I have enjoyed much of his music. This performance, which he did for free, not Oprah wages, at the victory rally did not disappoint.
It is 24 minutes. It mentions "let's go Biden", his song on his album, "We The People", a salute to the military ... some recorded messages from Trump.
The biggest washed up has-beens were missing. Trudeau, Biden and Pelosi.
Honestly not a fan of Kid Rock, Billy Ray Cyrus, The Village People and probably several others even if we do share certain political attitudes. Although Carrie Underwood is Out Frigg'n Standing (who sang a cappella at the Inauguration).
[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 01-24-2025).]
I don't "HATE" anyone. I wouldn't waste the energy on them.
Don, let me ask you something... Do you love Donald Trump? Seriously, do you love Donald Trump with all your heart? If yes, then I'd be kind of... surprised... but if no, you don't actually love Donald Trump, then why do you feel that I'd "hate" the guy? Why would I have such strong emotional feelings one way or another? I won't deny I've always felt Trump was a tool, and I had no idea how the American people could've ever elected him as POTUS in 2016.
Back then he was more of a curiosity to me, but he's currently making statements and decisions that could very well affect my way of life. So yes, I'm now a lot more outspoken with how I feel about Donald Trump. But do I "hate" him? No. Honestly, no I do not. I think he's a pathetic excuse for a human being, but I don't "hate" him.
And in regards to finding someone else here to "believe" me... Is that why we post in forums such as this... to try and convince someone else of our personal political beliefs? If so, I'm sorry, but I don't think I've witnessed a single member of this forum over the last 20+ years who's changed their tune.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-25-2025).]
Originally posted by Patrick: Don, let me ask you something... Do you love Donald Trump? Seriously, do you love Donald Trump with all your heart? If yes, then I'd be kind of... surprised... but if no, you don't actually love Donald Trump, then why do you feel that I'd "hate" the guy? Why would I have such strong emotional feelings one way or another? I won't deny I've always felt Trump was a tool, and I had no idea how the American people could've ever elected him as POTUS in 2016.
Back then he was more of a curiosity to me, but he's currently making statements and decisions that could very well affect my way of life. So yes, I'm now a lot more outspoken with how I feel about Donald Trump. But do I "hate" him? No. Honestly, no I do not. I think he's a pathetic excuse for a human being, but I don't "hate" him.
I love Trump policies and actions with all my heart. Just as you hate them. Riddle me this. Why do people actually hate Trump ?
We elected him in 2016, as the citizens of the United States choose the direction we want to go. We did not like the direction we were going. I voted for Ted Cruz during the primaries. A Cuban refugee. If you move to the USA, even you could run for President.
Originally posted by Patrick: And in regards to finding someone else here to "believe" me... Is that why we post in forums such as this... to try and convince someone else of our personal political beliefs? If so, I'm sorry, but I don't think I've witnessed a single member of this forum over the last 20+ years who's changed their tune.
You have asked me if I was posting drunk. Are you posting without wearing you thinking cap ?
No, we do not try or expect to change the minds of others. That is not why we or you post. The answer to your question lies in the reason you post. It's that simple. Which model thinking cap did you buy, ? Perhaps it has a satisfaction guaranty.
I don't "HATE" anyone. I wouldn't waste the energy on them.
I doubt anyone (besides RayB) actually believes that. If nothing else, just the number of posts degrading and insulting posts you make regarding DJT says you expend a lot of energy hating DJT and apparently anyone supporting him. A little self-reflection might be in order.
If nothing else, just the number of posts degrading and insulting posts you make regarding DJT says you expend a lot of energy hating DJT and apparently anyone supporting him.
Need a tissue?
Originally posted by blackrams:
A little self-reflection might be in order.
Oh, give me a freakin' break. You had nothing to say about the nonsense (ie personal insults) that took place here for years until Cliff P put some teeth in the rules. And now you're whining because I think a particular politician is a complete tool. Cry me a river.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-25-2025).]