Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: These troops were ordered to the SOUTHERN border of Mexico, not to assist the United States in the northern border. Furthermore, this didn't stop migrants from Mexico from coming over, and very quickly after... these troops disbanded and the government actually set up a process of facilitating migrants from Central America all the way to the U.S. border. I can't emphasize this enough... there were hundreds of busses that would make a routine rotation to transport people from Mexico's southern border, directly to the U.S. southern border. The UN' UNHCR also provided funding (which came from us, no shock, USAID) to even provide food, water, and shelter during their trip to the U.S. southern border.
Yeah, they didn't want the illegal aliens either.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: So, here's the thing... no one in their right mind supports a mass migration of totally impoverished people into their country. It was different in the 1920s and 1930s when they didn't get massive government subsidies. No one in their right mind would support this if your interest was legitimately to ensure the success of the United States. No reasonable person would allow their country to be overrun by people who are coming here without the country's best interests in mind.
Even at that, no one wants 20 million uneducated person who do not speak our language, entering with less than a 1st grade education, and no job skills. Persons who do not want to assimilate as Americans. Such as the mexicans protesters of immigration policies in Los Angeles, who are blocking highways while carrying the Mexican flag.
The democrats always want comprehensive immigration reform. Code speak for citizenship.
Reference the game where the singer was booed, dump the Canadian team out of the league.
Gawd you're naïve. The Canadian fans were booing the American anthem, not the singer... and this happened in numerous cities across Canada, not just in Vancouver.
You have a despot in charge of the US who's been "joking" for weeks how he wishes to take over Canada, and you now wish to expel a professional sports team from the league because their fans expressed disapproval of Donald Trump with some booing?
Here's the fans in Toronto expressing how they feel about Trump's antics at a basketball game. But yeah, toss the Toronto Raptors out of the NBA over this.
The MAGA supporters here in P&R have made it quite clear that having friendly relations with other countries is unimportant. It's all about Trump bending other countries to his will. So now your woodle feelings are hurt because the American anthem was jeered. Oh boo-hoo, don't make me wanna puke. With Donald Trump in power, get used to this.
Trudeau is a VERY left-leaning leader, as was Joe Biden, and especially the Mexican president (who's considered radical left). The three of them were great friends.
And you know this how?
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
For reasons UNKNOWN to me...
So far so good...
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
...all three of these leaders were totally OK with mass migration, and fentanyl going through.
...and now you're back to making up stuff.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
You went on this whole tangent about how Canada is one and somehow conflated Trudeau's hatred of Trump as me thinking the entire country of Canada hates America, or the other way around. I don't even know how you ended up that way, but I don't care...
Todd, you don't know which end is up.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
...you should understand now clearly.
I've understood for quite a while, that as a political commentator, you are a certified nutbar.
I don't expect worshipers of the Donald to watch this, but...
...for the record, Trudeau can not outsmart a wet paper bag - he is well prepared by his handlers, put him on the spot and he is a complete tool when unprepared. Trudeau "fans" drink the same Koolaid they say Trump supporters drink.
Todd, in another thread he informed us he was an American citizen. Also that he has voted in several USA Presidential elections.
When I am out of town working, I check back home to see what's going on and make my opinion known.
I don't know how he ended up in Australia but if Harris would have won, I would not move to Canada. Australia would be high on my list of choices. Canada is on the list but I do not like to shovel snow and wear twenty levels of clothes, .
I came to Australia for 3-1/2 years in 1992 to work on a major infrastructure project for a U.S. telecoms company. I returned in 2000 to work on a major infrastructure project for another U.S. telecoms company. I've been here ever since because the climate, people, government, and other things suit us.
I suspect that I'm as old or older than many of you. Yes, I'm an old Boomer.
In addition to Australian TV news, I watch Sky, Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and others on the satellite system that I have. I read the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, the NY Times, the Atlanta Journal - Constitution and the L.A. Times as well as the London Times and Daily Mail.
I speak to my friends and relatives, many of whom to my chagrin and now theirs, are MAGA republicans on a regular basis. We discuss politics, sports, our families, how bad our golf game is, and many other things. So yeah, I'm qualified to offer an opinion on a lot of different things.
I vote in every election, State and Federal because of two reasons: 1) It's my right as a citizen; and 2) It's my duty.
So now you have a bit on my background.
Do I think unmanaged immigration is bad? Yes.
Am I happy with the current Administration? No.
Am I happy with the previous Administration? Not particularly.
Do I hate liars and people that dissemble? A RESOUNDING YES!!! (BTW to dissemble means to “to disguise the identity of”. The word can also mean to put on the appearance of or feign. It also can be interpreted as to give a false or misleading appearance to or conceal the truth or real nature of something. Does this sound like someone we know?)
How many of you remember President Eisenhower? Reagan, Bush 1, John McCain? I do. Do you think they were good Presidents, politicians, honourable men? To me, they exhibit the characteristics that a President should have. They were respected by the world and their colleagues. The current president doesn't have these characteristics or the respect of the world. He's embarrassing. At least admit it to yourselves if not to others.
Originally posted by Mike in Sydney: How many of you remember President Eisenhower? Reagan, Bush 1, John McCain? I do. Do you think they were good Presidents, politicians, honourable men? To me, they exhibit the characteristics that a President should have. They were respected by the world and their colleagues. The current president doesn't have these characteristics or the respect of the world. He's embarrassing. At least admit it to yourselves if not to others.
I definitely remember Reagan. Bush hated Reagan. John McCain, eh...
I think Reagan was genuinely a good President. I also think Bill Clinton was genuinely a good President, aside from the fact that he felt the need to have sex with an intern in the oval office and cheat on his wife (though, let's be honest... Hillary is crazy so...).
Obama was an "honorable" man... but what did that get us? A decades-long recession. Literally... the stock market was the exact same when he came in, as when he left 8 years later.
After a while, I started to realize that these "honorable men" like Romney, McCain, Obama, whatever... it's not what we really need. We need someone to come in and actually get something done... and that's what Trump is doing.
My dad was like you... he was apalled at Trump's "attitude" and the way he talked and the things he said. I said... "Dad, why do you care? If he's actually finally doing what needs to be done, do you really care if he sends mean tweets and makes fun of people?"
All humans have flaws, even 'honorable' men that have led countries, armies, businesses and churches. It's who we all are, whether we care to admit it or not. We are all flawed.
Gaza - Deir-Al-Balah-Beach Makes total sense, right ? Picture Trump Hotels and Casinos at the top of the bluffs, real swank destinations, water skiing, scuba, windsurfing, sunbathing beauties in bikinis, slathered with oils, sizzling hot. What's not to like ?
Originally posted by Valkrie9: Makes total sense, right ? Picture Trump Hotels and Casinos at the top of the bluffs, real swank destinations, water skiing, scuba, windsurfing, sunbathing beauties in bikinis, slathered with oils, sizzling hot. What's not to like ?
Honestly, I'm blown away at Trump's boldness. This is crazily awesome. Does this mean that we're going to end up owning this territory? This is fantastic.
I have a feeling that Hamas ... to whatever will be left in people's memories... will forever wish they had not attacked Israel in the way that they did.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: Honestly, I'm blown away at Trump's boldness. This is crazily awesome. Does this mean that we're going to end up owning this territory? This is fantastic.
I have a feeling that Hamas ... to whatever will be left in people's memories... will forever wish they had not attacked Israel in the way that they did.
Did the people who paid a 3/4 $Billion fine for lying to you about voting machines tell you that?
' Making Gaza Great Again ! ' Nazi_Hamas_Communists, all around the world, popping their noggins inside their bubble helmets, the stank green spunk a splattering mess. Hundreds of square kilometers of date palm forests, solar power irrigation, fresh water distillation, aqueducts, the Sinai an agricultural marvel of the world ! ' Gaza ! Under new management ! Cohen+Einstein+Epstein ! ' ' Think of the potential Irving ! We could grow bananas there, billions in revenue ! '
[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 02-15-2025).]
It's nice to have a President again, rather than a resident.
The White House wasn't intended to be a nursing home for the mentally infirm.
you sure about that ?
joe never tryed to do insane things like taking over gaza prison and rehabbing it for condo's
or firing the CIA in mass or put idiots in charge of the FBI and far too many others who are NUTS like rfk2
or mass release of traitors who assault the capital
or making a south african nut white boy a semi-god of gutting our government non-ellected unconfirmed does he have any clearance ? he has all your data from the treasury NOW did any one approve that ? or even question if that was a good idea ?
rump is schizo and manic and dangerous with the button NUTS
joe never tryed to do insane things like taking over gaza prison and rehabbing it for condo's
or firing the CIA in mass or put idiots in charge of the FBI and far too many others who are NUTS like rfk2
or mass release of traitors who assault the capital
or making a south african nut white boy a semi-god of gutting our government non-ellected unconfirmed does he have any clearance ? he has all your data from the treasury NOW did any one approve that ? or even question if that was a good idea ?
rump is schizo and manic and dangerous with the button NUTS
Ray, you sound upset. Just be happy that you live in the best state in the union!
I don't want to hear crap from anyone about Trump being crazy
Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. Some are consumed with hate. I won't pretend to even think well of DJTs predecessor but, I didn't hate him. Pelosi though is a different case. I also will speak up when DJT does something I don't like or think it's a policy that just doesn't make sense. An example is his answer to the Gaza Strip, I'm totally against trying to take hold and rebuild that God Forsaken piece of desert. No other country will take in the current residents, you can bet your bippy US forces will not be welcomed there.
------------------ Rams Learning most of life's lessons the hard way. . You are only young once but, you can be immature indefinitely.
Unburdened.. Her speech writers were, are, illiterate, like Rabid, who, ' HAS A KEY MALFUNCTION ! ' You know, you know, watching Biden_Joe unscrewing two glass 15 amp fuses from the side of his noggin, would give rise to hope, that there is still a Constitutional Republic, to secure freedom from the Nazi_Hamas_Communists among the people of the planet. Robot walks into wall. Robot Malfunction, Brain_Loc
Nobody gives a crap what Denmark says, does, or thinks. Denmmark was an appeaser of hitler, a 'neutral' country until the Nazis invaded them anyway, then many Danes corroborated with the nazis and in 1943 rather than fight, the Danes scuttled their own fleet..
I don't want to hear crap from anyone about Trump being crazy
Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. Some are consumed with hate.
And it's not simply hate for Trump. It's America that is hated. They hate our military strength (until they need it). They hate our economical strength. They hate our independence. They hate our political system. They hate our judicial system. They hate the fact that we aren't Europe, or Canada, or Mexico, or like them. They hate the fact we saved Europe twice in the same 1/2 century then rebuilt it. They hate our cockiness, and what they see as arrogance. 'They' want us to be like them and don't understand 'we' would take a bullet to the brain before we allow that to happen.