I figured I would post a update, this weekend is build weekend for Tyler's motor swap. There have been few grand in parts donated along with the new crate engine for this build. The engine cradle has been powder coated and assembled, all brackets and custom parts are powder coated too. I custom made a dipstick tube so checking the oil is simple and a local shop modified the rear valve cover for a oil fill tube. We just test fit the engine and cradle in the car, it fits perfect and clears everything. It almost looks factory. Custom true dual exhaust is being fitted as I type this. All in all its almost ready to start running wiring. I have to say Stewarts dedication to this car just amazes me, he has put many many hours into cleaning, testing and lining up parts. I will be posing more pictures later tonight of our build.
Also I figured I would share some info on the car when it came into the shop on Tuesday. It was suffering from a miss pretty bad. The engine was lacking power bad. According to Tyler it had a difficult time getting above 70mph. Stewart put a scope on the engine, found that at least 2 cylinders were very weak and 2 more weren't far behind the others. So basically the engine was old, tired and weak. One of the plug wires was burned through because it was left laying on the exhaust. The right rear tire, someone forgot the torque the lug nuts, they were only finger tight. Throttle body hose clamp not tightened. Egr Valve bolts not tightened. And one of the ned vacuum line going to the throttle body was not even connected.
That is our progress fofar. Like I said I will post a built later.
------------------ Blue 1987 GT, Yellow T-top 1986 GT www.FierosandMore.comThis is a link to my personal web site, has pictures of all my projects and parts for sale.
I figured I would post a update, this weekend is build weekend for Tyler's motor swap. There have been few grand in parts donated along with the new crate engine for this build. The engine cradle has been powder coated and assembled, all brackets and custom parts are powder coated too. I custom made a dipstick tube so checking the oil is simple and a local shop modified the rear valve cover for a oil fill tube. We just test fit the engine and cradle in the car, it fits perfect and clears everything. It almost looks factory. Custom true dual exhaust is being fitted as I type this. All in all its almost ready to start running wiring. I have to say Stewarts dedication to this car just amazes me, he has put many many hours into cleaning, testing and lining up parts. I will be posing more pictures later tonight of our build.
Also I figured I would share some info on the car when it came into the shop on Tuesday. It was suffering from a miss pretty bad. The engine was lacking power bad. According to Tyler it had a difficult time getting above 70mph. Stewart put a scope on the engine, found that at least 2 cylinders were very weak and 2 more weren't far behind the others. So basically the engine was old, tired and weak. One of the plug wires was burned through because it was left laying on the exhaust. The right rear tire, someone forgot the torque the lug nuts, they were only finger tight. Throttle body hose clamp not tightened. Egr Valve bolts not tightened. And one of the ned vacuum line going to the throttle body was not even connected.
That is our progress fofar. Like I said I will post a built later.
Alright, I am tired of holding my tongue here, and I don't care what the repercussions will be. Those guys worked over 24 hours straight on that job that night, do you really think you need to come on here and tell everyone what you think they did wrong? Personally, I think all of that stuff you listed is BS, how's that grab ya'? If all of that stuff was 'forgotten', then how do you explain why the car ran so well the day of the reveal? I would think with all of those 'problems' that it would have been running like crap from the get-go. Interesting, is how this 2.8 is all of a sudden tired now. Even more interesting is with 4 weak cylinders, this car still ran as if there were no compression problems whatsoever. You don't have to justify why you are doing the swap with these excuses, we are not stupid, and we know why it's getting done. Sounds pretty CONVENIENT to me.
Personally, I am tired of the 'gimme' 'gimme' attitude that has been gained with this project. I am glad that I started this thread, but I am steadfastly getting to the point of regret.
I think A LOT of people poured A LOT of themselves into this car, just to have someone come in here and trash what they did. I also know there will be many who don't agree with me here, that they will wish I didn't post this, and that there will be backlash. Well, I tell it how I see it, and I'm not about to sit here and let the many people that put everything they had into this project, be stepped on by you or anyone else.
Someone posted earlier, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth", and I agree with that 1,000,000%. I am done; I am washing my hands of this from here on out. This project went from something great, to being fed by greed, and I'll have none of it.
Im not pointing fingers, I was just listing what was found wrong. I was there for the build of the car. Everyone did a great job. Its no ones fault that things were missed.
I am fine with the swap... I have no problems with the swap happening, and I sincerely hope it does the car justice...
BUT, I have one thing to say...
I drove the car the day we revealed it, and there was nothing wrong with the engine. No check engine lights (which a vacuum line missing from the TB would cause), no miss, no lack of power, if anything, the engine in the car had a bit more "ass" than my car, with a 2.8 on a manual...
It felt good, it drove good, and it accelerated just fine, other than a minor hesitation which was caused by eyeballing the timing, instead of using a timing light...
The engine was fine. If faults were found (other than a burnt plug wire which is very understandable considering how tired we were when we buttoned the car up), then I seriously question the motives behind the swap. The engine had miles, but it was far from "tired". Good luck on the swap.
I drove the car the day we revealed it, and there was nothing wrong with the engine. No check engine lights (which a vacuum line missing from the TB would cause), no miss, no lack of power, if anything, the engine in the car had a bit more "ass" than my car, with a 2.8 on a manual...
It felt good, it drove good, and it accelerated just fine, other than a minor hesitation which was caused by eyeballing the timing, instead of using a timing light...
The engine was fine. If faults were found (other than a burnt plug wire which is very understandable considering how tired we were when we buttoned the car up), then I seriously question the motives behind the swap. The engine had miles, but it was far from "tired". Good luck on the swap.
X2 I drove the car as well with the owner of frazee autobody and even opened it up a little (nothing past 55). The car pulls just as hard as both my GT's with considerbaly less miles on them. I even checked all the lugnuts on the car when we got back from the drive and they were all tight. I did bring up somthing about the stock fiero lugnuts on the aftermarket wheels, This is somthing that should not be. In order to have the wheel safeley on there you need to get tuner lugs for the wheels. That wont even pass inspection in the state im from.
[This message has been edited by pontiackid86 (edited 12-05-2009).]
I try. On the whole topic of tyler getting upset about the swap. Its cool with me either way you go. Of corse poeple are going have somthing to say but in the end its your car. I dident do much on the motor (nor did I want to) So its no skin off my back. I like making a car look pretty and thats exactley what we did along with few fixes and dress up the motor.
Im not pointing fingers, I was just listing what was found wrong. I was there for the build of the car. Everyone did a great job. Its no ones fault that things were missed.
I do remember Shawn posting in the Construction Zone thread, that the engine did have some obvious wear. But thank you for the update on the swap. Glad to hear it is going well.
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 12-06-2009).]
Im not pointing fingers, I was just listing what was found wrong. I was there for the build of the car. Everyone did a great job. Its no ones fault that things were missed.
[This message has been edited by KEV (edited 12-05-2009).]
On another note, I made mention back on page 55 about the infamous "A" user who crashed the site a few times. Apparently, it was NOT who I had posted so my appologies to emc209i.
On another note, I made mention back on page 55 about the infamous "A" user who crashed the site a few times. Apparently, it was NOT who I had posted so my appologies to emc209i.
I dident voice it but i dident think it was him either. He was trying to help me dignose if the fuel pump was operating right in the car.
Now guys. We cant get on boysatt like that. He was helping stuart pull parts out of the doner car for the engine swap so he was there for the work. I dident hear any of the comments so im staying out of that aspect of it but he also came through on the windshield wiper motherboard we needed.
Now guys. We cant get on boysatt like that. He was helping stuart pull parts out of the doner car for the engine swap so he was there for the work. I dident hear any of the comments so im staying out of that aspect of it but he also came through on the windshield wiper motherboard we needed.
Very true. He did put work into the car on many fronts, even if he wasn't working directly on the car itself.
A little bit of tact could have been used though. Don't let this thread degenerate.
[This message has been edited by Synthesis (edited 12-05-2009).]
Hi everyone again, Tyler's mom. I just wanted to respond to the post regarding the "gimmie" attitude. Anyone who really knows Tyler as a person, not just as an internet friend, knows that he is just about the hardest working kid around. Anyone who knows him can attest to this. He busts his butt working for his dad, helping his friends, helping his family. His work ethic is fantastic. That is not always something you see everyday anymore and part of the reason for that is because we raised him to never expect anything you don't work for and work hard for everything you want. We have never been ones to give our kids anything they want. Tyler has worked and paid for his cars, his snowmobiles, his ATVs, every part, every single penny. This situation in addition to being just difficult due to the unfairness of such a young life being cut short, has also been difficult because it has put us in a position to accept help from friends, family, and strangers. We have never been nor never will be people who sit back and expect people to take care of us. It seems silly, but it is difficult to accept help, but unfortuantely that is a position we find ourselves in. Thankfully there are a lot of good people in our town, in our family, and out here in cyberspace that have really stepped in to help our family in more ways than just money. The support in the way of just pep talks, new friendships, prayers, and many more things that are too long to list have been terrific. As much as it is embarassing... and it is embarassing... to accept help from people, I understand the need to do something, to feel like what you are doing is making some difference. Recognizing that feeling, because we feel it everyday, helps us to be gracious receivers, just as we have been gracious givers previous in our lives to other people. Please don't think Tyler is sitting back in his bed thinking I deserve this and that, you should do this and that. Everyday he talks about the generosity of everyone on this forum. He LOVES you guys. He especially talks VERY highly of you Andy. It really hurts to think that anyone would think Tyler is some ungrateful brat saying gimme, gimme, gimme, when this is not at all what he is like. I wish all of you could meet him and really get to know him. I think that would stop a lot of the negative banter that seems to be happening. He is a GOOD kid folks who really just got a sucky lot in life in a lot of respects because of this darn cancer. In a lot of other respects, he has been blessed with things like good friends, family, community, and pretty decent parents. In a lot more respects we have been blessed for having him as a kid. I want to thank everyone again for all of the hard work, donations, time, patience, and love that have gone into this car. It isn't just a car to us, it is a boy who is trying to live all of his dreams in a matter of weeks, months. He doesn't have the luxary to plan years down the road to do things... everyday is a gift of borrowed time. If you didn't know if you were going to live tomorrow, if you didn't know if today was the last day you had, if everyday you woke up and thought wow I'm still here, you would understand the urgency Tyler feels about everything to do with his baby... his toy.. his car.
Hi everyone again, Tyler's mom. I just wanted to respond to the post regarding the "gimmie" attitude. Anyone who really knows Tyler as a person, not just as an internet friend, knows that he is just about the hardest working kid around. Anyone who knows him can attest to this. He busts his butt working for his dad, helping his friends, helping his family. His work ethic is fantastic. That is not always something you see everyday anymore and part of the reason for that is because we raised him to never expect anything you don't work for and work hard for everything you want. We have never been ones to give our kids anything they want. Tyler has worked and paid for his cars, his snowmobiles, his ATVs, every part, every single penny. This situation in addition to being just difficult due to the unfairness of such a young life being cut short, has also been difficult because it has put us in a position to accept help from friends, family, and strangers. We have never been nor never will be people who sit back and expect people to take care of us. It seems silly, but it is difficult to accept help, but unfortuantely that is a position we find ourselves in. Thankfully there are a lot of good people in our town, in our family, and out here in cyberspace that have really stepped in to help our family in more ways than just money. The support in the way of just pep talks, new friendships, prayers, and many more things that are too long to list have been terrific. As much as it is embarassing... and it is embarassing... to accept help from people, I understand the need to do something, to feel like what you are doing is making some difference. Recognizing that feeling, because we feel it everyday, helps us to be gracious receivers, just as we have been gracious givers previous in our lives to other people. Please don't think Tyler is sitting back in his bed thinking I deserve this and that, you should do this and that. Everyday he talks about the generosity of everyone on this forum. He LOVES you guys. He especially talks VERY highly of you Andy. It really hurts to think that anyone would think Tyler is some ungrateful brat saying gimme, gimme, gimme, when this is not at all what he is like. I wish all of you could meet him and really get to know him. I think that would stop a lot of the negative banter that seems to be happening. He is a GOOD kid folks who really just got a sucky lot in life in a lot of respects because of this darn cancer. In a lot of other respects, he has been blessed with things like good friends, family, community, and pretty decent parents. In a lot more respects we have been blessed for having him as a kid. I want to thank everyone again for all of the hard work, donations, time, patience, and love that have gone into this car. It isn't just a car to us, it is a boy who is trying to live all of his dreams in a matter of weeks, months. He doesn't have the luxary to plan years down the road to do things... everyday is a gift of borrowed time. If you didn't know if you were going to live tomorrow, if you didn't know if today was the last day you had, if everyday you woke up and thought wow I'm still here, you would understand the urgency Tyler feels about everything to do with his baby... his toy.. his car.
Thank you so much for your input.. I have spoken with Andy, and can state that he didn't specifically mean Tyler when he stated that. You, Jay and especially Tyler continue to serve as a beacon for us with the courage that you face the world with every day.
How did this end up in the dirrection it's in? What did I miss?
I thought this whole idea was about "Tyler's Toy" build dream of his car. A community coming together to fulfill a dream for a young man who wanted to see his car done and this is slowly turning into a peeing contest of "who did what wrong or right" on the car.
Remember what compassion Tyler has for humanity. Do you guys want him leaving this world with people bickering over issues about his car or the people that worked/working on it? Don't put him and his family through this.
I agree... This is still about Tyler and his car... There have been some things that have soured it for a few people, but who cares? We did what we set out to do. Tyler's car is built, and he loves it. He enjoys driving it.
The swap should be done soon, and looks like it was well planned.. time will tell...
This is just general forum behavior... Once it starts, it is difficult to stop...
So let's put the brakes on RIGHT NOW, and get back to the good feeling. Got it? GOOD.
As one who was not able to attend the build I see no valid reason for listing ANY of the things that were over looked. It serves no purpose what-so-ever. A lot of good was done and there will likely be more to come. Let not the ego guide the deed.
I am guessing the "gimmie, gimmie" attitude, is for those that want recognition for there part.
It is not, I`m sure meant as Tyler's attitude at all.
Mrs. Shipman, when I read the comment from Hulki I understood exactly what he was getting at and it had NOTHING to do with the wonderful Shipman family. As VikingRedBaron stated above that to me was the way I understood his comment.
[This message has been edited by solotwo (edited 12-05-2009).]
Mrs. Shipman, when I read the comment from Hulki I understood exactly what he was getting at and it had NOTHING to do with the wonderful Shipman family. As VikingRedBaron stated above that to me was the way I understood his comment.
If I misunderstood the comment about gimmie gimmie I apologize. A lot of this is probably guys being guys... unfortuanately I don't have enough testosterone to always follow the conversations
I feel GOOD i feel really GOOD . lol but no i dont blame tyler at all. I say go for it with the swap. Just what out for thoes charlies (police) sittong in the side of the highway. Yellow and black cars dont make it to far with them. I know from expericance.
[This message has been edited by pontiackid86 (edited 12-05-2009).]
If I misunderstood the comment about gimmie gimmie I apologize. A lot of this is probably guys being guys... unfortuanately I don't have enough testosterone to always follow the conversations
You made me laugh when I read the testoserone part! I keep Tyler in my prayers.
Peace be with you.
Steve W NE Grand Rapids, Michigan 88 Coupe
[This message has been edited by solotwo (edited 12-05-2009).]
Hi everyone again, Tyler's mom. I just wanted to respond to the post regarding the "gimmie" attitude. Anyone who really knows Tyler as a person, not just as an internet friend, knows that he is just about the hardest working kid around. Anyone who knows him can attest to this. He busts his butt working for his dad, helping his friends, helping his family. His work ethic is fantastic. That is not always something you see everyday anymore and part of the reason for that is because we raised him to never expect anything you don't work for and work hard for everything you want. We have never been ones to give our kids anything they want. Tyler has worked and paid for his cars, his snowmobiles, his ATVs, every part, every single penny. This situation in addition to being just difficult due to the unfairness of such a young life being cut short, has also been difficult because it has put us in a position to accept help from friends, family, and strangers. We have never been nor never will be people who sit back and expect people to take care of us. It seems silly, but it is difficult to accept help, but unfortuantely that is a position we find ourselves in. Thankfully there are a lot of good people in our town, in our family, and out here in cyberspace that have really stepped in to help our family in more ways than just money. The support in the way of just pep talks, new friendships, prayers, and many more things that are too long to list have been terrific. As much as it is embarassing... and it is embarassing... to accept help from people, I understand the need to do something, to feel like what you are doing is making some difference. Recognizing that feeling, because we feel it everyday, helps us to be gracious receivers, just as we have been gracious givers previous in our lives to other people. Please don't think Tyler is sitting back in his bed thinking I deserve this and that, you should do this and that. Everyday he talks about the generosity of everyone on this forum. He LOVES you guys. He especially talks VERY highly of you Andy. It really hurts to think that anyone would think Tyler is some ungrateful brat saying gimme, gimme, gimme, when this is not at all what he is like. I wish all of you could meet him and really get to know him. I think that would stop a lot of the negative banter that seems to be happening. He is a GOOD kid folks who really just got a sucky lot in life in a lot of respects because of this darn cancer. In a lot of other respects, he has been blessed with things like good friends, family, community, and pretty decent parents. In a lot more respects we have been blessed for having him as a kid. I want to thank everyone again for all of the hard work, donations, time, patience, and love that have gone into this car. It isn't just a car to us, it is a boy who is trying to live all of his dreams in a matter of weeks, months. He doesn't have the luxary to plan years down the road to do things... everyday is a gift of borrowed time. If you didn't know if you were going to live tomorrow, if you didn't know if today was the last day you had, if everyday you woke up and thought wow I'm still here, you would understand the urgency Tyler feels about everything to do with his baby... his toy.. his car.
Alright guys. I had no intention of ragging on the car you guys put together. Its a beautiful car, being that everything cane together from so many people in such a short period of time, it turns out great. The car looks awesome inside and out. You guys gave Tyler one of the coolest gifts a 18 year old could get. Since I did not get too much input in the build, me and Stewart decided to do the engine swap for Tyler to ensure that the car runs as great as it looks and will last for many years to come. The way I saw it you guys put together a beautiful car inside and out, but under all that it still was a old fiero with a lot of miles that had been used and abused a lot over the years.
I talked to Jay Shipman for quite a while last night, and we went over the car. Jay was planning to have the engine replaced no matter what, because he even told me its tired. Tyler recently purchased another 86 fiero with a V6 to put together for his sister, according to jay it has a lot more power than the yellow car, which further supported his idea that it was tired. Stewart and I turned down being paid for this job, because it was for a cause we both believed in. You guys made it look nice, we are making it run and drive just as nice. I could go over everything mechanically that was found wrong with the car, but I am not. But I can say if left for much longer it would have been in a shop soon to fix issues.
So guys, quit posting comments taking offense to us doing the swap. Were investing a lot of time and money into this too. Lets just keep this a good thing.
I will be starting a build thread tonight. As the car will be running by then. So far its turning out amazing and will look like factory, lots of custom parts and many other shops have donated time and parts to make it happen.
Alright guys. I had no intention of ragging on the car you guys put together. Its a beautiful car, being that everything cane together from so many people in such a short period of time, it turns out great. The car looks awesome inside and out. You guys gave Tyler one of the coolest gifts a 18 year old could get. Since I did not get too much input in the build, me and Stewart decided to do the engine swap for Tyler to ensure that the car runs as great as it looks and will last for many years to come. The way I saw it you guys put together a beautiful car inside and out, but under all that it still was a old fiero with a lot of miles that had been used and abused a lot over the years.
I talked to Jay Shipman for quite a while last night, and we went over the car. Jay was planning to have the engine replaced no matter what, because he even told me its tired. Tyler recently purchased another 86 fiero with a V6 to put together for his sister, according to jay it has a lot more power than the yellow car, which further supported his idea that it was tired. Stewart and I turned down being paid for this job, because it was for a cause we both believed in. You guys made it look nice, we are making it run and drive just as nice. I could go over everything mechanically that was found wrong with the car, but I am not. But I can say if left for much longer it would have been in a shop soon to fix issues.
So guys, quit posting comments taking offense to us doing the swap. Were investing a lot of time and money into this too. Lets just keep this a good thing.
I will be starting a build thread tonight. As the car will be running by then. So far its turning out amazing and will look like factory, lots of custom parts and many other shops have donated time and parts to make it happen.
Don't start a new build thread. Just continue the one in the Construction Zone. It is there for a reason.... :P