An old rusted OEM clip...

Clip is "dome shape" so goes on one-way
Can stack 3-4 clips trying to = thickness of quarter next to it.
I didn't reused because of rust... Other clip broke because rust made stress risers.
Seen others w/ ear tips are gone.
To "fix" crappy reflectors... I cut reflector tape to fit OE one.
You carefully hold/clip to the reflector then carefully cut the tape inside the "boarder" and DOT label w/ Xacto knife. If done right the "boarder" area can act like 1/2 of scissors as you cut so can get good fit w/ little effort.
Did mine out of bumper but could be done in it w/ different shape blades. Clearing DOT marking is so won't lift the tape letting water etc under.

My D side reflector went "bad" from dirt/exaust inside and can't clean it because nearly 100% "glued" or welded to the back. This one has broken mount ears too so had to fix asap. I drilled 1mm hole of leftover mount and held w/ small SS wire on back of bumper.
Have better one to replace but couldn't find it to pass inspection. A few feet away no-one notice except colors don't mach exact.
If you have dual output exhaust soot can inside both easy...
Dirt Kills Reflectors? Plastic/Glass prismatic reflectors need clean backs to work well because uses plastic/air interface to bounce light. Dirt Exhaust etc can change refractive index and stop working. I clean many taillight fixture w/ builtin reflectors for this reason alone.