Gents, one more week, and we'll have a new president. What are your thoughts on some of the first things he'll do?
It's estimated that he'll sign over 100 executive orders, which includes reversing at least 50+ some-odd Biden EOs. Word on the street is that they've already written them up, ready to go, they just need him to formally sign them on his first day.
What comes through that pipeline may cost you 25% more thanks to Trump.
Hah... what's silly about that though, is that this will immediately price Canadian oil out of the market. Oil comes from a variety of places, and the refineries will get it from wherever it's cheapest. This also helps U.S. interests, because then with oil being more expensive, it actually facilitates increased drilling and fracking at other sites. I'm sure the people who know, know this in Canada, and the people who merely said this as a threat, have no idea what they're talking about. It's actually pretty crazy... but it will definitely not work in their favor at all. It'll decimate the oil industry in Canada, and moderately increase the price of gasoline in the United States by maybe 15% in the beginning, but would go down as other sources replace those imports. At that point, Canada would then need to actually provide the oil at a discount in order to get their market share back. This is basic economics...
Originally posted by Patrick: What comes through that pipeline may cost you 25% more thanks to Trump.
Gee golly whiz. That pipeline is not exclusively for Canadian oil. How much did Canada pay to construct that pipeline ? Believe you me, Canada will have to sell it at world prices, or sit on it. How many refineries does Canada have ?
What comes through that pipeline may cost you 25% more thanks to Trump.
As mentioned above, there are so many reasons Canada should not do this but, it's Canada's decision. So be it.............. Could be that US jobs could come back to the US also. One never knows how things will end up but, we know who needs who more. A more secure border makes one hell of a lot of sense for both countries.
[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 01-16-2025).]
As mentioned above, there are so many reasons Canada should not do this but, it's Canada's decision. So be it.............. Could be that US jobs could come back to the US also. One never knows how things will end up but, we know who needs who more. A more secure border makes one hell of a lot of sense for both countries.
That's exactly it.
The U.S. buys... but has the ability to make things themselves. Canada sells... but isn't the only producer on the block.
It's like an Italian restaurant in New York saying they're going to charge 25% higher than everyone else... how do we think that'll work out?
It's like an Italian restaurant in New York saying they're going to charge 25% higher than everyone else...
That's a bogus argument. In this case, it's not your favorite Italian restaurant that wants to charge you 25% more, it's your own father... forcing mom and you to either pay him the 25% premium, or drive clear across town to a different restaurant, probably an Arab one.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: do we think that'll work out?
Not very well for dad.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-16-2025).]
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: It's like an Italian restaurant in New York saying they're going to charge 25% higher than everyone else... how do we think that'll work out?
82-T/A [At Work], Todd, the United States have tariffs placed upon us all over the world. Because, if not, their citizens would buy the same product from us.
No one commented on my "External Revenue Service" thread. I am okay with that.
[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 01-16-2025).]
That's a bogus argument. In this case, it's not your favorite Italian restaurant that wants to charge you 25% more, it's your own father... forcing mom and you to either pay him the 25% premium, or drive clear across town to a different restaurant, probably an Arab one.
Are you saying the United States is the parental guardian for Canada? I'm lost on this comparison.
And you're not selling me on the Arab stuff... I love Afghan, Pakistan, and any of that South-West Asian-style of food.
Are you saying the United States is the parental guardian for Canada?
... You wish.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
I'm lost on this comparison.
It's not rocket science. Your own "parent" wishes to apply a 25% surcharge on everything you buy from what has been your go-to "Italian restaurant" for years.
82-T/A [At Work], Todd, the United States have tariffs placed upon us all over the world. Because, if not, their citizens would buy the same product from us.
And... Canada does it by taxing all manufactured goods that aren't made in Canada... which resulted in all manufacturing in Detroit and the north, moving across the border directly into Canada because then GM and Ford could produce vehicles (and parts) without tariff to any country... in which Canada was the only one of the three doing that.
Canada knew what they were doing, and they're going to find out pretty soon whether or not we're bluffing.
It's not rocket science. Your own "parent" wishes to apply a 25% surcharge on everything you buy from what has been your go-to "Italian restaurant" for years.
I'm trying to understand where your "parent" reference comes from.
Are you saying Canada is the parent of the United States? This is an exceptionally flawed analogy... it doesn't make any sense.
Canada paid billions for it. In America ? Do your homework.
I never said anything about Canada paying for the Keystone pipeline located in the US. Maybe you should do some homework.
Originally posted by cliffw:
It has to. Try selling us some at 25% more.
It has to what? You can thank Trump, and Trump alone, for the 25% increase in price. That's his gift to you, the average American Joe. Sure, have it shipped instead half way around the planet from your "friends" in the Arab world. You don't think that's going to cost you more than what you're currently paying for oil that's right next door? Dreamer.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-16-2025).]
It has to what? You can thank Trump, and Trump alone, for the 25% increase in price. That's his gift to you, the average American Joe. Sure, have it shipped instead half way around the planet from your "friends" in the Arab world. You don't think that's going to cost you more than what you're currently paying for oil that's right next door? Dreamer.
Yeah, Americans are dreamers. We actually landed on the Moon. Six times.
[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 01-16-2025).]
And... Canada does it by taxing all manufactured goods that aren't made in Canada... which resulted in all manufacturing in Detroit and the north, moving across the border directly into Canada because then GM and Ford could produce vehicles (and parts) without tariff to any country... in which Canada was the only one of the three doing that.
Canada knew what they were doing, and they're going to find out pretty soon whether or not we're bluffing.
Honestly, Canada can charge what ever they want, it's a world market. The US doesn't have to use Canadian Oil. It is a supply and demand market. If Canada's oil is 25% more, then we have our own resources and other options. Our economy can handle it. Not so sure about Canada's. Their choice. Doesn't really matter to me.
All DJT has really asked for is, help securing our northern border. I realize DJT pissed off several Canadians by offering to allow them to be our 51st state but I really wish he hadn't done that. We already have enough problems with WOKE states, we don't need to add to the problem.
[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 01-16-2025).]
Cliff's floating the idea of importing it from the moon.
The US can import its oil from wherever they want, just as Canada can export its oil to whomever else wishes to purchase it. There's a huge Asian market just across the pond. But ya, it makes perfect sense for two close neighbors not to do business with each other after all these years of cooperation and shared benefits.
Cliff's floating the idea of importing it from the moon.
The US can import its oil from wherever they want, just as Canada can export its oil to whomever else wishes to purchase it. There's a huge Asian market just across the pond. But ya, it makes perfect sense for two close neighbors not to do business with each other after all these years of cooperation and shared benefits.
Agreed, if only Canada would get with the program of helping secure the border this most likely wouldn't have come up. I don't believe DJT has gotten around to the NATO thing yet. But, I believe it'll come up soon enough.
Edited, I don't believe (no matter how you stretch it) Cliff came even close to suggesting as you describe. If Canada can develop overseas sales for it's oil, more power to them but, those markets really want refined petroleum products, not crude. I don't believe Canada has the refining processes until they build them. It's such a simple solution to this issue, border security but, seems like that's a much bigger deal to actually get done.
[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 01-17-2025).]
Originally posted by Patrick: Maybe you can import your oil from there.
We don't have to. We own the Moon. The only flag on it is the American flag. We were going to build the "Space Pipeline" but the Greenies shut it down.
When one side continually claims "This is gonna hurt you more than us" then you know right off the bat they desperately DON'T want this to happen and it IS NOT because they have OUR best interest at heart.
Originally posted by maryjane: When one side continually claims "This is gonna hurt you more than us" then you know right off the bat they desperately DON'T want this to happen and it IS NOT because they have OUR best interest at heart.
Not every time. When Cindi gets a certain needed, with a big needle injection, I am there to hold her hand. I tell her that "it's gonna hurt you more than me".
"Coming of age in a fascist police state will not be a barrel of fun for anybody, much less for people like me, who are not inclined to suffer Nazis gladly and feel only contempt for the cowardly flag-suckers who would gladly give up their outdated freedom to live for the mess of pottage they have been conned into believing will be freedom from fear.” ― Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom of Fear: Loathsome Secrets of a Star-Crossed Child in the Final Days of the American Century
"Coming of age in a fascist police state will not be a barrel of fun for anybody, much less for people like me, who are not inclined to suffer Nazis gladly and feel only contempt for the cowardly flag-suckers who would gladly give up their outdated freedom to live for the mess of pottage they have been conned into believing will be freedom from fear.” ― Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom of Fear: Loathsome Secrets of a Star-Crossed Child in the Final Days of the American Century
Trump has stated that on Day One of his presidency, he will mandate a 25% tariff on all imports from Canada, Mexico and China. I suspect he's simply posturing (for his ego), but we'll see.
Well, where's the big announcement?
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-20-2025).]
My current elation is totally due to knowing the Biden/Harris Administration are a thing of the past.
Spent quite a bit of time during DJTs speech watching the reaction of Biden and Harris. I really enjoyed that. HRC sat behind Harris and her facial expressions were great to watch also.
One of the major media (NBC I think, could have been a politician or a reporter, just don't know) said that the tariff decision was waiting on Canada to get a leader, said currently Canada was leaderless/rudderless. Whoever it was said DJT was waiting on the tariff decision until Canada picks a leader. Yeah, I know that's not a good factual source.
One of the major media (NBC I think, could have been a politician or a reporter, just don't know) said that the tariff decision was waiting on Canada to get a leader, said currently Canada was leaderless/rudderless. Whoever it was said DJT was waiting on the tariff decision until Canada picks a leader. Yeah, I know that's not a good factual source.
Now that Trump is back in office we should be start drilling and producing our own oil. This will put us in a position of not having to depend on other countries for oil. The tariffs will have less impact on Canada. This is a good thing.
(Source and accuracy of this news report is unconfirmed) article
Border Patrol agent dead after ‘being shot by illegal immigrant at Vermont traffic stop’ hours after Trump’s renewed crackdown
A BORDER patrol agent has been reportedly shot to death by an illegal immigrant, hours after President Donald Trump issued a nationwide crackdown.
The agent in Vermont was conducting a traffic stop when the attacker reportedly whipped out a gun and shot him dead.
The shooter had overstayed his visa when he opened fire and hit the agent in his neck at around 3:15 pm local time, sources told NewsNation .
The attacker was also killed in the horror gunfight, and another woman was injured in the barrage of bullets.
It’s unclear how badly she was hurt.
The attack took place in Waterbury, which is just 45 minutes south of Montreal, Canada .
The Department of Homeland Security confirmed the deaths and said the FBI will be leading the investigation.
However, they have yet to confirm the immigration status of the shooter.
The horrific violence erupted hours after President Trump declared the border crisis a “national emergency” and pledged to end the “disastrous invasion” of America.
In his first day in office , Trump has already signed a presidential order that shut down the CBP One app – which saw nearly one million illegal immigrants cross the US-Mexico border for work.
On the app, migrants without visas could sign up for a lottery and, if they were selected, enter the US through legal ports of entry.
All they had to do was schedule appointments and prove they were able to work.
However, on Monday, thousands of immigrants watched as the app went completely dark, and their appointments suddenly disappeared.
In his inaugural address, Trump vowed to restore “common sense” to border policing.
He said that under his administration, Mexican cartels that have invaded the country would be considered foreign terrorist organizations.
He said that criminals illegally entering the country have ruined American cities and want to use all of the federal government’s powers to drive them out.
“With these actions, we will begin the complete restoration of America and the revolution of common sense,” he said.
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 01-20-2025).]