RAREW66 informed me he still has some to of the custom keychains to send out to folks at the build, he is painstakingly finishing them, they take 20 minutes each to finish! Looking forward to them!
Is the garage for all three Fiero's or just his brother and sister's ones?
There are 2 Fieros -- the Yellow one (Tylers Toy) and a Red one... Tyler plans to give his yellow one when he passes to Carter .. the RED one is Cassie's
I will be updating Tylers site in the coming week. If there are any of you who would like your banner to appear in the links section email your request to admin(at)tylerstoy(dot)com. Also I will be redoing some of the pages to make sure the site is easy short and explicite. Any suggestions can also be emailed to my attention. I am presently looking into the number of T-Shirts beenies left. I will be doing a auction and ALL profits will be sent to the Shipman's.
Reading Tyler's Caring Bridge site, the latest journal entry on January 30th does not look good.
While we accomplished what we set out to do with the car build, there is still a young man dealing with an aggressor that he should not have to face...
Please show your support for Tyler, Daneele, Jay, Carter and Cassie by posting in his journal on his CaringBridge site...
I havent really been keeping up lately, but is his "swap" completed then?
Yes, the 3.4 DOHC swap has been completed for a while now.
The swap looks like it came from the factory. It has true dual exhaust with glass packs. The exhaust pipes are even length from header to tips, a feat which is very difficult to do without modifying the trunk. They made it look factory.
He actually took his car out and discovered the 124MPH fuel cutoff that was programmed in the chip. The new chip has removed that cutoff, and raised the rev limiter.
Tyler is not doing real well . please check the caring bridge site(get their from the in the news links on tylers toy) how about a link direct from here? please think carefully before hitting the enter key. Tyler and his family could sure use all the support and prayer from all of his new friends. thanks so much stuart
Tyler is not doing real well . please check the caring bridge site(get their from the in the news links on tylers toy) how about a link direct from here? please think carefully before hitting the enter key. Tyler and his family could sure use all the support and prayer from all of his new friends. thanks so much stuart
I received a PM yesterday regarding Tyler's condition... He and his entire family are in my prayers. When I took that Friday off to drive up to Frazee for the build, I told everyone at work why I was going. Including my boss, her boss, and higher up the food chain.
Everyone at my building has been constantly asking me about Tyler, how he is doing. He is in everyone's thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for posting in here with a status update Stuart.
I have no words to express the thoughts and feelings in my head and heart.
I simply have this to say...
You are the perfect example of a mom that anyone could ever ask for. You have shown great dignity and poise in this battle. You have given Tyler, Carter and Cassie the best life possible.
Tyler is a great person, and this reflects directly on you and Jay, and the way you helped Tyler to grow throughout his life.
Reading your entries about Michael, and the other losses you and Jay went through, I can say that I truly understand. I have been down that road in the past.
Uncertainty in any situation is a normal part of being human. Not knowing what to do, what the results may be if you DO do something, and being afraid to make a decision is a normal struggle that everyone goes through. In your case, the stakes are higher.
I guess what I am trying to say is this: Your words show us the strong woman underneath all of the uncertainty and doubt. They show everyone who reads these pages that there is a woman who feels pain as accutely as anyone else, but who is strong and courageous, and can deal with anything that comes her way, no matter what.
You have plenty of time to think, and that can be both a blessing and a curse. I leave you with the following to think about.
You have a great family in a great town. You have a huge support network standing behind you for anything you may ever need. Please do not hesitate to lean on those around you when the weight on your shoulders becomes unbearable. They are there to help you through the hard times. Keep your faith in God. While things may seem unfair, there is a plan.
To Tyler: I know you are sick of hearing from me, , but I have to say this. Do not have any regrets. You have helped many people in the world by simply being you, you have inspired thousands of individuals, and you have a large "fan" base who is pulling for you.
To Jay, Carter and Cassie, stay strong, even in these challenging times. Know that you love each other, never forget this, continue to show it every day. It is these moments that help you through the hard parts of life.
You are in my prayers, and if you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask.
Chris Kliewer - Synthesis on Pennock's Fiero Forum
Christopher Kliewer synssins@gmail.com Inver Grove Heights, MN
The end of Tyler's journey is nearing. The newest update on Tyler's care page tells the grim reality. Please keep Tyler and his family in your prayers and thoughts.
The end of Tyler's journey is nearing. The newest update on Tyler's care page tells the grim reality. Please keep Tyler and his family in your prayers and thoughts.
We have never talked publically about the prognosis Tyler was given, in part because why put a time limit on life. To truly know the miracle that Tyler's journey has been, I feel sharing this information would be a good thing at this point. We were told Tyler would have weeks, not months, and this was the best it would be. In the over 3 months Tyler has been home he has watched his car be rebuilt, drive his car, attend a benefit, spent lots of good times with friends/family, raced his remote control cars, played cars, and many more things too long to list. he has loved and been loved. His life is a miracle. Thank you Jesus!
Please pray for peace for Tyler, peace that he knows when to let go and make his journey home to heaven. Please pray for peace for us as parents, peace to know that it is okay to let go. Please pray for peace for his brother and sisters, peace that they will always know his love for them.
Well I guess we all knew this is what was going to happen.... my heart is out there for the Shipmans. I guess his time as a child has come to fly and be free. His journey is now nearing the end and metamorphing to become a guardian angel. May his time left here amongst his family and friends be without pain and suffering. As a member of his new family I take time to say to Daneele, Jay, Carter and Cassie that all of us here will be there for you. I just ask the Lord to be mercyfull and to ease your pain and sufferings. You are in my thoughts and prayers may God bless you.....
Originally posted by twofatguys: I got my T-Shirts today!! Thanks everyone for helping locate them, and getting them to me. Brad
Brad I am happy you have received your T-Shirts... To all members here this is what we have left in inventory for sale. Please help me sell these off so the profit can be given to the Shipmans. I have this inventory here in Levis and will ship for the same price given on the site. Please use Paypal and mention size and quantity. ---- helenedanyel (at) hotmail (dot) com ---- All shirts are $14.00 ---- Beenies are $8.00 ___________________ Medium - 11; Large - 9; X-Large - 7 4-XL - 1 Black Beenies 3 ___________________
[This message has been edited by Danyel (edited 02-12-2010).]
Tyler is and will always be a part of the Fiero community, as well as Daneele, Jay, Carter, and Cassie, you all are a part of this family. When Tyler's time comes, we will be there for everyone. The dream will continue after his passing.
The end of Tyler's journey is nearing. The newest update on Tyler's care page tells the grim reality. Please keep Tyler and his family in your prayers and thoughts.
I just read it. Its hard to read especially considering he's only a few years younger than I am, but at least he has people that love him with him. I just wish him the best and hope for him to not be in so much pain.
I do not know where to start or what to say. I can not begin to understand what you are going through right now, but my heart aches for you and Jay, Carter and Cassie. I especially hurt for Tyler, and wish there was some way I could take some of his burden of pain. Tyler is a car guy, as am I and many of us following along, so I will say the following the best I can, and hope that it makes sense.
Tyler’s life parallels that of the Pontiac Fiero in many ways. Like the Fiero, from the beginning Tyler was surrounded by people who loved him. Who loved the idea of him and what his potential could and would be as he grew. When I was there for the births of my children, I was awed by the road I saw stretching out in front of them. You never know what the path will be or how long it will last, but you know that it will be good while it is run.
Tyler and the Fiero have that in common. They both affected the lives of those around them. And I am not just talking about a car on a lot, I am talking about the passion of those who invested the time and effort into building the car, knowing they had something special, and that it would change the world.
You and Jay, your extended family and friends have all helped Tyler become who he is now, and you should be very proud of this.
The Fiero was taken early from the car world, with a lot of emotion from those who had believed in the car. Tyler is going when he is called. It may seem too early to some, but God has a plan. We do not know that plan, but it is there.
Tyler has affected many people in his time with us. His simple request ignited a flame for thousands of people around the world, and he has touched many lives. I believe in my heart that everyone has a purpose, and maybe Tyler’s purpose is to help others to live better through example.
Tyler has a committed group of friends and family who will always be close, a community of supporters there for Tyler, you, Jay, Carter and Cassie. Yes, the Fiero does as well, something you all learned a few short months ago. We are always here for each other no matter our differences, because of a common bond.
The Fiero lives on today, as will Tyler in a different fashion. Tyler has a pure heart, and a good soul. I know he will be blessed, and in turn will be able to watch over you when he makes it home.
The logo for the Fiero is a Pegasus, a winged horse taking flight with outstretched wings. There is so much potential meaning in this small symbol for Tyler’s journey. Fly little brother. Know that you are loved, and that you will be missed when you decide to go home.
In the event that my words above are rambling due to the fact that I am hit by this news…
Daneele and family. You have done everything you can for Tyler, and for that he is truly blessed. I am glad to know you, for you are all great people. Your family is the perfect example of what many strive for. Thank you for letting our community become part of your family.
Oh my It break my heart as a parent on this sad News .. I can,t imaging so am speechless to as part of me is whit evryone at this moment .. My thoughts and prayers are sent to the shipman family ..
[This message has been edited by Newbfiero (edited 02-12-2010).]
Saying a prayer for Tyler and his family. Life's sucker punches never seem fair.
Just this past year i went thru a simlair situation with my father. He unexpectedly fell ill, went into the hospital, and shockingly found out he had less than 2 weeks to live.
It was the hardest most devestating thing in the world to sit and watch someone you love, painfully, wither and die right before your eyes.
Reading some of the daily journal brings back a lot of those still fresh wounds, but it also makes me proud of Tyler's family the way they have hung in there and been there for him in this emotionally crushing journey.
God bless them all,..... he is behind the wheel now.
[This message has been edited by exoticse (edited 02-13-2010).]
Tyler is near the end. The pain has become too much for him, and he is now constantly medicated. This means he has not woken up since yesterday. Hospice is on hand 24/7 because medication has to be delivered regularly. The family is being strong, but inside they are falling apart... Again, if you have not already, please show your support for the family by going to http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/tylershipman and signing the guestbook. It isn't much, but words can be remembered and cherished when the pain is past.
Carter and Cassie are struggling with what is happening, and my heart goes out to them.