did you buy those new. I found a GTP in the yard and tried to pull them off. They were stuck on good. Managed to get them off, but they cracked into about 6 parts.
Originally posted by Luke: Looks interesting. You do like your hoods, I think this #3? I still have the silver "trans am vent hood" that came with your old red 88 that I got from Jason. Its going on another project car of mine
Yes, it's #3 My favorite will always be Tha Drivers STM hood vent which is currently on my Fiero now. I needed a winter project so I thought I'd see how these look and use it from time to time or maybe even sell it. Glad to know my trans am project is still out there and you like! It was my first crack at a hood mod and a great learning experience. Maybe you could show me what it looks like now?!
Originally posted by qwikgta: did you buy those new. I found a GTP in the yard and tried to pull them off. They were stuck on good. Managed to get them off, but they cracked into about 6 parts. Looks good, now I may end up using them. Rob
They were used and had double sided stick tape still left on them. The seller must have been lucky to pull them off intact! I was going to just cut the hole for the screened part and stick them on with tape but I'm taking the time to cut through the first layer of the hood and mold them in so they'll look like they're actually part of the hood.
I was looking in my hard drive to see if I has any pics of those Firebird scoops and then realized after going through the pics that this is my 5th hood project! 1. Firebird scoops 2.Archies Warber scoop 3.Jimmy's hood cowl 4.Tha Drivers STM hood vent 5. My current GTP scoop project!
Haha... I only knew about the first two from random posts researching that car's history.
It still looks identical, haven't changed a thing. It's in storage under a protective blanket. It's going on a spotless 88gt project that I picked up at the 25th anniversary show. Been collecting parts for it ever since and the hood matches the silver fastback body I have for it.
I'll dig into my other laptop and send something along with those overdue pics of the red 88 I promised from the 30th. The hood has held up well over the years.
Haha... I only knew about the first two from random posts researching that car's history.
It still looks identical, haven't changed a thing. It's in storage under a protective blanket. It's going on a spotless 88gt project that I picked up at the 25th anniversary show. Been collecting parts for it ever since and the hood matches the silver fastback body I have for it.
I'll dig into my other laptop and send something along with those overdue pics of the red 88 I promised from the 30th. The hood has held up well over the years.
Glad it's held up! I used the same adhering product that I'm using for these GTP scoops, Jimmy's hood cowl & the STM hood vent. The West System 2 part epoxy system with microfibers adhesive fillers to thicken it up. It's never let me down. Dries hard as a rock and can be easily sanded smooth and topped with glazing putty. My only project I had issues with was Archie's Warber scoop. I used Corvette adhesive/filler to adhere as you can see from the pic. My experiences is it's only good for filling....not adhesion. I had to fix several areas and finally gave up and covered it with Jimmy's hood cowl. Those 2 scoops are on the same hood so it's actually vented!
[This message has been edited by Gokart (edited 02-11-2014).]
Any know who's car this is in the middle? Looks like the same scoops. I thought I might be the first The pic is Rare87GT's signature but I don't think it's his car?
Any know who's car this is in the middle? Looks like the same scoops. I thought I might be the first The pic is Rare87GT's signature but I don't think it's his car?
The red one in the pic is rare87GT's, I'm not sure who own sthe orange/black one.
[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 02-10-2014).]
Considering using some of these vents on my car. Can't find any pictures and the photos in this thread no longer display. Anyone have some pictures they can add?