Still wondering about t-shirts, myself. I PM'd wakejul, but I imagine the demand must be huge for'em right now. So if there's an update on them or something, lemme know. Gotta get my 3XL('cause I'm a fat kid) shirt.
And Rick, good luck bro! You're doing a great thing.
(PS, txt me or something. My blackberry died and I had to get another one and I lost numbers)
I talked to tracy and tinman, and they are letting me, my twin, and my friends; stay with them while the build is happening. Thanks again guys. I do appreciate it.
------------------ Thank for the sig. Bobadoofunk 1984 Fiero Sport Coupe 1990 Buick Reatta 2002 Chevy Impala base
I see that Zero hour is fast approaching. I wish all of you involved in the build the best of luck and God's speed. All of you take care and stay safe.
A couple of FYIs':
I just checked "Tylerstoy" web site and was courious if several areas are down? I attempt to access the "Store" but was unable to do so. Perhaps part of the problem has to do with present location. I surely do want to get my hands on a couple of the T-shirts if possible.
I have , like many others, been watching this thread as it develops. A 63 year old man is getting so excited to see this all happening!! I shall be glued to the computer for many hours this weekend: it will be more fascinating than a whole season of Formula 1 broadcasts!.
Tyler: many many wishes for a very happy, and very much healthier weekend AND future for you are on their way to you from over here in Spain. May God bless you, and your friends and family, and take you in his care. GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!!! You are the Salt of the Earth, and what makes this Life worth living,. Nick and Ellie. PS..let's all spare a thought and prayer for Cliff, Never2old, at this time
[This message has been edited by fierofetish (edited 11-19-2009).]
I wish you all a safe trip to Frazee, and I sincerely thank you all for what you are doing for Tyler, from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could join you all, meet Tyler and his family, and see the look on his face when he is handed the keys to his new Fiero. Please everyone, be safe traveling there and back, and during the build!
I pray for the health of you and your family, and I am glad we could help make your wish come true. Also, I thank you for bringing us all closer together, for a great cause. It's because of you that some of us have set aside differences, and all come together like this. You are an amazing young man, and I hope Sunday turns out to be better than you could even imagine. Thank you.
I wish I could be up there now. I really can't wait for this. I think my twin will be able to take his fiero up there. Although she is rather rough. How many people from MN or WI going to bring their fiero up to the build?
[This message has been edited by 1984whitesc (edited 11-19-2009).]
I will be leaving fri morn at 0600 hours. And arriving somewhere around 5pm. Think the hotel lady can tell me where billy's is??? Hahah, dumb question.
Which brackets? The radio mounts? Are they still needed?
Nope. The front braces for the aero nose. We don't need them. I did not update the first post. But thank you Don!
Also, 1984whitesc.. Be glad you woke me up over the phone, and not in person... Remember, ALWAYS wear protective head gear when coming to wake me up...
Today is going to go so damned slow. My last day of the week. :P
John and Stu, I want to meet up with you guys this evening if it is before midnight. K?
God Bless all of you for showing love to stranger! Heavenly father keep all involved safe, protect them in their travels to and from Frazee and while they are in Frazee. Lord bless them as they do a great favor to a bother and his family. May this bring insight, love and compassion to many.
Peace be with you, Steve W. NE Grand Rapids, MI 88 Coupe