It seems like the most common color for Fieros that are patiently posing while getting their pictures taken with a girl is yellow. There are a lot of nice-looking Fieros on here of many other colors, I'm just saying that yellow seems to be the most common. Perhaps that's because it catches the eye so well.
Here is my contribution: Some yellow eye-candy with a really sweet girl by the name of Morganna! Yep! Good looking, lovable, fun, not demanding and likes to ride with the windows down!
------------------ Gold '87 GT, Black '87 GT, Black '88 Mera, 64 Stingray coupe, '01 Corvette coupe, '03 Corvette coupe & caretaker of son's Yellow '87 GT, & Other son's Red '86 GT, General tinkerer and doer of mechanical deeds
It seems like the most common color for Fieros that are patiently posing while getting their pictures taken with a girl is yellow. There are a lot of nice-looking Fieros on here of many other colors, I'm just saying that yellow seems to be the most common. Perhaps that's because it catches the eye so well.
Here is my contribution: Some yellow eye-candy with a really sweet girl by the name of Morganna! Yep! Good looking, lovable, fun, not demanding and likes to ride with the windows down!
Thanks, Shannon...good luck getting TWO collies into a Fiero! It might be worth a try, after all, what other girls lick your hand when they want to get petted (or steal your gloves and run around the garage when you are trying to work on your car)?
------------------ 1988 Purple Fiero GTw/SC3800 conversion Best ET with 3.0 pulley,XPHOT cam, SS I/C and 105lb Valve springs: 12.38@110mph Best 60 Foot ever: 1.699
I have read every page and every post in this thread. I personally may cause harm to the individual who ends it; not really. How awesome is it to have this continual post of women and fieros? I find it a breath of fresh air from all the swapped this today, this broke, how do i do this threads. How many women are actually posting here anyway? Keep it going!
I just watched my buddy grab his wife's phone and throw it into their pool about an hour ago hehe they cause a lot of problems, I high tailed it to say the least.
Just a snapshot my friend took of us on our way to the amusement park. Notice my intense concentration as I try and keep my car straight in some pretty serious wind on the turnpike. XD