' Gee Mister, what happened to your pecker ? ' ' Long story short, it's the plastic surgeon's prank, it was forty below, got my prick froze to the sidewalk, the Mounties poured hot tea from Tim Hortons on it ! They had to put a new knob on it, this is it ! '
I've played hockey for a lot of years, and on occasion end up flat on the ice. However, I have yet to have a body part stick to the ice. (Generally, my junk is in my cup.)
Originally posted by Patrick: I've played hockey for a lot of years, and on occasion end up flat on the ice. However, I have yet to have a body part stick to the ice. (Generally, my junk is in my cup.)
Would seem that Forrest Gump's mama's saying is appropriate here.
Stupid is as Stupid Does.
I would think any Canadian male would be smarter and aware of the consequences but, I'm not Canadian. Most that I know wouldn't be in that situation. Most, can't speak for all.
I would think any Canadian male would be smarter and aware of the consequences but, I'm not Canadian. Most that I know wouldn't be in that situation. Most, can't speak for all.
LAKE KISSIMMEE, FL — A weekend fishing trip went south when Witnee Mychals, 29, was attacked by an Alligator. Witnee describes the gruesome attack that prematurely cost him his genitalia, "I was just drinking beer on my dingy, and I went to urinate off the side of it, this dang cockeyed gator came up and snatched my junk. Florida has come a long way in accepting the trans community, so I felt like it was finally time to schedule my gender reassignment surgery. You know that gator sped that process up. But I still feel violated; that penis was mine. I would've liked to donate it. I mean, shoot, if I were to look on the bright side, I guess you can say that damn gator had a nice lunch because I sure as hell wasn't lacking in the meat department!"
Park Ranger Sheldon Jenkins tells us this wasn't the only occurrence this year and urges all Floridians to keep children, pets, and reproductive organs away from lakes and swamps. "These Gators don't care who or what you are. They're just trying to survive, and if that means munching on a woody woodpecker, then golly, that's what it'll do."
I would think any American male would be smarter and aware of the consequences but, I'm not American. Most that I know wouldn't be in that situation. Most, can't speak for all.
' Then what happened ? ' ' He only got the end of it ! I had sheet myself immensely, I was so surprised I involuntarily squeezed it all out, let it rip ! ' ' Dickless, covered in sheet, is no way to arrive at the emergency ! ' Captain Hook !
I would think any American male would be smarter and aware of the consequences but, I'm not American. Most that I know wouldn't be in that situation. Most, can't speak for all.