me the VIN#? I'd like to run a Carfax. Is there a hole under the keypad for the starter kill? How much damage will be done to the console if this were removed?
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01:34 AM
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TommyT913 Member
Posts: 93 From: Howell, New Jersey USA Registered: Oct 2007