Well, since my car stopped working last year I've been toying around with the idea of replacing the 2.8 that came in my SE. Of all the threads I've read, the first step is to remove the engine. Thanks to the walk-thru provided by Toddster, I'ver got that part completed (almost...).
As you can see I've made some progress toward removing the engine. I ran into a bit of a sticking point when I had the car up on stands...
I'm borrowing a cherry picker from a friend s we can lift the back of the car and get it out the rest of the way
My plans are to do a mild upgrade to the 3.4L from the Camaro/Firebird, change the charging system to the newer version, paint the inside of the engine compartment to match the exterior and overall just make it more reliable.
If anyone in the AZ area knows of a decent 207 V6 that will work for this project, send me an IM?
1986 Fiero SE
V-6. TH125. Lovin' the sound...