i started to give mine a tuneup and change all the sensors to try to get it to run right...
got the front 3plugs changed, new cap/rotor, the wires changed, and new TPS.
i started to freeze before i got to do anymore, trying to reach behind the the block to do the rear plugs, while my hands are going numb just wasnt gona happen... and i couldnt find my larger socket set to get the IAC or CTS.
i did findout that i have a rather nasty oilleak on the front valvecover that coated the old plugs/wires pretty nicely... yay for that....
Nope, notyet. I had originally planned on getting it done last week, but as it turns out I worked a lot of hours before the holiday break, and the shop can not take the car until after the New Year.
Everything including cross-member has been sandblasted and painted with POR-15 All new ball joints. Lower are Rodney's 1 inch "Knuckle raiser". New exterior tie-rod end Poly bushings. New KYB GR-2 shocks. Most of the bolts and nuts are new.
I did a brake job on the '88 coupe today. New pads and rotors up front (went on without any problems) and a new left rear caliper and new pads & rotors out back too. I only ordered the left rear caliper because it was obviously seized (got very hot when driven), but as luck would have it, teh right rear caliper was also seized. It was seized, but not contacting the rotor so it didn't get hot like the drivers side. So now I have 3 out of 4 new brakes!
The kicker is when I had the caliper loose and attempting to screw in the piston, I actually wound up pushing it out further and it would not go back in. Then, in a vain attempt to press it in, I used a big clamp and busted off that little plastic button on the piston and it leaked fluid everywhere. I had to borrow an old core from a friend just to get it back together! It works, but has a small leak somewhere.....I can't get all of the air out so the pedal is spongy.
Tomorrow I get to go back and get the alignment done for a third time. Maybe they'll torque down the upper control arm bolts this time.
I bolted the engine back into the cradle. (Dropped the 4.9 to repair multiple oil and coolant leaks.)
Going to drop the tank tomorrow to replace the fuel pump and recalibrate the sender. (Sucks wind at ~1/4 tank indicated.)
------------------ Raydar 88 4.9 Formula IMSA Fasback..........................88 3.4 coupe -soon to be something other than red Read Nealz Nuze!Praise the Lowered!
Finally got these installed today. More paint on them tomorrow and then cut & buff, install trim and wait for hex screen mesh material to arrive to finish em'.
Rebuilt the front calipers, Rebuilt the rear calipers, installed new rotors in the rear, new hub/rotors in front, stainless braided lines all four corners, flushed the lines Finish it up tomorrow.
having just bought her jan. 1st, she seems to have been sitting for at least a decade (only 80k miles)
took 2.5 carburetor out and cleaned it, im gonna need to buy a rebuild kit since the injector and everything around it is dirty messed up looking, my dad said he noted rust but i didnt see anything bad, he;s the mechanic though. Cleaned the spark plugs, one was so bad the car was only running off 3 cylinders. Now the car almost feels like a new car, the engine is pushing me even smoother, even when it was 3 cylinders the car was smooth so now its even more dreamy.
Cleaning the carb got the idle down a bit but it still idles high when cold
Absolutely nothing, and that's the way it will stay until I get my full wages back..Just got hit by cut-backs today at work, and I was just going to buy all the parts to finish the front suspension (15% off at the Fierostore tomorrow)..Lucky I still have a job and internet...
[This message has been edited by RCR (edited 01-12-2009).]
I repaired a bad splice job on a fusible link that had me running only on battery juice. I'm glad it wasn't a bad alternator like I suspected......MUCH easier to resplice in a connector than remove an alternator from a quad-4!
Knock on wood, I think I have everything fixed well enough to actually start using the coupe as a daily driver, which was my intent when I bought it. Cross your fingers.
I was doing some trans work on the blue V8 GT at the shop this weekend and when unloading it off the trailer at home it slipped off the winch and rolled down the yard to nicely wack into the barn wall. It was a very nice moment in life. Just took out a right fender and the front bumper. I'm looking for the replacements now 86 GT aero style smooth moulding if you have one. Must be in good condtion not worried about the paint as it will be repainted.
Got a bunch of parts ready to be installed, Rodney Dickmans comp shifter II with new boot/ring and cold air intake kit, a pillar gauge and gauges, k&n air filter, the fiero store gold ion head light kit and clear front signal lights. Now i just have to wait for all the snow up here to melt and i can maybe start installing these.
Replaced the Manifold Air Temperature sensor, the Idle Air Control Valve and the o-rings on the fuel injector. Will be pulling the coil packs today and inspecting the spark plug wires to see what is causing cylinder 1 not to fire intermittently.
tested some more wiring on the DIS side now. still a no go back to work on either the next warm day (HA!) or when i get it into a garage when i move next month. cant wait!