On the one hand, I admire the quality of the work and the attention to detail. But the final product is massively underwhelming. A 4500lb car with a yesteryear drivetrain stuffed in the ass-end of a poor Ferrari-esque body? I know the 3rd gen F-bodies are pretty heavy to start with, but
adding nearly 1,000 pounds seems criminal. If it made 1200hp or something you'd say, hey, ok, but 650? From 604ci? That's only 65hp/l - it makes me cringe. I'll bet a totally stock 2018 Camaro SS would smoke it in every way.
Also, just a personal annoyance, but the assertion that air bag suspension will hold even a candle to a new Ferrari demonstrates complete ignorance about both topics.
[This message has been edited by thesameguy (edited 05-22-2018).]