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Portland Is Woking Itself Back To The Stone Age by cliffw
Started on: 03-27-2023 09:42 AM
Replies: 66 (972 views)
Last post by: cliffw on 05-10-2023 12:34 PM
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Report this Post03-27-2023 09:42 AM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Walmart Set to Close All Stores in Portland amid Record-Breaking Retail Theft

There go those $15.00 an hour jobs.

PORTLAND, OR — Starbucks plans to permanently close 16 stores by the end of July, including two in Portland, amid concerns over safety.


Along with the Portland closings, six stores will close in both Seattle and the Los Angeles metro area. Two will close in Portland, Oregon, and one will shutter in both Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., the Wall Street Journal reported.

Starbucks told The Seattle Times on Monday that the decisions to close the stores were based on the number of crime complaints lodged at each store, as well as whether how successful they were at lowering those rates. Crime complaints include drug use, stealing and attacks.

Portland store shuts down, posts blistering note on front door slamming rampant crime: 'City is in peril.


The message posted to the front store noted that the shop is closing down due to the "unrelenting criminal behavior," "coupled with escalating safety issues for our employees."

Nike abruptly closed a key Portland store and reportedly wants to reopen with off-duty police officers that can arrest shoplifters

Good luck with that. The Portland Police force is woefully understaffed with all officers working overtime as it is.

Other gloomy examples of Dumbocratic run governance.
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Report this Post03-27-2023 12:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Fitz301Send a Private Message to Fitz301Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
(I copied this from my post on another topic, but this IS the reason)

The real reason Walmarts are closing, the usual "brown" suspects...

I know, I know, I'm "racist" for sharing this...everything's "racist".

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Report this Post03-27-2023 12:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Fitz301Send a Private Message to Fitz301Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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It's kinda of Walmart's own fault, go woke, go broke, as they say.

Maybe they just didn't kiss enough brown butt, or give them enough "free stuff", to appease the "brown gods" and stop this from happening.
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Report this Post03-27-2023 12:29 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MidEngineManiacSend a Private Message to MidEngineManiacEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Fitz301:

(I copied this from my post on another topic, but this IS the reason)

The real reason Walmarts are closing, the usual "brown" suspects...

I know, I know, I'm "racist" for sharing this...everything's "racist".

** P.A. System crackles to life **


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Report this Post03-28-2023 09:59 AM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
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Report this Post03-28-2023 10:48 AM Click Here to See the Profile for RaydarSend a Private Message to RaydarEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Elections have consequences.
Another "trickle down" effect.

I have zero sympathy.
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Report this Post03-28-2023 12:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for williegoatClick Here to visit williegoat's HomePageSend a Private Message to williegoatEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Well, it is Portland.
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Report this Post03-28-2023 03:23 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Fitz301Send a Private Message to Fitz301Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Now ALL Portland Cracker Barrels are closing, must just be "racism"...

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Report this Post03-28-2023 04:07 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MidEngineManiacSend a Private Message to MidEngineManiacEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Fitz301:

Now ALL Portland Cracker Barrels are closing, must just be "racism"...

Welllll....YEAH !

Cant have gathering places for Crackers !

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Report this Post03-29-2023 04:14 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rinselbergClick Here to visit rinselberg's HomePageSend a Private Message to rinselbergEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

I'm woking my way back to you babe,
While I force these doors aside . . .

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Report this Post03-29-2023 08:31 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 82-T/A [At Work]Send a Private Message to 82-T/A [At Work]Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
This is essentially what happens in every city.

You need only look at New York as an example. New York City has been run by Democrats for many many years. In rare occasions, the city elects a Republican mayor, and the city miraculously recovers. NYC has massive decline, and then a Republican gets in, and the city is cleaned up, and the city experiences unimaginable growth... like in the mid 60s to early 70s under Republican leadership. Which led to the devleopment of the World Trade Center, and so much else in NYC. Then of course, a new generation of people don't bother to look at history, and fall right back into their old problems, and they elect Democrats. Through the late 70s and most of the 80s, NYC became a horrendous place. It was the example of crime through most TV shows. Then in the 90s, things started to change, more Republican commissioners were elected and finally, in the early to mid 1990s, another Republican was elected... Rudy Giuliani. NYC saw a wave of progress, and the city was cleaned up, and saw massive, massive growth. 9/11 happened, and it still didn't deter the growth of NYC.

Then you had Bloomberg, who maintained things for a while, but was fairly liberal, and wasn't much of a politician, allowing himself to be taken advantage of. You then had De Blasio... and... there's not a single person on here that can say that NYC has seen progress. NYC is a complete **** -hole. The homeless is insane, the poverty and filth throughout the streets has become legendary.

You look at any city in the United States, and it's the exact same thing.

Rinse, Patrick, anyone else... I realize you guys truly believe that you're supporting good when you support this kind of ideology... but explain to me why every time a Democrat majority takes control of a city or a state, it declines rapidly... and when Republicans take control of a city or state, it improves dramatically? I would very much like an explanation to this... and Rinse... not the typical answer you give me that you need to do more research and you can't confirm it's true, etc. I do think there needs to be moderation, and I wouldn't want the whole world to be totally Republican because I don't think that would be good either... but I can only imagine how successful a country we would be if all the city commissions swayed Republican. I just find it incredibly frustrating that every time Democrats take control of a city, it declines rapidly. Portland is... like... who would even live there at this point? I don't know a single person that would want to move there unless they absolutely had to for work... and they probably wouldn't want to live IN the city, but in the suburbs, and spend the least amount of time possible there.
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Report this Post03-29-2023 01:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for WichitaSend a Private Message to WichitaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Being leftist woke will destroy the mind, body and soul.
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Report this Post03-29-2023 02:31 PM Click Here to See the Profile for williegoatClick Here to visit williegoat's HomePageSend a Private Message to williegoatEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Leftists are "enablers". By coddling those with issues such as substance abuse, gender dysphoria or a propensity for violence, they exacerbate the problem.

It took a court order to set Phoenix's Leftist mayor straight: Arizona court rules that City of Phoenix must keep 'The Zone' free of the homeless
A court in Arizona has issued a ruling in connection with a lawsuit over a portion of the city known as "The Zone."

According to court documents, The lawsuit, officially known as Freddy Brown, et al. v. City of Phoenix, was filed over allegations that Phoenix city officials "created, maintained, and/or failed to abate a public nuisance" at The Zone.
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Report this Post03-29-2023 02:43 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Fitz301Send a Private Message to Fitz301Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
That's how they "rule" - through FEAR.

It's how they keep their power and control.
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Report this Post03-29-2023 02:52 PM Click Here to See the Profile for rinselbergClick Here to visit rinselberg's HomePageSend a Private Message to rinselbergEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by williegoat:
Leftists are "enablers". By coddling those with issues such as substance abuse, gender dysphoria or a propensity for violence, they exacerbate the problem. It took a court order to set Phoenix's Leftist mayor straight . . .

Well... I don't believe that Leftists (on the whole) have stopped (or even have a mind to stop) scientific research into the origin(s) of the Covid pandemic. I don't believe that Leftists (on the whole) are all "agog" about Greta Thunberg and everything that woman says or does. I don't believe that Leftists (on the whole) can reasonably be described as any more "anti-science" than their counterparts on the Right. Right-wingers. Reactionaries. Rightists(?) Whatever would be the logical opposite to everything that is meant to be conveyed here by "Leftists".

I don't believe any of these sweeping declarations about Leftists, even though they have been explicitly asserted or clearly implied, many times over on this forum, over a period that goes back at least a year before date, if memory serves me.

I just hope this Phoenix mayor isn't secretly harboring a gas-fired cooking range.

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Report this Post03-29-2023 03:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MidEngineManiacSend a Private Message to MidEngineManiacEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by williegoat:

Leftists are "enablers". By coddling those with issues such as substance abuse, gender dysphoria or a propensity for violence, they exacerbate the problem.

It took a court order to set Phoenix's Leftist mayor straight: Arizona court rules that City of Phoenix must keep 'The Zone' free of the homeless
[QUOTE]A court in Arizona has issued a ruling in connection with a lawsuit over a portion of the city known as "The Zone."

According to court documents, The lawsuit, officially known as Freddy Brown, et al. v. City of Phoenix, was filed over allegations that Phoenix city officials "created, maintained, and/or failed to abate a public nuisance" at The Zone.

Phoenix has the same problem as every other city on the continent. Ya gotta do SOMETHING with those people. Just locking 'em up in asylums like they used to simply isnt financially feasible, not to mention the civil rights lawsuits. Running them out of town is going to get you the same lawsuits, plus WHERE are you going to run them to ? Nobody else wants them either. Keep "moving them along" is the same as running them out of town, plus some are going to snap and go all postal over the constant harassment and pressure.

For years this county dealt with it via lack of services. They just made it so damn difficult to navigate the system that the dopers voluntarily went elsewhere (London, Windsor or Sarnia) but thats all changed now. The smaller towns like this one are keeping it under control by not having any shelter spaces at all, so the weather mostly forces them to the city and the shelter system for about 2/3rds of the year. The dozen or so "problems" we have year-round all seem to live in mommies basement or garage or something.
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Report this Post03-29-2023 07:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for WonderBoySend a Private Message to WonderBoyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by rinselberg:

Well... I don't believe that Leftists (on the whole) have stopped (or even have a mind to stop) scientific research into the origin(s) of the Covid pandemic. I don't believe that Leftists (on the whole) are all "agog" about Greta Thunberg and everything that woman says or does. I don't believe that Leftists (on the whole) can reasonably be described as any more "anti-science" than their counterparts on the Right. Right-wingers. Reactionaries. Rightists(?) Whatever would be the logical opposite to everything that is meant to be conveyed here by "Leftists".

I don't believe any of these sweeping declarations about Leftists, even though they have been explicitly asserted or clearly implied, many times over on this forum, over a period that goes back at least a year before date, if memory serves me.

I just hope this Phoenix mayor isn't secretly harboring a gas-fired cooking range.

Sooo you're saying releasing violent felons early, no/minimal bail, don't arrest people, legalising all drugs, beat people up without consequences, burn cities, loot businesses causing them to close (no tax $$$'s for town/city from biz and personal incomes) which forces one race to leave and another stays behind so other said race can be blamed for starting a race war , and sheeeet is science?

Is a social 'science experiment' taking place and the D's are taking observation notes?

What are the "5 D's" of Dodgeball again? Oh yeah:
Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and DODGE

[This message has been edited by WonderBoy (edited 03-29-2023).]

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Report this Post03-30-2023 08:14 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 82-T/A [At Work]Send a Private Message to 82-T/A [At Work]Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

Phoenix has the same problem as every other city on the continent. Ya gotta do SOMETHING with those people. Just locking 'em up in asylums like they used to simply isnt financially feasible, not to mention the civil rights lawsuits. Running them out of town is going to get you the same lawsuits, plus WHERE are you going to run them to ? Nobody else wants them either. Keep "moving them along" is the same as running them out of town, plus some are going to snap and go all postal over the constant harassment and pressure.

For years this county dealt with it via lack of services. They just made it so damn difficult to navigate the system that the dopers voluntarily went elsewhere (London, Windsor or Sarnia) but thats all changed now. The smaller towns like this one are keeping it under control by not having any shelter spaces at all, so the weather mostly forces them to the city and the shelter system for about 2/3rds of the year. The dozen or so "problems" we have year-round all seem to live in mommies basement or garage or something.

Not all cities have this problem. Before I go into specifics, let me give you a recent history of Florida.

About 25 years ago, Florida was a Democrat stronghold. It's where all the old people from New York came to retire, and with the exception of the Cubans (who were/are Republican), everyone else was Democrat. Democrats made up the overwhelming vast majority of the state. There was poverty everywhere. The state was fairly run down, they'd totally destroyed the eco-system of the Everglades, and the state was basically a mess. The boardwalk by both Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale beach were a wreck, old, and dilapidated. There were coke and crack heads that walked all up and down the beach at night... lots of crime, everything was really unsafe. South Florida (Davie) was even the southern headquarters of the KKK. But worse than all of that... you had safety and emissions inspections for your vehicles, as well as impact fees and other nonsense taxes.

Over the last 25 years, Florida has slowly but surely become the Republican "ultra-red" state that it is today. We've kicked out the old racist Democrats (or they died off), we've eliminated most of the crime, we've destroyed the teachers unions and have begun taking back the school systems, and Florida has become an unbelievable success. Like, I can't even explain. Every port, every boardwalk, every tourist area has been completely renovated. We even have a high-speed rail that goes from Miami to Palm Beach, and will soon go to Orlando and Tampa. The train is so nice, it's like flying first class on an international flight. I heard someone once say that Miami has become the new New York... and I tell them, nonsense... Miami has become the new Monaco. We have more of everything. There are literally two combatant commands in Florida, multiple AF, NAVY, and ARMY bases. It's becoming a tech hub, and we've dramatically reduced the pollution and environmental destruction that the Democrats had leveraged on our ecosystem. All of this has been a slow progression since the late 1990s until today.

I give that history because I think it's important to understand too how this affects the individual cities. This last election had a dramatic effect on the state of Florida. It was the first time in Florida's history where not a single Democrat was elected to a state-wide office. There was always a point where at least one (or really, at least two or more) were in office... whether it was the director of health, or director of education, or whatever. They are ALL Republican... every single one. More so... the cities are almost all Republican now. Broward County... now has a Republican commission, for the first time in history. Also for the first time in history, the city of Tampa and Hillsborough County have Republican commissions... just barely, but they do. In the previous election, the Mayor of Tampa was a Democrat. This last election, Tampa lost their Democrat majority, and their Democrat commission majority... so the Republican commission has been passing laws that she vetos, and they override. It's unprecedented.

So why am I saying all of this? When I first moved to Florida in 1996... there were a lot of homeless. But as time has gone on, the Republicans instituted rules that mandated that homeless abide by the same anti-loitering laws as everyone else. If you are not willing to stay in a homeless shelter (and there are plenty of them), then you can get your ass out of the state. It's really simple. Florida has an enormous number of privately-funded foundations which take in homeless and rehabilitate them. They're almost all Christian charities... but they take in homeless, give them mental health and anti-narcotics support. They give them room and board, AND give them a job. For the homeless who refuse help, and do not want to stay in a homeless shelter, we offer them a free bus ticket to anywhere they want out of the state, or jail time. They usually take the bus ticket.

Finally, Tampa was one of the last holdouts... very liberal. There were lots of "tent cities" that were starting to spring up as this became more and more popular. The liberal commission was totally cool with this, and it's almost like they were proud of it... like... look at how wonderful we are to these homeless people living in tents. But as soon as the Republican commission came in, all of these tent cities have been completely disbanded, and the people were either forced to go to a homeless shelter, or get a ticket out of the state.

So yes... Democrats enable this behavior. I've never seen a group of people who take so much pride in normalizing totally insane behavior.
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Report this Post03-30-2023 02:12 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MidEngineManiacSend a Private Message to MidEngineManiacEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Yes they enable it...but they also cause it....then make themselves well-paid or wealthy "fixing" what they caused in the 1st place.

Take this guy for example.

Used to work at the provincial legislature. Meaning he had a government job. DAMN nice paycheque when working, and pension when retired.

Marriage breaks down. Under the liberal anti-male "laws" here, he just lost his house, 1/2 his pay and 1/2 (or more) of his pension. It's actually not unheard of once the dust settles in divorces for men to loose 100% OR MORE of their income and retirement. The attitude is just get a second job. (Yeh, what for, so they can take that too ?)

Over 50 he has slim to no chance of getting a job beyond cab driver or walmart greeter. Which wont even come close to covering rent, let alone food, these days.

No money, no chance and no hope. Pretty easy to see how the downhill slide starts.

All because the left and their "laws" decided to treat men like slaves and walking ATM's for the females and chilluns. Take everything, then take more.

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Report this Post03-30-2023 03:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for williegoatClick Here to visit williegoat's HomePageSend a Private Message to williegoatEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
The area in Phoenix that has recently been referred to as “The Zone” has been the homeless area for as long as I can remember, primarily because that is where the services that they depend on are located. Back in the ‘70s there was a lumber yard there that I used to pick up at several times a week and they had problems with what we called “winos” back then.

Here is a link to a map:

The encampment is nothing like San Francisco, LA or Portland. No one has to step over bums to buy a pair of Gucci pumps. You can go to street view on the map and see what it looks like. The area is an old, run down industrial area and only covers a couple of city blocks.

Also, the mayor had no problem with clearing the tent city out during the stupor bowl, then let them return afterwords.
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Report this Post03-30-2023 03:30 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MidEngineManiacSend a Private Message to MidEngineManiacEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I just took a quick browse. This isnt a doper or wino (yet) neither is the white SUV up the street. Thats a normie life kicked in the nuts once too many times.

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Report this Post03-30-2023 05:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by williegoat:
Also, the mayor had no problem with clearing the tent city out during the stupor bowl, then let them return afterwords.

Funny how that happens. Just like another dumbocratic Mayor, El Paso, cleared the illegal alien shelter when Biden came and brought news cameras.
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Report this Post03-31-2023 08:02 AM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Sadly, the woke never experience the state of being hypnopompic.
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Report this Post04-01-2023 12:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ray bSend a Private Message to ray bEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
you guy love your rightwing spin storys

doom and gloom to the max

but only if the facts are never ever checked

2 down town locations only
other locations ARE NOT CLOSING in the same county

why only tell a bit if the story not the whole thing

and spin it to the max right never center
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Report this Post04-01-2023 01:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MidEngineManiacSend a Private Message to MidEngineManiacEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by ray b:

you guy love your rightwing spin storys

doom and gloom to the max

but only if the facts are never ever checked

2 down town locations only
other locations ARE NOT CLOSING in the same county

why only tell a bit if the story not the whole thing

and spin it to the max right never center

Yeh, Whatever. Welcome back, havent seen you post in ages.

Now excuse me. I got guns to shoot, cats (pussy) to feed pet , stand up to pee, pronouns to ignore, offensive jokes to tell, movies to watch, cigars to smoke, booze to drink and meat to eat.

Sorry about your luck. The leftist misary is...uh...not welcome. We are trying to have a good old time with life.

River is 100 feet away. Lake is 1km. Grab a can and rod or a rock to skip...Or sit there in choose.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 04-01-2023).]

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Report this Post04-01-2023 02:59 PM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by ray b:
You guy love your rightwing spin story, doom and gloom to the max, but only if the facts are never ever checked

2 down town locations only
other locations ARE NOT CLOSING in the same county

Right wing spin spin story ? Is that your opinion of my post ? The truth is right wing spin ?

Originally posted by ray b:
why only tell a bit if the story not the whole thing

Why do you tell left wing spin for every failure of the left wing DAMOCRATS ? Why do you not fact check ?

I have a life. I don't have time to do your thinking for you ! I am smart enough to know ... There were only two locations. The truth, the facts are, they closed every location. In Portland.. The rest of Oregon is not policed by Portland law enforcement.

Ok, you defended zhit hole hole Portland from shutting down the only two Wal-Marts in downtown Portland. What about the other businesses in downtown Portland that have shut down ? What about all the businesses in all the other Damnocrat cities ?

rayb,, next time you come to the plate,, bring a bat !

[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 04-01-2023).]

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Report this Post04-05-2023 11:14 AM Click Here to See the Profile for ray bSend a Private Message to ray bEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by cliffw:

Why do you tell left wing spin for every failure of the left wing DAMOCRATS ? Why do you not fact check ?
rayb,, next time you come to the plate,, bring a bat !

portland wal-mart,10z/data=!3m1!4b1

lists 2 super centers closing and 12 other wal-marts open in the county plus 6 across the river in van /wash

I do not need to hurt anyone
unless the truth hurts your lies
if so so sorry but try to lie less

[This message has been edited by ray b (edited 04-05-2023).]

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Report this Post04-05-2023 12:12 PM Click Here to See the Profile for williegoatClick Here to visit williegoat's HomePageSend a Private Message to williegoatEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by ray b:

portland wal-mart,10z/data=!3m1!4b1

lists 2 super centers closing and 12 other wal-marts open in the county plus 6 across the river in van /wash

I do not need to hurt anyone
unless the truth hurts your lies
if so so sorry but try to lie less

There is only one Walmart on the linked map that is in Portland and here are a couple of recent pictures.

Originally posted by ray b:

I do not need to hurt anyone
unless the truth hurts your lies
if so so sorry but try to lie less

Originally posted by ray b:

are you kind?

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Report this Post04-05-2023 12:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for williegoatClick Here to visit williegoat's HomePageSend a Private Message to williegoatEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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"Close, but no cigar"

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Report this Post04-07-2023 10:07 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Valkrie9Send a Private Message to Valkrie9Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

Consider the lusciously plump and innocent intern Monica's submissive reaction to Wild Bill's... uh... just whipping it out.
You know, you know, the cigar insertions were erotically stimulating trademarks, his mo.
See, Biden_Joe is more into the young 'uns, the groping, sniffing, and prodding.

What Portland can expect in the M9 quakes to come, is a giant wave travelling up the Columbia, flushing the detritus out to sea as it recedes.
The aftermath will signal the end of the Nation, the destruction far beyond any reasonable hope of recovery.
An injured state, the ccp's pla is invited to help with a western seaboard reconstruction, five decades of occupation, then a generation, then forever.
A nuke bombardment too, would have a similar invasion, unopposed.
' Bring your weapons to town for surrender. '
How do you like that ?

100 million man army enters, unopposed, just walk right in, from Canada too, Justin, like, ok, with the pla.

To make right what is wrong will take unprecedented remedy.
A Constitutional remedy.
Written down for you, as instructions.
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ray b
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Report this Post04-08-2023 10:47 AM Click Here to See the Profile for ray bSend a Private Message to ray bEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

spin = lies but the right has no program with out the lies and spin

12 store open does not = all stores closed

btw wal-mart is not a liberal corp they are Gop supporting scum
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ray b
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Report this Post04-08-2023 10:56 AM Click Here to See the Profile for ray bSend a Private Message to ray bEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

ray b

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Originally posted by Valkrie9:

To make right what is wrong will take unprecedented remedy.
A Constitutional remedy.
Written down for you, as instructions.

Constitution has no rules about sex if they be interns or not
in fact the Constitution has NOthing about the rightwing christians sex problems at all
like they understood the government has no biz sticking it's nose there

so why do you in an other country bang on about 25+ year old BS with a cigar
but not the rump tax theft or thomas's millions unreported tax dodges
as clinton matters not
but on going bribes and theft do matter right NOW
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Report this Post04-08-2023 02:42 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MidEngineManiacSend a Private Message to MidEngineManiacEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
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Report this Post04-08-2023 03:03 PM Click Here to See the Profile for williegoatClick Here to visit williegoat's HomePageSend a Private Message to williegoatEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by ray b:


spin = lies but the right has no program with out the lies and spin

12 store open does not = all stores closed

btw wal-mart is not a liberal corp they are Gop supporting scum

The tread is based on the fact that all stores in Portland are closed.
Spin is when you say that there are store outside Portland that are not closed.

As a proud member of the Right, I told the truth. You are the one who is trying to spin the story.

You say that "spin = lies" Who is lying?

Integrity and principle do matter. If you believe in something, don't run and hide. Stand up and take action.

Trying to rationalize a misguided belief results in isolation and paranoia. Wisdom comes from understanding and accepting the truth.
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ray b
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Report this Post04-08-2023 03:39 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ray bSend a Private Message to ray bEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by williegoat:

The tread is based on the fact that all stores in Portland are closed.
Spin is when you say that there are store outside Portland that are not closed.

As a proud member of the Right, I told the truth. You are the one who is trying to spin the story.

You say that "spin = lies" Who is lying?

Integrity and principle do matter. If you believe in something, don't run and hide. Stand up and take action.

Trying to rationalize a misguided belief results in isolation and paranoia. Wisdom comes from understanding and accepting the truth.

yes you are playing word games

that some call alt-facts
other see as deception aka lies

I understand one can bike to a store
any one of 12 still open just outside the city limits

and you think the point is won
just as the rump claims election victory

sad really
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Report this Post04-08-2023 03:45 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ray bSend a Private Message to ray bEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

ray b

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and still they can't see tax cheats

only interns and cigars from long ago

and sex costs what
vs the cheating on taxes unpaid

bet the Gop guy who's yacht the criminal tax cheating judge was on

deducted any and all cost related to the trip as a political donation or some other BS

so they cheat on both ends of the deal
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Report this Post04-09-2023 06:30 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Valkrie9Send a Private Message to Valkrie9Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

' Close, butt no cigar ! '
The clown in the Oval Office doing the dirty deed from behind, bent over the Resolute Desk.
That is why he could later claim he didn't have sex with that woman.
He broke her heart, what a cruel philanderer.
' Yes, your honor, the next time we were alone, I was bent over the desk, reaching for a dossier folder, when, I felt his hand lightly graze my buttocks.
I was shocked at my reaction, I shivered in excitement, I felt a hot rush. '
' I said ' Oh ! President Clinton ! ' '

You know, you know, Portland was visited by the Lewis and Clark expedition,1806.
If only they knew then, what we know now, that the Columbia flood plains will subside into the river during the M9 megaquake.
Besides, selling before total loss is a wise economic strategy for Walmart.

Toast !

Suggested Reading

[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 04-09-2023).]

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Report this Post04-11-2023 08:07 AM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by ray b:
I understand one can bike to a store in
any one of 12 still open just outside the city limits

Even the thieves ?
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Report this Post04-11-2023 09:51 AM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Report this Post04-12-2023 08:38 AM Click Here to See the Profile for cliffwSend a Private Message to cliffwEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Wal-Mart to close 1/2 of it's Chicago locations, four. Now, a city of 8,901,000 people will only have four Wal-Marts.

Another bragging right of dumbocratic cities and the dumbocratic way of life.

Chicago used to say "“Walmart believes in Chicago”. Are they now going to say "Wal-Mart is learning it's lesson in doing business in a dumbocratic enclave".

Don't let your children became a dumbocrat.
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