It is one of those mom and pop mail places, the nearest UPS store is an hour away. And yes, I didn't make it before the 4PM deadline. There are two other forms that I filled out but that was what I got back one of them being an official UPS international form
More Than Mail (253) 846-9315 Call them and give them the tracking
I've been kissing ass and continuing to kiss ass. I will gladly kiss ass to my customers, but not to you
Bro you suck. I mean seriously man, you suck as a "business" person. First you pull the regular "oh send me your money and you'll get everything you want." And then nothing happens. People complain and then you say oh sorry but it was UPS and it was USPS and it was FedEx. Then you tell HIM to call the couriers? WTF is wrong with you man. YOUR THE SUPPLIER!!! The client isn't suppose to do any work! None what so ever. But you have enough cojonas to tell them to do your job. And then now when enough people get behind this client you finally, FINALLY throw up a bull*&%$ picture of a receipt from a mom and pop? Why the hell am i not surprised. And then to top ALL of this off, which i can't believe YOU can. YOU PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK AND SAY" OH HEY, WHATS THIS?" Please get off of our forum. Please just go away. You are the worse vendor i have ever seen. No wonder your by yourself now with one employee. Please fulfill your orders and go away. We don't need people like you. You know what you should have wrote with that picture? "Here is the tracking Purple. I am truly truly sorry for all the delays. And to make up for all the issues that were out of my hands, i'm going to give you a credit of 20% just to keep your business." BOOM! that's what we should have seen. Not your lame prop yourself on a pedal stool pat yourself on the back smart ass retort! Man up dude. Get off of Pennock. And stay off of our forum.
My statement was in regards to the comments made by the previous poster and his shot at me. I have already been in contact with Purple and he has been very patient and I am grateful. Don't forget he has already received his refund.
I don't know where you get the bullshitt comment from about the picture. I'm out in the middle of nowhere and they ship UPS just like anyone else. His tracking will work today just like it is supposed to.
Last, have you seen all the comments in my other thread about how grateful people have been and how the parts have been excellent? Have you check my feedback here or ebay? Again, I'm sorry. LIFE IS VERY HARD RIGHT NOW, I'M SORRY THIS SUCKS. I have been courteous and tried to do my best for Purple.
Please, everyone with their comments step back and leave it alone. You honestly cannot say that you know what is going on and we all have issues sometime. I've shipped his parts. I haven't disappeared like West Coast Fiero or FastFieros have done with so many others
[This message has been edited by FriendOfYours (edited 01-15-2013).]
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07:53 AM
farmer Member
Posts: 66 From: toronto canada Registered: Nov 2011
Just a quick question... UPS reports the package as being approx 18lbs.. that seems a little low for a 3800 flywheel, 3800 engine mount, F23 brackets, linkage adapter, HTOB adapter, alternator relocate and filler neck.
Is there somethign I should be aware of before this gets here?
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09:45 AM
mptighe Member
Posts: 3321 From: Houston, TX Registered: Aug 2009
Just a quick question... UPS reports the package as being approx 18lbs.. that seems a little low for a 3800 flywheel, 3800 engine mount, F23 brackets, linkage adapter, HTOB adapter, alternator relocate and filler neck.
Is there somethign I should be aware of before this gets here?
I would say it appears to be low weight as well. You might want to ask the dimensions of the box.
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12:44 PM
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012
This post here says that 3800 flywheel machined down to .840 weighs approx 16lbs... so your brackets, alternator relocate, adaptors etc weigh in at 2lbs?
My statement was in regards to the comments made by the previous poster and his shot at me. I have already been in contact with Purple and he has been very patient and I am grateful. Don't forget he has already received his refund.
I don't know where you get the bullshitt comment from about the picture. I'm out in the middle of nowhere and they ship UPS just like anyone else. His tracking will work today just like it is supposed to.
Last, have you seen all the comments in my other thread about how grateful people have been and how the parts have been excellent? Have you check my feedback here or ebay? Again, I'm sorry. LIFE IS VERY HARD RIGHT NOW, I'M SORRY THIS SUCKS. I have been courteous and tried to do my best for Purple.
Please, everyone with their comments step back and leave it alone. You honestly cannot say that you know what is going on and we all have issues sometime. I've shipped his parts. I haven't disappeared like West Coast Fiero or FastFieros have done with so many others
Sorry but you blew your ability to handle this quietly once you involved members on a public forum. We stick together. Your parts might be "excellent", but it doesn't matter once people pay you and don't get the products they paid for. As far as not being WCF or FF, that remains to be seen and personally I'm wanting to hear Purple's take on this once he gets his shipment.
[This message has been edited by mptighe (edited 01-16-2013).]
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12:46 PM
mptighe Member
Posts: 3321 From: Houston, TX Registered: Aug 2009
This post here says that 3800 flywheel machined down to .840 weighs approz 16lbs... so your brackets, alternator relocate, adaptors etc weigh in at 2lbs?
I'm pretty sure it's no mistake. You have to consider the box and packaging probably weighs at least 1 lb. I'm sorry but if you get your full order I'm going to be very surprised.
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12:49 PM
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012
I'm pretty sure it's no mistake. You have to consider the box and packaging probably weighs at least 1 lb. I'm sorry but if you get your full order I'm going to be very surprised.
That is what I'm affraid of...
I have been patient, understanding and surprisingly calm. I often had to sit back and have a few beers before posting on here requesting updates on my order in order to not let the nerves influence my wording… I have not however just been sitting here in the corner with my arms crossed hoping my kit will land in my lap. I have been doing some research, some digging and with the support and help of many AMAYZING forum members I have discovered many things that about this business that many will find in-lightning (yes, I spelled it like that intentionally). So please FOY, don’t mess this one up because I am not holding back after this… Again, I hope this is a weight error on UPS’s part. If not, please fix it before my package gets here.
I already posted that I was sending you your parts. The only flywheel and tstat housing I had were already completed so you will be getting those as well as a htob adapter
[This message has been edited by FriendOfYours (edited 01-16-2013).]
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02:39 PM
System Bot
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012
I already posted that I was sending you your parts. The flywheel and tstat housing were already completed so you will be getting those as well as a htob adapter
Can you list me what parts are in that box? If the weight is correct, something is off.
Ahhh.. I see, so all this time where you claimed to be sending my KIT is finaly not happening? No brackets, f23 swap kit etc?? And you were going to drop this on me when??
So here i am several months later back to square one...
No, I have several PM's from you where we agreed you will send a COMPLETE swap kit for my project and I will pay you in full once I receive it. I guess it was ok for me to trust you but you can't do the same. I will make sure you don't get to screw anyone else over. You have been lying to me from day one. You never sent me a kit and you fully expected to just keep my money. It’s IMPOSSIBLE for any reputable business to “LOOSE” so many kits in the mail. Just like some seat covers in 2007…
You win this time, I was the fooling in having a glimmer of hope that you would pull through, but everyone here was right.
In just the last week or so, after you and everyone else complained so much, I said I will send you your parts. I had absolutely no intention of keeping your money, that is why I accept credit cards and paypal, because you can charge back if things don't work out. I did not contest it.
You have your money, you have finished parts that you sent me. I do not think that receiving a full refund and completed parts fits being "screwed over." How is this me winning? Would you like me to cover the cost of shipping the parts to me?
[This message has been edited by FriendOfYours (edited 01-16-2013).]
In just the last week or so, after you and everyone else complained so much, I said I will send you your parts. ...
It seems as if Purple is NOT getting all of his parts. Kind of like getting a new car, and the dealer say that the other two front wheels will be in the next car carrier. Seriously, just give the folks their stuff, and stop complaining about how others are treating you. Yes, we all go through hard times, I should know, but after several (many, many) attempts to tip toe around your faults, you blame those of us that are biatching? No, I do not have parts ordered from you, and NO I will never order parts from you. You come across as Slim Shady. Sad actually.
He is getting everything he sent me. He is not getting a completed kit that he has already been refunded for
That's right, he could not trust me with the extra $40 of stell parts. But holding my $500 + plus parts for several months was perfectly normal... thanks again FOY..
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03:25 PM
System Bot
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012
You paid to ship the flywheel and parts to me, do you want me to send you money to cover that cost? Do you want me to send you a kit COD? Yes, after how you've stated how unhappy you are with me and how you want to run me into the ground, I am not going to send $500 worth of parts to Canada with a very good chance of not getting paid for them. Remember all the reasons things are bad, I cannot afford to lose another kit
[This message has been edited by FriendOfYours (edited 01-16-2013).]
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03:28 PM
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012
He is getting everything he sent me plus all the work that was agreed upon to said parts
No FOY, I planned my build around your swap kit. Then YOU picked parts out of my already completed kit to sell to another customer (or as the story goes, if the kit ever even existed) then I ran off to a junk yard to pull that part, pack it up and ship it to you to modify and send back to me with my swap kit. Now all I have is a few random parts and lots of wasted time. I don't have a shop to work in anymore and the final nail in the coffin, when I gave you a chance to make it all right again, you let me down all over again.
Lucky FieroFlyer makes quality F23 swap kits because I'm pretty sure you are done...
You paid to ship the flywheel and parts to me, do you want me to send you money to cover that cost? Do you want me to send you a kit COD? Yes, after how you've stated how unhappy you are with me and how you want to run me into the ground, I am not going to send $500 worth of parts to Canada with a very good chance of not getting paid for them. Remember all the reasons things are bad, I cannot afford to lose another kit
Stop the excuses! I never wanted to run you to the ground, I kept it civil in hopes that you would be man enough to make it righ. I was wrong, I get it. But now I will make it right and make sure everyone knows who you really are.
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03:32 PM
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012
I just said I would send you a kit COD. Shoot, I'll give it to you half off. I have not treated you with any unkindness, I have tried to be as apologetic as I can. I didn't contest your refund and have sent you your parts completed as we agreed. I have no reason to be upset with you and you have every right to be upset, the service has been unacceptable, I am not denying that.
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03:37 PM
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012
I just said I would send you a kit COD. Shoot, I'll give it to you half off. I have not treated you with any unkindness, I have tried to be as apologetic as I can. I didn't contest your refund and have sent you your parts completed as we agreed. I have no reason to be upset with you and you have every right to be upset, the service has been unacceptable, I am not denying that.
No, the service was definatley unacceptable, what you did to cover it up was despicable. Is “not contesting a PayPal dispute” your refund policy? Why not just give me a refund? Why drag it on? Why did I have to fight to get my money back? Yet you were so kind as to not contest the dispute? Had you had grounds, like proof of shipment, you could of contested. But since it was NEVER SHIPPED you did not have this documentation and COULD NOT contest it. There is a huge difference there.
NEVER TREATED ME WITH UNKINDNESS?? You packed 1 tenth of what I was expecting to receive in a box. I wasn't supposed to find out until I open the box at my end several weeks from now. Yes, very kind! I assume this would of given you enough time to pickup another sucker?
You have proven that I can’t trust you. You decided to swindle me at the last possible second and I caught you. How can I trust you will not send me a piece of scrap metal COD??? Then what do I do? Ya right!
I am at work right now and I’m not going to let you affect my job. When I get home, I will have TONS of information for the forum to pour through.
All you had to do to avoid this was act in good faith. You failed..
[This message has been edited by Purple86GT (edited 01-16-2013).]
You didn't get the parts, and without tracking I had no grounds to contest. I wasn't going to try and keep your money when you didn't get anything! I have already posted in this thread and the other that I was sending you your parts, I wasn't trying to deceive you, I could have sent you an uncomplete flywheel and thermostat housing, but I didn't. I have not accepted a single order or bumped any of the sale threads. I do not have time to do any more work.
Do you want me to video tape me packing it up at the UPS store and them accepting it?
[This message has been edited by FriendOfYours (edited 01-16-2013).]
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03:46 PM
System Bot
Purple86GT Member
Posts: 1592 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Mar 2012
I'll say your name, get faces, perfect labels and you can check it frame by frame
NO! You can't be trusted. I trusted you with $500 and my parts. I ran around fixing your f-ups and you can't do anything for me. You (of all the nerve) are calling me a thief and a scammer when all I'm guilty of was taking your word that you would follow through on an agreement.
What? I haven't accused you of anything! You have been more than great.
So, you have your money back, you'll have the parts you sent me that are now completed, I offer to cover your cost of shipping and send you a kit 50% off with COD and video. I'm sorry that I can't offer anything more than that.
Purple, if I am understanding this right, you have received a full refund, correct? and you are now receiving the parts back which you sent to FOY, with them having the machining work done. So as of now you have received the modified parts which you sent in exchange for the incredible about of time spent waiting.
FOY is now offering the remaining swap parts which you require as half off and COD, right?
That seems safest for both parties. FOY has to send you the parts in order to get the money. You have to pay the money in order to accept the package.
Now, I think you have full right to be very upset since this has taken so long and clearly the communication between you two was very poor and there have been numerous misunderstandings and/or lies. However, it does seem like FOY is trying to make right here by sending you your parts back, refunding money and offering a COD on the rest of the kit at half price.
Even though I am sure you are a very trustworthy individual, I'm sure FOY doesn't want to send the kit by non-COD since after all, you are an upset customer and you feel like you've been screwed over throughout this. Its not outside the realm of possibility that someone in your position would choose not to pay after receiving the parts as a form of retribution. COD is just the safest option for both of you at this point. But making you wait for your own parts and making you pay COD for your own parts doesn't make sense, I'm assuming thats why FOY sent you those and so that it doesn't seem like he is stealing from you.
Its not smart business to make customers wait and make them feel victimized. But its also not smart business to send parts to a pissed off customer, even if they have impeccable character, without a way of knowing you will be paid.
[This message has been edited by grumio (edited 01-16-2013).]
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05:06 PM
svincent550 Member
Posts: 42 From: Apple Valley Ca Registered: Dec 2012
Wow, Purple I thought you got your parts. You have been really patient, we all have. Foy was supposed to give me a tracking number today for my parts. So its discouraging when I read the post, and the guy who was supposed to get his parts before me still has not gotten his. I dont even have words to say how crazy this is. All I can say is I hope you get everything, cause I really thought Foy was going to do the right thing this time.
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06:01 PM
cam-a-lot Member
Posts: 2195 From: Barrie- Ontario, Canada Registered: Oct 2010
Lucky FieroFlyer makes quality F23 swap kits because I'm pretty sure you are done...
Feel free to come by my house and look at the "quality engine and F23 mounts.. I have this in my car and it all needs to come out and thrown in the garbage. Hell, you can have mine for free once I pull them out.
Come drive my car, and as the entire motor/trans moves 3/4" with each shift, you can make up your own mind.
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07:08 PM
Pete Matos Member
Posts: 2291 From: Port St. Lucie, Florida Registered: Jan 2010
FieroFlyer? Ya, and you think I owe money and parts to people...
You know I have stayed out of this till you brought me in, I will have you know I owe nobody any thing I am all caught up have been for quite a while. I have actually had packages get lost in shipping and remade and shipped them again to make up for it. I had one harness lost that I could not replace that took way too long and in the end an 11 hour return trip for me to go pick it up so I could reship it so it finally made it. How did I do this with tracking numbers you say do not exist. Funny thing I have received hundreds of packages over the years from the US and every one had a tracking number with it whether it was shipped UPS, USPS, FED EX or whatever. So yes I have fallen behind a few times either by being over whelmed with too much work or moving my family which means more to me then any thing in this world or the last time spending a year and a half fighting to stay out of jail due to accusations by my ex in a custody battle that I won in the end and cleared my name of fully. I have never ripped off any one and countless times gone out of my way to help others. You have told many lies on here, screwed people over and just plain out been an arrogant a$$ in the process. I made the mistake of recommending you to customers for parts none of which ever showed up, yes in the end they got their money back but after long waits like a certain customer whose car sat waiting months here for a fly wheel you say you sent that never arrived and most likely never existed. So who is the crook here. I recommend you fix your mistakes and keep me out of it. Dan