After being down since mid Jan, I'm back up again. My '86 GT fired for the first time in a few months at 3:14 PM CT yesterday. Did everything short of replacing the whole engine. Fired on the second crank over and now doesn't leak a thing. A thread detailing it all will come soon.
I have a high idle now though that I've got to locate.
I replaced the center counsel frame, added new leather seats and a good cleaning was in order also. The sunroof makes for an interesting front compartment look.
I was the first fiero owner to install a Rodney Dickman 4 cyl. Adjustable Solid Dogbone. I think it looks Bad Ass.
I will eventually paint that center piece as soon as I get the right color of red high temp paint to also do parts of my air cleaner assembly with, too.
[This message has been edited by tbone42 (edited 04-08-2012).]
Originally posted by Raydar: One of the better ideas to come from Rodney. How does it feel in the car? Vibration, etc.
Only slightly more.. making my manifold heatshield rattle a bit, but it's tore up anyhow... not the dogbone's fault.
Glad I have the adjustable.. just spent a couple hours up and down on the gravel in my driveway installing Rodney's poly transmounts. Without that adjustable bone, no way would I have gotten it all the mounts bolted back in.
Still need an RD poly motormount... that's the next project. Love the new trans mounts and MAN... my old onese were TRASHED!!!!
Dropped my cradle for a transmission swap and some engine tuning...
It's good to see you and the SinisterGT back in business.
BTW, today I replaced the air valve stems in the two front wheels. They both had cracks in them, and one was leaking. Man, breaking the bead on a Z-rated tire is a pain!
replaced the front brake hoses. passenger side not too bad considering they were the originals. drivers side is installed but the bleeder valve is trashed and seized solid. gonna let it soak overnight and give it one more try. if thats a no-go i guess i'll be getting a new caliper. kinda sucks to replace the whole caliper for a tiny bleeder valve. havent heard much success with back-outs on these, seems like they're really soft metal. i know i could take out the caliper and drill and tap but that seems like a lot of effort for a caliper that might fail next week.
[This message has been edited by wolf63 (edited 04-16-2012).]
I tuned up the plugs, wires cap & rotor. I also replaced a broken decklid hinge assembly....PITA, but now the decklid stays open when you lift it up!
I shortened my shifter and shortened the throw as well and istalled a new aluminum sunroof weatherstrip track!! The shifter is awesome now in first and third it stands straight up only have to move a total of 3.5" between gears
------------------ If it works take it apart and find out why
Removed the head off my 88 duke, which includes pretty much stripping off everything... Replaced the old head with a freshly rebuilt head from my local machine shop (hats off to the Parts Connection in Sandy Utah) Torqued all the bolts back to spec and re assembled the whole thing, minus the valve cover...waiting on new gasket to come in. Took the entire interior out and glued all the broken tabs and cracked wholes. Cleaned all the parts to like new condition. Re-installed the gauge housing over the steering column. Re-installed the skeleton and AC/heater controls. Replaced the speaker cover material with new black speaker mesh and re-attached to b-pillar trim pieces.
12 plus hours of loving care to get her back on the road in style.
Final re-assembly will take place later today...with fluids and start up to follow.
cleaned under the seats and sprayed the seat bolts with oil so I can take them out . I want to take the seats out and clean the carpet lots of junk from the po that I never got out when I bought it. then I went to Hancock fabric to look at new headliner material mine is falling down and needs to be replaced. Need to get the old one out so I can match color, they had several shades of gray.
After the ride from jacksonville to Tampa 210 miles and back I just cleanen the big bugs off. I had to work on my motorcycle because we go for a nice birthday ride ride tomorrow. My friend turns 60 and we must do it while we can,mabee I will hit 60,000 miles tomorow
Fixed the cooling fan wiring so now it computer can turn it on at the correct temperature on the 88. I also fixed a small coolant leak and an exhaust leak on the 88. All that's left to do is an alignment. Oh, I need to replace the left A-pillar trim panel too. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow after work. Edit: forgot that I installed a larger brake booster on the 88 too. Holy crap did it make a difference. The car stops a ton better!
[This message has been edited by FieroMaster88 (edited 04-18-2012).]
Took the wing off....... was leaking anyway. Been looking at some pics on here of wing-less GT's and really liked the look so I thought I'd try it out for a while. It sure changes the look of the car, gives it a sleeker profile, I think I'm gonna stay wing-less. My poor car needs a bath, I'll add a pic after I take care of that.
Started up for the first time since last October, sounded good to bring it back to life after it's winters nap. Replaced the inner and outer, drivers side, dew wipes with DYI-Stuwipes. As I figured, it took me longer to get them out of the box than to install them but still a tricky little project. Will do the other side, on another weekend, now that I think I know what I'm doing. Wonderful quality, terrific workmanship and everything lined up EXACTLY. Don't hesitate to get these if you need them.
------------------ 1988 GT Manual Medium Red Metallic Gray Leather K Beck LEDs
Finally drove my 87 GT after the Power Tour 2011. I had forgotten what a great driver the car is. I drove to a cruise-in and the skies opened up for some much needed rain.
Today I figured out why the Indy had no ignition power when you turn the key. Turns out the C500 connector was loose. I tightened the bolt and everything is good now. I also installed the new lock in the decklid. Still have to install the new locks in the doors.
pulled it out of it's tent, gave it a bath , added wheel covers, took out the seats so I can clean the carpet . plus I need to get this fixed or replaced then its replace the headliner this weekend.
In the past few days I replaced the alternator (crashed on me on the way home from the spring Daytona show) alternator belt, changed the oil and filter. In preparation for today's Puta Gorda show I was working on a lower rear trunk cover but due to the bad weather the show was canceled so I now have a time to complete the work. I'm also experimenting with changing my shifter nob to see whick look I like the best but being a half assed purist it is hard for me to go away from the origional.
By the way....I wish to take this opportunity to thank Alex, Lou, Stan and Jack for their assistance in getting me from Daytona to Boca Raton with a bad alternator. You guys stuck with me throught the rain and all the other trials and tribulations of the return trip and I want to thank you again for being there.
Pulled the Fiero out of the garage for the first time since it died in November... Car started right up with a mild lifter tick.
Low coolant or stuck thermostat, hard to tell but it warmed right up and the cap was cold. I'll dig into it later today when I go to prep it for it's transmission swap.