I am looking for someone in Detroit that can help me
Since I live in the Netherlands, (europe) and it is difficult to find someone to make custom gauches that actually match the car, and I am not a fan of plasma glow things (witch always are in miles anyways)
I have searched wide and afar for a company that can and is willing to produce my design and I now did so in Detroit.
they are called new vintage usa.
What I would be ever grateful for is if someone can show them a old set of gauches (preferably a gt set for the ones in the center console to) for them to measure, and scan in
they need exact measurements and I can not provide any since mine are still in the car and I can not find a extra set.
this is the design I came up with and they are willing to remake them and produce them.
If anyone is interested, in a metric set, I am willing to make this a groupbuy, I am not interested in profit so it will be a transparent deal.
if there are any expenses made, Let me know so we can work things out in a decent matter.
Kind regards,