Wow! That embroidery looks amazing! ! ! ! ! That is one thing we dropped the ball on this year, was having shirts for attendees. I am so glad someone took the time, effort, and money to have them done! Many, MANY thanks!
I did not think the logo I did for the fliers could be converted to embroidery. It was pretty complex with so many colors. Fantastic job!
Now a bit of trivia: The blue Fiero in the logo, is not my Fiero as many surmised. It is instead a 10 megapixel screen cap from Forza 4 on the Xbox 360. They allow you to stage the car in a variety of settings, and then do a virtual walk around the car with a camera and take photo's. The 10 Megapixel photo is then uploaded online, so you can download it to your PC.
The Fiero at the top of however is the back of my car, with a
Photoshopped Daytona 2014 license plate added to it

Here is the original photo from which the above Fiero was cur out from: (Reduced in size to post to the forum)