With the 3800 Swap, I am removing the coil/alternator blower fan. I am ordering a special color Trunk Carpet through the Fiero store. Is there a "factory option" carpet that will fit the GT with the blower removed?
I have an LED light under the left "D-Pan / water catcher" on the left / drivers side and it shines into the trunk on that side perfectly. On the right the carpet that covers the blower, prevents a light under the D-Pan.
I don't know about the 88 carpets, but in the notchbacks, 85-87, they definitely used the same carpet. In both the 4 cylinder that didn't have a blower and the V6 which did. The blower has no bearing on how the carpet fits because it's tucked inside the rear fender. Apparently the carpet from the 84, which never had a blower is also the same because the black carpet is a very popular swap into later model cars, including the Fastback.
The blower has no bearing on how the carpet fits because it's tucked inside the rear fender.
I do not think this is entirely correct..... This is the very reason that I had asked, the carpet is in fact different to go around the blower motor. The blower is "tucked into the fender" but a lot of it sticks out into the trunk space as well, and the carpet is specifically designed to leave room for the blower motor.
[This message has been edited by JohnWPB (edited 07-08-2017).]
I think the coupe has square corners at the trunk seal and fastback has round corners....
Actually it's the other way around. And neither affects the carpet.
The spaceframe is identical across all Fieros. The fasback, (which came later) adds these two "D" shaped plastic panels which narrow the trunk opening and make it rectangular, but the actual trunk is exactly the same.