Just want to clarify not sure where all that info was taken from but the carlise site has 8 classes listed with simple guidelines to help you decide your class nothing else they don't go into any detail as in the previous post these were set up to make classing simple for the fiero owner these classes were set up based off the 3 large nationl shows that have been held strickly for fieros only
------------------ 1984 Indy Pace Car\1988 Formula Custom\1986 turbo GT Founder of Mason Dixon Fiero Owners Group NYFOC Member
I'm not going to make a big stink about this but my blue by you car has always competed in the custom class never the modified class I've been going to Carlisle for I believe 7 years and missed one year for the 30th .... No matter it's in daily driver because it's my daily driver and my dark blue car is my show car ..... Just won't pop the doors no more !!
According to Carlisle modified is a drivetrain change Also better add suicide doors to your list or maybe even just generalize it and say and modifications to your door hinges ------------------ BLUE BY YOU! NYFOC
[This message has been edited by Hardpact (edited 06-23-2015).]
I'm not going to make a big stink about this but my blue by you car has always competed in the custom class never the modified class I've been going to Carlisle for I believe 7 years and missed one year for the 30th .... No matter it's in daily driver because it's my daily driver and my dark blue car is my show car ..... Just won't pop the doors no more !!
According to Carlisle modified is a drivetrain change Also better add suicide doors to your list or maybe even just generalize it and say and modifications to your door hinges
Sounds like an easy thing to solve. Just register in the class that you rightly feel is applicable! If there is an issue speak to Tom Derr about it. I sincerely doubt if anyone is going to give you a hard time about this. If you compete in modified there will be some really great swaps in that class. If you compete in custom you will be up against some re-bodies and perhaps one convertible that may show up. If you don't compete at all then its still a fun event. The attendance numbers this year are looking strong, the raffle prizes are still coming in, everyone is welcome and all should enjoy a great time. I've been to a few regional shows around the country and I can honestly say, Carlisle is really where its at!
------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
Sounds like an easy thing to solve. Just register in the class that you rightly feel is applicable! If there is an issue speak to Tom Derr about it. I sincerely doubt if anyone is going to give you a hard time about this. If you compete in modified there will be some really great swaps in that class. If you compete in custom you will be up against some re-bodies and perhaps one convertible that may show up. If you don't compete at all then its still a fun event. The attendance numbers this year are looking strong, the raffle prizes are still coming in, everyone is welcome and all should enjoy a great time. I've been to a few regional shows around the country and I can honestly say, Carlisle is really where its at!
Dennis you need to read carefully of what is posted !! Re bodies are a modified class now !! NOT CUSTOM LIKE BEFORE ... And I'm sure there will not be a problem but at the neffsville show I class my car as custom or daily driver ( I feel if your not going to let me in daily driver I want the custom class that where it's always been ) it was moved to modified with out ever askin me if I minded !! I had two cars there to justify I have a daily driver and a show car that I parked with the group that I help get started .... Just an FYI ... I didn't join the club this year and have registered under the club that has expanded away from mafoa to help build another club without dues and can receive info and help on there cars it's also a club which you can join with any car let it be a mustang or dart firebird or even a Subaru ... In which you trashed in another thread !! To have any respect from me Dennis you do not have .... This will prob be my last year at Carlisle with a Fiero
How about every one calm the heck down and rise above the petty hurt feelings --- Hardpac --- you have again chosen to make it personal and from what I see there is nothing personal listed in the latest all inclusive post by the other individual. I have had the only "rebody" in attendance the past few years and I could not care where it is classified by CARLISLE (the group that sets the classes) or MAFOA who is a large club looking to promote the FIERO experience. I myself could care less about trophies and do in fact remove myself from voting in any of my local shows not because I have the best car, I simply let any kid who wants to sit in the car sit in the car, get a picture taken, blow the horn and enjoy touching my car. Because I don't freak out if someone breaths on my car, it makes my car a favorite. I show the car to have fun AND enjoy the respect it and I get from other car owners. I do everything I can to give respect in return.
You have stated that you will simply not raise the doors so that it's not put into a certain classification --- The quest for TROPHIES have been the downfall of way to many clubs, and club officials and those who simply use to enjoy their cars. We all have to abide by the rules, regulations and classes as are set by CARLISLE --- It's their show and if we don't like it we can pick up our marbles and go play elsewhere. Raise them or keep them closed - what ever help you sleep.
If a person IS NOT a member of MAFOA, and have not PAID a membership fee the MAFOA why should MAFOA need to give that person a MAFOA trophy? They do so because they feel it is the right thing to do to grow the FIERO brand.
I am also a member of three local clubs that include all vehicles - Because of constant snipping, pissing and moaning and mud slinging they no longer run trophy events --- we have cruise-in's and Car and Coffee events --- People come to have fun, shoot the sh*t and enjoy each others cars. The few individuals who obsessed over trophies attend the now dwindling local cars shows and continue to complain about classifications when they don't win a trophy. They are usually find themselves alone at the non-trophy events and soon change hobbies. We also have a local FIERO only club and get together to work on each others car - solve others problems and enjoy each others company - no trophies, no dues, no problems just a reason to share a common interest - Perhaps you may want to apply the common interest aspect to the CARLISLE experience.
I for one appreciate the effort the board of MAFOA put forth in supporting CARLISLE and FIERO's. This also applies to the past president, Robb. I can attest that he was the recipient of many an unkind word (behind his back of course) by those who felt he did not run the CARLISLE event effectively - meaning they did not get a trophy and someone else did!! A couple of those individuals left the FIERO ownership world to participate in other vehicle clubs. Big surprise they feel the same way about the mustang / corvette / Z-car club management!
Weather permitting (not looking good) the Central Virginia Owners Club will be coming up Saturday -- I hope to see you, Robb and all FIERO owners having a good time.
Wasn't personal just couple facts I wanted off my chest ... I'm good sticking to my decision about next year maybe just bring the ss down and walk ... Don't want any trophies not looking for them I have plenty !!
Dennis you need to read carefully of what is posted !! Re bodies are a modified class now !! NOT CUSTOM LIKE BEFORE ... And I'm sure there will not be a problem but at the neffsville show I class my car as custom or daily driver ( I feel if your not going to let me in daily driver I want the custom class that where it's always been ) it was moved to modified with out ever askin me if I minded !! I had two cars there to justify I have a daily driver and a show car that I parked with the group that I help get started .... Just an FYI ... I didn't join the club this year and have registered under the club that has expanded away from mafoa to help build another club without dues and can receive info and help on there cars it's also a club which you can join with any car let it be a mustang or dart firebird or even a Subaru ... In which you trashed in another thread !! To have any respect from me Dennis you do not have .... This will prob be my last year at Carlisle with a Fiero
When people are helpful, I am certain that you appreciate the positive aspect and elevated spirit of enjoying a fun event. This is what Fieros at Carlisle is all about . Its good to know that you are cordial, happy, cheerful and will join with us in the fun of this great event.
------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
amflyer, I'm not sure what the confusion is about the classing system. It's the exact same classes that had been used for years. We're probably all saying the same thing, but just to make sure, here's how you described the classing process for some earlier years and it seemed to work fine.
2010 -
Originally posted by amflyer: I am happy to anounce that there are 8 classes to chose from this year to register your car. Your class choice may be subject to change per visual inspection of your car when you arrive at the Carlisle site. Mafoa's decision to classify your car will be final and Carlisle Events fully supports our decisions that will be made the day of show.
2011 -
Originally posted by amflyer:
Here is the updated GM National show information for 2011. The Mid Atlantic Fiero Owners Association will again host the famous Fiero's at Carlisle show at the GM Nationals.
There are 8 classes to enter on Carlisle's site but remember that MAFOA will have the final decision as to what class that you are in. There are no exceptions to this ruleing and Carlisle Events is in full agreement to this judgement.
We have been in the top three groups for the most cars on the show field for the past two years to help us achieve this weather you are a member or not please put on your application that you are associated with mafoa.
2012 -
Originally posted by amflyer:
Once again the Mid Atlantic Fiero Owners Association will host the Fiero's at Carlisle at the GM Nationals June 22 thru 24 2012. We have hosted this show for close to twenty years now and once again we will be in attendance.
There are 8 classes again this year to enter, Final decison on class choices will be decided by the board members of MAFOA.
Make sure when you register that you put the culb affillation of MAFOA on the bottom of the registration form. When arriving to the show field you will be parked in designated areas by the MAFOA staff.
2013 - MAFOA concentrated on the 30th instead of Carlisle but in 2014, things just continued where they left off:
Originally posted by MAFOA Events: The 8 judging classes are: Factory Stock: This class is for cars who are entirely stock. Preference is given for original factory items. Stock Notchback & Stock Fastback: These classes are for cars who largely retain the stock appearance. Up to 3 Minor Modifications* will be permitted. Custom Notchback & Custom Fastback: These classes are for cars who have more than 3 Minor Modifications* or ANY Medium Modifications.* Modified Notchback & Modified Fastback: These classes are for cars who have ANY Major Modifications.* Daily Driver: Open to cars that are the primary form of transporation for their owner.
First off I am sick and tired of this personal attach on my self all I have done was state the classes are on the carlisle site nothing more if it is anyone's business my indy will be in factory stock so come and get it at least I show up with a car and not just an idea go bark up someone else's tree and let me enjoy this event by myself
------------------ 1984 Indy Pace Car\1988 Formula Custom\1986 turbo GT Founder of Mason Dixon Fiero Owners Group NYFOC Member
The facts above are correct and as in the past 21 years Carlisle Productions has asked for the assistance of MAFOA in the classing of Fieros. The guidelines above are used for all of the National Fiero shows and we attempt to adhere to those guidelines for the sake of continuity between shows. Carlisle Productions has previously said their site is vague when it comes to diversification and our goal in posting this was to help all.
We aim to make this and enjoyable and fair experience for everyone regardless of where you are coming from and the club you are a part of. We look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday.
To celebrate the "Countdown to Carlisle" we're continuing to share a fact each day about the show's history. With 4 days until the show, here's our next fact:
Each year, Carlisle Productions offers a club challenge trophy. MAFOA won numerous times between 1999 and 2006, often battling for first place with the SAAB club. Last year, we staged a resurgence falling a few cars short to the Pontiac GTO Club. Help us recapture our trophy this year!
[This message has been edited by MAFOA Events (edited 06-24-2015).]
To celebrate the "Countdown to Carlisle" we're continuing to share a fact each day about the show's history. With 3 days until the show, here's our next fact:
Between 1999 and 2007, it rained at Fieros at Carlisle 7/8 years. But guess what? The show still goes on :-) Don't let Saturday's forecast scare you away.
I just checked the Carlisle forecast. It will be pleasant and in the high 60's low 70's. Probability of rain is only 24% and if it rains it should be light and periodic. The odds are in our favor for a nice day and another great show.
------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where did you find that forecast -----you wouldn't be trying to trick us would you
NOAA and the Weather channel are saying rain all damn day ---- I hope you're the one that is right.....
Honestly that forecast was taken off of Accuweather, minutes before I posted . Forecasts are just predictions that are subject to change and are always updated, so you never know. Accuweather is in State College at the center of PA. so they might have the most up-to-date info. I would like to believe that there will be a chance of periodic rain, not a thunderstorm, but lets check tonight, see what the radar map says. Regardless, like the circus the show must go on and all of the raffle gifts and MAFOA info will be displayed under the tent. We are heading out tomorrow rain or shine.
------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
I do hope it changes but NOAA and the Weather Channel have our travel route thru VA and MD 100% rain, heavy at times with local flood watch areas and Carlisle with 100% rain We are prepping with the intention of making the trip but from my area in good weather the trip is 3-31/2 hours in each direction and in bad weather could take a lifetime. Hope to see everyone Saturday. If we don't travel -- best of luck and you can eat my hotdog...
Rain on a wedding = Good Luck -----Rain on a car show, not so much. If there is a break in the clouds that bring a ray of sunshine I hope it's on the wedding.
According to the weather experts it was supposed to be raining here in NJ. It has been sunny and pleasant outside so far today. Weather forecasters are often off the mark and get their ratings from sensationalism. We might see periods of rain on Saturday but then again we might not. Its not a good idea to run your life based on the hysteria of those in the media as most of it is propaganda. I'll be there on Saturday for certain.
------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
Sunny and,warm today. Trip all the way out was just pleasant. Tomorrow there MAY be periods of light rain but so what? Carlisle only comes once a year.
You must have the Chamber of Commerce forecast I hope you are right and the weather stations are wrong - regretfully do to our local weather which also includes flash flood warnings the "Caravan to Carlisle" has been cancelled. An individual or two may come up separately.
We're hoping for the best even in light of the wet forecast. And anyone who is still planning to attend, we'll be there!
And for those of you who can't make it to Carlisle but were going to pick up a shirt or two at the event, don't worry about it. We'll figure something out. You might just have to come pick your shirt up at the MAFOA fall event at Neffsville instead!!
There might be rain tomorrow but it would take more than a little rain to keep me away from this show. I don't go into a cocoon because of rain. the world keeps going and I am not phased by it in the slightest. With two large golf umbrella we can enjoy the show in any weather and if the forecast is wrong again, (as it was today) we may enjoy some periods of no rain. We are in Mechanicsburg right now and its sunny and warm. Tomorrow we will see and if I get a little wet; I've been wet before and it hasn't killed me. If I was worried about getting wet I would stop going swimming.
------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
So the highly paid Social Media Coordinator is slacking in their job and didn't post a fact yesterday so today you get 2! To celebrate the "Countdown to Carlisle" we're continuing to share a fact each day about the show's history. With 1 day until the show, here's our next 2 facts:
MAFOA's youngest member wasn't even born yet when the first Fieros at Carlisle was held. He arrived on the scene about 2 months later and has owned his beautiful car now for 3 years.
MAFOA's oldest member (who shall remain unnamed) was not present at the first Fieros at Carlisle; however, its next oldest member was ;-)
Well boy's I'm going to have to bail on this one. First one missed since I started going. We had a horrible storm and spent the last 3 days without power. A few tree got blown down. We drained water from the 52 gal heater to keep ourselves tidy but we're still picking up the pieces.
Now the threat of heavy showers tomorrow is pushing the limits. I know I committed to bring along a "Mystery Prize" and will make it up at the fall event even if I have to rent a canoe & a pair of oars to get there in the event of another washout.
Hope everybody that goes doesn't get too wet. And take some pics.
------------------ "Kilgore Trout once wrote a short story which was a dialogue between two pieces of yeast. They were discussing the possible purposes of life as they ate sugar and suffocated in their own excrement. Because of their limited intelligence, they never came close to guessing that they were making champagne." - Kurt Vonnegut
The Canadians arrived in town Thursday afternoon. We've been wondering around town and went to the show field today. We got our Carlisle Event goody bags, did some vendor shopping and relaxed under the MAFOA tent for part of the nice & sunny afternoon. Looking forward to tomorrows events (day & night) :wink: We have already been getting compliment's on the Fieros and how far we have driven for a car show.
We are at the Days Inn North, were are the other out of towners staying?
Dennis & Paula here at the Baymont Inn and Suites in Mechanicsburg. Heading over to the show shortly. Very light rain so far and some showers in the vicinity reported. Harder rain is expected later but we have two golf umbrellas. Should be fine congregating among the hearty folks. UPDATE: We were there walking around with our umbrellas and it did rain. It could have been better but there were many beautiful Fieros to be seen. I would be surprised if MAFOA did not win the attendance award. I counted 5 tents set up in the Fiero section so we kept a bit dryer than the other clubs. The nicest thing about the show was meeting up with all the great folks. Paula said that she definitely wants to come back to Carlisle next year. It was fun. ------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
[This message has been edited by Dennis LaGrua (edited 06-27-2015).]
Thank you MAOFA for the event today! Even though the weather was terrible, still had a great time! Made it home safely, I hope everybody else has a good trip too
Thank you MAOFA for the event today! Even though the weather was terrible, still had a great time! Made it home safely, I hope everybody else has a good trip too
The show was definitely fun and the Fiero group had to at least win the award for the most tents! Yes the weather wasn't great but the show still was. The tents and food court gave us enough cover to be sociable and to enjoy mixing it up with Fiero owners from all over. This show is a must for us in June 2016.
------------------ " THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Flotech Afterburner Exhaust, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, HP Tuners VCM Suite. "THE COLUSSUS" 87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H " ON THE LOOSE WITHOUT THE JUICE "
I agree. It was a surprisingly good time despite the weather. Instead of cleaning and polishing, there was a lot more socializing and talking instead. So instead of working on the cars, everyone was chatting and laughing about how ridiculously bad the weather was!
I was completely water logged by the end of the show and lots of us probably left a puddles under our chairs after we got done at Hoss's. Our resident photographer wasn't able to make the show and I certainly don't qualify for the position, but tried to take some pics when I got the chance.
It was rainy:
It was windy:
And it was crowded at times under the MAFOA tent city, but that's a good thing!
But the turnout was still good despite the weather. I didn't get shots from all angles of the field, but here's one end:
And I didn't get pics of all the cars, but this one definitely caught my eye! There was a MERA in attendance:
At least one of the Northern Virginia caravan made it to the event as did attendees from at least five Mid-Atlantic states as well as from Ontario, CA!
The turnout was good. The camaraderie was good. The stories and attitude was upbeat and encouraging. The hot dogs were good. The only thing that was missing was the sun. I hope everyone has dried out, warmed up, and enjoyed the little bit of the sun that has peeked out since yesterday! And for those who couldn't make it, let's hope for better weather next year. It certainly couldn't be much worse!
This was my first time being out to a Carlisle event and even though it down poured all day it was still awesome. I was there with my two daughters and my dad who helped bring in my MERA. I drove in one of the two Blue Fiero's at the event. I only got to talk to a few people as me and the girls attempted to go look at some of the other cars at the even but always ended up in doors or sitting in the Blue Car watching a movie and trying to keep warm I enjoyed talking with the few people that I did and actually put real faces and names to PFF handles. There were definitely more people I wanted to chat up regarding their car ideas. There was a green GT there that had a double DIN head unit sitting over the HVAC controls who I wished I could have talked to. I had done the same design a few years ago but had my car broken into and the radio stolen before I could finish the project. It would have been cool to know if they saw my write-up on that or if they happen to have the same idea as I did. Installing a double DIN in a Fiero I did borrow a double DIN radio and installed it for the show but only my kids had the pleasure of checking it out during the show. I was also really hoping to check out and chat with anyone who did a 3800 swap as I plan on starting my first 3800 in the next few weeks.
I was only able to take a few pics but I figured I'd share what I have.
While trying to dry off in doors I came across some old Fiero marketing brochures that I thought I'd pick up at one of the vendors. Maybe I'll scan and post them in the group sometime. When we got back we found that my cars were the only ones left in the Fiero area, lol.
I also saw some Fiero's with really cool custom Fiero vanity plates. I stumbled upon a vendor who made them I decided to have one made for the Blue Car. Now mine isn't a 3800 car yet but it should be soon. I don't want to waste $35 on a license plate that isn't true
------------------ 87 Fiero GT 3.4 Pushrod with 7730 ECM & DIS 88 MERA #8013 85 Fiero SE with 3.1 pushrod 86 Fiero SE 2.8 stock http://www.youtube.com/LostNotForgotton
Again, a big thanks to everyone who came out and weathered the "weather". We have been very fortunate since our move to GM Nationals in 2008 that the weather has largely been good, albeit even a bit warm sometimes but every now and then, Mother Nature takes us by surprise. Despite the lowered turnout due to the weather, MAFOA still captured 3rd in the "Club Challenge" only losing second place by a few cars. Thanks to everyone who made that possible!
As noted above, a hearty congratulations to the Fieros at Carlisle "Best in Show" winner, Adam Powell with his 87GT 3400. Adam first brought his car to Carlisle 9 years ago, and it has been neat to watch its evolution through the years. Congrats Adam aka x-thumpr-x.
Below are the results from Carlisle Productions, given out on Sunday. If anyone on here didn't make it to the awards ceremony and would like us to pick up your trophy to deliver at a future MAFOA event, just let us know. Otherwise, you can have it shipped by Carlisle Productions for between $10-$15.
Stock Notchback:
1. Adam Lasser - 1985 Pontiac Fiero SC
Stock Fastback:
1. Tom Derr - 1988 GT T-Tops 2. Joe Aponick - 1988 GT 3. Gary Cashwell - 1988 GT