“Only professional military staff are participating” in the Russian operation in Ukraine, he said. “Not a single conscript is there, and we don’t plan” to change that. Every Russian soldier and officer in Ukraine made a choice to join the ranks, and they are fulfilling their duty there with honor, Putin said.
Staying on the issue of foreign military threats, Putin declared that an attempt to establish and enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine by foreign powers would be treated as an act of joining the military conflict by whichever nation would attempt it.
Well, either Putin or the captured Russian 18 year old I saw was lying, I tend to believe the kid. But, if what Putin says is true, then his "professionals" aren't worth the crap on the boots they are wearing. They should take Ukraine just based on the manpower, equipment and air power they possess. Poor leadership, poor execution, terrible tactics and the worst logistics I've ever seen or heard of. Combined, the Red Army may win the battle but, they won't win the long-term war.
[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 03-06-2022).]
I'm so tired of people that are always looking to accommodate Putin. Maybe it was kind of a screw-up on our (Western) side, to have incorporated so many of the other former nations of the Soviet Union to NATO, after the reunited Germany, and to "rack up" NATO membership for Ukraine. So why doesn't Putin give "us" an "off ramp"..?
I think there are many agreements that we could be agreeing upon with Putin, if Putin would just meet us halfway. Agreements to limit the kinds and quantities of NATO-aligned weapons systems and military units that could be based on Ukrainian soil, in the event that Ukraine were eventually brought into NATO. In consideration of Russia's legitimate national security concerns.
Give us an "off ramp", Mr Putin. Brandon's not responsible for everything that's happened with NATO and Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union.
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 03-06-2022).]
Originally posted by blackrams: Well, either Putin or the captured Russian 18 year old I saw was lying, I tend to believe the kid. But, if what Putin says is true, then his "professionals" aren't worth the crap on the boots they are wearing. They should take Ukraine just based on the manpower, equipment and air power they possess. Poor leadership, poor execution, terrible tactics and the worst logistics I've ever seen or heard of. Combined, the Red Army may win the battle but, they won't win the long-term war. Rams
So you are willing to believe what your TV says on a constantly lying media news channel. I already knew that. The first casualty of war is truth.
Why would a soldier captured in enemy territory want to claim he's a conscript? Hmmm. Why would a warring party present phony propaganda that they're being well treated but are blinking Morris Code? Hmmm. Would the Ukrainian puppets want to make Putin look like a liar about conscripts? Hmmm.
We still live under conditions steered by phony claims of events that never happened. NEVER happened. Not ever. Not even physically possible to happen but people follow along anyway.
We don't know which is the truth of some captured soldier.
So you are willing to believe what your TV says on a constantly lying media news channel. I already knew that. The first casualty of war is truth.
Why would a soldier captured in enemy territory want to claim he's a conscript? Hmmm. Why would a warring party present phony propaganda that they're being well treated but are blinking Morris Code? Hmmm. Would the Ukrainian puppets want to make Putin look like a liar about conscripts? Hmmm.
We still live under conditions steered by phony claims of events that never happened. NEVER happened. Not ever. Not even physically possible to happen but people follow along anyway.
We don't know which is the truth of some captured soldier.
There's no doubt, there's biased media, believe whatever you wish, stay with Putin. I'm sure he'd welcome you back home.
I'll just stick to what I've stated like I always do with about everything. Russia is justified. Justice is blind. Don't taunt the bear. Your gov doesn't care how your family has to spend on energy and wheat products. They lie us into wars and we still have to live under the laws they pass as a result of the chaos they created. Perfect.
I'll just stick to what I've stated like I always do with about everything. Russia is justified. Justice is blind. Don't taunt the bear. Your gov doesn't care how your family has to spend on energy and wheat products. They lie us into wars and we still have to live under the laws they pass as a result of the chaos they created. Perfect.
“Only professional military staff are participating” in the Russian operation in Ukraine, he said. “Not a single conscript is there, and we don’t plan” to change that. Every Russian soldier and officer in Ukraine made a choice to join the ranks, and they are fulfilling their duty there with honor, Putin said.
Originally posted by sourmash: We'll see. Perhaps he's [Putin] just taking out the [Ukrainian] military structure that's been targeting civilian populations in the 2 newly recognized provinces [on the far eastern edges of Ukraine. The Donbass regions.] I mean, they have to be supplying and attacking FROM other regions into those Russian majority ones.
That was on the first page of this thread.
"Not so much", eh?
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 03-07-2022).]
Well if you take him at his word then it's clear to me that you don't know much of anything about the Russian Federation's military, Russian conscription and recruitment laws or дедовщи́на which has a very direct effect on conscription, Kontractnikia, and the equivalent of TWO or more divisions of Russian military deserters, not including deserters within the CIS.
IF you did understand those things then you would immediately know why Putin's claim of "no Russian conscripts in Ukraine" is impossible and a lie.
[This message has been edited by randye (edited 03-07-2022).]
Well if you take him at his word then it's clear to me that you don't know much of anything about the Russian Federation's military, Russian conscription and recruitment laws or дедовщи́на which has a very direct effect on conscription, Kontractnikia, and the equivalent of TWO or more divisions of Russian military deserters, not including deserters within the CIS.
IF you did understand those things then you would immediately know why Putin's claim of "no Russian conscripts in Ukraine" is impossible and a lie.
Randye, I'm not going to repeat myself. If you didnt get it the first time, that's not my problem.
Based on several different sources, it does appear the Russians aren't advancing but, I'm not sure it's totally due to Ukraine resistance or Russian cowardice and a lack of good leadership. Other than nuclear capability, the Red Army should probably be called the Red Faced Auxiliary the way this is going. Decidedly poor logistics, low morale and terrible tactics. This should have been over days ago. It could be those Russians in this war aren't true believers in Putin. I wouldn't blame them. He obsessed with his own image and historical legacy. Based on how this is going, he may be laughed out of the country.
Based on several different sources, it does appear the Russians aren't advancing but, I'm not sure it's totally due to Ukraine resistance or Russian cowardice and a lack of good leadership. Other than nuclear capability, the Red Army should probably be called the Red Faced Auxiliary the way this is going.
There is no such "Red Army". The Red Army was the Allied communists that America supplied weapons to in WWII.
Red Army, Russian Krasnaya Armiya, Soviet army created by the Communist government after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The name Red Army was abandoned in 1946.
It's actually a pretty good article. It should not be a surprise to anyone here that Putin intends to reclaim all the former Russian states that existed prior to the collapse of the USSR... they basically gave the world a nudge and a wink. I mean, this is like when a woman tells you, "nothings wrong..." and you actually believe it. We are smarter than this gentlemen... literally everything else was telling us otherwise. We knew Putin would do this... though it should have been obvious with the attack on Georgia, and then Crimea, etc.
What does bug me though, these are new independent countries that voted to separate from the union. And as such... they have their own right to make decisions on whether or not to join NATO. It seems like NATO tread lightly here... and really exploited Ukraine in the process by stringing them along (almost indefinitely). Russia has no say on land they no longer own.
Side note, has anyone ever done a docudrama on the final days of the USSR? Like... perhaps a brief history following WW2, then really building from the time the Berlin wall fell, to the moments leading up to the collapse? I would watch that...
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: It's actually a pretty good article. It should not be a surprise to anyone here that Putin intends to reclaim all the former Russian states that existed prior to the collapse of the USSR... they basically gave the world a nudge and a wink. I mean, this is like when a woman tells you, "nothings wrong..." and you actually believe it. We are smarter than this gentlemen... literally everything else was telling us otherwise. We knew Putin would do this... though it should have been obvious with the attack on Georgia, and then Crimea, etc.
What does bug me though, these are new independent countries that voted to separate from the union. And as such... they have their own right to make decisions on whether or not to join NATO. It seems like NATO tread lightly here... and really exploited Ukraine in the process by stringing them along (almost indefinitely). Russia has no say on land they no longer own.
Dude, NATO went after Ukraine like a pitbull. Things are what they are and not what you're told they are.
Finally, finally our President is taking steps to cut the flow of Russian oil into our country. It's about time, he's still leading from the back of the pack. Yes, Russia will still be able to sell their oil, most likely to China at a reduced price but, at least we won't be helping to fund Putin's war.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: The USSR collapsed in 1991, it's now 2022. 31 years have passed and Ukraine is still not part of NATO.
That doesn't disprove the point. They started in 2014 with a coup. Since then we've created one of the most corrupt countries existing.
NATO has brought in how many former USSR countries to thei org now? Have you looked it up? Those prove that your statement is one of the least informed ones made.
Finally, finally our President is taking steps to cut the flow of Russian oil into our country. It's about time, he's still leading from the back of the pack. Yes, Russia will still be able to sell their oil, most likely to China at a reduced price but, at least we won't be helping to fund Putin's war.
Yes, $7 gasoline is great news. I predict you'll blame Biden but try to deflect how you praised this decision and your support for the Ukraine resistance which has led us to these prices.
[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 03-08-2022).]
Yes, $7 gasoline is great news. I predict you'll blame Biden but try to deflect how you praised this decision and your support for the Ukraine resistance which has led us to these prices.
If, you cared enough to look, the price of crude/gas started to rise the day President Biden took office, I don't have to blame anyone. The evidence is all over the place. Yep, the price of fuel will go up a bit due to this decision that Biden was forced by congress to take but, I would personally rather pay a few more pennies now than help fund a war criminal's exploits.
Again, Biden leading from the back of the pack. Reference Putin, eventually the Russian people will rise up and dump his sorry ass.
Flashback to 23 February, 2014, in the aftermath of Ukraine's "Revolution of Dignity" or Maidan Revolution, which put an end to the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych.
"In pictures: Luxury Ukraine presidential home revealed"
The lavish country estate of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has been thrown open to the public as parliament voted to remove him from power.
Mr Yanukovych has left the capital Kiev and his whereabouts are unknown. On Sunday, parliament voted to return ownership of the Mezhyhirya property to the state. Acting Interior Minister Arsen Avakov called for it to be put under state guard to prevent looting.
That's the entirety of it, except for 10 arresting photo images and captions.
Those prove that your statement is one of the least informed ones made.
I think we need to address this...
For as long as I've seen you on this forum, you've continued to state things that you know as fact, which are /MOSTLY/ just conspiracy. Most of the claims you make end up being completely wrong, yet at the time you're making them, you are so convinced of the accuracy of your belief.
The two most recent ones which were completely wrong:
1 - Putin doesn't want to rebuild the old Russian empire : Even though the rest of us knew this before... because of LITERALLY the things he's been saying for almost 2 decades, it was irrefutable when the Russian state media accidentally posted a statement by Putin that was supposed to go out after Kyiv was conquered. It literally said the exact opposite of everything you've said.
2 - Putin has no intention of invading the Ukraine : We obviously know this is completely wrong. How you ever assumed that 120k troops on the border was just an exercise, or everything else you said it was, is completely beyond me.
What's even more ridiculous is that you'll probably respond by somehow trying to explain away how you were so totally wrong on both of these things... pretending like you were never wrong, but there is some vast conspiracy. I don't know... but it's going to be crazy. It'll probably include an insult towards me, and something about me being brown, even though I'm probably whiter than you are.
What's even more ridiculous is that you'll probably respond by somehow trying to explain away how you were so totally wrong on both of these things... pretending like you were never wrong, but there is some vast conspiracy. I don't know... but it's going to be crazy. It'll probably include an insult towards me, and something about me being brown, even though I'm probably whiter than you are.
His response will likely be just as he has responded, almost every time he has been so wrong. He will say, "You just proved my point!"
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:I think we need to address this...
You're even doing some weird thing of calling yourself "we".
For as long as I've seen you on this forum, you've continued to state things that you know as fact, which are /MOSTLY/ just conspiracy. Most of the claims you make end up being completely wrong, yet at the time you're making them, you are so convinced of the accuracy of your belief.
You're still doing it. Not.once have you ever proven something I've stated as being wrong. You just say things and go off the rails when someone doesn't agree.
The two most recent ones which were completely wrong:
1 - Putin doesn't want to rebuild the old Russian empire : Even though the rest of us knew this before... because of LITERALLY the things he's been saying for almost 2 decades, it was irrefutable when the Russian state media accidentally posted a statement by Putin that was supposed to go out after Kyiv was conquered. It literally said the exact opposite of everything you've said.
You're being delusional again. You can't even remember what you said. You said he wants to rebuild the USSR, which he never said. You posted a quote that said he feels it's the worst thing to happen because it abandoned RUSSIANS in far reaching areas (RUSSIANS, a nationality of a person, or ethnicity according to some). He.said nothing of rebuilding the USSR like you claimed.
2 - Putin has no intention of invading the Ukraine : We obviously know this is completely wrong. How you ever assumed that 120k troops on the border was just an exercise, or everything else you said it was, is completely beyond me.
He had no intention until his hand was forced. Fact. He tried and tried to get Biden and NATO to the table. He's been saying this since 2004, that NATO is pushing him to react and his goal is not to act with military action. You only refer to a current news cycle as your reference point. Putin hasn't changed his statement on NATO expansionism.
What's even more ridiculous is that you'll probably respond by somehow trying to explain away how you were so totally wrong on both of these things... pretending like you were never wrong, but there is some vast conspiracy. I don't know... but it's going to be crazy. It'll probably include an insult towards me, and something about me being brown, even though I'm probably whiter than you are.
You responded by calling yourself 'we'. You changed your USSR statement to "Russian". Why do I have to correct you AND prove you wrong?
If, you cared enough to look, the price of crude/gas started to rise the day President Biden took office, I don't have to blame anyone. The evidence is all over the place. Yep, the price of fuel will go up a bit due to this decision that Biden was forced by congress to take but, I would personally rather pay a few more pennies now than help fund a war criminal's exploits.
Again, Biden leading from the back of the pack. Reference Putin, eventually the Russian people will rise up and dump his sorry ass.
I have observed over time that these sanctions are generally just sanctimonious bullshit. I can think of few times they have ever been effective. In the end Russia will sell every drop of oil and gas they take out of the ground. The rich Oil companies and investors like Buffet will get richer with the high prices. The poor the world over will suffer and get poorer (think about old people in cold climate with oil heat and a fixed income, or working class folks in rural areas that have to drive longer distances to work) but its ok because some people feel like they are hurting putin.........
Yep, the price of fuel will go up a bit due to this decision that Biden was forced by congress to take but, I would personally rather pay a few more pennies now than help fund a war criminal's exploits.
A few more pennies huh? That is NOT what I'm seeing. "a war criminal's exploits"? There are wealthy Dems/repubs exploiting this now for profit. How much is enough? Rasmussen Poll (like it or not) Scroll up. Yes. It's a poll. Whoop-dee-doo. But has truth.
Being a telecom technician for the last 20yrs, these last 2years I have NOT had any income adjustment nor raise. (Actually extra $20 a day for the first 3months of the plandemic). I worked through the plandemic. House 2 house. Business 2 business. While most people were at home hiding under their bed during lockdowns. 4-8 stops a day. Including providing a lot of free internet to low income (underserved) households. Half of which would use this (depending on MSO) 15-50mbps connection to first hook up their rokus/game consoles/smartphones. Your internet bills, no matter what company/medium you get your internet connection from, subsidizes this from your bill... (And I'm sure the companies get a kickback from state/fed tax dollars, again YOUR MONEY). So keep that in mind. Do you mind paying higher for internet for someone else who isn't using it for what it was intended? SCHOOL!?!?
I'm lucky to make $50k with overtime for 6day work week 10hrs a day sometimes (not including drive time to first job and back home drive time) . And that's not take home pay. No benefits. No matching 401k. If it wasn't for this green movement buttkissing admin shoving their virtuous crap down our throats this wouldn't be happening at the pump to what the prices are gonna be. {/Logic_rant} {/soap box}
I will fight when I know those who have money/financial-investments in markets making money off it fight next to me on the front. Tom Cruise can show me all the fancy elite skills n sh!t he learned making his movies. Including those much older than your average young military enlisted (wo)man. Until then, all who beat the war drum can...
While cutting off Russian crude oil will affect the price of fuel here, consider what we were paying for fuel a bit over a year ago and what has happened to the price of that fuel since the last election. Russian oil is approximately 8% of our imported energy needs and yet between the US and Canada, we could meet our own needs and export if we wanted to. Put the blame where it belongs, the price of our fuel has little to do with the Ukraine situation, it more about the DC situation.
[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 03-09-2022).]
You responded by calling yourself 'we'. You changed your USSR statement to "Russian". Why do I have to correct you AND prove you wrong?
We = You and Me
"You changed your USSR statement to Russian"
I have no idea what post you're referring to. But you seem to really get hung up on the semantics about the USSR and Russia. There is not a single person on here that doesn't know what the USSR is, or the Russian empire, or what a "Russian" is.
Once again though, your entire response was entirely nonsense. I don't think I've ever seen anyone who in the face of being so totally wrong, literally every single time, is so confident in things they are so wrong about.
Reports coming in that power to Chernobyl has been lost. Hi tension lines got shot out. That means no cooling to it.
Anybody up for a China Syndrome sometime around the weekend ?
OK, but wasn't it just a few days ago that they said another Nuclear Power plant had been attacked, and it turned out to not be true? I'm finding it hard to believe almost anything that comes out from this stuff.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:We = You and Me
"You changed your USSR statement to Russian"
I have no idea what post you're referring to. But you seem to really get hung up on the semantics about the USSR and Russia. There is not a single person on here that doesn't know what the USSR is, or the Russian empire, or what a "Russian" is.
The Russian Empire was a monarchy that was overthrown and the royalty was brutally murdered by the Bolshevik communists who come from the people that created Marzism and communism. The Bolsheviks and USSR communists were put into power by their cousin bankers in America and Europe.
The USSR was the subsequent communist Alliy that we helped make a world power. They were a closed and barbaric police state we helped create by giving them half of Europe.
Russia is an open capitalist Democracy and we hate it because it works and they won't capitulate to our amti-nationalist demands.
Vast difference.
Once again though, your entire response was entirely nonsense. I don't think I've ever seen anyone who in the face of being so totally wrong, literally every single time, is so confident in things they are so wrong about.
You keep getting everything wrong but when it's pointed out to you you pretend you don't understand.
A few more pennies huh? That is NOT what I'm seeing. "a war criminal's exploits"? There are wealthy Dems/repubs exploiting this now for profit. How much is enough? Rasmussen Poll (like it or not) Scroll up. Yes. It's a poll. Whoop-dee-doo. But has truth.
Being a telecom technician for the last 20yrs, these last 2years I have NOT had any income adjustment nor raise. (Actually extra $20 a day for the first 3months of the plandemic). I worked through the plandemic. House 2 house. Business 2 business. While most people were at home hiding under their bed during lockdowns. 4-8 stops a day. Including providing a lot of free internet to low income (underserved) households. Half of which would use this (depending on MSO) 15-50mbps connection to first hook up their rokus/game consoles/smartphones. Your internet bills, no matter what company/medium you get your internet connection from, subsidizes this from your bill... (And I'm sure the companies get a kickback from state/fed tax dollars, again YOUR MONEY). So keep that in mind. Do you mind paying higher for internet for someone else who isn't using it for what it was intended? SCHOOL!?!?
I'm lucky to make $50k with overtime for 6day work week 10hrs a day sometimes (not including drive time to first job and back home drive time) . And that's not take home pay. No benefits. No matching 401k. If it wasn't for this green movement buttkissing admin shoving their virtuous crap down our throats this wouldn't be happening at the pump to what the prices are gonna be. {/Logic_rant} {/soap box}
I will fight when I know those who have money/financial-investments in markets making money off it fight next to me on the front. Tom Cruise can show me all the fancy elite skills n sh!t he learned making his movies. Including those much older than your average young military enlisted (wo)man. Until then, all who beat the war drum can...
The NPC meme fits some of the people here. Not you. You have it pretty well figured out.