So I've been kicking around the idea of getting a club together for around my area. I don't want to start anything fancy at the moment. Just something to get others in the area, and surrounding counties, together and "on the same page", if that makes any sense. My thinking is beginning with a Facebook page and/or email list. I don't think there are many close to me on Pennocks, but if there was an active page maybe I could get some folks out of the woodwork.
So, what I'm looking for is some advice and input about how I should go about this. If there are some owners of clubs out there that could provide some tips for at least getting started, it'd be greatly appreciated. I would eventually like to get enough folks that we could plan some events and support some local businesses around here (including, but not limited to Greene, Daviess, Martin, Owen counties).
Please let me know if any advice, or if there would be any interest. Thanks!
1987 Fiero GT