One of the largest All Pontiac shows in the midwest takes place August 10th. Over 400 Pontiacs are expected to attend. Last year Fieros were the featured model and we packed the place with over 30 Fieros. Because of that great turnout, the host Cruising Tigers have offered Fieros group parking again this year. Lets pack the place and show the Pontiac community that WE LOVE OUR FIEROS.
The event is actually a 2 day event with seminars, a live band, and an all make/model cruise night on Saturday Aug 9th and the show on Sunday. NIFE is planning and breakfast before the show on Sunday and all Fieros and Fiero Lovers are welcome.
Here is my favorite image from last years show:
UPDATE- CruisingTigers have offered to set up group parking for Fieros, lets pack the place!!!
Come join us for fun and Pontiacs on Sunday, August 10th at the Indian Uprising All Pontiac Show! NIFE members will meet at 8:00am at the Steak & Shake restaurant located at 320 West north Avenue, in West Chicago, IL where we will enjoy breakfast and each other's company! After breakfast we'll make the short cruise to the show and find a spot together among the 400+ Pontiacs expected to attend! Registration for the show is $20.00. The show hours are from 8:00am-3:00pm. NIFE out-of-towners, this is a huge event with Saturday activities as well. Why not make a weekend of it and visit your NIFE friends! For more information go to: is a 2-day event. Come Saturday too for seminars all day and an all make/model cruise night from 3:00-10:00pm. Pre-registration and flier are at you are on Facebook you can also check out Jeff Jones
Activity Director
Northern Illinois Fiero Enthusiasts