What would have been the difference if I would have put those pictures up here or just posted a link to your myspace account where anyone in the world can see them. I didn't even go searching for your profile you sent me a friend invite
You have nothing to worry about. She cannot do anything. SHE posted the pics on her Myspace account and invited you to her profile. She should have read their Privacy Policy which specifically states that "all photo's are for sharing." If the photo's were/are copyrighted, then she needs to re-read the Terms Of Use section 6. If the pics are copyrighted, It would fall onto the photographer and if that is true she had to submit written authorization to MySpace before posting them. She agreed to the websites policy's and term's when she opened her account.
[This message has been edited by Oreif (edited 08-26-2005).]
Well, I guess no matter how you look at it that issue is over and done with. Now can we all get back to posting pictures for sharing? I'm going to try to get my wife to do some tomorrow.
Thanks again everyone for the great contributions! Keep 'em coming!
wow, this thread has changed in ways i didnt imagine....legal matters from guys/girls looking at girls with a car....who dah thought someone would threaten to go to court over a picture. not me, but anyways, POST ON!!
Well all i have to say is some girls that are attractive on the outside are not neccesarily attractive on the inside... THATS obvious. If all is true about attitude shown on her Myspace account then she is deffinetly ugly on the inside.
Well all i have to say is some girls that are attractive on the outside are not neccesarily attractive on the inside... THATS obvious.
I knew lots of girls like that when I was in my teens and 20s. Fortunately I knew better than to get involved with them. At least for any longer than an evening.
[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 08-26-2005).]
MilleniumFiero - It was so nice of you to ask permission before posting a picture of me on here! You are the TYPICAL guy that girls, like me, DESPISE! You don't know me, never met me, and you can be darn sure you never will!!!! I think you better remove it, like ASAP, otherwise, I'm asking my attorney if this is legal. Hope you got lots of money! That picture was not taken by you, legally it is NOT yours. The pictures that you chose to post of me, HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH FIEROS. For your info, I'm under contract with a model agency. Did you get their permission to use them???
All I can say is WOW to this reply to a simple picture being posted of someone that has it posted on the net already. I mean, please get over it and yourself becuase its not that big of a deal, ding, ding, ding, its just a picture. I didnt think it was the same chick, but I guess it is, wish I wouldnt have seen the recent pics now, kinda ruined it. If you didnt want anyone seeing the pictures, then you should have never posted them on the net, I mean anything on the net is pretty much fair game to everyone. I am sure your lawyer will give you a good laugh when you tell him you wanna sue a guy in the military that is over in Iraq fighting to save your country from terrorist. Please give us an update with what the lawyer says so we will all know.
All apologies accepted. However, I work for a LEGITIMATE modeling agency on South Beach. I am under contract with them exclusively, and I am not allowed to be photographed. I feel that 'PartsMan' may understand, better than some others. I had to get permission for every single picture of myself, that I posted on a website, that is meant for "friends keeping in touch with friends at different colleges." *College age* This is a family oriented forum. IF... you were in the modeling business, you would understand that every pic that is taken, is used to sell... be it cars, the bathing suit, the house, the neighborhood, and I could go on and on. Being under contract, they are my manager and they are entitled to a comission.
How many people would be willing to risk losing their job over a couple of pictures???
Oh, BTW, buddycraigg, my gold Fiero is a V6. Lol.
MstangsBware - I hate to think our soliders in Iraq that are fighting to SAVE our COUNTRY from TERRORISTS are playing on the computer?? I guess there is time between fights?? Not to be taken personally.
Yea...No big deal...I'm over this already... I just hope I'm not out of a job already.
MstangsBware - I hate to think our soliders in Iraq that are fighting to SAVE our COUNTRY from TERRORISTS are playing on the computer?? I guess there is time between fights?? Not to be taken personally.
First i may be putting words into another soldiers mouth but... What business of yours what kind of break a soldier takes from the madness and nighmares of a battle where your ass and your freinds are on the line and it may be a close freind that gets sent home in a box only a medal and a flag to be given to a greiving family?
They are dying over there so you can cry because someone posted a pic of you on a Fiero forum rather then worry about who your next dictator is gonna be.
I say Hoo-ah to every person over there that gets a break from the insanity to visit a place on the web or use the sat phone to talk to their kids and families.
How can you say an A$$inine comment shouldnt be taken seriously... like sayin... bet when the WTC went down it was a fun ride... who says that $hit?
[This message has been edited by The Fieromaster (edited 08-27-2005).]
MilleniumFiero - It was so nice of you to ask permission before posting a picture of me on here! You are the TYPICAL guy that girls, like me, DESPISE! You don't know me, never met me, and you can be darn sure you never will!!!! I think you better remove it, like ASAP, otherwise, I'm asking my attorney if this is legal. Hope you got lots of money! That picture was not taken by you, legally it is NOT yours. The pictures that you chose to post of me, HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH FIEROS. For your info, I'm under contract with a model agency. Did you get their permission to use them???
I'll agree with you being upset that he posted a picture of you without your permission.
Hmmmmm, you're posing washing your Fiero and then you're posing on your Fiero. How does that NOT have anything to do with "Girls with Fieros"?
If those pictures are part of your modeling portfolio........Here's some advice for you.....FIND A BETTER MODELING AGENCY!
"Hope you GOTS lots of money" ??????? Young lady, I think he safely has more money than you do brains. MilleniumFiero, propose a settlement now......Offer her your GI Bill. I think she needs it more than you do. (They pay for Modeling School now, don't they?)
hmm... all the pics are disapearing... you can send em to me, ill host them and she can try to climb all over my azz. As stated above you LOSE any licensing you have on photos when you post them on websites like MYspace, or HotORNot, or whatever... it becomes THEIR property then.
maybe you should read before clicking "I agree to the above terms"
haha my rating went down one... musta ticked someone off, bahahahaha!
[This message has been edited by The Fieromaster (edited 08-27-2005).]
All apologies accepted. However, I work for a LEGITIMATE modeling agency on South Beach. I am under contract with them exclusively, and I am not allowed to be photographed. I feel that 'PartsMan' may understand, better than some others. I had to get permission for every single picture of myself, that I posted on a website, that is meant for "friends keeping in touch with friends at different colleges." *College age* This is a family oriented forum. IF... you were in the modeling business, you would understand that every pic that is taken, is used to sell... be it cars, the bathing suit, the house, the neighborhood, and I could go on and on. Being under contract, they are my manager and they are entitled to a comission.
How many people would be willing to risk losing their job over a couple of pictures??? :
So what you're saying is we have to pay to look at a picture of you? You're not that attractive, and it gets worse when you express yourself through words:
MstangsBware - I hate to think our soliders in Iraq that are fighting to SAVE our COUNTRY from TERRORISTS are playing on the computer?? I guess there is time between fights?? Not to be taken personally.
Yea...No big deal...I'm over this already... I just hope I'm not out of a job already.
I think maybe you need to go over to Iraq and see what it's like. Then maybe you would understand...but maybe not.
[This message has been edited by FieroMaster88 (edited 08-27-2005).]
All apologies accepted. However, I work for a LEGITIMATE modeling agency on South Beach. I am under contract with them exclusively, and I am not allowed to be photographed. I feel that 'PartsMan' may understand, better than some others. I had to get permission for every single picture of myself, that I posted on a website, that is meant for "friends keeping in touch with friends at different colleges." *College age* This is a family oriented forum. IF... you were in the modeling business, you would understand that every pic that is taken, is used to sell... be it cars, the bathing suit, the house, the neighborhood, and I could go on and on. Being under contract, they are my manager and they are entitled to a comission.
How many people would be willing to risk losing their job over a couple of pictures???
Oh, BTW, buddycraigg, my gold Fiero is a V6. Lol.
MstangsBware - I hate to think our soliders in Iraq that are fighting to SAVE our COUNTRY from TERRORISTS are playing on the computer?? I guess there is time between fights?? Not to be taken personally.
Yea...No big deal...I'm over this already... I just hope I'm not out of a job already.
LMAO! My desert boots aren't high enough to wade through this BS! Get a brain or a better modeling agency, honey!
BTW, I too am over here in Iraq on a computer. We have the technology. We do get time off.
I will admit this isn't war as you know it. People hear war and think back to the world war 2 movies they have seen. This isn't trench warfare. We have secure bases and have down time. There are phone and internet centers everywhere on base now. We even have a little mini mart that sells soda, candy, chips, video games, dvds, music cds, xbox's, ps2's and everything else you can think of.
I spent alot of my time here learning some martial arts
I also spent alot of time in the gym here. I've gained 30 pounds since I left the states! Before: After:
we were even lucky enough to have some time set aside to have a BBQ on the 4th of July
I work 12+++ hours a day everyday all week so I think a little slacking off and surfing PFF isn't going to hurt
I hate to think our soliders in Iraq that are fighting to SAVE our COUNTRY from TERRORISTS are playing on the computer?? I guess there is time between fights??
I'm sure that comment would make your Mother proud.
Diane, your beauty is a gift, which you apparently recognize as you have decided to use it to make your living. Beauty, however, is made up of many components and comes in all shapes and sizes. This thread in and of itself is representative. I happen to feel that the above comment is not very attractive.
You got your wish, the picture was removed, and you have received plenty of attention. Perhaps the others who posted your pictures in the earlier pages of the thread should remove them as well?
This 47 year-old Mother of two, Grandmother of one, with a son-in-law in the AirForce, Fiero owning rebel redhead has spoken her peace.
MilleniumFiero - It was so nice of you to ask permission before posting a picture of me on here! You are the TYPICAL guy that girls, like me, DESPISE! You don't know me, never met me, and you can be darn sure you never will!!!! I think you better remove it, like ASAP, otherwise, I'm asking my attorney if this is legal. Hope you got lots of money! That picture was not taken by you, legally it is NOT yours. The pictures that you chose to post of me, HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH FIEROS. For your info, I'm under contract with a model agency. Did you get their permission to use them???
Originally posted by 24k Gold SE:
All apologies accepted. However, I work for a LEGITIMATE modeling agency on South Beach. I am under contract with them exclusively, and I am not allowed to be photographed. I feel that 'PartsMan' may understand, better than some others. I had to get permission for every single picture of myself, that I posted on a website, that is meant for "friends keeping in touch with friends at different colleges." *College age* This is a family oriented forum. IF... you were in the modeling business, you would understand that every pic that is taken, is used to sell... be it cars, the bathing suit, the house, the neighborhood, and I could go on and on. Being under contract, they are my manager and they are entitled to a comission.
How many people would be willing to risk losing their job over a couple of pictures???
Oh, BTW, buddycraigg, my gold Fiero is a V6. Lol.
MstangsBware - I hate to think our soliders in Iraq that are fighting to SAVE our COUNTRY from TERRORISTS are playing on the computer?? I guess there is time between fights?? Not to be taken personally.
Yea...No big deal...I'm over this already... I just hope I'm not out of a job already.
man.. you really should have worded those posts differently
[This message has been edited by buddycraigg (edited 08-27-2005).]
All apologies accepted. However, I work for a LEGITIMATE modeling agency on South Beach. I am under contract with them exclusively, and I am not allowed to be photographed. I feel that 'PartsMan' may understand, better than some others. I had to get permission for every single picture of myself, that I posted on a website, that is meant for "friends keeping in touch with friends at different colleges." *College age* This is a family oriented forum. IF... you were in the modeling business, you would understand that every pic that is taken, is used to sell... be it cars, the bathing suit, the house, the neighborhood, and I could go on and on. Being under contract, they are my manager and they are entitled to a comission.
How many people would be willing to risk losing their job over a couple of pictures???
Oh, BTW, buddycraigg, my gold Fiero is a V6. Lol.
MstangsBware - I hate to think our soliders in Iraq that are fighting to SAVE our COUNTRY from TERRORISTS are playing on the computer?? I guess there is time between fights?? Not to be taken personally.
Yea...No big deal...I'm over this already... I just hope I'm not out of a job already.
So from what you are saying the modeling agents "OWN" your azz and you cant do anything without there permission. That must be one crappy way to live, not being able to share pictures of yourself with others. You have alot to learn in life and you better start now before your body goes to shiz and your left with only your pictures and memories of what you use to look like. And I dont think the responce to the military was a good one, thats not going to get you any modeling points from these guys, another word, bad come back.
[This message has been edited by MstangsBware (edited 08-27-2005).]
Diane, being a wife of a military member, that comment was rather harsh. How can it not be taken personally? Hell, I'm not in the military and I took it personally for every one over there. It's nice to know the troops have your support.
That being said, I was accused by a few people of being a bad mother by posting pictures of my girls on here. (Of course they didn't say it to my face, but you know who you are) So, I promptly removed them. (the ones I could, one was quoted) Funny my girls were fully dressed, and I still got it thrown in my face. I guess I wanted my second family (I consider a lot of you my second family) to see how beautiful they are.
Anyway, that being said. Millenium, I think you should start that guys with Fieros thread back up!!! You look like a poster boy for the marines!! I wouldn't be surprised to see your face on the front of a brochure for the marines. You and aceman, keep your heads down and get back to the states safely.
Wow, some of you really disgust me to no end. Someone posted pictures of herself on a site of her own choosing. Somebody else takes someone else's pictures and posts them on a site of his choosing.
Key phrases here are "pictures of herself" and "site of her own choosing".
Now I see MilleniumFiero is very willing to remove these pictures because he (kinda) understands her concerns.
However, other people feel the need to jump in to tell her she has an attitude about this? Wow. Just wow. That's the attitude of people stealing cars and then saying "well, then he shouldn't have parked his car there in the first place". Get this straight everybody, these are her pictures and she free to do with them whatever she wants. Just because they are on the internet doesn't mean everybody is free to do with them as they damn well please.
The reason this pisses me off so much is because I deal with this crap all the time. People are using my images, the images I have created for PFF for all kinds of things. I've even seen clocks on eBay with my old front page on them. In this case, I don't like it much but solely for the reason these people didn't even have the courtesy to ask me.
But the pictures in this thread aren't pictures of just a car, they are pictures of a flesh and blood person as well, posted here without the approval of said person, with the sole intent so other men can drool over them. So to the people that think Diane has "an attitude": get over yourself. The world isn't revolving around you and you might just want to start caring about other people's rights for a change.
Wow, some of you really disgust me to no end. Someone posted pictures of herself on a site of her own choosing. Somebody else takes someone else's pictures and posts them on a site of his choosing.
Key phrases here are "pictures of herself" and "site of her own choosing".
Now I see MilleniumFiero is very willing to remove these pictures because he (kinda) understands her concerns.
However, other people feel the need to jump in to tell her she has an attitude about this? Wow. Just wow. That's the attitude of people stealing cars and then saying "well, then he shouldn't have parked his car there in the first place". Get this straight everybody, these are her pictures and she free to do with them whatever she wants. Just because they are on the internet doesn't mean everybody is free to do with them as they damn well please.
The reason this pisses me off so much is because I deal with this crap all the time. People are using my images, the images I have created for PFF for all kinds of things. I've even seen clocks on eBay with my old front page on them. In this case, I don't like it much but solely for the reason these people didn't even have the courtesy to ask me.
But the pictures in this thread aren't pictures of just a car, they are pictures of a flesh and blood person as well, posted here without the approval of said person, with the sole intent so other men can drool over them. So to the people that think Diane has "an attitude": get over yourself. The world isn't revolving around you and you might just want to start caring about other people's rights for a change.
Everyone has an opinion on how they see things and of course everyone sees things differant.
Everyone has an opinion on how they see things and of course everyone sees things differant.
Yes, and I respect people's opinion. But the fact remains that someone's pictures were posted without the person's approval and other people go ballistic and call her a ***** just because she wants those pictures removed.
Did she overreact by threathening with legal action? Perhaps, but I understand her reaction. It's a gut reaction. It's the same reaction anybody else would have if they find out stuff was stolen from them. But without everybody butting in, I'm sure she and MilleniumFiero would have settled this in good spirit.
Fair use. Fair use is one of the most important, and least clear cut, limits to copyright. It permits some use of others' works even without approval. But when? Words like "fair" or "reasonable" cannot be precisely defined, but here are a few benchmarks.
Uses that advance public interests such as criticism, education or scholarship are favored -- particularly if little of another's work is copied. Uses that generate income or interfere with a copyright owner's income are not. Fairness also means crediting original artists or authors. (A teacher who copied, without credit, much of another's course materials was found to infringe.)
Commercial uses of another's work are also disfavored. For example, anyone who uses, without explicit permission, others' work to suggest that they endorse some commercial product is asking for trouble! Yet, not all commercial uses are forbidden. Most magazines and newspapers are operated for profit; that they are not automatically precluded from fair use has been made clear by the U.S. Supreme Court.