Communist Party sloganeering, directly from the little red book of Mao's CCP PLA, plagiarism, by dempartie zealots, minions, the Biden_Joe ilk. The imps of Nancy Pelosi's mob, the sycophants of the child predator's cult, burning offerings on their pagan altars. Did they dispose of their young victim's bodies into the deepest part of the Caribbean, five knots south of Epstein's Lolita Island ? There is no bottom to Biden_Joe's depravity, did Ashley's twelve, a very, very, sick pederast fjb with an indictment for treason, to-morrow ! ' Yeah ! '
Seeing that little cyclone, it makes me think of just how bad it's been for LA and the surrounding areas. I feel genuinely bad for them, but I have to make a comment. Every time there's a horrible natural disaster somewhere in a Southern state... like Florida, or Georgia, or something in the mountains... you always get some Democrats from Hollywood... like, I'm thinking Samuel L. Jackson who wished natural disasters would hit Republican states only, or... I forget her name, where she said she was so happy that Florida was hit with a Hurricane to show them that "God hates them."
Like... you don't ever see conservatives say things like that. I'm sure if we looked really hard, we could probably find one person who doesn't matter, but you don't really see this kind of behavior from the right. It's sad how many people lost their homes... and basically lost their entire net worth. When tragedies happen in Democrat-areas, conservatives or (normal people) come out to help and give donations. But when a red-state is hit... the left is always there to laugh and point the finger. What makes people like this?
There's a book I was reading about NAZI Germany many years ago, and there was a quote that really stuck with me. I'm going to butcher it... but it goes something like this:
When you can convince a population that someone is lesser than them, the ability to justify atrocities becomes much easier.
I'm butchering that quote, because it was said much more eloquently, and wasn't phrased in a way to be instructional, but in order to explain how much of the German public was so easy to go along with what was happening to the Jews / Catholics / Disabled in NAZI Germany. But this is literally the same kind of attitude that many people on the left feel. They live in echo-chambers and convince themselves that they're morally superior. It's a type of cognitive dissonance that allows them to more easily look down on people who don't align politically with them. Not just look down, but have absolute hate. These people don't realize how misguided they are. You see videos on YouTube, etc., all the time talking about how so and so had so much hate for the right, and then they immersed themselves in it, and realized they were the ones who had the hate.
Hopefully we'll see some change in the next four years. I feel horrible for the people in LA. If there's any benefit to this tragedy, many of these people will realize the goodness that comes from others who have extended their hand to help them.
A contemporary of Thomas Jefferson. . ' Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ' . ' To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.' . ' But that a camel-merchant (Muhammad) should stir up insurrection in his village; that in league with some miserable followers he persuades them that he talks with the angel Gabriel; that he boasts of having been carried to heaven, where he received in part this unintelligible book, each page of which makes common sense shudder; that, to pay homage to this book, he delivers his country to iron and flame; that he cuts the throats of fathers and kidnaps daughters; that he gives to the defeated the choice of his religion or death: this is assuredly nothing any man can excuse, at least if he was not born a Turk, or if superstition has not extinguished all natural light in him. Most blessed Father (Pope Benedict XIV) - Your holiness will pardon the liberty taken by one of the lowest of the faithful, though a zealous admirer of virtue, of submitting to the head of the true religion this performance ('Fanaticism, or Mahomet'), written in opposition to the founder of a false and barbarous sect. To whom could I with more propriety inscribe a satire on the cruelty and errors of a false prophet, than to the vicar and representative of a God of truth and mercy? Your holiness will therefore give me leave to lay at your feet both the piece and the author of it, and humbly to request your protection of the one, and your benediction upon the other; in hopes of which, with the profoundest reverence, I kiss your sacred feet. ' . French Enlightenment writer and philosopher famous for his wit and for his advocacy of civil liberties, including freedom of religion and free trade. ~ Voltaire, born Fran'ois-Marie Arouet (1694 - 1778)
The weather forecasters are predicting rain for most of Southern California in the next few days. This will definitely help the fire fighters efforts, they can now focus on mud slides. Greenies, Tree Hugers and whoever have a hold on Gov. Gavin Newsom. Although he'll do his best to squirm out of responsibility for the failures of his Green efforts. I sincerely hope CA voters realize where the faults is. Although, the CA Reps also deserve to be voted out of office. (My Opinion)
The California Dems on CSPAN are blaming Global Warming for the fires. And the 100 mph winds. And voting against the forest management legislation in the House.
Talk about 'one trick ponies'.......
I hope Guam doesn't flip over due to the added weight of new construction.
Trump is /was in North Carolina evaluating needs. Then off to the LA area of California to do the same. Gavin Newsome plans on storming the tarmac to talk to Trump.
Also, Trump invited Adam Schift to accompany him. Which he declined.
Probably one of the very few good decisions Schift has made. I have doubts Schift has any idea on how to skydive or use a parachute (should he be offered one).
[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 01-24-2025).]
Doug, I watched that 'town hall' live. It was very impressive as Trump had instant command of the the pertinant facts of every scenario asked of him.
One can say he has plenty of cans of 'whoop azz' and not just for Karen Azz. That other nimrod who was trying to sway Trump about FEMA ? He got his own azz handed to him. I bet he has four years worth of canned whoop azz.
It's as plain as a house on fire ! Dempartie communists are frauding the tax money, the California treasury, grift, graft, swindle, gyp, embezzling millions, filling their offshore bank accounts, just as fast as they can, the Biden_Joe_Klan. Gonna have to burn the orcs from power, it's what they understand. ' They are afraid of fire ! ' A mob of irate Californian voters surrounding the Sacramento Legislature, pitchforks and torches, ' Come out ! Come out ! Gavin ! We know you're in there ! ' Newsom, tarred, feathered, bound in a burlap potato sack, lit up, sent on his way mounted backwards on a railway service cart, south to Tijuana, ' Do you feel the heat now, handsome ? ' Pelosi too, sent to Hades on her broomstick, the Vampire staked.
Very good find Valkrie9. 1961. Exact same zhit, non working fire hydrants and all. Happening before the boom increased industrial mfg and cars did not even have catalytic converters or unleaded gas.
Hmm, is a coincident that catalytic converters and unleaded gas are the reason for Global Warming" ?