We are hoping to be done in time for Kathryn's sweet sixteen in the summer of 2014.....then let the Fiero events roll!
This is personal opinion only, but if she plans to drive the Fiero when she turns 16 it might be a good idea to get it ready for her 15th Birthday and let her learn to drive the car with you at her side. I got my first Fiero at 17 and went from a 68 VW Bug to the Fiero, the first thing I did with the car was take it out and see if I could buzz past 120mph, then took it out on the back roads in the twisty's the handling was so great I had to push the car to its limits to see what it would do, and ended up putting it sideways across a ditch. By the time I was 17 I had gone past the worry and carefulness of learning to drive at 15 and all I wanted to do was plant my foot to the floor. If I had started with the Fiero at 15 and gradually learned how to drive it I think I would have been better off.
The good thing was I did keep that Fiero that I had in the ditch for 15 years as my only daily driver, until my wife and I had our 1st baby. I ended up parting the car out and building my 4.9 V8 5spd with Nitrous and at 36 I still drive like a crazy street racer, BUT I have learned the limits and know when its appropriate to drive fast and when its not.
P.S. 2 toys that I think every Fiero owner should have in their car, a good GPS with voice control and cell phone integration and a good Radar Detector with Text display. One keeps you safe and the other teaches you to lift your bloody foot off the gas before you get a speeding ticket. (in my first year of owning my Fiero before I got a radar detector I racked up nearly $3000 in speeding tickets, which in 92 (20 years ago) was a lot of money. Especially when I think I made 6 bucks an hour.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
Capt While under normal circumstances I would agree with your assessment of possibilities... I don't think Kathryn would fall under what could be termed as normal.
We are talking about a young lady here, that by the time she turns 16 will have spent over 3 years of her time meticulously rebuilding her dream car. A young lady that in the last year or so, has shown us she has more maturity at 14 than most of us had when we were well into our 20's.
There is a big difference between someone that just goes out and buys a car (or has one given to them) and someone that spends what will be almost 1/4 of her life building a car...
I don't think the scenario you describe will have any bearing on Kathryn... We will all remain proud of her, her journey and her accomplishments for as long as any of us will be able to remember.
Kathryn - I have a few radio items that are specifically for Alpine. A while back I upgraded the head unit in my truck to Alpine in stages and bought a few items that were eventually replaced with more powerful equipment. One item I replaced is a small in-dash (to be hidden) 45 watt amp that will help with the sound quality. It is not a large amp that will require you to upgrade speakers, but it will maximize any typical factory speaker and is small enough so it will not take up much space. Usually mounted behind the radio in the dash. I also have a parrot bluetooth that is made for Alpine head units complete with mic (never used).
If you or your dad can email me a shipping address at ccbsecu@hotmail.com, I'll send this for you to use with the Alpine. You will not be disappointed with that radio...
Capt While under normal circumstances I would agree with your assessment of possibilities... I don't think Kathryn would fall under what could be termed as normal.
We are talking about a young lady here, that by the time she turns 16 will have spent over 3 years of her time meticulously rebuilding her dream car. A young lady that in the last year or so, has shown us she has more maturity at 14 than most of us had when we were well into our 20's.
There is a big difference between someone that just goes out and buys a car (or has one given to them) and someone that spends what will be almost 1/4 of her life building a car...
I don't think the scenario you describe will have any bearing on Kathryn... We will all remain proud of her, her journey and her accomplishments for as long as any of us will be able to remember.
You may be right, but its just my personal opinion that anyone jumping into a Fiero should know and understand its unique handling characteristics. I actually taught my wife to drive in my Fiero and I am glad I did, as her first car was a Fiero we found for her, and on more than one occasion on a rain slicked road she was making a left hand turn through traffic and had to goose it a bit, and the back end came loose, she knew without even thinking exactly what to do, by counter steering, and keeping just enough throttle to carry her way straight and lined it up like a pro. She got so comfortable with her Fiero that she started doing runs at assorted tracks and had a ball. I just think if possible, teaching someone to drive on the car they plan to be driving for a long time is a really good idea. That way in the chance of snow / ice or other bad conditions when something accidentally happens, they are totally comfortable with the car and can correct for it without wrecking something they have thousands of hours and dollars invested into.
For the record we live in Surrey BC Canada and my wife would drive her Fiero to work in 4 feet of snow laughing at all the trucks stuck in snow banks and her boss would use her to make fun of all the people that called in and said they could not make it due to snow, he would reply, If Lisa can make in to work in a Fiero..................
LOL, most people don't realize that a Fiero is actually amazing in the snow. A stock height Fiero with snow tires is almost unstoppable. 88 GT with snow 1/2 way up the door, http://captfiero.com/videos/mycar/snowinthe88.wmv
By the way Kathryn if you get really board I have a ton of Fiero video footage here, www.captfiero.com/videos from Legal Fiero Racing to Illegal Fiero Street Racing.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
OK, just looked it up and Michigan has a Graduated License System for Teen Drivers.
Drivers Education Segment 1: Minimum age of 14 years 8 months Vision/Health screening prior to behind the wheel experience Minimum 24 hours of classroom Minimum 6 hours behind the wheel experience Minimum 4 hours behind the wheel observation time Written Exam
Level 1 License: No Fee 14 years, 9 months Vision Exam Health Standards Written approval of Parents Proof of Social Security Number, legal presence, identity and Michigan residency May drive only with parents or designated licensed adult driver over the age of 21
I think that MH seems to be doing a fine job of parenting so far, and can probably be trusted to do right by his daughter when it comes time for her to actually learn how to drive.
Wow, I just want to say it warms my heart to see someone as young and talented as yourself interested in these little old cars Keep up the fantastic work, it will be a great looking car one day!
Oh Ya MH is doing an amazing job raising a daughter that is already more responsible and matured than most people twice her age. Honestly a Dad that raised a daughter to have that much devotion to something did one hell of a job, and I am in NO WAY questioning his ability. I really wish my Dad was around more, but he raised both my sister and alone as a single parent and was a workaholic. So we really did not get to spend much time with him. More often than naught we would come home from school find 20 bucks on the pool table in the dining room with a note saying sorry he won't be home tonight and we should walk to the store and grab some Hot Case Deli food for dinner and use the change for Breakfast or Lunch at school the next day.
I only wish my father could have been around when I was her age it would have been amazing. He is doing a wonderful job, but I just wanted to offer a suggestion that I feel strongly about. I just feel its better to learn on the car you plan to drive. That way driving is 2nd nature. Besides it will l give them a year or so of driving it together to work the bugs out before she starts taking road trips with it.
I have the utmost respect for there family they are amazing.
------------------ 857GT Part 85GT Part 87GT Part Caddy, 93 Eldorado 4.9, 5spd Dual O2 Custom Chip, Custom Exhaust. MSD Everything Now with Nitrous. Capt Fiero --- My Over View Cadero Pics Yellow 88GT 5spd Full Poly Suspension, Lowered 1/2" in front, Corner Carver.
Hey, I hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving and that you are all having a nice weekend! So...since i haven't really done anything recently i decided to elaborate on some of the things i've been doing recently. This includes working on the engine. As most of you know what i've been doing is measuring the pistons diameter and the cylinder bore...making sure that they are all within tolerances....this will help to decide if i need to hone or overbore the engine cylinders. Now i've been completeing...(working on) this task by using telescope gauges that are also known as snap gauges? And getting the largest diameter of the cylinders and then taking a micrometer and measuring the telescope gauge reading. for the top, middle, and bottom of each cylinder and then measuring each of those areas parellel and perpendicular to the crankshaft. also i've been using the micrometer to measure my pistons diameter. so far as reasults it looks like i'm going to have to overbore and get new pistons ect. i've been recording all my data on to an excel spreadsheet on my mini laptop.
Now just a quick shoutout to a few of you out there:
Capt. Fiero: Please don't stress, I'll be safe on the roads behind the wheel...promise.
Dinan E93: I'll send you a PM tomorrow, and thank you so much for your generous offer!! -kathryn
So we found some stickers that she just had to have for her welding helmet. One that says not to touch "Her" (Uncle Bob's really) Miller! Another that says Danger Engineer and one that says Don't worry. I welded it.
Then of course she told you abit about checking the tolerances on the piston to cylinder gap in the last post. A couple of the bores look like they are worn enough tha twe will be doing a bit of an overbore with new pistons etc. We'll double check them and then have the machine shope triple check, but that is what it is looking like right now. She is getting a lot better at reading a micrometer and she definitely knows how small a thousandth really is!
And finally, one of her posting on the forum for all of you!
I'm not sure if she would do a second one, or move on to something different. She has some interest in welded sculpture too, or custom bike design (though she isn't interested in riding).
Anyway, wanted to update all of our friends, especially any in Europe that we just heard from Auto Bild in Germany, and they are interviewing Kathryn for an article coming up in that Magazine. For those not familiar Auto Bild is a pretty big. As always it is a fun adventure.
Tonight Kathryn is doing a presentation on the project and what she has learned and will have the opportunity to communicate with some other young women the value of STEM, and learning through experiences. The block should be going off to the machine shop in the next few weeks,and the progress continues!
My first post here. At a loss of words what to say first. I am impressed. You are doing a fine job, both of you. May your work rub off on all of us and many more.
Originally posted by michhiker28: So we found some stickers that she just had to have for her welding helmet. One that says not to touch "Her" (Uncle Bob's really) Miller! Another that says Danger Engineer and one that says Don't worry. I welded it.
Where can I get those ? Heck, I want two of one of them. We have a resident engineer hater and I'll send him one for Christmas, .
CliffW, PM me your address and I'll send you one of the engineer ones...I think I have a spare one.
MrVids, yeah especially when it requires concentration like that....it doesn't take to much off to get a measurement of a few thousands out, and that puts it out of tolerance.
While Kathryn looks adorable working on her car, I can't imagine rolling up to the Chevrolet lot and seeing all the service techs in pajamas. That would be kind of disturbing actually.
The amazing thing is not getting covered in grease. I've always said the dirtiest mechanics are often a bit careless. Sure you'll get dirty a bit, but I work with my hands. When I see someone covered in grease I wonder why they had their head, arms, legs, feet etc.. on my engine.
Did I read somewhere that the car has a name? I've got to ask, is that something only women do? I don't know a single guy who has names his car but most of the women I know have.
[This message has been edited by mkiker2089 (edited 12-02-2012).]
Did I read somewhere that the car has a name? I've got to ask, is that something only women do? I don't know a single guy who has names his car but most of the women I know have.
I've known plenty of guys who've named their cars. My brother's first car was Vlad (the Impala).
The PJ thing allows her to sneak a few more minutes of work in when mom and I think she should be heading to bed...if it isn't her car, it is reading a book....always something going on with that kid....not that I'm complaining.
The PJ thing allows her to sneak a few more minutes of work in when mom and I think she should be heading to bed...if it isn't her car, it is reading a book....always something going on with that kid....not that I'm complaining.
I wish my kids were this motivated. Unfortuneately one just can't beat it into them anymore Hopefully she can be an inspiration. I know you're proud, and you have every right to be. Great job...
As far as car naming goes we have a tradition in our family to name every vehicle... Originally we started using horse names but then it evolved into usually feminine names. I have a theory that cars are a lot like women; swear and cuss at them and your relationship with them is doomed, the car will not work... Call it /them by name sweetly and treat them/ it nice and it will run reliably / treat you like a prince. Sexist maybe, but it works at our house... such is my nickle's worth on the power of positive / negative energy. My car's name is Angel and I treat her as such... When an old car goes to the graveyard, junkyard we say goodbye...
[This message has been edited by mwzephyr (edited 12-03-2012).]
I wanted to let everyone know about one of the most polite kids I know that sent me a Thank You note. Wait, you already know her! I got a note from Kathryn yesterday for the sticker/emblems for the sides of her car. I've helped others and have gotten a handshake or something. This is the first time I have had someone actually take the time and effort to WRITE (not run off of a printer) a thank you.
To anyone that wonders if this kid is part of a great family, here's your proof. Manners are something that is disappearing of late, but graciously has apparently remained a part of this family.
Kathryn, if you need anything else I will be one of the first in line to help where I can.
Edit: maybe being called "sweet" is offensive? If so, I apologize But can't deny you are quite polite
[This message has been edited by bulldog85043 (edited 12-06-2012).]
Hey guys, What are you all up to....other than discussing my questionable fashion choices... ? I have unfortunately not done much on the car but I have been doing all my christmas presents through talents that i developed by working on my car. Also i can't mention exactly what they are because too many of the people who would be recieving them read this thread...lol. Although I did get to hangout with Jo from Akron University this evening, we talked, i got to ask questions, and she was really helpful with giving information, and she gave us tee-shirts, cookies, and pens. We also took some photos that should be posted soon....i'll need to get on that. Also I just wanted to say thank you i don't deserve to be called the "sweetest kid". Seriously. I mean it! Thank you all though anyway and thank you all for your support....i'd write you all letters...but i think my hand might die from cramps....lol -kathryn P.S. have a fantastic christmas season!!
Kathryn, I expect most of us will only comment on questionable attire if we see you wearing a Tiarra while working on your car. Just kidding... ~ life ain't perfect, it is just what it is. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for keeping us updated.
[This message has been edited by mwzephyr (edited 12-06-2012).]
When you are finished sanding/welding/grinding/wire brushing out all the rust, what are you using to seal it? POR-15 or something else? I've been using the Rustoleum rattle can stuff and was wondering how you're protecting your investment?
Here is a photo of Jo with Kathryn after coming up to talk with us a little bit about the University of Akron engineering program. As you can see, Kathryn had to go try on her new shirt right away!
Also Bulldog, she is using a 3M system for finish...a Rust Fighter product, then a prime coat, finish coat and then 3M 08881 as the undercoat.
I see they are trying to lure Katherine in with the Formula SAE program. That is a very neat thing for students to work on. Several of the high school and college students that I have worked with over the years on HPV, Electric and Solar projects ended up on the Formula SAE programs. It is a very good way to get engineering training and get your hands in on the work. I think Katherine would have a lot of fun with this type of thing. And she would be very good at it since she already at a tender age has hands on experience.