To any one who still has a car in Deans hands….. the shop where the cars are Located is 40 Hicks Industrial rd. jasper GA 30143…. .3 miles south on SR 53 (church St) from Pickens county High school The property and buildings are Seized by the City of Jasper Pickens County for back taxes and will be up for auction 8/6/2013. All personal property must be removed NOW YOU HAVE Six Days YOUR Point of Contact Is Chuck 706 669 7509. The owner of the property where all the whodeanie Customs stuff is moved to. Well it seems he The owner of the property has not paid his taxes in a number of years so the county just showed up with little yellow signs and pad locks seizing the entire lot.... According to the auditor advocate ON 8/6/2013 My stuff and all the cars MUST be moved or can be auction with the property. so if you know the grey Lambo owner or any one else who has a car here I would appreciate it You Can Call me I have No hidden agenda hear, just a desire to help every one get their car back before it is too late. Once again Chuck 706 669 7509 I will help how ever I can
I will be in Atlanta this weekend for a family vaca but if you need man-power Sat or Sunday evening after like 7 or 8pm email me and I will see if i can help.
**************************************** 88 Formula CJB Arrived Finally. #689 of 1252 Time to start Working TONY! There are Two kinds of Fiero's : Notchies and Donors! Click here for My 88 t-Top Build
To any one who still has a car in Deans hands….. the shop where the cars are Located is 40 Hicks Industrial rd. jasper GA 30143…. .3 miles south on SR 53 (church St) from Pickens county High school The property and buildings are Seized by the City of Jasper Pickens County for back taxes and will be up for auction 8/6/2013. All personal property must be removed NOW YOU HAVE Six Days YOUR Point of Contact Is Chuck 706 669 7509. The owner of the property where all the whodeanie Customs stuff is moved to. Well it seems he The owner of the property has not paid his taxes in a number of years so the county just showed up with little yellow signs and pad locks seizing the entire lot.... According to the auditor advocate ON 8/6/2013 My stuff and all the cars MUST be moved or can be auction with the property. so if you know the grey Lambo owner or any one else who has a car here I would appreciate it You Can Call me I have No hidden agenda hear, just a desire to help every one get their car back before it is too late. Once again Chuck 706 669 7509 I will help how ever I can
Hey its Bob the $30,000 engine builder! LOL You owe me an engine Chuck.
To any one who still has a car in Deans hands….. the shop where the cars are Located is 40 Hicks Industrial rd. jasper GA 30143…. .3 miles south on SR 53 (church St) from Pickens county High school The property and buildings are Seized by the City of Jasper Pickens County for back taxes and will be up for auction 8/6/2013. All personal property must be removed NOW YOU HAVE Six Days YOUR Point of Contact Is Chuck 706 669 7509. The owner of the property where all the whodeanie Customs stuff is moved to. Well it seems he The owner of the property has not paid his taxes in a number of years so the county just showed up with little yellow signs and pad locks seizing the entire lot.... According to the auditor advocate ON 8/6/2013 My stuff and all the cars MUST be moved or can be auction with the property. so if you know the grey Lambo owner or any one else who has a car here I would appreciate it You Can Call me I have No hidden agenda hear, just a desire to help every one get their car back before it is too late. Once again Chuck 706 669 7509 I will help how ever I can
Probably the best way of locating the owner of the lambo is grab the vin number and do a title search at the dmv
I am doing this to help where I can. I have made a poor call in the past for that I will be ever labeled.... sorry . But to have made the mistake in the past and this is not helping now so That is what I am trying to do. I have contacted all OWNERS every car is now GONE but THREE and of the three only two left to contact. I will be contacting them 1st thing in the morning. AS For the ones who have met me know I made an honest attempt to help where I have no vested interest other than one friend trying to help another. Steve I am deeply sorry. It may not help but it is still the truth and the truth is better than smoke and mirrors. regardless of the outcome. but at least There will be closure.
I am doing this to help where I can. I have made a poor call in the past for that I will be ever labeled.... sorry .
AS For the ones who have met me know I made an honest attempt to help where I have no vested interest other than one friend trying to help another. Steve I am deeply sorry. It may not help but it is still the truth and the truth is better than smoke and mirrors. regardless of the outcome. but at least There will be closure. Chuck 706 669 7509 I will help how ever I can
You want to make it better? Honestly??? Well, here is how to make it up to me:
You owe me an engine. I know it, you know it, the Easter Bunny knows it. After all the stuff you claimed about my "fully built race engine", crazy accusations, and claims of an anonymous video of me doing "full boost burn outs across my own lawn" and jumping "serious road obstructions" in a "Nitro Circus fashion" 45 seconds off the trailer. Next you voided my engine warranty because of said vaporware video. You later claimed no such video exists and the engine wasn't built properly. I have posted clear pics of the shoddy engine YOU built. If you REALLY want to make it up to me, I'd be very forgiving it you shipped an UNTOUCHED, fully functional, 80k or less, 98-2003 L67 longblock. Now, are you willing to do the right thing and be a standup guy? You get the engine, and I'll even arrange shipping on my own dime.
[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 07-26-2013).]
Steve, you have made your point....over and over. This thread is about saving what can be saved...not about rehashing old arguments. Must we go through this again?
Steve, you have made your point....over and over. This thread is about saving what can be saved...not about rehashing old arguments. Must we go through this again?
Chuck just told me about this last night...was going to post this morning. If you have something at that shop get it out of there! Limited time now to do it so grab it while you can. The past needs to be put on hold now. Just get there and get your belongings. Chuck is trying to help but on the last day the property gets seized and he has no input after that point.
Steve, you have made your point....over and over. This thread is about saving what can be saved...not about rehashing old arguments. Must we go through this again?
And you have made it known over and over that you are Dean's biggest supporter... move on already!!!
That morther****er ripped us off and we're pissed!!! So easy for people to get on here and express their opinions when they have no stake in the game. I'm out $8,800 dollars cash! Thousands of dollars in parts! My rust free 88 GT may be ruined!! It cost the tax payers $13,125 for my hospital stay. And I won't even add up the extra trip or time lost to go get what's left of my car... damn forgot he put my 3800 SC with soft rebuild into another customer's car. Am I harbouring a few bad feels ... you bet your sweet ass!
So maybe when Steve or anyone else that was scammed by that worthless piece of **** comments you can take your support for your buddy elsewhere! Just' say'n
Steve, Black Thunder and others, I don't have a stake in this other than that the Georgia Fiero Club was blamed for damaging and losing some of the customer's parts when we went up to help relocate from Woodstock to Canton. I can't begin to know the anger, frustration and disappointment that you all justifiably harbor, and those feelings must come out. It's just a way of healing, both mentally and physically.
I don't know the real truth about Chuck's involvement or knowledge of what happened, but at this moment he is trying to help some of the community to recover their property, if it still exists. Please give the rest of the Fiero Community time to gather their property if they desire. Then, after the property is seized on August 6, have at whoever.
Hi this is the owner of the gray Lambo. This is shocking news to me and with such a short notice it is impossible for me to make it up there in time. Can anyone help? I am looking for a storage place for the time being.
[This message has been edited by seafoodlover (edited 07-26-2013).]
So far all but two now So I have a few more resources for locating the last two I have to get to shop and finish what I can. but I have talked to the owner of the grey lambo he is a great guy and need to find a shop for his car to get finished in all he needs is some interior reassembly and then he is off to paint all of his glass is weighting for paint other then that he is much better off than some I will stay focused on the task at hand pics yes there will if I can figure how to post them maybe someone will recognize the one car.
Tha Driver has offered to store some vehicles at his shop. He's a member of this forum. Just do a search for Tha Driver and PM him or contact him through his website at
If you'll cover the cost of a tow dolly, I'll go get it for you and deliver it up to Paul, provided it can be towed on its wheels. I'd need to know what all goes with the car.
So far all but two now So I have a few more resources for locating the last two I have to get to shop and finish what I can. but I have talked to the owner of the grey lambo he is a great guy and need to find a shop for his car to get finished in all he needs is some interior reassembly and then he is off to paint all of his glass is weighting for paint other then that he is much better off than some I will stay focused on the task at hand pics yes there will if I can figure how to post them maybe someone will recognize the one car.
sending you a PM with my email. I can post the photos for you if you like.
And you have made it known over and over that you are Dean's biggest supporter... move on already!!!
Actually, the Rotten Resurrection thread has changed my opinion. I regret that I ever supported him. I will concede to the fact that he screwed you, and would have regardless of how you approached the situation. But that doesn't change my opinion on how Steve is cramming it down our throats. At this point it should be obvious that Dean will not be getting any more Fiero business. It should be obvious that no amount of griping here will convince him to make things right. You and Steve have already pursued legal action. We have all heard your story, repeating it resolves nothing.
Actually, the Rotten Resurrection thread has changed my opinion. I regret that I ever supported him. I will concede to the fact that he screwed you, and would have regardless of how you approached the situation. But that doesn't change my opinion on how Steve is cramming it down our throats. At this point it should be obvious that Dean will not be getting any more Fiero business. It should be obvious that no amount of griping here will convince him to make things right. You and Steve have already pursued legal action. We have all heard your story, repeating it resolves nothing.
Dude I don't care if you are sick of hearing it. You defended Dean tooth and nail, how do you feel about that now? Anyway, I KNEW these would be the type of responses I would get. You'll also note because of it, ol' Bob the engine builder side-stepped the issue. As for those that still have stuff there, they were warned all the way back in SEPTEMBER.
Seafoodlover, hows that build working out for you now?
Actually, the Rotten Resurrection thread has changed my opinion. I regret that I ever supported him. I will concede to the fact that he screwed you, and would have regardless of how you approached the situation. But that doesn't change my opinion on how Steve is cramming it down our throats. At this point it should be obvious that Dean will not be getting any more Fiero business. It should be obvious that no amount of griping here will convince him to make things right. You and Steve have already pursued legal action. We have all heard your story, repeating it resolves nothing.
It's helping me heal a little. I really want everyone to get there stuff or what's left. I tried after getting my car to convince everyone to get their car now! But I was attacked like Steve was... so maybe all can understand why when Steve post and he gets a lot of **** I post a reply. I really wish I was like John but I don't have the resources him does or a couple other running fieros to fall back on. Dean took my dream of a wide body chop top and my money and then tried to extort more money from me. I was raised by a real man and real Marine who taught me your word is your bond. And in the end thats all you have!
I'm glad you have come around and seen the light. I hope we can all recover from this but please understand I'm still in the pissed stage... I will get better in time... I don't know how long that may be.
Steve, you have made your point....over and over. This thread is about saving what can be saved...not about rehashing old arguments. Must we go through this again?
Yep we must go through this again - I doesn't bother me one bit - He got screwed ROYALLY and anytime he wants to bring it up is alright by me. So BV keep it up, its OK to slam those that screwed YOU.
Yep we must go through this again - I doesn't bother me one bit - He got screwed ROYALLY and anytime he wants to bring it up is alright by me. So BV keep it up, its OK to slam those that screwed YOU.
I defended him too. I will fess up, no problem. Makes me sick to know I defended such a man, although I hesitate to call him a man. I just refused to believe anoyone would treat their fellow man in such a way. Boy, was I wrong. And boy, did it cost me.
Yep we must go through this again - I doesn't bother me one bit - He got screwed ROYALLY and anytime he wants to bring it up is alright by me. So BV keep it up, its OK to slam those that screwed YOU.
X3, the way he was treated here after trying to expose Dean. Well yeah... Granted it wasn't the most effective delivery, but BV has the right to complain all he wants as far as I'm concerned.
Steve, Black Thunder and others, I don't have a stake in this other than that the Georgia Fiero Club was blamed for damaging and losing some of the customer's parts when we went up to help relocate from Woodstock to Canton. I can't begin to know the anger, frustration and disappointment that you all justifiably harbor, and those feelings must come out. It's just a way of healing, both mentally and physically.
I don't know the real truth about Chuck's involvement or knowledge of what happened, but at this moment he is trying to help some of the community to recover their property, if it still exists. Please give the rest of the Fiero Community time to gather their property if they desire. Then, after the property is seized on August 6, have at whoever.
Nice post, thank you. Like stated in the other thread, we all know you guys got thrown under the bus even though you guys did nothing wrong.
Thanks for the support guys. LOL Looks like I picked up 3 negs.... Honestly.. too funny.
[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 07-26-2013).]
Thanks for the support guys. LOL Looks like I picked up 3 negs.... Honestly.. too funny.
What's the matter with people nowadays? You get totally bamboozled, warn others that there is some serious issues concerning a certain person performing work for fellow fiero enthusiasts, have a few words towards engine scammer guy, and you get negged. ? I give you a positive every chance I can.
[This message has been edited by ferrobi (edited 07-26-2013).]
What's the matter with people nowadays? You get totally bamboozled, warn others that there is some serious issues concerning a certain person performing work for fellow fiero enthusiasts, have a few words towards engine scammer guy, and you get negged. ? I give you a positive every chance I can.
What's the matter with people nowadays? You get totally bamboozled, warn others that there is some serious issues concerning a certain person performing work for fellow fiero enthusiasts, have a few words towards engine scammer guy, and you get negged. ? I give you a positive every chance I can.
I think some people just cant accept that they were wrong. I heard some pretty vicious stuff over the Whodumbass incident. Now that the whole story is out, and people can see just how bad it really was, some cant accept it and admit they were wrong. So, they will latch on the the "well he didn't react the way I would" or "he got way too carried away" etc. Well, guess what, you lose how much I did, then come talk to me about how to react to it all. I have said I may not have handled it well but, it is what it is.
Chuck, you owe me an ENGINE! I'll let you off easy, you can refund me a measly $500 and we will call it even.
Hmmm... I know Im asking for some flame by saying this buuuttttt.... is this thread about helping those that (for whatever reason) still have parts/cars in peril or continuing to persuade folks that Dean is a bad guy? The case that people have in fact been screwed over has been made again and again on multiple threads. Why must it keep getting rehashed? Is the purpose to vent about the same misfortune as in previous threads or is there a function that will help the Fiero community?
IMHO, everyone has had a chance to express their opinions on the people involved in all this awful drama. Posting the same info in redundancy will not likely change any opinions. At what point can we enjoy the nature of the forum Cliff has created for the Fiero community in a more positive nature? I understand that people were screwed, but this thread seems to be about helping... am I missing something here?
Peace and good vibes as we all move forward in life and focus on the things we can control and the many positive things life and the shared love of cars and the Fiero offers us.
IMHO, everyone has had a chance to express their opinions on the people involved in all this awful drama.
Not necessarily, bob the engine builder accused Steve of thrashing on his newly built engine and voided his warranty along with making him look like in idiot when many on PFF were giving him negs and whatnot. He is also guilty of scamming BV because the engine turned out to be a turd. Mr. Engine builder was never to be seen on PFF again, now that he's come back- well you see what the deal is.
What ever is said ok.... the fact remains cars and owners are getting reunited and I am not going to Quit on the ones who need me to finish what has been started. I have been able to get all but the last two cars and Chris has a .Zip file I hope he will get pic up one of the cars is a flip front end, V8 car w/ what looks to be a hatch back, back Glassed Nissan? and one of the dean rear bumpers it is also a lambo door car.
The other is a 88GT chop top Archie home kit? w the real door glass and a 4 cylinder high output Oldsmobile engine.
As far as the rest of the parts at the shop.... some of you have come forward and we have worked out what I was able too....For that I hope to save some shred of respect. You all have been great...
to the others My involvement was that defense of a friend to Dean as any friend would try and stick to his buddy side YES I LIED TO BV sorry, Never built his engine all I did was what Dean asked to do THAT WAS Fix the head Gasket issue. I had NO OTHER INVOLVMENT. I have already said this to BV (PM) I will say it again ((( I am sorry I ever tried to help))))
Right now the Cars and the Parts Are the issue Call if you feel you can help Chuck 706 669 7509
Here are all the photos sent along to me. Hope this helps people identify who's cars are left and people can get ahold of them to so they can get their stuff back.
Tax Notice
V8 with Flip front and glass back
88GT with Olds engine
John's Glass?
Dash Parts
Grey Lambo
What a terrible situation. Hope everybody can learn from this - both vendors and customers - Always get a written statement of work, agreed to timeline of events (completion milestones, part deliveries, etc...), and payment schedule. This way if the crap ever hits the fan then both parties are covered.
Hmmm... I know Im asking for some flame by saying this buuuttttt.... is this thread about helping those that (for whatever reason) still have parts/cars in peril or continuing to persuade folks that Dean is a bad guy?
Do you know how many of my original parts are missing? Do you know where my PISA door panels ran off to? Do you know where the engine I paid to have built went? You know, the one I posted a pic of beside my car, not the "mock up" motor they installed into my car. So yes, I still have many parts I would like returned. Thank you.
Mock up motor
The motor Dean said was mine:
What I got:
This is Chuck: (look at the difference in the heads pictured here that Dean said were mine vs what I actually got)
Chucks post to void my warranty:
Originally posted by StreetStock83:
I like it noted for all to see the posts of this car: As this vehicle came off the trailer, less than 43 seconds the owner is doing a full boost burn out across his own yard, down his street still at WOT airborne over some serious obstructions in his road, and returning in the same fashion catching even further air. The car, shedding sparks as the cut out on the exhaust system drags pavement . . . The video I was anonymously emailed shows what one man and a very fast Machine can do to a neighbor’s yard. . .WoW now that’s how ya break in a “base tuned” Custom made turbo 3800 engine conversion. You had Better dump the break in lube. As I used a single grade ZDDP-enhanced Engine Break-In Oil I had not intended it to be used for anything but break-in the hard abuse prior to full tune on the OBDII Turbo and at least a few more minutes than given. I should know, I assembled that “very hard hitting” engine you just finished ragging out and FYI if Whodeanies hasn’t yet, I have voided my warrantee as of Sept, 9 2012 Poor engine break-in is the #1 reason engine builders stay in business. Keep up the good work. I am not Trying to be rude or evil just want the truth that the product I build is a product worth being in a Whodeanie Custom. Where VERY HARD work is respected and appreciated for its true automotive values…..
Chucks follow up post:
Originally posted by StreetStock83:
Yes and yes to the oil change issue 1st and foremost the moment the original build had head Gasket issues everything was in shut down till I could get to the shop and see what was up. I did not feel there was enough time on the engine to consider it completed. As it pertained to bearing and valve train I absolutely drained the oil when I pulled the top end back down to Parade rest. I needed to see the oil and verify there was no debris or antifreeze. All signs in oil were just fine. NEXT I Had Dean take care of the parts list and verified with ZZP on all my method of reassembly, IE Head Studs correctly sequenced and Teflon taped not silly-conned, copper head spray etc.… I was spot on. 2ndly due to the short time line on the first start up I knew the smart play and the safe play is to spend the cash for break-in lube a second time… split the oil filter to check for issues. We all wanted you to have the best damn 3800 turbo to be sure of that and proud of. Understand my frustration seeing and hearing the boost on the video ….. WAY to little time on an engine to be peddle checked like that. Regardless of what is said you are the only one who knows for certain how far you pressed the gas Alias, that time line, a rush to have your car back, and this I understand as we are only human. P.S. after mock-up, prior to final assembly I made sure nothing is left to chance and everything is clearance, cleaned re-cleaned and then its cleaned again. That’s still never clean enough for me . But I ran out of time. If for some reason you still question my building abilities or dedication to a higher Standard of engine performance open the hood to your car and look at the workmanship in front of you. NOW try comparing comparable shops cost and timelines for what you have been handed. Enough said I will not post on here further of this issue as it dose not require more comments or defense. I do hope you enjoy the car it is an AWSOME one of a kind, A True work of engineering Art.
And again:
Originally posted by StreetStock83: BV 1st I apologize for saying I had a Video When I did NOT...I only wanted YOU to admit what You had done with the car when You unloaded it. But that matters little now. 2nd I did build the top end of the engine with all out porting the exhaust side of the heads and of course it was dirty when you tore it down it was loaded up with blow by and oil, why take a clear shot of heads cleaned unless you are trying to discredit the work. Intake side: you don’t need to touch that side to start with when Turbo or supercharged engine as I’m sure your new mechanic has surly stated to you all that was done was a quick gasket match and rough up to keep air fuel Vapors from pudding. Also he knows as well as you the work was SOUND. Pretty doesn’t make Horse Power and function outweighed looks on the time line no matter who agreed to it. Out of all this I did the best I can do and I did build the best I could do. Me, that is not saying someone could do better….. fine…. I worked within an unrealistic time limits regardless of who said what to who I did it …. When I left the engine was running with great oil pressure and not overheating. 3rd You know what could have been done had you just worked this out with the shop instead of blowing up. By the way the little posting you have Done dragging Deans new wife into, has now placed you in a position of libel and slander. What you have done is inexcusable … I will not say more about that.
[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 07-27-2013).]
I haven't seen him post in quite some time, so he may be deployed again. Archie or Norm should have his contact info (no email is listed on the forum).