Your car looks completely Mera to me, (bumper, interior, body panels, etc). Does it have a round opening for the trunk seal? Perhaps this was a running change at Corporate Concepts and you car is especially rare.
*EDIT* FINALLY......OWNAGE!!!! how longs it gone???......with my total post count?? the fickle!
where you been??? i have been saying this all YEAR!
the newest boast for me is..." i have more stuff the ProtoType has then any of you".....cept for #7005 and hopefully #7004. happy Daze. actually as of now the only thing that could kill my bold statement is the " Mera Leather Package" upgrade for $200. it was not available in early 1986/87. if i had it that would be bad......also i still get to claim exempt from the "not having a ID# sticker". that also (rumored) was not available on early, i think with outlookin but #7005 has i am in front of him.....because of that ASSUMPTION....i know, but its a real fact to iron out. Rodney is quoted as saying that here i believe. "some early meras may have had no stickers" that effect. so i am not one to argue....mostly. it will be "THE KNOW" by this time next year. trust!
if confirmed, my SE Mera X i will be the rarest so far.....1 for the SE and 2 for the Mera. in my mind again i am going thru the RARE FIERO thing this winter..its part of the.... "What is a Mera" Chapter 1. hahahahahaaaaaa!
T Top Fieros and "Bright Red" RPO codes are my new Nemesis......
in my opinion the 1986 Mera is the rarest Fiero on the Planet.....well cept that and FIERO X. my hero.
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 11-13-2010).]
Hey guys, don't worry, I will be leaving your forum.. I can tell the company kept here and its not for me. The few of you that have kept true to forum esq I congradulate you..Dan included..the rest are just full of drama and hateraid. As for the comment that as a business owner I should know of discount to people who buy large amounts you are absolutely correct...I do and I practice it everyday, however you did not see the pm's sent between the 2 of us. I asked for multiple parts large scale parts which going in I knew would be high but to recieve no discount whatsoever due to Mera credentials is ludacris. Business is business either make money or don't but don't brag about your molds and what you can produce and then turn around and gouge or say no....thats childish. Again to me its just a car Mera or kit and when its done I'll play with it and sell it, already have offers the way it sits, but I want some fun out of it. So I will graciously bow out and focus on the important things and not let this site or post aggitate me any longer. Everyone here owns a kit or a copy of a real Ferrari, not a real Ferrari, so get a grip on that its a rebody onto a Fiero, which is what you really own. Not dismissing the car as they are cool but they are not the real thing hence why Ferrari again won their lawsuit, and the Owner of the Mera plant graciously bowed out, he knew it was a copy kit of a Ferrari, and ran with it for as long as he could. Great times and hope all of you do well in your adventures...good luck Dan on your historical data collection so you may finally put an end to skeptics and perceptions of what constitutes a Mera or kit, have fun and be good or be good at it...out.
sneeky little bastard.....swoop! "Dan included...." whats that supposed to mean?? good riddence. facist....elitest!!
large amounts for what?? you need one set. and not a whole one....what cha plannin?? and "Mera credientals".... yes Proof of Mera! got the VIN # yet, no...... scared?? no Mera no discount. no Mera ID#.......did you get the Expert to tell you they may not be there in the early days?? i did and unless "He" delets his posts,too (MIKE)......its in these hallowed pages. you ding dong, are not in the these pages and witness the Mera Truth....ohhhh you are gone?? not comming back? we will see. speaking of "out of the loop".....sooo is Rick catch up buddy. i know HorsePower happens when was the last time you read this thread in its entirety???? it is EPIC my friend.
this is exactly why we do not want the molds SIR as of today. have no Mera. i would have killed on Mike if he hooked you up. not for this horrible DRAMA you brought with you.....but for that reason alone. Mera Owners Against Mera Replicas....cuz you are that guy we plan to sell your "PONTIAC MERA" for a profit.....end of statement. i KNOW you would NEVER do that....but i do not beleive and/or KNOW YOU from adam. 1 st impressionyou not so nice.....for a new guy. glad i am done with you too and thanks......for the relief.
now please do not get me wrong. i respect the KITS. i call them Replicas. "KITS" are cheap ripoffs. true look alikes are a breed on to themselves. i would go Lambo, tho. V 8 COUNTACH BABY!!! but really, even a Mera splash is not even a 308 cheap "kit". not with a sunroof and the engine deck lid giveaway......the that is a real 308 replica.....the Mera is soo far from that kind of detail that i consider it an homage......"a little tip of the hat".
anyway........ MERA POLL: guys should i start a new thread for the things that i find and want to share?? or should it be here......and if i start a new one will you guys come see me??
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 11-13-2010).]
.... As for the comment that as a business owner I should know of discount to people who buy large amounts you are absolutely correct...I do and I practice it everyday, however you did not see the pm's sent between the 2 of us. I asked for multiple parts large scale parts which going in I knew would be high but to recieve no discount whatsoever due to Mera credentials is ludacris. Business is business either make money or don't but don't brag about your molds and what you can produce and then turn around and gouge or say no....thats childish. Everyone here owns a kit or a copy of a real Ferrari, not a real Ferrari, so get a grip on that its a rebody onto a Fiero, which is what you really own. Not dismissing the car as they are cool but they are not the real thing hence why Ferrari again won their lawsuit, and the Owner of the Mera plant graciously bowed out.
what is he saying here?? really??.......MONEY!!!!!! greed will get ya every time. i will see him in!
thank you Mike....for not taking this account. these Meras are not a buisness its a hobby.....judas priest!!
maybe he and *** can hook up and be the next contestants on....."Bow Out of a Lawsuit With Ferrari". they can try and run Mike out of the business that he cannot start because none of us have crashed our Meras yet. hahahahhahaaaaaa......
back to topic.CC bowed out of the lawsuit??.....or went to trial??.....i heard they settled before the actual suit, too. i will give Cam383 that.....anybody?? i got something on this subject i will post tommarrow. *EDIT* with cam383 statement implys he did do some homework.....but whos info was HE reading......OURS here?? anyway as we sally forth, to a new more drama from me i promise, OK?
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 11-13-2010).]
Dang, I go to Singapore for a while and look what happens!
LOL, first off, thanks Dan for keeping this together!! Hey, I got your pm's, was just out-of-touch to reply.
Gents, I certainly did not start this thread, on MY Mera, with the intention that guys would end up arguing on it! I started it with the intent on showing other Mera owners what I had done with MY Mera, love it or not, and that’s it.
But quite happily, this thread has morphed into something really wonderful…something that I don’t think is available anywhere else in this universe. It’s morphed into THE thread where we can come to talk about anything even remotely connected to the Mera, its “off-spring,” and its “relatives.” And it’s become a place where we can just “hang out.” I would have never, EVER imagined, in my entire life, that the thread that I started would end up being 50+ pages long! I thought that this would be about 2-3 pages, and then off to the archives. This has turned into just an awesome collection of views, thoughts, ideas, and comments, and a big Bravo-Zulu to Cliff for allowing us the technology to do so.
One of the things that make this country so great is the opportunity to freely express our opinions. We often do so as cordially as possible, but there are oftentimes when we get wrapped around the axle (no pun intended!) on just a few ill-used words. And I would like to think that is what happened in the last few pages. Okay, we got off-track, so what do we do? We dust ourselves off, and we ALL (repeat…ALL) get back on track.
It’s no big deal…no bigger deal than when I read all the threads on this forum and others, that make reference to “Japs”…which I do take offense, by the way, being 3rd generation Japanese. But knowing that my uncle served and died with the all-Nisei 100th US Army Battalion during WWII, and having spent the last 30 years of my life working with the US Dept of Defense, I read those threads, push them aside and pay no never-mind. I cannot change the way people talk, act, react, think, etc. Every single person is unique, and THAT my friends, is what makes the world go ‘round, and with the freedoms that we take for granted each and every day, makes our country so great.
I think that sometimes, one of the things that is lacking is putting a face with the forum, so I’ll add my mugshot with some pictures I took recently in Singapore. Feel free to do the same…it makes the forum a lot more personable!
Except Dan…don’t be posting those pics of the Muscle Man/Girl again. My retinas are just starting to heal brah!!
Singapore is a really nice place to visit, but dang, it was pretty hot and humid. But between the air-conditioned offices, hotels, cars, taxis, malls, etc., it’s easy to cool down fast. As soon as I check into the Regents Hotel, low and behold, these show up!
Don't know where these guys get the money. In Singapore, you have to pay an outrageous $50K, just to own a car like a Corolla. Its a percentage, so the more expensive the car, the higher the tax.
And here’s a pic of my Rolls! This was sitting on the side of The Fullerton Hotel, the only 6-star hotel in Singapore, or the galaxy for that matter.
Here’s a pic of the Singapore Flyer that we went on, largest Ferris wheel (although they don’t call it so) in the world. About 42 stories high, it makes one rev per 30 mins. Each capsule can hold 28 people, and its air-conditioned inside. We entered from the right as it was still moving, and exited the capsule to the left. Since it was getting dark, I wasn't able to take any nice photos of the Formula One track, which wraps right around this area. And OBTW that area where the Flyer is built, is all on re-claimed land! Twenty years ago, and it was water.
And here’s a pic of the Singapore Flyer in the background. Although in a capsule, I’m not good with heights, so it was a little scary. You can see how it compares with that nearby condo.
No matter where we are or what we do, life is good. So enjoy it guys! Have a great weekend. Gonna wash and wax the Corvette now. (Hey, man does not live on Mera alone!!)
Tom!! lookin good......i will have to get just the right pic but you're on. wee! the cars sweet i want one of each. you can hold on to them for me
and sorry you had to see that. i tried to be cool.....and for me (you will see) i was good? some of the things i had to erase were why i have 666 in my ScreenName, i guess. but i stayed civil. which to me is a first.
nice to hear from ya.....was starting to wonder.
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 11-13-2010).]
Dang, I go to Singapore for a while and look what happens!
LOL, first off, thanks Dan for keeping this together!! Hey, I got your pm's, was just out-of-touch to reply.
I think that sometimes, one of the things that is lacking is putting a face with the forum, so I’ll add my mugshot with some pictures I took recently in Singapore. Feel free to do the same…it makes the forum a lot more personable!
Except Dan…don’t be posting those pics of the Muscle Man/Girl again. My retinas are just starting to heal brah!!
ahem....'scuse me sir but thats my wife you are refering to.......ahahahahaaa.
its all good you all go. me in "my wild years"
first we have me and my rather large mistress....Milli Jovovich......ahhhhh. this pic was hard to take myself....its cool cuz it looks like i am trying to cop a fresh i am. its her hand really.
next me and my big ass feet....told you i had a heavy'dem.
me and the best singer in the whole world myboy, Todd Smith.....KNIVESOUT! BROOKLYN, NY. 2010!! he did a soundtrack song and the "devil" theme score music for the "Excorcisist: Dominion. movie. awesome! directed by the guy who did "Raging Bull". name, escapes me.
next we have my softer side......Mike Patton. 'the Man of a thousand sounds....." he did the creature voices for the movie "I am Legend" with Will
now this guy is the mean voice in my head. Corey #8 the singer of SlipKnot/StoneSour. may have heard them on the rock radio stations??
and finally have you seen this guy he owes me 20 bucks.....let me know later
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 11-13-2010).]
Dick, that comes from the 3 years I worked for the USN Fleet Intel Center Pacific. First day on the job, I asked where this room is, and the Chief tells me, "When you go through the quarterdeck, go down the passageway on the right, then go up to the third deck, past the head, and 2 Dept will be on the port side."
I just stood there, blinked my eyes, and said, "huh?" LOL...some things I picked up working for the USN, unfortunately, has stuck with me. Those were "interesting" times indeed!
Hey Dan, now THAT's what I'm talking about!! Nice pics! Now I can relate better to your posts! Wasn't that the actress in that movie about Joan the Arc? Great flick. I presume your other hobby is music and such. That's great, everyone needs outlets from the normal humdrum of life.
Hey Dan, now THAT's what I'm talking about!! Nice pics! Now I can relate better to your posts! Wasn't that the actress in that movie about Joan the Arc? Great flick. I presume your other hobby is music and such. That's great, everyone needs outlets from the normal humdrum of life.
thats my girl.....she is also the hero in the Resident Evil Movies.....and leelu(sp) in The Fifth Element. she was real good in that Joan of Arc movie.....poor girl. shes when last, i fell in love.
yeah music is a strong passion for me....i have over 238 TicketMaster Concert Tickets in sports card binders and play the drums.
these are from (redset) 1985-1988....and the others are 1989-1993 ish.....i was in a real "Rock Band". played our 1500+ cap. State Theater.GOAL!!!
as they set today.....READY TO ROK!!!
little brother...
with the cold cloudy day that appears to be a brewin' most likely willl play today. gotta keep the "chops up"
speaking of chops......i like swords too...Sakkabato...."Reverse Blade"....goes with the Batousai part of my screen name....
i am a big Fan of the Japanese Culture....anime.....Samurai history, the code of honor, inherient thru time.......the food, but not Shshi so much. THE SHOW IRON CHEF JAPAN....i am in the process of recording to VHS all 100 epsisodes from my DVR, as i type that show..almost got to meet Iron Chef Japan Morimoto.....twice....once in NYC....the other in Philly......yeah i get around.....Travel is another pasttime of know for the over 200 concerts....i have been coast to coast.....upper lower MI and all the way to Orlando, FL. i got the US (continential) covered. Hawaii here i come!!!! wish i could get my car over there!!
and lastly i like old BMX bicycles.....have 10 total....RedLine....GT DiamondBack......Mongoose. i ride them also....not all "Radical"....but it is still fun.
thats enough for now......
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 11-15-2010).]
WHOOPS MY FIRST DOUBLE POST.....over 1600 posts.....that real good.sorry. i will edit something new here at a later date.
sunrise explosion......
turn and burn Mera X style....both mine one from the night before, SunSetter. then came back the next morning, SunRiser. nothing but time and a."Fist Full of Travelers Cheques.....
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 11-14-2010).]
Dick, that comes from the 3 years I worked for the USN Fleet Intel Center Pacific.
Copy that--most of my service was "joint" and that meant being around a lot of "white hats" The Navy is a whole different culture! OBTW, in the Air Force the expression is "Sierra Hotel" but you won't find that in the Allied Signals Book ;-)
ohhhh boy.....Tom what do you think?? there is more than Mera. i agree. would you roll in this??? i have yet to read it....but i think its over there. if you are interested? i would scoop it up cept the price woahhhhh. dang its an 87 SE V6 like mine. 1 of under 2000...i want it. JOB JOB LETS GET A J-O-B! please.....maybe the new comming year will be better.
This link has some interior pics. Nice. Italian glove leather? Got to love that.
lets see if it works? it does......check these out.....they might look good on the Mera.....same time frame its vintage also and color of both work well. looks like they bolt right up no spacers/adapters.....hmmmmm? nice. D
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 11-14-2010).]
"ohhh poop......looks like the Mera Takes another hit". "and soo soon after the blow they took over the Zimmer" thats gotta hurt the head of Mera X, whom up till now was looking good for the top spot...maybe the 1987 ProtoType thing will play out for him later this season?? as well as to the "rare" status of the 1986 Mera proto-type...."as you may well know, in this announcers eyes that is the rarest Pontiac out there" its the American connection that makes this true. Pontiac- GM" we shall see" "2 words tho. "International Angle"......."yeah, so right you are there"...."Just when the batousai thought he had something with his thought to be early 1987 Fiero SE Mera....."the 1987 Enterra"....based only on the SE Fiero"....."is lookin to be the rarest " DealerShip Rebody" out there....."the Enterra often considered the "Canadian Mera"....."seems to have tha advantage"...."with the low number of Enterra produced and using his own "Trump Card" against him..the SE V6 model, the often cocky Mera X may be taking the heat soon" lord knows we will hear about how cold it is up there, anyway"....."not sure on the raito between the 4 cyl and 6 cyl SE's but total production for the 2 combined is less than 3900 i believe for the 87 year"....."it will be EPIC"......THE BATTLE.....PONTIAC MERA VS THE ZIMMER QUICKSILVER VS THE ENTERRA......CANADA VS THE USA...... WHO's CUISINE WILL REIGN SUPERME!!!!!
stay tuned....
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 11-14-2010).]
Went to a Porsche concourse yesterday--the parking lot was more interesting than the show. Saw an F-car with gold lace wheels--interesting. I think some early Meras came with them--not sure. Anyway, for you guys who like them here's a couple pics.
I have a set of white lace type wheels from the 88 Mera that Bob Bracey's wife owned. These were the stock wheel as I understand things until the optional Chromadoras showed up in 1988.
Originally posted by reholmes:
Went to a Porsche concourse yesterday--the parking lot was more interesting than the show. Saw an F-car with gold lace wheels--interesting. I think some early Meras came with them--not sure. Anyway, for you guys who like them here's a couple pics.
fyi... anyone needing vitaloni power mirrors... early real 308gtb and qv cars had a very similar vitaloni power mirror set and it happened to use the vitaloni power joystick controller too. the mirrors use the same part number on the flag but are slightly different in the base and the back cover shape but from 10feet away very likely no one will ever know. however the power joystick controller is identical to the mera counterpart. in the mera world these are non existant, in the ferrari world they can still be found... last set of mirrors i saw on ebay was 1200.00 and last joystick controller was for 550.00. check out ebay or other avenues they can be found and likely for less. just offering information to the mera community.
Zowie Mike, they be some expensive parts! I accidentally broke the toggle mirror switch when I was messing around with the shifter one day. Part of the threaded area broke off from the housing, so it was relatively easy fix with superglue. I'm taking a hiatus from buying parts for the Mera and Fiero for a while. There are a few things I want to get for the Corvette first. The Corvette parts and accessories market is quite unbelievable. LOL...the latest catalog I received has everything from house slippers to wallets to shirts to mugs to jewelry with Corvette logos. Quite unreal...
Dick, those gold rims would actually look soooo good on my 88 Fiero!
Dano, great pics! Hey are those contrails from the U/I missiles from California?? must have been a blast to run around with in high school! I was into minibikes and go-karts. One of my go-karts was modified with a chain saw motor, and that thing could haul butt! I still have a Honda Minitrail-50 that I've held onto all these years. Still runs, but destined for restoration some day. I can't believe some guy actually has his old Honda Minitrail-50 hanging on his office wall, saw it on the internet a while back.
HEY RICK...Did you ever make First Contact with that guy in Taiwan? Low-and-behold, I'm headed to Taipei in a couple of weeks, and I MAY have a free day to hook up with him and see his Fiero, take better pics, etc. LMK his contact info.
I have the only remaining 1988 lumbar bladders in the world. The company that made them is long out of business. Maybe I should raise the price on them to $1000 a set. Yeah, that's the ticket.
------------------ Rodney Dickman
Fiero Parts And Acc's Web Page: All new web page! Rodney Dickman's Fiero accessories 7604 Treeview Drive Caledonia, WI 53108 Phone/Fax (262) 835-9575
Dano, great pics! Hey are those contrails from the U/I missiles from California??
HEY RICK...Did you ever make First Contact with that guy in Taiwan? Low-and-behold, I'm headed to Taipei in a couple of weeks, and I MAY have a free day to hook up with him and see his Fiero, take better pics, etc. LMK his contact info.
Have a great week guys! Tom
yeah know, come to think of it.... i am supposed to know how to weld. i am a sheet metal worker. with the right pictures i could figure it out. i kinda see it but need one angle to see if it is tapped into a main or if it just looks that way. Auto intake/exhaust and My HVAC job are about the same principle fresh air in bad air out.....i am done sitting (DRIVING) around all the time. now we produce product. i wonder what else the Fiero Community needs??? i should look into that. ball joint lowering kits, anybody??
HA!! Tommy!...... no when you live equal distance between two major Metropoli like i do ORD....DTW. you tend to get flown over quiet alot. first thing in the morning, every morning......RUSH HOUR takeoff and looks cool to boot i used to live by our local airport and used it as an alarm. up by 700am everyAM! wait till i invert them colors....spooky.
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 11-15-2010).]
hey dan... the previous owner of 7071 had the seats recovered to the white and he gave me pics of them before the recover and they were grey and looked alot like yours.
I have the only remaining 1988 lumbar bladders in the world. The company that made them is long out of business. Maybe I should raise the price on them to $1000 a set. Yeah, that's the ticket.
If it is the last factory GM set made, I would just keep them as a Fiero collectible!
[This message has been edited by Rick 88 (edited 11-15-2010).]
I have not emailed they guy in Taiwan in a while but he seemed be very helpful. Tom I will send you his email address when I locate it. How was it hobnobbing with the hi rollers in Singapore? Look like you had a real nice time there. I was wondering why we had not heard from you. Glad your back.
With all the pictures I have seen, I have still not been able to figure out the pipe routing to make the headers work. I would love to have this system on my Mera. Hopefully we can figure out a way to build an affordable set of these pipes.
Mike is correct about your car based on what you have told us. If you car is indeed an 86 it is not an acutal Mera. The one and only 86 prototype is accounted for and documented. Your car may have some Mera specific body panels and taillight lenses. I am sure that what was left over after Mera production ended got spread around and used by various kit makers. I am also sure remaining "Mera" taillight lenses were still much less expensive than the Ferrari originals at the time, and used by those same kit makers. Now, if you send us pictures showing a Mera production #/paint id badge under the decklid of your car then we have something new to start discussing.
When looking for my Mera, I almost did not purchase it. According to all I had read, and been told, no 88 Mera's were built on GT chassis, only Formula's. Only when the original owner sent me a copy of the title for his car, along with all Mera documentation, did I believe it was a real Mera. I later found out that my car was one of six 88 Mera's actually built on a GT chassis. I almost passed on great find.
We have a number of 308/328 kit owners on this thread an all are welcome here. Some of these kits actually eclipse the Mera in authenticity compared to the 308. It is very interesting learning about the diffent versions of these cars. Eventually we hope to see pictures of your car, and we can assist you with your build. Mike as the owner of his molds, and parts, has the right to charge what ever he wants for them. It is you decision if you want to purchase from him or not. If Mike later decides to adjust his pricing based on sales, that is his decision too. He is used to dealing with owners of Porsche's, and actual Ferrari's. What may seem expensive to us, is not unreasonable to people with that kind of disposable income.
There are other vendors out there that offer parts for these cars, but not that many. Rodney makes, and offers quality parts, and has helped keep our Fiero's and to some extent the Mera's going for quite a while. I have purchased many of his parts and been quite satisfied. Rodney does not have the lowest prices, but he offers things we can't alway get anywhere else. To me it make it worth the little extra money to make sure Rodney stays in business. Even he has discontinued parts that I wished he still made. But, if there is not enough demand, it is not in his best interest to have his money tied up in parts that do not sell in any quantity.
This thread is for owners of these cars to put togher a knowledge base of where we can find parts, how to keep our cars alive, learn about, and enjoy them.
Guys, I need your opinions. Please read the above post made by me during the recent disagreement. I am pretty thick skinned so fire away. The question is: Was I offensive, or out of line in any way, with the remarks I made towards the parties involved? If so, please let me know. Somtimes, I try to be a peacemaker, and end up stirring the pot even more.
If anyone here reads this post as being negative, or attacking, please tell me. I want to let everyone involved know that I was not trying to hurt or challenge their reputation, or character. My desire was to have the members involved to take a step back, and cool down. Did I cause the opposite reaction with my post?
Went to a Porsche concourse yesterday--the parking lot was more interesting than the show. Saw an F-car with gold lace wheels--interesting. I think some early Meras came with them--not sure. Anyway, for you guys who like them here's a couple pics.
These do look very much like Trans Am GTA wheels. You would need an adapter to run them on a stock hub but they would look very nice. I would rotate the GTA wheels and run the rears on the front of the Mera as they are "pulled in" more than the front GTA wheels.
Guys, I need your opinions. Please read the above post made by me during the recent disagreement. I am pretty thick skinned so fire away. The question is: Was I offensive, or out of line in any way, with the remarks I made towards the parties involved? If so, please let me know. Somtimes, I try to be a peacemaker, and end up stirring the pot even more.
If anyone here reads this post as being negative, or attacking, please tell me. I want to let everyone involved know that I was not trying to hurt or challenge their reputation, or character. My desire was to have the members involved to take a step back, and cool down. Did I cause the opposite reaction with my post?
Thanks, Rick
as i am not one to talk.....i see nothing worse there^^^^, than the berating over some info that could be (AFTER SUGGESTED) easily obtained with a click of a mouse..... the thing is....i have NO reason to believe Cams car NOT to be a Mera....the 2 slat grill is more than some may know. look around for them on 88 Meras...most i have seen are Ferrarified replacement. he had more in my eyes for Mera than not....without better pics anyway.
A Mera salavage is still a Mera.....just a restoration of one.....A MERA REPLICA WILL NEVER EXIST ON MY WATCH. but a restored Mera is cool.
i feel you kinda backed up the group with facts rather than shake a finger at the "evil misinformer". any body read the internet news....full of lies.hahahahaaaaa
a little misinformation makes for more dilligent research.....
its cool least you found some interest in trying to settle things down.
me on the other hand i was getting pissed should have seen some of the things i actually wrote....then deleted.
ohhhh man. i still may have to act on some of the things i have said. i saved them to a Email account if i need to unleash the "Wrath"
till then the sun is out and the car is fixed......i am on a cruise.
later Daniel
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 11-15-2010).]
rick, i thought you were very diplomatic to all involved. i did NOT see any problems with what you posted. you were trying to squelch the ensuing argument. happy motoring
Isn't this one just like the one you posted recently? I think it sold for under $75 on ebay.
often times these items can go under the radar and you could get a good deal on them. recently i aquired a pair of ferrari vitaloni power mirrors for 400.00. bargain in ferrari world.