Fiero information since everyone is guessing what year/model it is.
In November 2000, we rescued the 86 4-banger out of a junkyard in Santa Fe, NM for $350. We were there looking for parts when they brought it in to squash. We put in a replacement engine (from Durrango 3.8 guys) and fixed the car up mechanically, including headlight motors, added power windows, sideviews, locks and trunk release. Added spoiler, and wheels off an 88.
It was 16 year old son's first car project. He painted it PPG gold to match his snowboard stuff. In October 2007, he realized he really needed a 4x4 to make it to the ski hill every weekend so we listed it on Craigslist where a buyer for the Breaking Bad production company saw it and called. Can't remember what we had it listed for but everything worked well and we made them promise they were not going to wreck it, and asked if they were going to repaint it (son's 1st attempt at painting a car). They said it was perfect for one of their main characters 'Badger'. They even kept the black skating sticker on the right back panel son had put on to hide the worst of the paint job.
Actor playing Badger is 6'4" and they were pleased to see son is 6'6" and car would fit actor fine. They were also happy that it was an automatic so they did not have to teach actor how to drive a stick.
Good sounding muffler (especially for a 4-banger) added by CARMELITO'S MUFFLER SHOP in Chimayo, NM.
It was so much fun seeing it again in El Camino!
According to Breaking Bad production company buyer, since the Fiero was going to be driven by a main character (Badger) we would see it a lot and we were disappointed the Fiero did not show up in the first episode or much at all. Turned out Jessie (Aaron Paul) was supposed to die the first season (google search that) but that all changed....and we are real happy that this little rescued Fiero has enjoyed a longer life in this El Camino movie.
Hope Aaron Paul had as much fun driving it as son did...I think it is called Tokyo Drift(?).