It was yesterday, but water pump(fixed on stripped and on broken bolt, was sucking in air)... tranny filter and gasket... oil pan gasket (previous owner cut the old gasket to install, lazy, and tried to use RTV to patch the seams.... leaked like a siv...), motor mount (so far gone that it was being held in by the failsafe... just a bolt and a loop basically )
Well got good news and bad, The good news, Finally completed my front speakers. Wow what a difference over the old 4x10. Be glad when I get the clearwaters and the tang band in. The bad, got to take the heater system apart again. I believe the screen filter on the evaporator is stopping the heat control from opening all the way. And the floor/defrost/vent control is not work. I can hear the servo running but no changes and it seems to run for an extended period. Eventually I'll know this car really well.
85 GT 3.4 14.9 @ 90 1.9 60' Old TH125/3.06 Unknown New 4T60/3.42
Finally decided to pull off the car cover and pull her out of storage, where she's sat since just after Fiero Roundup 9...Time to get back to work, but I have NO idea where to start.
Took out the steering rack, replaced the inner and outer tie rod ends on both sides, and boot on driver's side. It would be back in by now but one of the rack mounting bolts broke off.
lets see...went to replace my alternator 'cause i thought it was bad...turned out to be a wire that broke off it's terminal. replaced valve cover gasket (84 fiero took an 88 valve cover gasket
Looked at it and thought how much I could get from parting it out. Can't drive a stick no mores due to a broken foot. Wasn't healin right so they fused the bones together then I managed to crush several previously injured vertabrae in my back after a minor car accident Thursday morning. Hard enough getting into the Land Rover, Fiero will be impossible for me to get into now
Well............actually last night. Got to drive my recently changed SE to a GT to the West Michigan Whitecaps {AA I believe} baseball game. Was honored through a drawing to throw out a ceremonial first pitch for the company I work part time for. Got to take my 8 year old granddaughter. I gave her a choice "Trans AM or Fiero?" She ain't no dummy................She said "THE FIERO !!!!!!!!!" We had a blast. I like the GT rear lighting so much better. Several honks along the way.Believe it was for the car. I don't drive that eratic. A thrilling come-from behind win for the Whitecaps. They played the team from South Bend, Indiana
Removed the factory wing/spoiler (now I have to reset the rear deck lid torsion bars) and restored the "shorty" antenna that the P.O. had put on with a factory antenna. Surprise, I can actually hear a radio station again. Stripped the window tint from rear window as well, now I can actually see whats behind me when backing out at night. I never understood why anyone would sacrifice functionality for style, after all we still have to drive these things, sorta.........
[This message has been edited by infinitewill (edited 06-14-2009).]
Replaced the clutch pedal hoping to cure the clutch system woes I've been experiencing.....HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!!!! is this ever a job!!...Actually, not that bad, just close, non ventilated area to work in and I'm glad I shed 20+ pounds lately so I could fit.....Had that issue where it was hard to get into gear and car moved the instant the pedal came off the floor.....Wouldn't even begin to go into reverse with the engine running.....Oh, Yeah...The pedal cured it and I FINALLY get to drive my first Fiero tomorrow....I'm kinda stoked....!!! Thank You Fiero store!! I have an extra clutch master and fork arm on the shelf...Well, I know that day's gonna come... There'll be another one runnin around Grand Rapids, Michigan now!!!....Mike
ganked my engine harness to see what damage was done form the evap can catching fire. just melted loom. back pinned every wire. everything is good. 0.00 ohms on all pins! guess that is my new pump going out.
I finally took my car to a car show this weekend after finishing it a few days ago. Runs like a champ. Just a little more tweaking to get it just right.....
------------------ By corvettefan86 at 2009-06-01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <b>My pics and videos:</b> -1986 GT -Swapped 2001 GTP motor Series II with 40k miles -Auto Meter gauge pod (Oil, Boost, Battery) -2.8 Pulley -Stage III Heads -Full-Stack ZZP Intercooler -ZZP XPZ Cam -True cold air intake, 3" inlet -Machined LIM -LS1 Throttlebody -42# Injectors -180* Thermostat -Double-Roller Timing Chain -Flowmaster 80 series
Took mine for a ride for the third time....Yep third time riding/driveing a Fiero...Motor ate itself up...Sounds like a spoon in a blender at 1500-2000RPMS....Decision time.....Bummer.......Mike
------------------ 1969 GTO..474CI..10:90's..All motor, street legal 1971 LeMans Sport Convertible...Just a cruiser 1977 TA..14 point Roll cage..GTO replacement 1997 Grand Prix GT...For sale 1985 Pontiac Fiero GT..Stock...For the moment
Chased down a slight idle surge and rich condition I've had. I've only had my Formula for a little over three months. Without checking most anything else, I assumed that the cause was likely bad spark plugs. I removed the decklid, pulled one front and one rear plug and sure enough the plugs were the fault. They were Autolite's and weren't even gapped. One had a gap as little as .027! I got AC Delco Rapidfires, gapped to .045, installed, and now it's running like a champ. No idle surge, and I'm thinking it helped the fuel a bit, although I won't be able to tell until I drive it a bit.
Also did an oil change. 5 quarts Castrol and one AC Delco PF52. Ready to go.
Worked on fitting the Corvette C6 mirrors to the body. Fiero84Freak came over to help and we sanded till we had to give up and call it a night. Also started to remove body panels for the repaint.
i installed my battery box in the front today and i threw some wheels on, and pulled the tailights for my ZR1 tailight install ...little bit by little bit ,she wont look or run the same soon! poor girl shes ugly right now,i bought this a couple of weeks ago from a member here and im ready to get cranked up on this baby
[This message has been edited by mid engine monsters (edited 06-22-2009).]
I took the 88GT to my mechanic to locate the AC leak, one hose bad and a couple of "O" rings. Hose is a hard one to find. The my alternator took a dump while at the shop.. That goes out for a rebuild. I got a drive home.
Finished installing the 3 core aluminum radiator I bought off of eBay. It wasn't very difficult but I replaced all the hoses and cleaned and painted a few things along the way, which took some time like changing out all the hoses including the two heater lines that were molded on. No more 22 year old time bombs ticking away.
On the test drive the temp stayed steady well below 220. I changed the fan switch out with a low temp one while I was at it. The fan works real well now.
[This message has been edited by 1MohrFiero (edited 06-22-2009).]
I put a set of lowering spindals on the the front for a total of 3.5" drop front, 2" rear. I need to finish bolting up the front facia on the underside and get it off the jack stands so I can see how much better it's going to look now.
Next I need to take the non-cross drilled 11.26" rotors off and put the cross drilled rotors on so I can get the extra Zettner set-up ready for shipping.
Went to a cruise night, then drove it home, went over a bump, and the fuel pump went to hell. Just got back from having it towed. What a hell of a week.