Originally posted by maryjane: And it's not simply hate for Trump. It's America that is hated. They hate our military strength (until they need it). They hate our economical strength. They hate our independence. They hate our political system. They hate our judicial system. They hate the fact that we aren't Europe, or Canada, or Mexico, or like them. They hate the fact we saved Europe twice in the same 1/2 century then rebuilt it. They hate our cockiness, and what they see as arrogance. 'They' want us to be like them and don't understand 'we' would take a bullet to the brain before we allow that to happen.
I kind of wanted to talk about this... because this is very interesting the way you mention it. I agree 100%. It doesn't matter at what point in my life, who was president, or where I was. Every country I went to, the people who I'd talk to generally disliked our president. Didn't matter if it was Reagan, Clinton, Bush, or Obama... (didn't really travel under Biden), they all said our country was dirty and our president sucked. I got this from international family, and from just random people who felt the need to come up to me and talk to me about my government when they found out I was Republican.
Actually... let me make a side comment about that. I travelled recently to the Netherlands, and several family members at our family gathering actually asked me what I thought of Trump... I was unsure, and I just mentioned... "I friggin' love the guy." And they were all excited. It was the "bros" of the family. My cousin-in-law, who restores Alfa Romeos, my cousin who owns a dry-cleaning equipment business, and one of my other cousins who I don't think I met. Of course, my older uncles don't like Trump, but the younger people (my own age, 40s and 30s), they friggin' love Trump, and then we started talking about Greet Wilders, etc.
Anyway... what you say is totally true. And I wonder WHY this has to be. I don't think it's always been that way... but it definitely has since as long as I've been alive (late 70s). I know that many Americans act arrogant abroad, are an embarrassment, but shoot... there's no shortage of that. Down here in South Florida... the French Canadians are like... man... not nice, a little arrogant (though I don't know why), and drive around like they own the place. And then you've got the Chinese... well... depends on the region of course, but some of them are like a bull in a China shop. They're used to really packed cities, so they shove you into the elevator, because that's just what they do. Like, the only people who make me feel guilty in my own home are the Japanese, because they're so nice and respectful for and to everyone, hahaha.
This isn't about me of course, but I always try to be the utmost respectful when I'm in another country, because I recognize I'm a guest... and many Americans don't do that, but a lot of cultures don't do that. All that said, I suspect that the media, which hates us and is insanely liberal, constantly tries to make the United States look like idiots and throwing around our weight ... which leads to all the things you've mentioned.
But again... we've personally rebuilt many of these countries ourselves. Where would the world be if the United States literally did not exist? What would the world look like? Europe would likely be under a NAZI rule (maybe still)... South America would be full-in Communism, and who knows what Canada would look like right now.
Down here in South Florida... the French Canadians are like... man... not nice, a little arrogant (though I don't know why), and drive around like they own the place.
Hahahaha, not nice? A little arrogant? How come you get all the good ones hahahaha, I live in the only bilingual province, 30 minutes from the Quebec border, everyone (but me) speaks French primarily, and I work at Walmart at electronics, so my customers will tell me to get someone else who speaks French, then proceed to talk to the other employee in English, who then has to ask me the question because I'm the only one who knows what I'm doing in electronics haha, so so so rude haha. That's probably half of the true "French people" there's a lot of immigrants and people from other provinces, so most everyone speaks English just fine, but half the older original residents are rude and mean and grumpy and very French haha, the other half either legitimately don't speak English at all, or are really really nice, although the nice ones are rare. As for driving, Quebec has a certain... reputation in Canada for it's drivers, turn signals are optional, you get tailgated on these mountain roads with blind curves that are so bad the speed limit is a dare in the summertime in any car worse than the Fiero, and moose are more common than deer (at least my Fiero would be pretty safe in that regard, I'd just take out it's legs, instead of a full impact), and some people go 50 in an 80 zone and 70 in the 60 zones haha, and if you happen to be driving faster than someone and get close to them (not tailgating, safe distance), they will intentionally slow down more so you either back off until you can't see them anymore, or are slowed down to 20 under. Passing on a solid line is illegal here (not in Ontario though), and the roads make it so there's only a few safe places to pass on my 25km drive to town, and of course other drivers that were slowing you down to 20 under will accelerate as soon as you start to pass, up to 20 over the limit haha, and this is not even in Quebec proper haha. From what I've heard Detroit/Michigan have a reputation in the US for bad drivers, and when I was down there for the 40th, it was a nice, pleasant, calming experience to drive there (roads are not very bumpy either haha, if your vehicle isn't literally launched in the air every few kms from the road buckling in the winter like here, it's not bad haha).
As for what Canada would look like without the US, it's hard to tell, we used to be much better, much more conservative, etc. Canada and the US have grown, and fallen, together, I think that good influence from the US let's Canada thrive on its own and alongside the US, and bad influence lets it get really bad, without the US, it could go in either extreme, is impossible to say, it might have been the best/nicest/most conservative country, or be much worse, but the extremes certainly are balanced out greatly by the US, we like to follow another countries lead (hence why we're still technically under the crown), but England isn't doing all that much anymore, so we've fallen under the US umbrella, I wouldn't say to take advantage of the US, but simply because Canada needs a country to follow.
[This message has been edited by 1985 Fiero GT (edited 02-11-2025).]
Originally posted by 1985 Fiero GT: Hahahaha, not nice? A little arrogant? How come you get all the good ones hahahaha, I live in the only bilingual province, 30 minutes from the Quebec border, everyone (but me) speaks French primarily, and I work at Walmart at electronics, so my customers will tell me to get someone else who speaks French, then proceed to talk to the other employee in English, who then has to ask me the question because I'm the only one who knows what I'm doing in electronics haha, so so so rude haha. That's probably half of the true "French people" there's a lot of immigrants and people from other provinces, so most everyone speaks English just fine, but half the older original residents are rude and mean and grumpy and very French haha, the other half either legitimately don't speak English at all, or are really really nice, although the nice ones are rare. As for driving, Quebec has a certain... reputation in Canada for it's drivers, turn signals are optional, you get tailgated on these mountain roads with blind curves that are so bad the speed limit is a dare in the summertime in any car worse than the Fiero, and moose are more common than deer (at least my Fiero would be pretty safe in that regard, I'd just take out it's legs, instead of a full impact), and some people go 50 in an 80 zone and 70 in the 60 zones haha, and if you happen to be driving faster than someone and get close to them (not tailgating, safe distance), they will intentionally slow down more so you either back off until you can't see them anymore, or are slowed down to 20 under. Passing on a solid line is illegal here (not in Ontario though), and the roads make it so there's only a few safe places to pass on my 25km drive to town, and of course other drivers that were slowing you down to 20 under will accelerate as soon as you start to pass, up to 20 over the limit haha, and this is not even in Quebec proper haha. From what I've heard Detroit/Michigan have a reputation in the US for bad drivers, and when I was down there for the 40th, it was a nice, pleasant, calming experience to drive there (roads are not very bumpy either haha, if your vehicle isn't literally launched in the air every few kms from the road buckling in the winter like here, it's not bad haha).
Ok, if I'm being honest... it's the old men that come down, who are very "rotund" and insist on wearing a banana hammock at the beach. We absolutely love their patronage, but they do not add a great visual to the beach scene.
I will say though, I kind of feel bad for them too... because I know from my colleagues that when the French Canadians go to France... well... it doesn't go over well for them. They're treated SOOO badly, almost worse than an American who's trying to pretend like they know French. I can't really tell the difference in the accents, but I know in parts of Paris, etc., the French Canadians are waved away as "lesser than them." Haha... kinda feel bad for them.
I do still love my Canadian friends and colleagues... and I have to be careful what I say too because they own Coors now...
Originally posted by 1985 Fiero GT: As for what Canada would look like without the US, it's hard to tell, we used to be much better, much more conservative, etc. Canada and the US have grown, and fallen, together, I think that good influence from the US let's Canada thrive on its own and alongside the US, and bad influence lets it get really bad, without the US, it could go in either extreme, is impossible to say, it might have been the best/nicest/most conservative country, or be much worse, but the extremes certainly are balanced out greatly by the US, we like to follow another countries lead (hence why we're still technically under the crown), but England isn't doing all that much anymore, so we've fallen under the US umbrella, I wouldn't say to take advantage of the US, but simply because Canada needs a country to follow.
I agree completely. Thinking not of myself or the U.S.A., I would hate for a country to "follow" other country's lead... Canada has so many resources, and can do so much. I look at the Netherlands, for example, as a country who was amazing, and has fallen somewhat under the E.U.. The Netherlands was one of the most economically powerful countries in the entire world... even in the 1980s. They owned dozens of major, major corporations that were leaders in almost everything. Whether it was the largest airline (KLM) to Siemens, to Philips, to Shell Oil, to ABN-AMRO, ING, whatever... half these companies don't exist anymore, or they've been sold off and are no longer "Dutch." It makes me sad in part because that's some of my heritage. But I would apply a lot of that encroaching irrelevance because the Dutch have existed for so long now under the E.U... which of course leads to "wealth redistribution," even at the national level.
While I jokingly take the opinion of the rest of the world is merely territory the United States hasn't conquered yet, the truth is... diversity in competition is what makes the world great. An independent Canada that's a strong ally of the United States is the best and really only option for Canada. I'd love to see Canadians take back their government, focus on growing innovation, technology, manufacturing, and energy... and see what happens. Like the United States under Biden, we focused so long on really, really stupid **** ...
[This message has been edited by 82-T/A [At Work] (edited 02-11-2025).]
Originally posted by 1985 Fiero GT: How come you get all the good ones hahahaha,
There are no bad ones.
You posted an interesting post. It has me wondering. I was thinking Canada was beholding to the Queen of England. Which France and England were at war many times.
Where does the French influence come from. Heck, call me ignorant. I will represent. Poster boy I am.
I have self pride with my knowledge of history, realizing I am not all that.
The French influence in America, ... heck, the French sold to the United States the Louisiana Purchase.
Here in Texas, we are proud to recognize the six flags which have flown over Texas. One was the French flag. The French had a great positive effect in Texas.
You posted an interesting post. It has me wondering. I was thinking Canada was beholding to the Queen of England. Which France and England were at war many times.
Where does the French influence come from. Heck, call me ignorant. I will represent. Poster boy I am.
I have self pride with my knowledge of history, realizing I am not all that.
The French influence in America, ... heck, the French sold to the United States the Louisiana Purchase.
Here in Texas, we are proud to recognize the six flags which have flown over Texas. One was the French flag. The French had a great positive effect in Texas.
Yeah, it is kindof a Canadian thing to make fun of Quebec, especially in my area, you ask where the French influence comes from, before Canada was a country, this whole area was basically a big mess, England claimed it all, France claimed it all, eventually, England took over, but the French had based themselves in Quebec, and after a lot of fighting, eventually surrendered, and instead of moving out, they changed their loyalties, instead becoming English (Canadian). They've always been fiercely "patriotic" to French Canada, to the point where an English only person can't easily get a job in Quebec, from what my company has trained me (we get the Quebec training because it's so close, not all of it applies to us in NB though) it's illegal to serve people in English, unless the customer asks, in French, for service in English. They have always been very seperate, very much their own system running within Canada, some people joke that they're still trying to win it back from the British, so any harshness I said about them as a whole, that wasn't said with ill intent, that is just the "sibling rivalry" between the fiercely Quebec first, everyone else last French culture here, and well, everyone else haha, in fact, the French have different sub cultures within themselves, there are the purer French ones that are closer to France, there's the brayon, that is what you think of as Quebec, very coarse, very very patriotic (to Quebec, not Canada), thicker accent that makes it hard for even people from France to understand, then there's the Acadians, who came from a different branch from France, settling more in the Atlantic area than Quebec, very similar, but socially different, I don't know what all the differences are, but they are whole different social classes here in NB where they are all thrown in together, and squabble amongst themselves a lot.
Quebec is so seperate, that they don't even mark the trans Canada highway, they give it the local road numbers, etc. but don't have the official trans Canada signs on it, makes it hard driving through on my way to Ontario, because the roads curve, and you need to change roads to stay on the trans Canada (and actually keep driving straight), and they don't sign that very well.
Canada was basically the modern end of the France/Britain wars, but they went on for a long time up here, well after the US was formed, after England won, the French had nowhere to go, so they stayed, and while there's definitely a lot of friction between the 2, and they are still very seperate, it's a running joke, and there's no ill will between us, as far as I'm aware, they do their things and we do ours, like the joke that all Canadians drink maple syrup, play hockey, say "Eh?", and are really nice, it's a stereotype, but it's one that basically everyone knows, and is accepted, and isn't entirely inaccurate, my grandpa would drink a bowl of fresh syrup for breakfast when it was sugaring season decades ago.
In my area, locals are very "Acadian", so they have a lot of the Quebec influence, and a lot of the same habits and characteristics, but aren't fiercely loyal to the Quebec flag, so it is very very common for that "making fun" in my area, because the people here are literally the same, and it's a joke when a person from NB argues with a person from Quebec, because both people have the exact same issues and cultural manners, so it's just kindof a long lasting sibling rivalry that I (as an outsider) find extremely amusing to see play out, literally every day, all around me, watching the Acadians and the brayon argue and make fun of each other for literally the exact same things "oh your French is bad, I can't understand you, no yours is bad, I can't understand you" when in reality they both are using equally deformed, anglicized, heavily accented French, that is basically impossible to learn without growing up with it, I've been here like 4 years, and I can't understand locals, because of the varying accents, yet when I hear an actual France person (I think one of the videos from the guy in France, turbo slug I think), or recent immigrants from Africa that speak purer French, I can understand them much easier (and I want able to do that before moving here, so my immersion has given me some French knowledge, I just can't get through the local variations)
Of course there are always exceptions to the stereotype, which I said before, about half the local, middle/older French population here are like that, fiercely French, and actively angry that there dare to be English people in this bilingual province, the other half are polite enough but don't bother with me, or really really nice, trying their hardest to get along with me, practice their English, etc, although the nicer ones are rarer.
Interestingly my town, was the location of a sovereign country, as a result of border disputes (the French claimed this territory, the English claimed it, and the US claimed it), and this one Maine logger was tired of paying taxes/reporting to 3 different countries at random, so he declared it to be the "Republic of Madawaska" a sovereign state that was a part of none of the other countries, he was then jailed for treason by the British (interesting considering he was American) then eventually the disputes were settled, and he settled back as a British Canadian citizen.
Yeah, it is kindof a Canadian thing to make fun of Quebec, especially in my area, you ask where the French influence comes from, before Canada was a country, this whole area was basically a big mess, England claimed it all, France claimed it all, eventually, England took over, but the French had based themselves in Quebec, and after a lot of fighting, eventually surrendered, and instead of moving out, they changed their loyalties, instead becoming English (Canadian). They've always been fiercely "patriotic" to French Canada, to the point where an English only person can't easily get a job in Quebec, from what my company has trained me (we get the Quebec training because it's so close, not all of it applies to us in NB though) it's illegal to serve people in English, unless the customer asks, in French, for service in English. They have always been very seperate,t.
Quebec is so seperate, t
Canada was basically the modern end of the France/Britain wars, but they went on for a long time up here, well after the US was formed, after England won, the French had nowhere to go, so they stayed, and while there's definitely a lot of friction between the 2, and they are still very seperate, it's a running joke, and there's no ill will between us, as far as I'm aware, they do their things and we do ours, like the joke that all Canadians drink maple syrup, play hockey, say "Eh?", and are really nice, it's a stereotype, but it's one that basically everyone knows, and is accepted, and isn't entirely inaccurate, my grandpa would drink a bowl of fresh syrup for breakfast when it was sugaring season decades ago.
In my area, locals are very "Acadian", so they have a lot of the Quebec influence, and a lot of the same habits and characteristics, but aren't fiercely loyal to the Quebec flag, so it is very very common for that "making fun" in my area, because the people here are literally the same, and it's a joke when a person from NB argues with a person from Quebec, because both people have the exact same issues and cultural manners, so it's just kindof a long lasting sibling rivalry that I (as an outsider) find extremely amusing to see play out, literally every day, all around me, watching the Acadians and the brayon argue and make fun of each other for literally the exact same things "oh your French is bad, I can't understand you, no yours is bad, I can't understand you" when in reality they both are using equally deformed, anglicized, heavily accented French, that is basically impossible to learn without growing up with it, I've been here like 4 years, and I can't understand locals, because of the varying accents, yet when I hear an actual France person (I think one of the videos from the guy in France, turbo slug I think), or recent immigrants from Africa that speak purer French, I can understand them much easier (and I want able to do that before moving here, so my immersion has given me some French knowledge, I just can't get through the local variations)
Of course there are always exceptions to the stereotype, which I said before, about half the local, middle/older French population here are like that, fiercely French, and actively angry that there dare to be English people in this bilingual province, the other half are polite enough but don't bother with me, or really really nice, trying their hardest to get along with me, practice their English, etc, although the nicer ones are rarer.
Remember always........ "There's a rat, in 'separate'.
1985 Fiero GT, Thanks for posting. Interesting information and perspective. Although I have traveled some up north, I won't suggest I actually know any history of Canada.
Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon, Greenland ! A Greater America ! Manifest Destiny, American Colonialism, Capitalist Expansionism ! Hey ! If Putin's Russia can occupy Ukraine's Crimea, so too can Trump's America, to secure energy resources for future world wars ! ' Don't worry, we'll reduce your taxes to 1/3 ! ' ~ Donald J.Trump IV, 2032 ! [ /maps/69.2132193, -96.4992357 ]
You know Ray, I went on that Forum at your recommendation, and within like 3 days, everyone there was trying to have me killed. I literally had death threats, and they were trying to dox me. It was the craziest website I've literally ever been on in my life... the people there were basically insane.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: You know Ray, I went on that Forum at your recommendation, and within like 3 days, everyone there was trying to have me killed. I literally had death threats, and they were trying to dox me. It was the craziest website I've literally ever been on in my life... the people there were basically insane.
sorry sailor's do not like fascists likely the richest best educated most international so least likely to put up with your BS
I sent you there to read and learn something but you tryed to BS them with your RWNJ spews they do not play that but just like the rest of the inter-net 99% seldom actually kill jerks
sorry sailor's do not like fascists likely the richest best educated most international so least likely to put up with your BS
I sent you there to read and learn something but you tryed to BS them with your RWNJ spews they do not play that but just like the rest of the inter-net 99% seldom actually kill jerks
That's why so many people have issues with you Ray.
Man tells you he's getting death threats and your response is that he had it coming for speaking up but not to worry as there's only a small chance that any of them will follow through and actually kill him.
[This message has been edited by otakudude (edited 02-14-2025).]
Originally posted by ray b: sorry sailor's do not like fascists likely the richest best educated most international so least likely to put up with your BS
I sent you there to read and learn something but you tryed to BS them with your RWNJ spews they do not play that but just like the rest of the inter-net 99% seldom actually kill jerks
If you remember, they wanted me to stop posting, they asked for me to be banned, and argued that anything I posted was illegitimate (I was posting all CNN and MSNBC links because I already knew). They were crazy, Ray... totally crazy.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: If you remember, they wanted me to stop posting, they asked for me to be banned, and argued that anything I posted was illegitimate (I was posting all CNN and MSNBC links because I already knew). They were crazy, Ray... totally crazy.
yes that is why I say
so people who are NOT in a cult seem crazy/nuts to those in a cult
and faith is required to not see truth in that
remember they are far richer better informed travel the world see the cults for what they are they are not stay at home repeating the meme's of fear and hate that drives your cult with out a fact or truth they are adventures not people prepping for some buybull war to end everything sorry you failed to learn anything but ampped up your fears and hate of truly free people as billy said in eazy rider ''But they see a free individual, it's gonna scare 'em. Billy: Well, it don't make 'em runnin' scared. George Hanson: No, it makes 'em dangerous. '' you your cult and the rump ARE DANGEROUS TO A FREE PERSON
so people who are NOT in a cult seem crazy/nuts to those in a cult
and faith is required to not see truth in that
remember they are far richer better informed travel the world see the cults for what they are...
I'm pretty sure they're not, Ray... you know my background. Most of them lived on old worn out sailboats where their retirement paid for the slip fees and utilities.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: I'm pretty sure they're not, Ray... you know my background. Most of them lived on old worn out sailboats where their retirement paid for the slip fees and utilities.
I see the problem
you talk down to them about your cult BS you earn their attacks when you did that
you talk down to them about your cult BS you earn their attacks when you did that
Here you just said they were better than me, and I told you that I know they aren't that fancy. I never told them my background... I merely engaged in conversation. When they would say "X" ... and it was totally ludicrous, I would say... "Actually, it's Y... and here's a liberal news article that backs this up."
If there are facts, you should able to easily prove them as such.
FIRST THERE WAS SAUL / PAUL WHO NEVER SAW THE GUY YOU CALL JESUS [HIS MOM CALLED HIM YA-SO-WA MODERN JOSHUA] he invented the religion I FIND IT FUNNY THEY GET THE NAME [THAT THEY CLAIM WILL SAVE THEM WRONG] AFTER NEAR 300 YEARS THE ROMAN KING CALLED AN Imperator NOT emperor named constantine decided to make the christian religion legal and favored it as his mom went nuts about it with in a very few years the christians grasped power and forbid all other belief inc many other versions of their own cult but a version of the cult called The Vandals were ardent Arian Christians, and their persecutions of the Roman Catholic Church in Africa were at times fierce, the first of many christian sub-cult wars that killed millions