Well, a couple things about that pic. It's a bit of an optical illusion, because the car is parked on a hill, and the rear isn't so much jacked up, as needing lowering springs so the stance looks rright. It is the standard ride height - look at the front wheels.
She is 5' 3" tall, so she does look a bit short next to ANY car! That's why she wears heels a lot.
Well, a couple things about that pic. It's a bit of an optical illusion, because the car is parked on a hill, and the rear isn't so much jacked up, as needing lowering springs so the stance looks rright. It is the standard ride height - look at the front wheels.
She is 5' 3" tall, so she does look a bit short next to ANY car! That's why she wears heels a lot.
Wow... never been called a bastard by somebody that has never spoken to me before. not sure how i feel about that.
Sorry if I disturbed the super serious nature of this thread with a kindhearted joke..
Hey man sorry to use harsh words, it was unnecessary, my bad. I just get sick of the negative crap comments on forums. This new guy joins the forum and and wants to share some pictures of his car and wife (2 things he is obviously proud of) and instead of a warm welcome to the forum, he gets some sarcastic negative comments about his car...AND WIFE. I just felt bad for the guy(maybe not my place). Sometimes judgments like that should be kept to ones self. You say you were joking, its still not cool. (obviously the woman is a bit short and the car does appear to have a large space between the wheels and fender, thats why even if you were joking its not necessary, just like you should not make a fat joke to someone who is fat, especially if you don't know them.) Sorry for the rant, i am all for humor, I just didn't like the negativity, not really funny to me i guess, or maybe i am just used to polite Washingtonians and not used to you rude folk on the other side of the plain!
Edit: I wont say anything about this again as i do not wish to pollute this thread!
[This message has been edited by LZeppelin513 (edited 06-11-2007).]
If the "tone" sounded negative it wasn't meant to in any way. I'm 6' 1".. so a picture of a Fiero that made the car look tall (trick of the hill and so forth as explained) caught me majorly off-guard. The intended tone was one of "astonished and stunned amusement"...
Publically: ktthecarguy, I meant no offense in any way to you, your very clean looking conversion, or your beautiful wife.
Now that we've all ventured into sensitivity training.. On with the show!
could i have some more info on this car?!? like what kind of body that is, where it comes from ect. is that madcurl's car or did he loose his top spot as nicest fiero?
Hey great looking car and wife! Just ignore those negative sarcastic bastards (Mr Schaefer, multmigs) , some people, sheesh
LZeppelin I think you "over reacted" with people's comments. After I read those last treads , there is nothing "rude or missplaced" with those lines. Please next time don't take persomal opinion as a personal attack. That is the beauty of a forum , to exchange knowledge , jokes , opinions.
[This message has been edited by red_rock (edited 06-11-2007).]
Well, a couple things about that pic. It's a bit of an optical illusion, because the car is parked on a hill, and the rear isn't so much jacked up, as needing lowering springs so the stance looks rright. It is the standard ride height - look at the front wheels.
She is 5' 3" tall, so she does look a bit short next to ANY car! That's why she wears heels a lot.
You guys really need to defend your women. There is a thread over at SVTperformance.com http://www.svtperformance.c...thread.php?t=397025. They say that this thread should be called "what kinda dog do you have". They are saying if you drive a Fiero that you get ugly chicks and if you drive a SVT you get hot chicks like whats in there hot girlfriend thread http://www.svtperformance.c...wthread.php?t=187285
You guys really need to defend your women. There is a thread over at SVTperformance.com http://www.svtperformance.c...thread.php?t=397025. They say that this thread should be called "what kinda dog do you have". They are saying if you drive a Fiero that you get ugly chicks and if you drive a SVT you get hot chicks like whats in there hot girlfriend thread http://www.svtperformance.c...wthread.php?t=187285
Who cares what "they" say? Fiero people don't need to defend anything - cars or females!
Oh quit trying to stir the pot. Those guys over at SVTP are a little rougher than this crowd, just look in the Smack Down Cafe. That, and some of them are like a lot of people who own higher end cars: stuck up. As for the hot wife/gf issue, I met my (considerably hot) wife before I ever even thought of owning a Cobra. Yep, my Fiero was broke down half the time, and she was still bedazzled!!!
I would like to post pics of my wife Karen, but she would kill me if she even knew I was looking at this thread. She is, how should I say it...very unsure of herself.
------------------ 86 Fiero GT -Stage eleventy billion...(pieces, that is!)
Just giving you guys a heads up. I would want some one to tell me if my wife was being bad mouthed. Hell some of your wifes and GF's pictures are on the thread were there making fun of them. If you dont care thats fine just letting you know.
Just giving you guys a heads up. I would want some one to tell me if my wife was being bad mouthed. Hell some of your wifes and GF's pictures are on the thread were there making fun of them. If you dont care thats fine just letting you know.
I believe anyone that signs up for an account on here just to state your first and this secondary post -- has the main purpose of being a troll. You seem to be instigating a fight over nothing. If anyone bad mouths your wife, it's typically out of jealousy. Hiding behind a screenname just make that person more of a 'pussy'. Also, I own several message boards -- and allowing threads like "the ugly chicks thread" to remain running is in very poor taste and would most likely have been deleted on any of my sites rather quickly.
[This message has been edited by Scythe (edited 06-20-2007).]
I believe anyone that signs up for an account on here just to state your first and this secondary post -- has the main purpose of being a troll. You seem to be instigating a fight over nothing. If anyone bad mouths your wife, it's typically out of jealousy. Hiding behind a screenname just make that person more of a 'pussy'. Also, I own several message boards -- and allowing threads like "the ugly chicks thread" to remain running is in very poor taste and would most likely have been deleted on any of my sites rather quickly.
Hey guys.....I think Whatsup has good intentions.....he may be a member on the SVTP site, but he's probably sick of all the bashing over there. Just like Scythe......but doesn't have the "power" to shut down a thread. I believe he came on here to inform, not to start a fight. I wouldn't want my wife bashed by a bunch of losers. Do you?? I would defend my wife to the end!!!
Yeah, it is my wife they are bashing the most too. Anyone know how to remove pictures from the PFF host server? -clint
PM sent
For the rest of you, Cliff allows people to brows the forum without creating an account. That means anyone can make a copy of any picture you post on here. Nothing wrong with that but you do need to not post anything you don’t want spread everywhere on the Internet. Right click save as and they have your picture to upload anywhere, Cliff and Jason setup the image host so pictures cant be linked outside of PFF but once they have a copy you can not control where the picture gets posted. Edit your original post and remove the picture that will be the best way to get it off of PFF and you don’t have to wait for Jason or Cliff.
Seriously people. He signs on here just to post a link to a different thread and you guys tell him he is a troll? Y'all need to unbunch and untwist 'm a little bit.
------------------ My Web page | The Turbo Super Duty Build. You know that little voice that says it can't be done? I duct-taped its mouth shut and pushed it down a flight of stairs. (Leader of the Insurgency)
I registered on that dumb-ass Mustang forum to see what was what. Those guys are a bunch of meatheads that have no respect for anything. It will be a pleasure to whup on them a bit at the track with my slow Fiero and my techs 9 second daily driver BMW this summer. Their girlfriends all have facial hair, so they need to STFU. Dave
------------------ 1999 Mercedes ML430, 450hp 1987 Fiero GT, 1986 Fiero SE-soon to be 3800, certified master technician
Damn, it took me less than one hour to get banned from their forum. Oh pity. Dave
How will you ever pick up the pieces of your shattered life and move on?
I know! You can start your own forum - SVT Performance Sucks!!! Yeah, that's it!! Then you can spend all your waking hours thinking about ways to talk smack about them. You'd be so cool!
(even as a joke, that sounds like such a stupid idea)
Oddly though their moderator hasn't gotten off his/her arse to shut down that very insulting and degrading thread. Cliff would have never stood for something like that here. I'm glad we have such a great moderator. Three cheers for Cliff! -clint