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I got pulled over today; because of... (story) by AL87
Started on: 11-09-2013 06:01 PM
Replies: 90 (2217 views)
Last post by: Will on 11-13-2013 08:47 AM
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Report this Post11-10-2013 07:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for IwannaIRMSend a Private Message to IwannaIRMEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by AL87:

#1 if the cop wanted to just talk to me about my car, he wouldn't have turned his lights on.
the unprofessional police here use underhanded tactics, and if I stayed I would have waived my legal right to avoid him.
Unfortunately, this is an incorrect statement. You were witnessed in an act that caused you to be pulled over (tinted tail lights) therefore the police officer is within in his right to ask you to return your car. You were breaking a law and tried to skate away. What's underhanded about following a car, observing several vehicle violations, then stopping the driver?

#2 im sorry to say, but I have a feeling that the police who are "jerks" were the bullies in high school. and I pity them.
Wrong assumption again. Most police officers were the better students in school. Maybe in your neck of the woods this statement may be true but it's wrong to group all police officers into this class. I for one am offended since I was a police officer for six years and most definitily wasn't a jerk in high school. To show how little you know about police entry requirements. The majority of police departments across the country require an applicant to have 60 hours minimum of college level course study. They are not looking for flame outs or jerks to be on the force.

#3 ,#4, #5 I'm not even going to address these since I don't want to come across as judgemental based on your past interactions with the police.

#6 And I knew I would have gotten at least one ticket... (straight pipes, and 3 of my 4 tires bald, and "covered & tinted" tail lights)
So, you admitidally state you were driving your car illegally because of safety issues and other items. So, how does this admission help your stance on your OP? You were obviously wrong and didn't want to deal with the punishment for being wrong.

EDIT: I just realized this was posted in the wrong section... even though it does include my fiero... its o/t because the fiero isn't the focus...

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Report this Post11-10-2013 07:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by AL87:

#6 And I knew I would have gotten at least one ticket... (straight pipes, and 3 of my 4 tires bald, and "covered & tinted" tail lights)

So the cop had every right to pull you over and you just got away with driving an unsafe vehicle on the roads, we are so proud of you. WTF is wrong with you, or you just like giving people and especially cops a hard time? even if your state doesn't have mandatory safety inspections any time a cop sees any unsafe vehicle being operated on a public road he has every right to pull you over and give you a ticket for faulty equipment, you know that don't you.

unsafe vehicles can be a danger not only to the operator but to those who share the road with you, what if you had a blow out on the highway, or in any other place?

You really need more than a night in jail to get your Sh!t together.

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Report this Post11-10-2013 08:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for DL10Click Here to visit DL10's HomePageSend a Private Message to DL10Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84fiero123:

you just got away with driving an unsafe vehicle on the roads, we are so proud of you.

unsafe vehicles can be a danger not only to the operator but to those who share the road with you, what if you had a blow out on the highway, or in any other place?

From another thread

Originally posted by AL87:

it wasnt the front lower ball joint on mine, but I think I can qualify for that club you are talking about

(free bump)

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Report this Post11-10-2013 08:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for nitroheadz28Send a Private Message to nitroheadz28Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Knowing your rights or not, that was a stupid way to go about the situation- be happy it didn't escalate and you called his bluff. There are plenty of trigger happy foaming at the mouth cops out there that wouldn't hesitate to taser you for being such a d!ck. If you plan on staying alive and maintaining your freedom, you better adjust your attitude towards the popo.

Also nice going with having multiple equipment violations and walking away when he had a legitimate reason for lighting you up. You got off lucky.. You may think you're a different person and "being saved", but it looks like you're continuing on with the stupid tendencies I've observed from some of your threads here.
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Report this Post11-10-2013 08:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for fierofoolClick Here to visit fierofool's HomePageSend a Private Message to fierofoolEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
AL87 has some good points about knowing the law in regards to the situation at hand, during a traffic stop. If you don't then go along with the officer but study up on the law of your citation and don't just pay the ticket.

I live on the border of two cities. My city has a police department while the other doesn't. Our night shift regularly writes citations for traffic stops that are initiated in the other city. Another city up in the area of Road Atlanta stopped me for speeding in a construction zone. Before paying the ticket, I researched traffic laws about posting speed limits in construction zones and found they were far from complying. My case was dismissed as well as somewhere near a dozen other persons who were in court for speeding in the same area on the same day. Two people who went before the judge before me were convicted. You can find most municipal, county and state traffic laws on the web.
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Report this Post11-10-2013 08:38 PM Click Here to See the Profile for cam-a-lotSend a Private Message to cam-a-lotEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by nitroheadz28:

You may think you're a different person and "being saved", but it looks like you're continuing on with the stupid tendencies I've observed from some of your threads here.

LOL!! You hit the nail on the head

Confucius Say- "I am immature, approval seeking attention whore"

[This message has been edited by cam-a-lot (edited 11-10-2013).]

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Report this Post11-10-2013 08:46 PM Click Here to See the Profile for tebaileySend a Private Message to tebaileyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Point of original post is know your rights, you are not going to have them much longer.
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Report this Post11-10-2013 08:54 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by tebailey:

Point of original post is know your rights, you are not going to have them much longer.

Point of the original post was to brag about him getting away with what he did, sure he has rights, but if the cop had just written the ticket those right would have still been kept, and he would be wining that he got a ticket.

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Report this Post11-10-2013 09:09 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Formula88Send a Private Message to Formula88Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by AL87:

#3 I've had the police break into my home to seize me illegally and detain me... more than once.
I don't mind being held in the pokey for 24 hours, been there done that, and will live through it. (it is a major annoyance though)

#4 I've had cops just keeping an eye out for me just waiting for me to slip up.

I predict many future occurrences of #3 and #4.

Originally posted by AL87:
The thing is... I know where my soul is going after my body dies*

If you want to commit suicide, why use a cop to do it?
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Report this Post11-10-2013 11:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AL87Send a Private Message to AL87Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by DL10:

My opinion is you are a smart ass kid who thinks he knows a lot more than he does. You admit you have tinted taillights...The reason the cop said he stopped you.. And pulling into a store or house or church parking lot while you are being followed is what a lot of people do to try and get the cop to leave them alone. It's nothing out of the ordinary for a cop to stop you if you do this. Me thinks you will spend more time in jail with your know it all attitude.

my tail lights weren't tinted they are all original, that was the cops excuse.
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Report this Post11-10-2013 11:24 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AL87Send a Private Message to AL87Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by 84fiero123:

Point of the original post was to brag about him getting away with what he did, sure he has rights, but if the cop had just written the ticket those right would have still been kept, and he would be wining that he got a ticket.


I would have just taken the receipts for the tires and the work to mount and balance them, and the receipt from the exhaust shop and showed them to the judge. and the tickets would have been dismissed.

it happens all the time for people who get tickets for burnt out tail lights.
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Report this Post11-10-2013 11:30 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AL87Send a Private Message to AL87Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by nitroheadz28:

Knowing your rights or not, that was a stupid way to go about the situation- be happy it didn't escalate and you called his bluff. There are plenty of trigger happy foaming at the mouth cops out there that wouldn't hesitate to taser you for being such a d!ck. If you plan on staying alive and maintaining your freedom, you better adjust your attitude towards the popo.

Also nice going with having multiple equipment violations and walking away when he had a legitimate reason for lighting you up. You got off lucky.. You may think you're a different person and "being saved", but it looks like you're continuing on with the stupid tendencies I've observed from some of your threads here.

I am lucky, thanks for noticing! I know my rights. and if standing up against the totalitarian attitude the cop had made me out to be what you say I am, then I guess that is the issue YOU have to deal with isn't it?

the car is a work in progress, (I AM SURE MOST OF YOU HERE UNDERSTAND, RIGHT?) the exhaust is in the shop right now, tires just got delivered to my place this weekend. and tomorrow the car is going to get an alignment right after the new tires are mounted and balanced.
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Report this Post11-10-2013 11:40 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AL87Send a Private Message to AL87Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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@ iwannaIRM

His beginning and ongoing accusation was that my tail lights had covers on them, and that the covers were tinted.
(I have stated here, that they were stock and unmodified, but could see his argument)

for someone who was a cop that was required to go to college to become one, you sure didn't read what I said...

Also, I didn't say EVERY COP. and I'm not jumbling everyone all together. I have major respect for the ones who are PROFESSIONAL. (this one wasn't, and you failed to read where I stated this already)

and here, to be a police officer, all you need is to go take "police academy" at the local vocational school. 2 years in, and your a cop. blam... THATS IT, NOW DO YOU SEE THE ISSUE?
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Report this Post11-10-2013 11:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for AL87Send a Private Message to AL87Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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I'm going to thank the ones that aren't knit picking me on here. thanks for understanding, and not chastising me.
your pm's of encouragement are welcome, thanks for your support!

and to the ones who make the world a worse place, you will find fault in me... I'm not perfect; no one is.
what you are doing is bullying, you don't understand, but I do. If you need someone to talk to I'm here.
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Report this Post11-11-2013 12:17 AM Click Here to See the Profile for craigsfiero2007Send a Private Message to craigsfiero2007Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by AL87:

I am lucky, thanks for noticing! I know my rights. and if standing up against the totalitarian attitude the cop had made me out to be what you say I am, then I guess that is the issue YOU have to deal with isn't it?

the car is a work in progress, (I AM SURE MOST OF YOU HERE UNDERSTAND, RIGHT?) the exhaust is in the shop right now, tires just got delivered to my place this weekend. and tomorrow the car is going to get an alignment right after the new tires are mounted and balanced.

Unfortunately, the Police do not care about if you have the stuff or have arranged to have your car repaired. Operating a Motor Vehicle unsafely is against the law and the Police Officer was in the right to stop you. It doesn't matter how long he followed you, he was probably just waiting for you to do something stupid to really give him a reason to stop you. You shouldn't have tried to ignore the Police Officer when he was telling you to stop and talk with him. He was probably just going to tell you what your deficiencies were and been done with it. If he really wanted to give you a ticket, he would've lit you up before you got to the Church. But instead, you decide to disrespect the Police Officer and question him.

I believe you have the Judicial System confused or something. I will explain briefly. Police Officers ENFORCE the LAW, so they respond to various types of calls of crime or disorder and make traffic stops along with many other duty to maintain good order and peace. Judges UPHOLD the LAW and decide your punishment (fines, jail, etc). A Police Officer isn't a Judge. If you wanted to contest the legality of the stop, thats what COURT is for.

Did the Police Officer take your information (drivers license) and run it? I ask because (at least what you mention on here) that you have quite the run in with Law Enforcement in the past. If he ran your information and decided to let you go, you are lucky.

So next time you are stopped by Law Enforcement, be respectful and don't cause a scene. Police Officers do not like when scenes are caused. It puts them at a risk and could escalate the situation quickly (like bystanders that take your side and become angry and violent).

No one is bullying you either, at least not in this thread that I can tell. Most people on here are much more "experienced" than me and you, even me and you combined. You can't expect to criticize and then expect to not get criticized yourself. You just don't like what you are hearing from the people that ain't taking your side.
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Report this Post11-11-2013 12:24 AM Click Here to See the Profile for craigsfiero2007Send a Private Message to craigsfiero2007Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by AL87:
and here, to be a police officer, all you need is to go take "police academy" at the local vocational school. 2 years in, and your a cop. blam... THATS IT, NOW DO YOU SEE THE ISSUE?

Yeah, "thats it." How about you try it? To be in the Military all you have to do pass the background check and then go to Basic/Boot Camp and then onto MOS Training if you make it. Neither is as easy as it sounds. You can't say its easy (or insinuate that it is), if you haven't done it or tried it yourself. Some Police Officers are our Nation's Veterans and don't have college, so to say they are unqualified is ignorant.
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Report this Post11-11-2013 05:18 AM Click Here to See the Profile for IwannaIRMSend a Private Message to IwannaIRMEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by AL87:

@ iwannaIRM

His beginning and ongoing accusation was that my tail lights had covers on them, and that the covers were tinted.
(I have stated here, that they were stock and unmodified, but could see his argument)

for someone who was a cop that was required to go to college to become one, you sure didn't read what I said...

Also, I didn't say EVERY COP. and I'm not jumbling everyone all together. I have major respect for the ones who are PROFESSIONAL. (this one wasn't, and you failed to read where I stated this already)

and here, to be a police officer, all you need is to go take "police academy" at the local vocational school. 2 years in, and your a cop. blam... THATS IT, NOW DO YOU SEE THE ISSUE?

So what part of your quoted post did I miss this item...
#6 And I knew I would have gotten at least one ticket... (straight pipes, and 3 of my 4 tires bald, and "covered & tinted" tail lights)
My beginning was based on information that you provided the general audience. So, I made no assumptions or accusations based on the information you provided. No where in my quoted text from your writing did you state "My tail lights are stock and unmodified."

Now, I did go back and read your first post. Yes, you stated your tail lights were unmodified. Based on the quoted text I used from your posting the same is not clear.

You didn't treat him with respect and received the same in return. What were you expecting from him? "Umm, excuse me sir, could you please come back to your car?" I think you expected too much from his professionalism after you treated him poorly.
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Report this Post11-11-2013 08:58 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Cops are people to ya know, you have no idea what his day has been like or the night before, all you know is what you are seeing in front of you at that moment. same with judges and others we interact with every day. They may have left the house this morning after having an argument with their wife's, kids, your age or whatever. starting a conversation with a little common courtesy can change the entire encounter.

here is an example from my own experiences here on my own farm for you.

We have NO TRESSPASSING signs all over the entrances to our property, yet many people pull in all the time for many stupid reasons from turning around to thinking we are the campground a half mile up the road or the religious people wanting to change us.

I have used several greetings to all these people and more but lets give you my standard answer to anyone who pulls into MY driveway.

"Can I help you?" the most common one I use and my standard for anyone not wanting to sell us something or save us. works well and defuses most situations rather well because it is a civil greeting and doesn't offend anyone. works well when someone pulls in with a camper in tow as well, because they are lost and think we are the campground up the road, GPS is great when its a half mile off.

"WTF do you want, didn't you see the three NO TRESSPASSING signs on the way down the driveway?" now that one I use for those holey rollers who want to convert us to their religion. not a very nice greeting now is it? kind of confrontational HUH, well every few years I use that one when these Jehovah Witnesses show up at my door after walking past at least 3 NO TRESSPASSING signs to get to my frt door. hey you can tell who they are, they have all the pamphlets in their hands waiting to save you. and then they identify themselves as such, then I have another pat answer for them to get rid of them right away. "Sorry we are in the middle of roasting a goat for our high holey day, go away."

Then there are the people who just are turning around in our driveway, but need to sit there for 10 min before leaving, for some reason I can never understand. I start out nice, with the standard, "Can I help you?" then if they are just sitting there for no reason at all other than they are dicks I give them the "Can't you Read?" and point to one of the three NO TRESSPASSING signs they are looking right at. and say, "Leave, this is not a parking lot or public turn around."

How would you react to someone who said those things to you, or what you said to that cop if you were him?

A little respect in the beginning gets a lot better response from most people, I have gotten out of more tickets for traffic violations by being respectful when a cop stops me than with how you talked to that cop.

a little respect goes a long way when you are first talking with someone, anyone.


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Report this Post11-11-2013 09:12 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Let's see if we can find something positve for EVERYONE to take away from this thread.

It is my understanding that in his area, if a traffic cop wants to ticket you for a vehicle related offence, he must do it prior to your exiting the car. If he does not, it is the citizens right to step away from the situation.

What sort of statments could the OP have made to the cop that would have been respectful AND not waived his rights to keep walking?

Could he have asked, "Do you want to discuss official traffic business?" Would that question draw him into the conflict and eliminate his ability to exit?

Maybe walking away like he did was the only way to exercise his rights. Kinda like the lady in the news, can't remember her name, who answered some hearing questions then tried to take the 5th. It was ruled that she had begun answering questions (name, job, etc) or made a statement or something, therefore she was no longer able to back out.

And who among you have driven over the speed limit and not gotten a ticket? Rolled through a stop sign with no ticket? Changed lanes without signaling? If you are guilty of those things, have you sent your money in voluntarily? Why not? If all violations DESERVE citations, you should fine yourself and send it in or call the police to let them know the situation so they can meet you to write the ticket.

Cops and tickets are part of the traffic "game". Sometimes you get away with something, sometimes they nail you. I for one ABSOLUTELY HATE the concept of traffic cameras for red lights or speeding. I don't believe in giving money to the city for a victomless "crime". Now if someone was hurt or there was property damage, different story. And before someone (there's always someone) wants to take this statement to the highest exponential level, no, I do not believe we should eliminate traffic laws. I believe patrolling cops and the chance of getting tickets is enough deterrant.

Everyone here has been young at some time. What he's "guilty" of is nothing new. He knows what his car needs and he's addressing those issues. That's all anyone can do.

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Report this Post11-11-2013 09:22 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

Maybe walking away like he did was the only way to exercise his rights. Kinda like the lady in the news, can't remember her name, who answered some hearing questions then tried to take the 5th. It was ruled that she had begun answering questions (name, job, etc) or made a statement or something, therefore she was no longer able to back out.


Not exactly right, as far as what you are talking about, yes you can answer questions and at anytime invoke the 5th at anytime after that. just depends on the questions you have answered first. just stating your name and such does not make it impossible to invoke the 5th at any time after that.

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Report this Post11-11-2013 09:35 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84fiero123:

Not exactly right, as far as what you are talking about, yes you can answer questions and at anytime invoke the 5th at anytime after that. just depends on the questions you have answered first. just stating your name and such does not make it impossible to invoke the 5th at any time after that.


Is this your opinion, your experience, how you think it should be, or Florida law? The thing that makes people hate cops, lawyers, judges, and the "system" is that law does NOT have to make sense or be fair. Let me repeat, DOES NOT HAVE TO BE FAIR. How many times have you stood outside a courtroom and watched people coming out? How many times have you heard, "Wow, I'm glad I came to court! What a smart judge! Why couldn't I come up with a solution like that on my own?"

They don't come out making statements like that because law isn't fair most of the time. It is what the judge wants it to be on that day. It is usually an "all or nothing" proposal. One lawyer presents his side and the other lawyer presents his side. The judge picks one side to be the winner and they get what was asked. I don't even know if a judge has the authority to split the difference if he WANTS to. All or nothing, in MOST cases, isn't anything close to fair.


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Report this Post11-11-2013 09:38 AM Click Here to See the Profile for TXOPIEClick Here to visit TXOPIE's HomePageSend a Private Message to TXOPIEEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I can't wait to see what happens to this thread in the next 90 some opinions will change BIG TIME between now and many SHEEP out there...that are SO ASLEEP! I need to say nothing more than this...because time will show what is real and who is confused in very short order.

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Report this Post11-11-2013 09:48 AM Click Here to See the Profile for KhwSend a Private Message to KhwEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

It is my understanding that in his area, if a traffic cop wants to ticket you for a vehicle related offence, he must do it prior to your exiting the car. If he does not, it is the citizens right to step away from the situation.

I find that hard to believe. If so, people would simply pull over get out of their cars and start walking down the road before the officer was able to get out of his vehicle and approach the car. Maybe not if they have other people or children in the car, but if they were alone... Also, a "car chase" is usually started by a traffic violation and the person "running in his car". What's the difference between running in your car or on foot? Seriously? Because at the end of that "chase" when the guy jumps out of the car and continues it on foot, they sure don't seem to have a problem catching up to him and detaining/arresting/ticketing him anyways. Still, if tha were the law in his area I'd simply pull over, get out of my vehicle and start walking down the street anytime a cop got behind me and I thought they might be thinking of pulling me over. Yeah, that just doesn't sound right. I'd like to see the "law" that allows him to do this. I know someone mentioned the "4th amendment" earlier but that I don't understand either.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.["

What was the officer attempting to seize in the occurance? What papers or home was the officer asking to see or entering illegaly? That amendment doesn't say "you have the right to walk away from a police officer and avoid a ticket". The amendemet protects you from illegal search and seizure, which as far as I can tell niether were happening.

[This message has been edited by Khw (edited 11-11-2013).]

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Report this Post11-11-2013 10:00 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

Is this your opinion, your experience, how you think it should be, or Florida law? The thing that makes people hate cops, lawyers, judges, and the "system" is that law does NOT have to make sense or be fair. Let me repeat, DOES NOT HAVE TO BE FAIR. How many times have you stood outside a courtroom and watched people coming out? How many times have you heard, "Wow, I'm glad I came to court! What a smart judge! Why couldn't I come up with a solution like that on my own?"

They don't come out making statements like that because law isn't fair most of the time. It is what the judge wants it to be on that day. It is usually an "all or nothing" proposal. One lawyer presents his side and the other lawyer presents his side. The judge picks one side to be the winner and they get what was asked. I don't even know if a judge has the authority to split the difference if he WANTS to. All or nothing, in MOST cases, isn't anything close to fair.


No knowledge of Florida law, but then you can't remember who the person was who you think was unable to use the 5th in a court so that may not have been in Florida ether now might it?

But as KHW said above that walk away just seems a tad far fetched to be true. laws are not made to make it easy for someone get away with things by simply walking away from a cop.

as far as the 5th, I have seen people in court answer the first few questions about their names and addresses and then invoke the 5th and repeatedly after that done the same thing, now they kept saying it after that to questions that in no way could have incriminated them but I think once you invoke the 5th you can't start answering questions after that and then do the 5th again. you would have to ask a lawyer to be sure I ain't one, just an old man who has seen more than his share of the inside of a court room.

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Report this Post11-11-2013 10:47 AM Click Here to See the Profile for SlowbuildSend a Private Message to SlowbuildEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Interesting how some topics can polarize an otherwise pretty together group.

We all want our police officers to be helpful servants of the public good. I've seen this first hand, and it's great.

Often, I have seen the opposite; officers trying to make something out of nothing for a variety of reasons: Excercising power, filling quotas, etc. In Canada I think one of the big issues is lack of accountability in the court system, so that if a police officer can rectify a situation by 'stretching' his power he/she will do so.

Anyway, as far as being co-operative, yeah that backfires big time. This is a very common manipulation technique used by law enforcement.

I have two officer friends who I have broached this subject with. What you have to understand is that they operate in a sewer. Their perspective has to be that everyone is a loser for their own safety.

As far as asserting your rights, I take my direction from officers who are themselves in trouble with the law; they use every last bit of law to wriggle off the hook in every case I've seen.

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Report this Post11-11-2013 10:58 AM Click Here to See the Profile for deadwoodSend a Private Message to deadwoodEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by TXOPIE:

I can't wait to see what happens to this thread in the next 90 some opinions will change BIG TIME between now and many SHEEP out there...that are SO ASLEEP! I need to say nothing more than this...because time will show what is real and who is confused in very short order.

I kind of doubt it.
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Report this Post11-11-2013 01:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by AL87:

...I've had cops just keeping an eye out for me just waiting for me to slip up.

Imagine my surprise.
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Report this Post11-11-2013 01:21 PM Click Here to See the Profile for mikejhjrSend a Private Message to mikejhjrEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I don't know how you keep getting attention from the law unless you really do something to deserve it. The police there aren't totalitarian bullies that prey on the "unaware" people. How about driving and behaving decently? Give it a shot, it will probably fix your issues with law enforcement.
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Report this Post11-11-2013 03:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for jscott1Send a Private Message to jscott1Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by mikejhjr:

I don't know how you keep getting attention from the law unless you really do something to deserve it. The police there aren't totalitarian bullies that prey on the "unaware" people. How about driving and behaving decently? Give it a shot, it will probably fix your issues with law enforcement.

I don't know about that... I drive like the old man I've become and I still generate unwanted attention from the cops. My latest adventure I got pulled over for...wait for it... 25 mile per hour in a 20. And No it was not a school zone. But seriously 25 mph! He let me go with a warning, but you have to wonder if it's worth lighting someone up for 25 in a 20.
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Report this Post11-11-2013 04:08 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by jscott1:

I don't know about that... I drive like the old man I've become and I still generate unwanted attention from the cops. My latest adventure I got pulled over for...wait for it... 25 mile per hour in a 20. And No it was not a school zone. But seriously 25 mph! He let me go with a warning, but you have to wonder if it's worth lighting someone up for 25 in a 20.

So WTF is your problem other than you got stopped for exceeding the speed limit, no matter where it is the speed limit is the speed limit, and he gave you a warning, oh my FKN god, no fines attached no points on your license, no nothing. why is it people think that we are allowed that 5 MPH over, it ain't so, you ain't, the speed limit is the speed limit.

I learned a long time ago, drive something that even looks fast and they are going to pull you over. I have had, firebirds, IROCs, TAs, Corvettes, Fieros and doing just 5 MPH over the speed limit attracts the cops attention. but drive a Suburban and I can go 10 or more MPH over the speed limit and they don't even give me a second glance, and sure I am 58 but I have a ft. long pony tail. Even when I got stopped, the last time I got stopped at 80 in a 55 with the Burb I got a warning, try getting away with that in any of the other vehicles I have mentioned.

get over it, get a life.

Originally posted by mikejhjr:

I don't know how you keep getting attention from the law unless you really do something to deserve it. The police there aren't totalitarian bullies that prey on the "unaware" people. How about driving and behaving decently? Give it a shot, it will probably fix your issues with law enforcement.

Well straight pipes might add to his getting the attention of the cops, ya think. he is a kid, well to me he is, he looks what early to mid 20s in his avatar and drives stuff that attracts the cops as I said above. you don't want to get stopped, follow the laws and rules of the road.


[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 11-11-2013).]

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Report this Post11-11-2013 08:55 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Formula88Send a Private Message to Formula88Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

What sort of statments could the OP have made to the cop that would have been respectful AND not waived his rights to keep walking?

One suggestion would be something along the lines of "Am I being detained or am I free to go? I need to be on my way."

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Report this Post11-11-2013 09:05 PM Click Here to See the Profile for mikejhjrSend a Private Message to mikejhjrEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
There still has to be something else getting all this attention. I'm young (early 20s) and drive a red Fiero. I drove it almost every day for a few years to USF (I'm familiar with the local PD that is causing all the 'trouble') and have never been pulled over in it. It's red, low, and has a loud 3800sc with cam/headers/exhaust. It should be a ticket magnet according to a lot of people but I think just driving like a decent person has a lot more to do with not getting tickets.
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Report this Post11-11-2013 09:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Good call Formula88!

Nobody said you can walk away from a traffic stop. He parked his car and was walking BEFORE the blue lights came on. The cop followed for a few blocks but never attempted to pull him over. That is the difference here.


[This message has been edited by Boostdreamer (edited 11-11-2013).]

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Report this Post11-11-2013 09:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for deadwoodSend a Private Message to deadwoodEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by mikejhjr:

There still has to be something else getting all this attention. I'm young (early 20s) and drive a red Fiero. I drove it almost every day for a few years to USF (I'm familiar with the local PD that is causing all the 'trouble') and have never been pulled over in it. It's red, low, and has a loud 3800sc with cam/headers/exhaust. It should be a ticket magnet according to a lot of people but I think just driving like a decent person has a lot more to do with not getting tickets.

Correct sir
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Report this Post11-11-2013 10:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Formula88Send a Private Message to Formula88Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

Good call Formula88!

Nobody said you can walk away from a traffic stop. He parked his car and was walking BEFORE the blue lights came on. The cop followed for a few blocks but never attempted to pull him over. That is the difference here.


I'd love to hear that defense in court. You do realize police can stop, frisk and arrest you when you're on foot, right? Parking and getting out of the car isn't like landing on a safe zone in a video game. They can still give you a ticket for something they saw you do while driving.
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Report this Post11-11-2013 10:51 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Formula88:

I'd love to hear that defense in court. You do realize police can stop, frisk and arrest you when you're on foot, right? Parking and getting out of the car isn't like landing on a safe zone in a video game. They can still give you a ticket for something they saw you do while driving.

It's not my story. I'm just trying to explain it for those who won't read. Wasn't directed toward you.


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Report this Post11-11-2013 11:21 PM Click Here to See the Profile for KhwSend a Private Message to KhwEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

It's not my story. I'm just trying to explain it for those who won't read. Wasn't directed toward you.


Oh I'm sure many of us can read and understand what we read. That's why I'm asking for the law that gives him this "right". I don't know the laws in his area, but if such a law exists he should be able to provide a link to the text of it.
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Report this Post11-12-2013 12:12 AM Click Here to See the Profile for jscott1Send a Private Message to jscott1Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84fiero123:

So WTF is your problem other than you got stopped for exceeding the speed limit, no matter where it is the speed limit is the speed limit, and he gave you a warning, oh my FKN god, no fines attached no points on your license, no nothing. why is it people think that we are allowed that 5 MPH over, it ain't so, you ain't, the speed limit is the speed limit.

I learned a long time ago, drive something that even looks fast and they are going to pull you over. I have had, firebirds, IROCs, TAs, Corvettes, Fieros and doing just 5 MPH over the speed limit attracts the cops attention. but drive a Suburban and I can go 10 or more MPH over the speed limit and they don't even give me a second glance, and sure I am 58 but I have a ft. long pony tail. Even when I got stopped, the last time I got stopped at 80 in a 55 with the Burb I got a warning, try getting away with that in any of the other vehicles I have mentioned.

get over it, get a life.

First of all Calm the F**K down.

Second, I didn't say I had a problem other than I seem to attract a lot of attention from law enforcement. I drive as slow and conservative as humanly possible but we all know that many drivers push the limit and driving 55 mph when every body else is going 70+ mph is actually more dangerous. And I was not in a Fiero or anything fast looking but a Chevy Aveo. So go figure.

Third, I think I was in general agreement that the OP was creating more problems than necessary. I have the greatest respect for the cops and I know they have a hard job. I go out of my way to keep my car 100% legal (have a front tag although many in TX don't even though it's required), and all my lights work, etc.

So I don't know why you are coming off all aggressive on me? I'm sorry if I offended your delicate sensitivities. But my advice is that if the cops light you up, so pull over as soon as possible, lower window, turn off the radio, put hands on the wheel, and answer all questions, completely cooperating fully.

Now having said all that, I have more examples than I care to share about being followed by the police for no legitimate reason.
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Report this Post11-12-2013 12:30 AM Click Here to See the Profile for KhwSend a Private Message to KhwEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by mikejhjr:

I don't know how you keep getting attention from the law unless you really do something to deserve it.

I once got pulled over 15 times in 1 month without a single ticket. One of those times I had an officer follow me home once and as I exited my vehicle and started towards the door he flipped his lights on and called me back to the car. He told me I didn't come to a full and complete stop at the stop sign down the street. I infromed him that I did to come to a complete stop and I guess he didn't want to argue it and just told me to have a nice night, turned off his light and drove away. Of course by the time that stop happened I had already been pulled over like 10 times and was getting pretty pissed off over the whole thing so being "respectful" was getting rather difficult. Another time I was pulled over later at night as I drove our colicy daughter around because it helped her fall asleep, and the officer asked me what I was doing out so late. That was his only given reason for pulling me over, to find out what I was doing out so late. I have a good suspistion as to "why" I was pulled over so many times, but it wasn't "anything" I did. My Ex's borthers were well known drug addicts who had many run ins with the law there in Yucaipa. I imagine it was guilt by assocaition but that wasn't anything "I" did to deserve it. After the 15 stops and them never finding anything illegal I was no longer stopped like that. While I doubt such is the case here, it "can" happen. I would like to say I try to be very respectful when I'm pulled over. Alot of time the officer will ask if I want to know why they pulled me over to which I usually reply "I've got a pretty good idea but why don't you tell me anyway". I've only ever "argued" with the officer on a couple of occasions when they said I was doing something I wasn't so I would not admit guilt. Although I wouldn't really consider it argueing, more me just repeating my denial of guilt.

[This message has been edited by Khw (edited 11-12-2013).]

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Report this Post11-12-2013 01:08 AM Click Here to See the Profile for jscott1Send a Private Message to jscott1Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Khw:

I once got pulled over 15 times in 1 month without a single ticket. One of those times I had an officer follow me home once and as I exited my vehicle and started towards the door he flipped his lights on and called me back to the car. He told me I didn't come to a full and complete stop at the stop sign down the street. I infromed him that I did to come to a complete stop and I guess he didn't want to argue it and just told me to have a nice night, turned off his light and drove away...

Wow and I thought I attracted unwanted police attention. That's the other reason I have a dash cam. In addition to two cameras it has GPS data, and a three axis accelerometer. I can prove whether or not these minor traffic infractions exist or not.

The reality is that a cop can follow virtually anyone and within 10 minutes even the best driver in the world will make some minor transgression to warrant a stop. And I think in many cases the minor transgression doesn't even exist it's the cop's word against yours and we know who wins that battle. Still the best two things from that video, "Am I being detained or am I free to go?" and "I don't consent to searches" Those expressions are your best friend.
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