' Trump Meanie Twitter ' Support Grows for Idea of Adding President Donald Trump to Mount Rushmore ! One Better ! lol ! Computer controlled jackhammer spiders clinging to the face of the mountain, chiseling the hard granite to smooth surfaces, mapped digitally, modern cnc sculpting machines, fast fast fast. The dempartie minions would lose their minds, popping their green spunk inside their bubble helmets.
Reference the title of this thread, I could support Joe Biden's likeness being chiseled on to Mt. Rushmore. As long it was done in the runoff basin where all waste passes over it. Preferably downstream from the restrooms. Seems appropriate to me.
Reference the title of this thread, I could support Joe Biden's likeness being chiseled on to Mt. Rushmore. As long it was done in the runoff basin where all waste passes over it. Preferably downstream from the restrooms. Seems appropriate to me.
Good one, Rams! Thanks -- I needed a good laugh tonight.
I also think Brandon should be added to Mt. Rushmore. From a helicopter, flying at about 2000 feet. Pelosi, too.
Actually, since Pelosi is still employed by the government, I had a different idea, we might assign her a different role. Cleaning the restrooms at Mount Rushmore or any other government facility. Something she may not be qualified to do but there is a possibility she could be trained. As slight as that possibility may be.
Painting Pelosi's likeness, er.. unlikeness, huge murals, on the walls of buildings in San Francisco, so that the residents may freely toss the products of her occupation of her throne. ' Everything they touch, turns to sheet ! ' ~ President D.J.Trump '24 Use your turd map app to acquire the steamers to toss, use plastic bags to scoop the poop ! Doggystyle ! Yeah, there's a picture, Pelosi turded as she exits the Learjet from Washington, hundreds of millions stolen, grifted, grafted from the people. ' Puck the people, those suckers, I'm in it for the money, obviously ! ' Like duh..