The Official History of JScott1's PROUD 1, or Meet Chop Top #14
I will start with a scene from Barrington and Archie and one of his crew standing next to their latest creation:
This thread will be the official build-up of Proud-1, but now that I have taken delivery I will share the progress of Archie's latest work.
this was my little coupe and daily driver for 3 years until I had a little wreck in February. I'll get into all that eventually, but first some more shots of the world's newest chop- top.
And I bet you are wondering if the 4 banger is still in there?
Without adding to the debate I'll say that the next stop was to see PBJ and Her86GT about a 4.9
------------------ 1988 GT (Firebird Interior),1988 Coupe (Daily Driver), 1985 SE (Project Car), 1985 Coupe (parts car), Firebird Interior Installation Website
[This message has been edited by jscott1 (edited 07-30-2004).]
And now for the rest of the story. . .Proud-1 began life as a base 88 coupe with virtually no options . I had been searching for a Fiero and came upon this one on eBay. I bought it from a fellow forum member now known as zMack.
Here's something I found in the Archive when zMack was just thinking about selling. zMack was the one who turned me on to the forum. Can you remember a time before PFF?
Based on the. excellent condition I decided to do a fly-in/ drive out arrangement. This was less than a month after 9/11 and only weeks after planes were flying again, but I was determined to get my 1st Fiero back home. I ended up flying into Buffalo/ Niagara Falls and driving it 1500 miles back to Houston. It made the trip with no problems.
[This message has been edited by jscott1 (edited 06-08-2005).]
I crossed at the Ambassador bridge in Detroit, and the haul from Archie, to PBJ wasn't too bad compared to what if took to get there in the first place.
Like Madcurl's Redux, the plan is for this car to surpass my 1st show-car in every way.
First thing I did was to start adding power options, first came power windows
Next came a three spoke steering wheel, delay Wipers and an aftermarket cruise. I also added a factory subwoofer, the rally gauges over the a/c vents, and added wood grain overlay to the gauge faces. One thing I would do different now is that I would have sold the dot matrix trim and covered an older ratty one. I may still do that one day. In the process I stripped nearly the entire interior out, (an experience that would come in handy for my GT, but that's another story.) I also added the 120 mph speedometer
The end result was a neat little coupe with nearly every option. I also added Rodney's manual look shifter and a 5 speed Console.
Before and After Interior:
This interior is still in there, eventually to be replaced with a firebird interior.
[This message has been edited by jscott1 (edited 07-29-2004).]
I believe that Chop Top #14 will be the 1st in a couple of areas.
1) It was the 1st time We've ever chopped a 4 cylinder car while it still had the engine in it.
2) It appears it will be the 1st. 4.9 Chop Top.
So far that means that every chop top so far has had it's own claim to uniqueness.
So you gotta wonder what unique features will the next chop top have.
If this side job I have this month goes as planned. I might guess that a Chop-Top one day will include Norms fiberglass front end. Hmm wonder what car that will be, and should I do the Hood or Chop 1st?
Another point of interest on Proud-1 It is Car #2 from the US to PBJ (Form E-99 I do Believe).
[This message has been edited by linenoise (edited 07-30-2004).]
Thanks for all the kind words. I have been wanting this for along time. I don't know if this is the first 88 chop or not but I wanted to build on the best platform possible.
I'm still on the road (dial-up) So I'm writing this from memory with whatever pictures I have on my laptop. My Intention is to once again drive Proud-1 to Houston, this time from Ontario. I can't wait
Ps I was having trouble deciding chop or engine first and I chose chop... but I only got one drive around the block as a 4 cylinder.
[This message has been edited by jscott1 (edited 07-30-2004).]
Thanks for all the kind words. I have been wanting this for along time. I don't know if this is the first 88 chop or not but I wanted to build on the best platform possible.
I'm still on the road (dial-up) So I'm writing this from memory with whatever pictures I have on my laptop. My Intention is to once again drive Proud-1 to Houston, this time from Ontario. I can't wait
Are you staying in London during the install , or Flying home then Flying back to drive it home? Any cahance you'll be here on the 14th for the Southern Fiero Cruise? It would be nice to meet you.
Actually I'm driving home, then fly back and drive home, Sounds worse than it is. Maybe we can hook up when I come back.
That can be done, Just let me know (PM) when your coming to pickup. I know the way to Pete's well. The offer for a room and usage of my tools still stands. In Fact I know where there a complete firebird interior for my car, seems my buddy just bought a wrecked one for it's motor/trans
[This message has been edited by linenoise (edited 07-30-2004).]
That can be done, Just let me know (PM) when your coming to pickup. I know the way to Pete's well.
I think Pete owes you a cold one at least, I was so impressed with your swap that I wanted him to do mine. Funny I didn't need an E-99 at the border. I just told them what l was doing and they told me to have a nice day. Maybe it helps that I work for the US Government, and have an official Passport.. who knows.
Man, words cannot begin what you'll begin to feel when driving a choptop! After the chop, I drove around with primer for 4-6 months!
I think my next chop will be the first with Custom one-off lights. As soon as I get some time off to drive it to Archies, I can't wait! But my haul is longer than your JScott.
So your the first one in your state to have a chop done by Archie? I guess I'm the first to have a choptop with a Northstar in it and in CA?
Oh yeah, welcome to the club and but some DUB's on it, hehehehe.
[This message has been edited by madcurl (edited 07-30-2004).]
Lookin' good, Jonathan. I think fastbacks look real nice when they're chopped. I really like your rims. They look good, but it looks like there's enough sidewall that they're practical for driving everywhere. What are they? Size and offset? Do they stick out in front? I'm looking to replace my '88 coupe's wheels with something similar, if not exactly the same.
Glad to see you finally took the plunge! I know you have been thinking about this for over 2 years now. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Will the A/C work? (inside joke)
So that's what you meant when you said you were on the road You have a room here if you want to drive through PA (only 30 miles from Gettysburg where MAFOA is having a show on September 11 - we'd love to see it, and you could meet the Mid Atlantic Fiero crowd)! The project looks great!!
* as I mouse over to the right and click the personal favorites star *
[This message has been edited by Panama Jack (edited 07-30-2004).]
Wow Jon!! ( agrees with Blake about the suck think )
Were you keeping this a secret from me???? Looking very sweet! ok NOW I will trade ya car for car You are making it harder for me to win any more trophies. Stop it! just leave the paint job alone! Does your son LOVE IT ?????? I guess I will let ya rumble next to me now at the round-up
MORE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, it is a nice looking car (other than the color) Something to be proud of for sure! I am glad too that you decided to make it public about the chop because I am sure someone around here would post about the chop top they saw in the driveway or at my work, not knowing it came from "area 51" and that it is not to be spoken about We will be starting the swap on Monday so untill then it is chilling behind Her86GT's fiero that is waiting also for its new tranny.
Wow, it is a nice looking car (other than the color) Something to be proud of for sure! I am glad too that you decided to make it public about the chop because I am sure someone around here would post about the chop top they saw in the driveway or at my work, not knowing it came from "area 51" and that it is not to be spoken about We will be starting the swap on Monday so untill then it is chilling behind Her86GT's fiero that is waiting also for its new tranny.
Lets hope they mate. I can just see all the little turbo choptop's running around your sub division
[This message has been edited by linenoise (edited 07-30-2004).]
Way to go. I can't wait to see it at the next Roundup in San Antonio. Are you going to paint it yourself or have someone do it? If you are going to do it yourself give me a buzz. I have painted my own and help my brother (87GTBro) paint his. I have two more paint jobs scheduled for my two Fieros. Let me know if you need some tips. Can't wait to get a picture in it to go along with my picture in the GBCT.
Thanks again everyone for all the good words...It takes a leap of faith to get a car chopped as everyone around you, (non-fiero people) think you have lost your mind...
The reason for all the colors is that it was converted from the coupe to the Aero-fastback using whatever panels I happened to have laying around. Archie helped me out further by swapping a few panels that he happened to have that were better than the ones I had on the car, so out of all that only 2 white panels remained... The final color...well I'm not going to say until I'm 100% sure. I would love to have Roger paint it though
FalconFiero had the first chop top in Texas, though he bought it already chopped. Will-Martin is chopping his own, but I believe I'm the first from Texas to take a car to Archie for chopping.
Madcurl and Steven Snyder,
As you can see from the before and after, the wheels are the same wheels that were on the car when I bought it... they are 16" from Sport Edition. I'm not sure of the offset but they are 8" wide with 245/40 on the back. They will probably stay on there until next year when I plan to upgrade to at least 18" if not 18"/19"
As for the wing, the decklid I picked just happened to not be drilled for a wing, and the 5" wingstands I ordered did not arrive before I took it to Archie. However, I have to say the wingless look is good, and I am a diehard wing guy. I'm having second thoughts.
Falcon Fiero,
As for the A/C, Pete is going to modify all the plumbing, leak check and fill it before I pick it up... so it should be working just fine The inspiration for this car is the GBCT, though I have obviously done a few things different.
My son is liking the car too. But mostly he is interested that the DVD be reinstalled as quickly as possible.
------------------ 1988 GT (Firebird Interior),1988 Coupe (Daily Driver), 1985 SE (Project Car), 1985 Coupe (parts car), Firebird Interior Installation Website
Well what ever do, please move the wing back by (1) stock bolt hole. Why? It visually enlongats the car. Since your adding a stands to the wing, IMO adding wing extentions also make it visually come together. Oh yeah get the Foose's 19's and then become a bad dud! hehehehe.
Oh yeah, did you get a hard top or sun roof? its rather hard to tell from the pic? When it was white it seemed to have a sun-roof then?
[This message has been edited by madcurl (edited 07-30-2004).]
Well what ever do, please move the wing back by (1) stock bolt hole.
If I do add the wing I will definitely move it back. It helps that the decklid has no holes.
Oh yeah get the Foose's 19's and then become a bad dud! hehehehe.
We will see how much budget I have left after paint.
Oh yeah, did you get a hard top or sun roof?
The top still has the sun roof. Even though Archie lowers the seats, the extra inch or so of the sunroof is appreciated. I fit with no problem, but the 6'+ people might have to scrunch down.
And to all the Texas folks, I may or may not be showing this car this year. The plan was for this to be next year's show car. I'm still trying to show my GT as a complete car one of these days.
The top still has the sun roof. Even though Archie lowers the seats, the extra inch or so of the sunroof is appreciated. I fit with no problem, but the 6'+ people might have to scrunch down.
And to all the Texas folks, I may or may not be showing this car this year. The plan was for this to be next year's show car. I'm still trying to show my GT as a complete car one of these days.
6' foot people ain't got room huh? Who cares? As long as your girl ain't 6 foot....everyone one else will have to deal with it! heheheh
Showing the car next year? I hope you bring it to the West Fest 2005.
6' foot people ain't got room huh? Who cares? As long as your girl ain't 6 foot....everyone one else will have to deal with it! heheheh
Showing the car next year? I hope you bring it to the West Fest 2005.
Question: It seems that you had it towed there and towed back? Or did you drive it round-trip? Got any other pics of he car from the rear facing foward and one with the roof?
I towed the car to Archie's both ways, even though there is a perfectly good running 4 banger in there...(which will probably be in an Ontario dumpster soon) Since I have the trailer it's just easier that way.
I'm logged into someone elses computer at the moment. When I get a chance I can post more pictures. Thanks for the interest.