well is claim to be able to tell who is up to what when and or why just from the claimed cell phone data to track someone
and does that alarm or scare you
and when will the arrests start ? or is barr correct in the film clip ?
or all made up ie it is a movie guys they say what they want ?
Although off topic, since the issue of alarm or what scares me, it scares me that a piece of trash like Hunter Biden is protected by the media and Dems within our leadership/government. But, that's off topic so, just ignore it, kind of like how Hunter's lap top has been ignored. Yeah, when will the arrests start..........
The only way that the "2000 Mules" movie could be validated (IMO) is if there were some number of successful prosecutions for voter/elections fraud based on the cell phone tracking data and other evidence that is asserted as credible and probative by the movie.
That remains to be seen.
I wonder if any of the revenues that are accruing to the movie makers are going towards that purpose.
If people are so impressed by this movie that they are talking it up on this forum, I think their curiosity might prompt them to want to see wha the movie's skeptics and nay-sayers are saying about it, and my impression, based on one of my quick "scroll-thru's", is that this newly published Fact Check-style article would be interesting reading, for people who are so impressed by this movie that they are talking it up on this forum.
Robert Farley for FactCheck.org; published June 10 and updated June 13, 2022. https://www.factcheck.org/2...-gaps-in-2000-mules/ ---<snip>--- FactCheck.org is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center.
FlakCheck gets funding from the likes of Ge0rgies Whoreos NGO-2-NGO-2-NGO 💰 laundering to avoid paying his Flare Share, while supplying plenty of flares to ignite dumpster fires by spreading his foreign money to political whore DA's. Whom then flare-up more domestic trouble. All the fault of Guns N' Putin.
How's the origins of COVIDIAN going? The goal was accomplished, the rump was conned out by the string pullers of the RATpaK, along with "the people" with the help of only those who could "bear arms" political militia now securing fed gov holy sites to protect the swamp cretins within. Next narrative can be pushed. The citizen Police supply-chain is diminishing and recruitment is failing. Must be Putin Putin Putin.
Fauci has just came in contact with the COVIDIANS. Just before he was supposed to go in the ring again against Rond Paul to take another beating. RATs get a lot of break-through cases, something we told is Extreeeemely rare. Damn anti-vax Walmart shoppers creating new variants.
{Filtered through ray b speak. Patent pending}
bergbot®™, AI product of SkyNet MarxNet 2030 Global. Division of the Defund, Disarm, Dismantle Wing.
MiKhelob Ultra, stay vigilant (and thirsty) my friends. 🍻
{Ed: spell check}
[This message has been edited by WonderBoy (edited 06-16-2022).]
If people are so impressed by this movie that they are talking it up on this forum, I think their curiosity might prompt them to want to see wha the movie's skeptics and nay-sayers are saying about it, and my impression, based on one of my quick "scroll-thru's", is that this newly published Fact Check-style article would be interesting reading, for people who are so impressed by this movie that they are talking it up on this forum.
Have you seen it (2000 Mules)? Or you just get your daily bread from MSM pushing the narrative?
I don't know if AI programs have the ability to watch movies.
I have not used up any of my time to engage directly with the "2000 Mules" video.
Before that, I would go back to the same Fact Check-style article that I just posted and read carefully all the way through it, to bring this critique of the movie into sharper focus for me.
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 06-15-2022).]
Have you seen it (2000 Mules)? Or you just get your daily bread from MSM pushing the narrative?
Of course he hasn't watched it.
He has also been here on more than a few occasions blowing off to everyone about books that he hasn't read and articles that he has only read the titles to.
It's the usual Leftist "throw a lot of crap and hope some of sticks" method.
A normal, rational and reasonable adult wants to see for themselves what someone else is giving their OPINION about, but as we've said many times before, to Leftists opinions ARE objective facts......even opinions masquerading as "fact checks".
* When you then factor in willful ignorance you begin to understand why:
Leftists gotta Leftist
* I offered the link to watch the movie online for free much earlier in this thread. That link is now blocked but there were at least a couple of weeks of open opportunity for anyone that really wanted to see it and couldn't get to or find a theater showing it......but alas, as always, Leftist willful ignorance prevails.
[This message has been edited by randye (edited 06-16-2022).]
Originally posted by rinselberg: The only way that the "2000 Mules" movie could be validated (IMO) is if there were some number of successful prosecutions for voter/elections fraud based on the cell phone tracking data and other evidence that is asserted as credible and probative by the movie.
By many reports, the "rump" and his allies were able to rake in about $250 million from MAGA fans across the country, by banging on the "2020 presidential election was rigged to favor Biden" drum.
Wonder if any of that treasure haul has been purposed for pursuing the investigations and potential court cases that would actually validate the messaging of the "2000 Mules" video?
What might the denizens of MAGA-world have to say about this? Is it a reasonable question for anyone to have in mind?
If I freely give money to Trump at a political rally then he can do with it as the law allows.
If he is soliciting donations for a certain purpose then he should stick to the purpose like everyone else.
I really want a fact check organization that objectively checks facts without political bias. The left has monopolized the process so far but the pendulum will swing back sooner or later.
The funny thing is that the raw data they used to come too there conclusions was probably purchased from facebook or apple. These two companies track and collect most of the personal data out there. That's pretty ironic.
[This message has been edited by jdv (edited 06-16-2022).]
I like how people are using the “it’s been debunked” with the circular references. One left wing fact checking organization asserts geotracking is not very accurate despite complete acceptance as absolutely accurate by everyone that uses the data, (Door Dash, Uber, etc). Then all the other DNC media outlets report that one clearly false “fact check” as having disproven the movie’s premise. It’s Russian Collusion all over again. Then all following articles point to the previous articles as “proof” the movie has been debunked. It’s nuts and everyone who actually reads the articles knows it’s
We even had someone here watch the movie and claim it was false. No one is as blind as he who refuses to see.
Please avoid doing that. Generally speaking, I skip right over the originator's version because of the pain I get trying to make sense of what's on the screen. Up to this point, everything you've posted was readable (whether I agreed or not). I would prefer to not have to skip over your posts also.