Clint, You really do study those pics! I hadn't noticed she was wearing shoes. A very attractive young lady.
------------------ Ron Land of the Free because of the Brave. Most gave some, some gave all. My imagination is the only limiting factor to my Fiero. Well, there is that money issue.
I guess I will have to wait t'ill next summer to get more pics. I promise I will come back with something exciting. I wish Summer would last 12 month a year here. But Quebec is Quebec.
BTW she won the title for Miss Hawaiian tropic in Canada. I think she deserved it.
[This message has been edited by red_rock (edited 10-29-2006).]
Now COME ON!!!!! I had to go 5 days back to find this thread!!!! Is it tooo cold to look at this thread???? There are alot of lonely people who need to keep intouch with their cars..........or whatever. so
Besides seeing a lady working on a fiero really helps me motivate to finish mine!
it looks like this thread is just about done. Here is a picture of rhonda in her halloween costume just before we went out. The next day I put the car away for the winter.
[This message has been edited by partsman (edited 06-20-2007).]
it looks like this thread is just about done. Here is a picture of rhonda in her halloween costume just before we went out. The next day I put the car away for the winter.
it looks like this thread is just about done. Here is a picture of rhonda in her halloween costume just before we went out. The next day I put the car away for the winter.
it looks like this thread is just about done. Here is a picture of rhonda in her halloween costume just before we went out. The next day I put the car away for the winter.
She's wearing different shoes!!!!! Awesome pictures! I would love a full size version
it looks like this thread is just about done. Here is a picture of rhonda in her halloween costume just before we went out. The next day I put the car away for the winter.
With a costume like that, I suspect you won't be lacking for things to do over the winter.
Soooooooooooo... No summer pictures have been "developed" since the last post? I tried to do a Google search for "sexy Fiero" and could only find this... and it's not even in English! And sooooooooooooooo tiny! Can't see a darn thing! Please! Somebody post some pics that are bigger than 100x100!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it's been a while so I thought I should post something to keep this thread going. This ones about a year old but I haven't posted it yet. This is my girlfriend one day while cruising in the hills of Ellensburg.
------------------ Speak softly and carry a big engine.
So far my fav on this list! I've been keeping up with this thread but it's too cold out to get my friends to do some photo shoots here in new york. I'm trying to rent a garage for a weekend so i can get some work done on my car... when that happens i'll get my stripper friends to do some shoots.
So far my fav on this list! I've been keeping up with this thread but it's too cold out to get my friends to do some photo shoots here in new york. I'm trying to rent a garage for a weekend so i can get some work done on my car... when that happens i'll get my stripper friends to do some shoots.
Don't forget to have some taken for the secret page.
planning a photoshoot as soon as it's warm and my car is finished, but I need to do some more research. One question: what colours would work for her outfit if she's a brunette and the car is a silver notchback?
planning a photoshoot as soon as it's warm and my car is finished, but I need to do some more research. One question: what colours would work for her outfit if she's a brunette and the car is a silver notchback?
planning a photoshoot as soon as it's warm and my car is finished, but I need to do some more research. One question: what colours would work for her outfit if she's a brunette and the car is a silver notchback?
It all depends if you want her to kind of match the car and blend in or if you want high contrast. Obviously anything dark on a silver car will stand out. Personally id try for a burgundy, but then again, im no clothing expert, I leave that to the girls