However, these accusations were based on appearances alone and ignored the context of Musk's words.
During his brief speech — available in full on YouTube — Musk said to the crowd gathered in honor of Trump's victory, "And I just want to say thank you for making it happen. Thank you." He then briskly extended his right hand from his heart to the crowd in front of him. He repeated the gesture for the people behind him. Then, in a moment omitted from the users' videos, he said, placing his hand over his heart, "Thank you. My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured, thanks to you."
But thanks for playing. And don't ever let the truth get in the way of a good slander.
[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 01-22-2025).]
However, these accusations were based on appearances alone and ignored the context of Musk's words.
During his brief speech — available in full on YouTube — Musk said to the crowd gathered in honor of Trump's victory, "And I just want to say thank you for making it happen. Thank you." He then briskly extended his right hand from his heart to the crowd in front of him. He repeated the gesture for the people behind him. Then, in a moment omitted from the users' videos, he said, placing his hand over his heart, "Thank you. My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured, thanks to you."
But thanks for playing. And don't ever let the truth get in the way of a good slander.
fore-sure the rump never has '' And don't ever let the truth get in the way of a good slander.'' ever
that salute was just one of many tells the german neo inducement the apatite history
that is just e-or the rump himself and his gang have many many more call it authoritarian or fascist or just RWNJ TO THE MAX
sure do not see any moderates no center to the rump reich leadership cult only hard core nut con's too the max 100% reichest group ever but who is the very most extreme
will they kill the whole con movement so far so bad
rump/Gop never saw any issue they can't
distort lie cheat about while try to make a buck from
the worst radical semi-christian-fascist movement in the USA now loves the jews in a twisted hope of ending the modern world in bible BS battle with evil
sadly they fail to understand their movement is the evil and can end the modern world but no god ever existed
they killed 50k arabs for the gaza killing of 1200 jews fair balanced holy justice ? or just state terror ? there is no hint of any god in that mess just fools who believe different LIES about a god that never was
and a rump fool who wants more killing not any peace so he can look like a tuff guy
rump is a cult leader you are in a cult that want to kill
the worst radical semi-christian-fascist movement in the USA now loves the jews in a twisted hope of ending the modern world in bible BS battle with evil
sadly they fail to understand their movement is the evil and can end the modern world but no god ever existed
they killed 50k arabs for the gaza killing of 1200 jews fair balanced holy justice ? or just state terror ? there is no hint of any god in that mess just fools who believe different LIES about a god that never was
and a rump fool who wants more killing not any peace so he can look like a tuff guy
rump is a cult leader you are in a cult that want to kill
wake up get help
Why would anyone that reads your posts believe that you have any insights to anything that goes on concerning this planet? All you spew is hatred and your twisted view of reality.
they killed 50k arabs for the gaza killing of 1200 jews fair balanced holy justice ? or just state terror ?
This part of your post is representative of some of the thinking on the left. Things do not work that way. When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the US did not just go and sink an equal number of Japanese ships then call it even. That was a declaration of war. When two countries are at war, it means they fight until one side surrenders or there is a peace agreement between them. The US did not stop the war until Japan unconditionally surrendered. There were a hell of a lot more dead Japanese than Americans by the end of the war.
Hamas could ended the war they started at any time by surrendering. Not surrendering means Hamas is fine with more of their people dying.
I'm not a Musk fan but to say that was a Nazi salute is stupid. But I guess people see what they want to see.
Agreed. As I have said many times previously, it's all about the perspective of the viewer. If, one is biased one way or another, that's going to come out in their opinion. I don't see a Nazi salute but admit that I'm not looking for one.
...comparing apples to oranges. A still image of a wave (by any one of us) is hardly comparable to the way that Elon Muskthrusts his hand up and immediately brings it back down again... much like a type of salute. Again, watch the video at the link I provided.
...comparing apples to oranges. A still image of a wave (by any one of us) is hardly comparable to the way that Elon Muskthrusts his hand up and immediately brings it back down again... much like a type of salute. Again, watch the video at the link I provided.
Patrick, do you need some money to buy a thinking cap ?
Do you think that the still images of dumbocrats doing that was by a stroke of pure luck snapping the picture at the exact time they were doing the Nazi salute ?
Do you think that the still images of dumbocrats doing that was by a stroke of pure luck snapping the picture at the exact time they were doing the Nazi salute ?
Why would it be a "stroke of pure luck" to capture those images when their hands were waving back and forth above their heads for an extended period of time? You make absolutely no sense.
Originally posted by cliffw:
Patrick, do you need some money to buy a thinking cap ?
Tell me the model of yours so I can get a different model that actually functions.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-23-2025).]
Everyone is welcomed to their own opinion but, when it embarrasses your bosses (in this case viewership), then one might want to keep it to themselves. Had a boss once who was interested in an election and wore his company provided jacket with the company's name and logo to a public gathering/event that made the local news. He was immediately admonished and told the company didn't mind him going but he was not allowed to wear anything with the company or logo.
Originally posted by Patrick: Tell me the model of your thinking cap so I can get a different model that actually functions.
I could not afford the top brand. This is the MENSA model.
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You should buy the genius model. This is the GENIUS model.
Click to show
[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 01-24-2025).]
Originally posted by Patrick: Why would it be a "stroke of pure luck" to capture those images when their hands were waving back and forth above their heads for an extended period of time? You make absolutely no sense.
Ah, there is video. Post them. A still shot does not provide the context of what your claim alleges. You are comparing apples to bananas. Would your panties still be in a wad if I screenshot the Musk gesture ?
A still shot does not provide the context of what your claim alleges.
Actually, it can work very well. Here's a cropped "still shot" of whomever it is supplied by Raydar. Notice the blurred raised hand? Ever taken a photo, Cliff? Ever notice that if something in the photo is moving fast enough (with a slow shutter speed), that it's blurred? Like this photo... of a woman waving her hand (probably done in this case to emphasize a point she was making).
A still image of a wave (by any one of us) is hardly comparable to the way that Elon Muskthrusts his hand up and immediately brings it back down again... much like a type of salute. Again, watch the video at the link I provided.
I challenge any of you to find a video of any other prominent public figure who does whatever the hell it was that Elon Musk was doing.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-24-2025).]
...comparing apples to oranges. A still image of a wave (by any one of us) is hardly comparable to the way that Elon Musk thrusts his hand up and immediately brings it back down again... much like a type of salute. Again, watch the video at the link I provided.
My point wasn’t about comparing photos to videos but about how people see what they want to see. Musk’s gesture doesn’t match a Hitler salute in many key ways. He placed his hand on his heart before extending it, and he immediately brought his hand down after the motion. The Hitler salute, by contrast, required keeping the arm extended in a rigid position. Straight and forward.
While it may have been unwise (or even downright stupid) given the potential for misinterpretation, it’s clear it wasn’t intended as a Hitler salute. It doesn’t align with Musk’s history. He has openly condemned antisemitism on multiple occasions and actively worked to combat hate speech on his platforms.
But if you still insist it was a Hitler salute then again - apparently, you only see what you want to see.
Originally posted by Patrick: I challenge any of you to find a video of any other prominent public figure who does whatever the hell it was that Elon Musk was doing.
Gee, golly, whizz. It took me ten seconds. If the Democrat nominee for Vice President counts as prominent, to you. (Not to me.)
You know Ray... if I'm being honest... the only reason why people don't have outright disgust and pure hatred for the Democrat party, is because they are absolute masters of manipulation of the poor, fools, and idiots.
You've been a Democrat your entire life... including living in the South... and I know you're old as **** . That means that you've been around through all the atrocities that the Democrat party has committed over the decades. Look at your party's history...
- Slavery - Segregation - Two nuclear bombs dropped, killing 380k people in a day. - Forced un-tested vaccination of the entire country - The killing of over a million babies every single year. - Intentionally funding and placing abortion clinics SPECIFICALLY in black and Hispanic neighborhoods. - Trail of tears - Formation of the KKK from Democrat-Congressmen - Hundreds of thousands dead from mass illegal immigration, just because your party leaders want cheap labor - Destruction of the everglades for generations - Jim Crowe laws - Election fraud in nearly every single election you could get away with it. - Internment camps - Coerced castration and mastectomies of confused children
How can you even look at yourself in the mirror knowing that you've literally supported all of this? And out of all of this... you even for a second compare the Third Reich / NAZI Germany to the Republican party, when it was literally people from the Democrat party that were NAZI sympathizers.
No one actually believes this nonsense. The entire South was DEMOCRAT until around the year 2000. There was a gradual shift to Republican starting in the late 90s until today... some of the south is STILL Democrat. You're not fooling anyone.
That's not bad for ten seconds worth of research. Hope you didn't exhaust yourself. However, that gentle quick wave by Tim Waltz hardly comes close to the very enthusiastic whatever it was that Elon Musk performed.