There is now a Fiero app for Windows Phone and Windows 8 computers/tablets!!! I just got it submitted to the Windows Stores. It is a simple app that has links by category to popular Fiero sites making it easy to find and get to your favorite Fiero sites without searching them up individually. If you have a Windows phone or a Windows 8 device give this app a try and let me know what you think. It is just a start, so any suggestions and other sites that I did not include would be great! Just search "Fiero App" in the Windows Stores and it should be the first result.
[This message has been edited by liv4God (edited 05-12-2014).]
Sorry, I'm a Windows developer, apple uses a totally different structure. But if you have a Windows 8 computer I may make a computer app if I have time.
Sorry, I'm a Windows developer, apple uses a totally different structure. But if you have a Windows 8 computer I may make a computer app if I have time.
I have a windows 8.1 computer. How hard would it be to convert to a windows app?
I have a windows 8.1 computer. How hard would it be to convert to a windows app?
It shouldn't be too hard, Its the same programming language, but I'll have to use different software to create it in that handles more advanced functions of the Windows 8.1 OS versus the phone's. Finding time will be the hardest part :/
I'm waiting on written permission to use Pontiac fiero logo and info before I make my app available on App store App contains a VIN and RPO decoder plus alot of info on the 84 to 88 fieros with spec sheets and ALOT more
I'm waiting on written permission to use Pontiac fiero logo and info before I make my app available on App store App contains a VIN and RPO decoder plus alot of info on the 84 to 88 fieros with spec sheets and ALOT more
Any one have suggestions for more sites to include. I put all the ones I use most regularly, but I know there are lots more and I would like to include them. I'm making updates to include more, adding some extra features as well! I appreciate any feedback and ideas.
If I had the know how to make Android Apps I would, but they use different code languages. Would be like if I wrote a book in English and was asked to rewrite it in Spanish. There are some similarities, but not a whole lot.
------------------ All things work together for good to those who love the Lord. -Romans 8:28
[This message has been edited by liv4God (edited 05-12-2014).]
The good news is almost 90% of all home computer users have a Windows OS. While only about 12-15% use Windows 8 now, as more people upgrade there is a huge availability to users and Fiero owners!
------------------ All things work together for good to those who love the Lord. -Romans 8:28
The good news is almost 90% of all home computer users have a Windows OS. While only about 12-15% use Windows 8 now, as more people upgrade there is a huge availability to users and Fiero owners!
except that windows 8 sucks and windows 9 will be out sooner rather than later. And Win 9 may dump the metro UI altogether.
except that windows 8 sucks and windows 9 will be out sooner rather than later. And Win 9 may dump the metro UI altogether.
I can almost grantee you that they will not drop the metro UI, as it is part of their vision for a unified OS across all platforms. And although there were some initial complaints against Windows 8, it allows more to be done in less time and easier than on any previous Windows OS. And with the recent updates Microsoft has solved most of the issues that people were concerned about.
------------------ All things work together for good to those who love the Lord. -Romans 8:28
They solved the butt ugly interface they forced on us formerly called Metro? Letting us choose how we want to see our desktop? They solved letting us play games on the desktop while also browsing the 'net? I can play checkers without it taking up the whole desktop screen thereby allowing me to browse and play side by side? They solved (insert a whole bunch more issues I and others have here) ...?
I can almost grantee you that they will not drop the metro UI, as it is part of their vision for a unified OS across all platforms. And although there were some initial complaints against Windows 8, it allows more to be done in less time and easier than on any previous Windows OS. And with the recent updates Microsoft has solved most of the issues that people were concerned about.
You must either work for MS or own stock. Either way you don't speak for all of us. I have win 8.1 on my laptop and I curse it every day. I did everything i can to make it more like Windows 7 which makes it tolerable. But Metro on a laptop is ludicrous.
You must either work for MS or own stock. Either way you don't speak for all of us. I have win 8.1 on my laptop and I curse it every day. I did everything i can to make it more like Windows 7 which makes it tolerable. But Metro on a laptop is ludicrous.
Windows 8 anything is just bad. I have been skipping every other version of Windows, and the initial releases, as well. Skipped '95, got 98SE, skipped vista, got XP SP2, skipped Vista, got 7 SP1. Was trying to skip 8, but have 8.1 on a tablet. Have yet to find anywhere that Metro is any good. Take your pick: Apple was always dumb, Windows sucks, and Android sells your info. I had to have Office 2013, IE11, and something to test Windows 8 on. For $160, the Venue 8 Pro fit the bill.
You could go with ubuntu, as suggested, but even wine doesn't run everything.
You must either work for MS or own stock. Either way you don't speak for all of us. I have win 8.1 on my laptop and I curse it every day. I did everything i can to make it more like Windows 7 which makes it tolerable. But Metro on a laptop is ludicrous.
I wish I did work for MS! I understand that Windows 8 isn't for every one. Personally, I really like it, it is one of the reasons I am studying computer science instead of mechanical engineering as before. And also one of the reasons I started developing apps. The latest update might be very beneficial to you, I'm not sure if it is available to consumers yet, since developers get updates early, but it allows you to choose of you want the computer to start on desktop and it will allow the old start button actions, such as the programs list and what not! So it will bring the option of features that were preferred on Windows 7.
Originally posted by tshark: Windows 8 anything is just bad. I have been skipping every other version of Windows, and the initial releases, as well. Skipped '95, got 98SE, skipped vista, got XP SP2, skipped Vista, got 7 SP1. Was trying to skip 8, but have 8.1 on a tablet. Have yet to find anywhere that Metro is any good. Take your pick: Apple was always dumb, Windows sucks, and Android sells your info. I had to have Office 2013, IE11, and something to test Windows 8 on. For $160, the Venue 8 Pro fit the bill.
You could go with ubuntu, as suggested, but even wine doesn't run everything.
Even Windows doesn't run everything. MS sells more than just your info, and Apple is hardly dumb.
Maybe you actually do need Windows for some reason, but most people really don't. I haven't actually used Windows in nearly a decade, and then only rarely.
For most people Ubuntu does most everything they need, and does it better than the others. If you really need IE 11 or Office 2013 or something that requires WIndows and doesn't work under Wine, dual booting, or running those few things inside a VM are very reasonable and doable options.
Originally posted by liv4God: Either way, whether you like Windows 8 or not, try out the Fiero app and let me know what you think and how I can make it better!
Make it something other than just a list of bookmarks. Every browser on every phone has bookmarks already, and there are plenty of Fiero sites with a links page that has a long list of other Fiero sties. Visual design wouldn't hurt either.
Make it something other than just a list of bookmarks. Every browser on every phone has bookmarks already, and there are plenty of Fiero sites with a links page that has a long list of other Fiero sties. Visual design wouldn't hurt either.
I would really like to include an information section that has information about the Fiero and changes made per year, sort of like in the Fiero Enthusiasts Guide from the Fiero Store. However I am not sure where to get the information or permission to use the information without violating copyright laws.
[This message has been edited by liv4God (edited 05-13-2014).]
I also want to make a section with a how-to guide for some useful repairs and maintenance work, but I haven't had time to write up instructions or take pictures.
Originally posted by dobey: Even Windows doesn't run everything. MS sells more than just your info, and Apple is hardly dumb.
Maybe you actually do need Windows for some reason, but most people really don't. I haven't actually used Windows in nearly a decade, and then only rarely.
For most people Ubuntu does most everything they need, and does it better than the others. If you really need IE 11 or Office 2013 or something that requires WIndows and doesn't work under Wine, dual booting, or running those few things inside a VM are very reasonable and doable options.
As stated, I have to use windows for some things. Carrying around the extra cost for a VM is ridiculous. Ubuntu is OK for home use in limited situations, but hardly viable in a business setting. I do use LINUX for some servers, but ubuntu is poorly suited as a server. No client is going to pay hourly for me to boot up this VM or that and try to make windows 8 or ubuntu work, when I can just natively do it quickly and be done. Bottom line, I go for what works.
As for apple, they finally copied just about everything from the PC, either in windows or LINUX: 1. USB - but poirly implemented, partial stack, with generic drivers that work, but sub-optimally 2. TCP - it works, but is woefully behind, and doesn't have the full suite 3. PCI - still doesn't have bus mastering right 4. Hardware, such as RAM, Intel CPU, keyboards, optical drives, mouses, etc, but still slow and only partial support (without the Intel CPU, can't use Google Earth) 5. Windows 6. LINUX in the form of OSx, but it still far from being as useful or stable as the original product, and permissions are a disaster 7. Some applications have been ported (office, IE, Chrome, Firefox)
To sum up, apple made poor clones of or used the hardware, OS, applications, peripherals, core components, protocols and connectors to create a more expensive, slower, crippled system that does less. I'd call that inferior.
So yes, dumb, behind, and crippled. Great for many users. Now you, too, can have a win-tel.
I support virtually every platform, from apple to windows, from UNIX to LINUX. From AIX to MVS. I support tablets, laptops, workstations, terminals, servers, mini-computers, and mainframes. And much more, unfortunately. I program in 23 different languages. I can be wrong, but go with what works for each situation. Windows 8, in any form, is just another Vista.
But this is off-topic, and I really don't want to get into a useless argument on this.
[This message has been edited by tshark (edited 05-13-2014).]
I actually loaded Ubuntu on an old Pentium 4 computer I had and the learning curve was steeper than I expected and I just couldn't deal with it. So like a good sheeple I went back to Windoze.
but to get it back on topic... Yes I will look for the Fiero app on my win 8.1 box. It will give me a reason to switch to the metro UI. I try not to do that unless I have to.
Okay, loaded it. It works okay... Wish it had more than just a page of links, although I don't have a clue how hard that is..
(You spelled Discount Tire incorrectly by the way)
[This message has been edited by jscott1 (edited 05-14-2014).]
I installed the Fiero App on Windows 8, and it is very nice! Good Job!
As for the Win 8 bashing.... I was a SERIOUS Windows 8 basher myself just one month ago. I have been running a VERY stable version of XP Pro SP3 for years, and had no reason or will to upgrade. I HATE the Metro Interface, HATE the modern apps taking full screen, and the look and colors are not to my taste. I have found over the past months however, XBMC will no longer work on XP, Most of the games I enjoy playing Call Of duty games, Crysis, and almost all new games will no longer run on XP. Thus I did an image of my XP install so I could go back easily of all attempts to try to switch to Windows 8 failed for me. I gave Windows 8.1 a shot, and stuck with it now for one month.
So far, with the tweaking, and installing a few add on's to make life way easier, I found Windows 8 is faster, and more stable than XP. Also things such as the advanced task manager, and a few other goodies I find myself now liking it more and more. That is a HUGE statement for me, as my background is in IT, and I am a SERIOUS PC user.
Run "Modern Apps" in a standard window that can be minimized, resized and such with ModernMix
Bring back a better customizable Start Menu with Start8 (This is a combo Start8 and ModernMix for $8)
I also installed Stardock Window Blinds ($9.95) which is not necessary, but skins windows in many different styles and colors to customize the look to the way you want it. Also running are the Yahoo Widgets on the right showing weather, PC info and network information on the desktop
Lastly, there is a program called "Ultimate Windows Tweaker" . It allows you to alter, adjust and change many many settings in Windows 8 to how you want the Operating System to work.
For that measly $8 you can make Windows 8 feel more like previous versions such as Windows 7 & XP. With these installed, I never see the Metro screen unless I actually run it from an icon on my start menu, or press a hot key that can be assigned on the keyboard. When I boot up I am at a standard desktop, with my quick launch bar across the bottom with links to all my programs. The Windows key just brings up the Start menu. In Modern Apps however pressing the Windows key returns you to the desktop.
Here is a screen capture of my Desktop:
Have Fun! ! !
[This message has been edited by JohnWPB (edited 05-13-2014).]
As for the Win 8 bashing.... I was a SERIOUS Windows 8 basher myself just one month ago...
This reminds me of Window 3.1... remember 20 years ago when there were all these shell replacement programs that improved Windows 3.1 because Windows sucked so bad?
I've done all the things you have done, but the fact you have to do all that is proof that Windows 8 sucks. Windows 9 will probably incorporate all those tweaks and be very nice, but windows 8 sucks period.
I agree, John. The Resource Manager (started in Vista) is an awesome tool. XP was by no means perfect. It was a big step forward, just as 95 was and win 8 is supposed to be. There are growing pains.
A few tweaks here, a few changes there, and we can run win 8 as win7, only faster, with fewer resources, and perhaps more stable.
Only a lot of programs won't work on 8 that did on 7. Even things that ran on 8 don't necessarily run on 8.1. I'm thinking POS software, name badge printers, laser engravers, etc. In the final analysis, if I have to make 8 look and behave like 7, but it still isn't compatible, I've gotten nowhere. XP Mode will not work in 8. I have to have an XP license and use a third-party VM. That kills a lot of the seamlessness that XP Mode offered.
Windows 8 has a cobbled-together appearance. There is a jarring difference between some windows done in the 98 style, some done in the XP style, and some in the 8 style. Even Office has no Metro offering. Microsoft can't get their act together. I prefer to wait for them to offer a finished product. 8 is half-baked.
The really bad thing is that the Metro UI is on Server 2012! Servers shouldn't be designed for touch screens!
I actually loaded Ubuntu on an old Pentium 4 computer I had and the learning curve was steeper than I expected and I just couldn't deal with it. So like a good sheeple I went back to Windoze.
but to get it back on topic... Yes I will look for the Fiero app on my win 8.1 box. It will give me a reason to switch to the metro UI. I try not to do that unless I have to.
Okay, loaded it. It works okay... Wish it had more than just a page of links, although I don't have a clue how hard that is..
(You spelled Discount Tire incorrectly by the way)
What I really want to include in the App is a section with information about the Fiero, changes made per year, specs by model, etc, sort of like a pocket version of the Fiero Enthusiasts Guide. The only problem is I don't know all the information myself and I don't want any copyright infringements by using someone else's information and pictures. If anyone wants to help provide me with the information or a way to get it, that would be a huge help!
Also I want to include a how to section that would help with useful repairs, maintenance jobs, etc, that are specific to the Fiero. I haven't had time to make a step by step guide or get pictures yet though. Again if anyone wants to pitch in a repair or a customization project that they have documented and have pictures, I would love to include it, and would help make the app better.
And any other ideas of what I could include would be great, because I know it is really simple right now.
(And thanks for pointing out the spelling error, fixed it! When I release an update later this week it will be fixed along with some additional sites and aesthetic changes.)
------------------ All things work together for good to those who love the Lord. -Romans 8:28