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Preventing flat spotting by Csjag
Started on: 07-11-2014 08:15 AM
Replies: 89 (2022 views)
Last post by: rogergarrison on 07-22-2014 08:40 AM
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Report this Post07-15-2014 05:39 PM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
didn't take ya long to sign in and out..
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Report this Post07-15-2014 05:59 PM Click Here to See the Profile for cyrus88Send a Private Message to cyrus88Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Bloozberry:

Here in Canada we store our fun cars for 6 months at a time, in fact I own a storage building where I house close to 90 cars every winter. I can tell you that "flat spotting" or whatever else people call it these days is a thing that went out with bias ply tires. Steel belted radials simply don't get flat spots on them from storage (at least mine don't and neither do any of my customer's cars). It's one of those wives tales that gets repeated generation after generation, but it's without merit on modern tires.

I'd agre with that. I've never had flat spotting problems either with my cars or motorcycles. I've let them sit for years without any problems.
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Report this Post07-15-2014 08:22 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BloozberrySend a Private Message to BloozberryEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by E.Furgal:

hope this helps and gets the subject back on track of facts that truly will help. and out of the self-experts, and those that think the heading "engineer" apllies to everything and anything

What's next? Are you going to discuss how to get whitewalls sparkly clean, perhaps cut and paste a Wikipedia article on the complex shape of tire treads? Then count on us to make another leap of faith that somehow you're not one of the very "self-experts" you loathe? Because surely then you'll show 'em all that you've put engineers in their place, and me in mine.

So back to the question about what you're ranting about. 1. We've established from the beginning that I accepted others may have a different experience than mine regarding tires developing flat spots. 2. I never flaunted my education... 84fiero123 posted it thinking he was somehow uncovering a dirty secret. 3. I've only defended my career and educational choices from criticism by those who won't state their own, including you. Yet you continue to pretend otherwise and insinuate that you're some sort of Robin Hood, saving the uneducated masses from the know-it-all engineers. I'm just waiting for you to issue a call to rise up against the professionals.

Unless you can offer some other motive, there's no other plausible explanation for the fictional argument you're so desperately trying to win, it's obvious that your real goal is simply to demonstrate your loathing for engineers and me in particular. Congratulations... you've done that well. If I've slandered you in the course of this thread, then it's because [i]you picked the fight, you reap what you sow, and you have squarely earned the neg I shamelessly admit I gave you. So what's your game plan now? I'm anxiously holding my breath to see what nonsense proof of nothing you'll come up with next to use as an excuse to slander me and others on a topic that we don't even disagree on.
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Report this Post07-16-2014 12:50 AM Click Here to See the Profile for tsharkSend a Private Message to tsharkEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

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Report this Post07-16-2014 08:26 AM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Bloozberry:

What's next? Are you going to discuss how to get whitewalls sparkly clean, perhaps cut and paste a Wikipedia article on the complex shape of tire treads? Then count on us to make another leap of faith that somehow you're not one of the very "self-experts" you loathe? Because surely then you'll show 'em all that you've put engineers in their place, and me in mine.
nope.. no wiki on whitewalls, tho I do have a few forum threads on how to make a narrow white wall a wide white,,, and another on how to shave the sidewall of everything so it's show car smooth.. but na.. no need here

So back to the question about what you're ranting about. 1. We've established from the beginning that I accepted others may have a different experience than mine regarding tires developing flat spots. funny, if that was the case you wouldn't have gone on and on ,how my profile doesn't list my life story.. and because of that, my opinion is worthless.. you didn't come out and say it.. you just beat around the bush about it.. {quote from you }

Really. Says who? You? Based on what? Your vast experience and education? Oh right, you haven't listed any of that in your profile but we're just supposed to take it for granted you know what you're talking about. Is that about right? {end quote} unless there are 2 booseberry here, that's your post

2. I never flaunted my education... 84fiero123 posted it thinking he was somehow uncovering a dirty secret. {quote from you}

So let me see if I get this straight, you're outright calling me dumber than a bag of hammers? Telling me I have no "real life experience" despite having just said I store upwards of 90 cars for six months every year, then giving me a facepalm because I'm an engineer? {quote} but felt the need to bring it up, and FYI most any mechanic/tech will give engineers a face palm, and on some days if they could get their hands on them, a punch in the nose, but that's another subject

3. I've only defended my career and educational choices from criticism by those who won't state their own, including you. Yet you continue to pretend otherwise and insinuate that you're some sort of Robin Hood, saving the uneducated masses from the know-it-all engineers. I'm just waiting for you to issue a call to rise up against the professionals. why does your education and /or mine matter. unless you are an automotive engineer, or a tire engineer, your engineering background is worthless to this subject.. as far as my post.. the info is straight from the tire manufactures engineering dept.. that I've had the pleasure of being around for years.. but as an engineer ,8th grade science should be 2nd nature to you.. {quote FROM YOU}

So does that mean the harder cold rubber will be less likely to take a "set" or more likely? Who really knows and who is guessing? {end quote} 8th grade science.. as things get closer to freezing temp they get harder.. and when harder take a set of the form/shape it's in when it gets harder.. very few things challenge this, and they are not products that we are dealing with here,,(rubber/steel/nylon/polyester)

then you go on {quote}

I resent being called dumb as a bag of hammers because of my experience and education](look there it is again the I'm an engineer plug)
by two people who nonetheless refuse {refuse, nope, just the needs not there to feed your curiosity,, remember there pumpkin I didn't make fun of your education, you're only looking for that info so you can do the same thing someone else did to you.. belittle them.. even those that didn't even comment on your engineering until you made a big stink about it.. and others need to post there background to prove worthiness} to cite their backgrounds or experience.(why do you need to have people background that post in a thread, so you can get wood if you have more degree's than someone else??? as the persons background is IRRELEVANT!!, unless you need it to belittle them.. ) I'm done playing in this juvenile game. (CLEARLY YOU WERE NOT< AND STILL ARN'T ) Good luck E Furgal and 84fiero123 and happy hunting for someone else to mock.
Ah, then we have that little diddie, If asking you," how that bag of hammers ?" is mocking you,,[b] REALLY.. GROW A SET

Then you,without any tech on this matter, call everyone elses FACTS out as baseless with this

{quote from you}
I can tell you that "flat spotting" or whatever else people call it these days is a thing that went out with bias ply tires. It's one of those wives tales that gets repeated generation after generation, but it's without merit on modern tires.

Unless you can offer some other motive, there's no other plausible explanation for the fictional argument you're so desperately trying to win, not try'n to win anything, my post where to educate nothing more, but after every one you had to find something to cry about.. even to the point of ***** 'n about me adding the tire date codes ans defective equitment info.. that is meaning full for owners of all cars, but more so for those that the tires will grow old more times than be worn out.. it's obvious that your real goal is simply to demonstrate your loathing for engineers and me in particular. hardly, because if you had any common sense you'd know that the tech facts I posted are FROM ENGINEERS,, difference being they are tire engineers that eat/sleep/breath tires,but then you'd need to not have the, he's mocking me chip on your sholder
Congratulations... you've done that well. If I've slandered you in the course of this thread, then it's because you picked the fight, you reap what you sow,
picked a fight, really, HOW . OH, that's right I posted facts from those in the know, that didn't jive with the almighty "ENGINEER" and you have squarely earned the neg I shamelessly admit I gave you. not shocking, those that need to be right all the time will try to silence,those that might take issue with b/s and post facts from those that design/build/test/EnGiNeEr, the products of the thread discussion, and topic at hand So what's your game plan now? I'm anxiously holding my breath to see what nonsense proof of nothing you'll come up with next to use as an excuse to slander me and others on a topic that we don't even disagree on.

no game plan, as this wasn't a game.. but you even though you claimed 3-4 times in this thread that "I'm done playing in this juvenile GAME" calling all that have tech info that don't jive with yours "juvenile"

you have the ordasity, to post that last line .... {quote} I'm anxiously holding my breath to see what nonsense proof of nothing you'll come up with next to use as an excuse to slander me and others on a topic...

LETS REVIEW SHALL WE>> I never belittled you or your education or profession.. someone ELSE did that... I only asked a question..

as seen as Patrick and/or you will pick this post apart as the Grammar Mob Squad here is a little background for you to mess with.. I have Dyslexia, that should make you and Patrick gitty with joy.. and giggle like little girls...
Try to have a good day.. and stop with the play on words and sentence structure.. your not fooling anyone when you plug your education, and post that somehow others are less than thee, because they CHOOSE not to have every part of their life on the web..
I'm sure there will be another respectful post coming soon.. and yes I was being sarcastic, I'm sure you'll prove my hypothesis correct.. only a matter of time now.. tic toc tic toc..

[This message has been edited by E.Furgal (edited 07-16-2014).]

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Report this Post07-16-2014 09:36 AM Click Here to See the Profile for rogergarrisonSend a Private Message to rogergarrisonEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
My experience with Michelins is they run true and smooth. Not an abundance of grip, but they wear extremely well. I attribute that to harder rubber compound. All my limos had Michelins from the coachbuilders and they all lasted up to near 130-150K. Grip was not a problem with 3 ton cars.
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Report this Post07-16-2014 09:38 AM Click Here to See the Profile for tsharkSend a Private Message to tsharkEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

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Report this Post07-16-2014 09:57 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Lambo nutSend a Private Message to Lambo nutEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by rogergarrison:

My experience with Michelins is they run true and smooth. Not an abundance of grip, but they wear extremely well. I attribute that to harder rubber compound. All my limos had Michelins from the coachbuilders and they all lasted up to near 130-150K. Grip was not a problem with 3 ton cars.

Yes, but when a Michelin separates, it turns into a football! When I worked in a tire shop we rarely had problems with them but when they separated, they were the worst of all the other brands.

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Report this Post07-16-2014 10:55 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Bloozberry:

Here in Canada we store our fun cars for 6 months at a time, in fact I own a storage building where I house close to 90 cars every winter. I can tell you that "flat spotting" or whatever else people call it these days is a thing that went out with bias ply tires. Steel belted radials simply don't get flat spots on them from storage (at least mine don't and neither do any of my customer's cars). It's one of those wives tales that gets repeated generation after generation, but it's without merit on modern tires.

This was what bothered me, your statement above, because it has never happened to your personal car or any of those of the people who stored their cars in your storage place it is just a myth. It doesn't happen anymore.

Then you quoted me making a statement about things posted on the idiotnet and took it as a personal attack on you when it had nothing to do with you or your posting, it had to do with the writer of the article and people who believe everything written on the idiotnet.

You really should not take everything someone posts as an affront to you personally. the only comment I made directly to you was,

Originally posted by 84fiero123:

I should have known you are an engineer !
You can't tell an engineer anything !

Bloozberry: Occupation: Retired Aerospace Engineer, Auto Storage & Restoration


And I still say that statement is true, many engineers have this attitude that they are never wrong, proven by your statements saying I was calling you in particular Dumber than a bag of hammers. Go back and re read my post, it was stated about people who read things on the idiotnet and then believe they have to be true they are on the idiotnet and they can't put it on the idiotnet if it isn't true.

I have worked with good engineers and bad ones, the good ones take criticism well, the bad ones take criticism as an affront to them against their manhood and will never except the fact that they could ever possibly be wrong and make up all sorts of excuses. I never said you were dumber than a bag of hammers. Go back and re read my post and you will see that.

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Report this Post07-16-2014 01:02 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by E.Furgal:

I have Dyslexia, that should make you and Patrick gitty with joy.. and giggle like little girls...

What now, trying to play the "disabled" card?

You don't have all that red in your bar because you're dyslexic, you have it because you're nothing but a troll here.

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Report this Post07-16-2014 01:21 PM Click Here to See the Profile for tsharkSend a Private Message to tsharkEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

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Report this Post07-16-2014 01:44 PM Click Here to See the Profile for rogergarrisonSend a Private Message to rogergarrisonEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Just my experience. I ran them till almost all the tread was gone and never had one go bad. Someone else might have had every one of them bad. A friend bought a new Magnum with Goodyear tires and 3 of them were totally out of round/flat spotted off the lot and they replaced them.

TShark, Ive heard the term before. It simply means wayyyy out of round. Try rolling a football across the floor and youll see what it means (kerthump kerthump)

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Report this Post07-16-2014 01:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for tsharkSend a Private Message to tsharkEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

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Report this Post07-16-2014 02:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for rogergarrisonSend a Private Message to rogergarrisonEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
In Canada, it gets so cold the rubber gets so hard it cant flat spot A motorcycle tire should never flat dont weight enough to flatten out the bottom of a tire...unless its flat. My bicycle tire still stands completely up when its totally flat because it weighs even less. Like I said, I think of lot of the succeptability to flat spot has to do with the rubber compound. Any radial tire at 30-32 pnds looks partially flat by nature. Anything that sets in an abnormal condition for a long time has to be affected somehow.
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Report this Post07-16-2014 04:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

What now, trying to play the "disabled" card?

You don't have all that red in your bar because you're dyslexic, you have it because you're nothing but a troll here.

what have you added to the thread of use to the topic... I don't think you know what the word troll means..
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Report this Post07-16-2014 04:21 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by E.Furgal:

I don't think you know what the word troll means..

Beside the word "Troll" in every online dictionary should be a link to This thread with your posts highlighted.

By the way, how'd your IP address search go? Make that connection between Bloozberry and myself yet?

Originally posted by E.Furgal:

must be something in patricks and your water up there, eh..

BRB have to check on ip addy's.. I have a hunch

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Report this Post07-16-2014 06:28 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Jason88NotchieSend a Private Message to Jason88NotchieEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by E.Furgal:

As seen as the thump from flat spots are more pronounced in the colder weather... how are those hammers in that bag..

Originally posted by E.Furgal:
UM, BECAUSE THE FACT ON NOT GETTING FLAT SPOTS ARE LISTED POST AGO AND IN MY LAST... THE TIRE DATE INFO WAS A B-O-N-U-S. you missed it, as you are to busy looking for something, anything to pick apart.. try again, as this one was full of fail..

must be something in patricks and your water up there, eh..

BRB have to check on ip addy's.. I have a hunch

Originally posted by E.Furgal:

na, more fun driving you grammar police nuts.... you didn't "just" neg me, you went on a campaign to get your "click"(haha) to follow you like sheep...

looser is like hoser, you're from Canada, you should understand that, eh!!

I never ever get involved in these spats but out of good conscience I must chime in. Congratulations E.Furgal. You have earned my first negative rating ever. Don't come in here and insult our friends up north like that. Your blanket statements bug me. I can't ignore this. The clique you refer to is non existent and in your small tiny brain. I guess you have gotten the response you wanted. You sir are a total TROLL. Ok. I'm done. Flame on.

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Report this Post07-17-2014 11:52 AM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Jason88Notchie:
I never ever get involved in these spats but out of good conscience I must chime in. Congratulations E.Furgal. You have earned my first negative rating ever. Don't come in here and insult our friends up north like that. Your blanket statements bug me. I can't ignore this. The clique you refer to is non existent and in your small tiny brain. I guess you have gotten the response you wanted. You sir are a total TROLL. Ok. I'm done. Flame on.

What blanket statement???
in all 3 quotes you copied there isn't any blanket statement at all.. re read them.. maybe you mean the comment about knowing what the word "hoser" means?? slang use up in Canada , and made world popular by two comic's .. if that comment earned a neg... REALLY... as for insulting your friends up north.. I didn't but you seem to think my comments are a blanket statement for all in Canada.. please reply with the quote part highlighted that I blanketed all those up north,eh?? good luck..

and SIR... a troll is someone that adds nothing of context to the subject of the thread.. I'd if I was you re read the whole thing.. and Quote the post that you feel Patrick added anything to the thread subject?? this fact alone and your post alone. tells me you didn't read the thread and are only goming to either booze berry or patricks defense ,and nothing more.. and proves what I said about that campaign.
you see trolls don't post facts and info of the thread subject.. they only bash,,,, trolls don't add to the family of the board.. they pick apart others that are on the board that they rather be gone..
Has Patrick made any needed parts for our cars? has he posted threads helping people save money on parts for the cars...?? has he bashed that vendor because he happens to live over the border and it's somehow the vendors fault that custons and Canada charge fees,taxes,duties.. why yes,yes he has .
I'll say it again those that give out negs. because something offended them on a internet forum are loosers.. that can't take anything in stride. get butt hurt over the smallest little thing... and yes that is my blanket statement.. as there are many things,post,etc I may not agree with, but I'm a big boy I can deal with it, not let it bother me and not get offended by it.. guess some have their panties in a twist 24/7 and have to be offended all the time..
You see, at a very young age I was taught, "sticks and stones may break my bones,but,names can never hurt me.." it's a lesson in not letting things bother you,and to not get offended.. seems to me many need to relearn it..
Have a good day..

[This message has been edited by E.Furgal (edited 07-17-2014).]

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Report this Post07-17-2014 04:23 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by E.Furgal:

Has Patrick made any needed parts for our cars? has he posted threads helping people save money on parts for the cars...?? has he bashed that vendor because he happens to live over the border and it's somehow the vendors fault that custons and Canada charge fees,taxes,duties.. why yes,yes he has

I have been a member of PFF since almost day one, that's about 15 years. I have conversed online with thousands of members here over the years, the vast majority of which have been great. There have been less than a handful that I truly didn't like. Furgal is unfortunately one of those people.

When Furgal joined PFF two years ago, he appeared to be hellbent to piss off as many people as possible... for reasons known only to himself. He was almost banned in short order and went into hiding for awhile to let the smoke clear.

A perfect example of Furgal being an ass, just for the sake of being an ass, is the following thread which Furgal himself keeps alluding to. Something About RockAuto You May Not Already Know!

Please, read over the thread to the end. See how the discussion starts off okay, and then devolves as Furgal makes up bizarre accusations with no justification or merit. Even when corrected repeatedly he continues to spew the same nonsense. I have no idea what he was hoping to prove, other than he has a problem of some sort.

I got involved in this thread because I didn't like the way Furgal was addressing Bloozberry. Yes, Bloozberry is no doubt a big boy who can take care of himself, but he's not one to usually be involved in confrontations here. Bloozberry is a highly respected member of PFF for his insight and technical knowledge. We need people of Bloozberry's ability to continue to enjoy being members of PFF. I've seen too many quality people quit this forum over the years because of taking abuse from, oh I dunno, perhaps jealous people.

Sorry to side-track this thread, but sometimes it's necessary to speak up and be counted.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 07-18-2014).]

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Report this Post07-17-2014 04:31 PM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

I have been a member of PFF since almost day one, that's about 15 years. I have conversed online with thousands of members here over the years, the vast majority of which have been great. There have been less than a handful that I truly didn't like. Furgal is unfortunately one of those people.

When Furgal joined PFF two years ago, he appeared to be hellbent to piss off as many people as possible... for reasons known only to himself. He was almost banned in short order and went into hiding for awhile to let the smoke clear.

A perfect example of Furgal being an ass, just for the sake of being an ass, is the following thread which Furgal himself keeps alluding to. Something About RockAuto You May Not Already Know!

Please, read over the thread to the end. See how the discussion starts off okay, and then devolves as Furgal makes up bizarre accusations with no justification or merit. Even when corrected repeatedly he continues to spew the same nonsense. I have no idea what he was hoping to prove, other than he has problem of some sort.

I got involved in this thread because I didn't like the way Furgal was addressing Bloozberry. Yes, Bloozberry is no doubt a big boy who can take care of himself, but he's not one to usually be involved in confrontations here. Bloozberry is a highly respected member of PFF for his insight and technical knowledge. We need people of Bloozberry's ability to continue to enjoy being members of PFF. I've seen too many quality people quit this forum over the years because of taking abuse from, oh I dunno, perhaps jealous people.

Sorry to side-track this thread, but sometimes it's necessary to speak up and be counted.

how about posting a link to the rockauto coupon thread that started your rant and caused you to start that one.. cause if you want people to get the full picture and story.. maybe you should start at the start.. instead of leaving out the part that supports what I posted.. you even called the rep from rockauto a lier.. in that coupon thread when they enter the thread..
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Report this Post07-17-2014 04:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by E.Furgal:

how about posting a link to the rockauto coupon thread that started your rant and caused you to start that one.. cause if you want people to get the full picture and story.. maybe you should start at the start.. instead of leaving out the part that supports what I posted.. you even called the rep from rockauto a lier.. in that coupon thread when they enter the thread..

How about if you post the link because I have no idea what you're referring to.
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Report this Post07-17-2014 04:57 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Jason88NotchieSend a Private Message to Jason88NotchieEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

Ok. Since we are on the subject of posting links, this is an interesting one. Just shows the disrespect and know-it-all attitude you have for some on this forum. And as a self fulfilling prophecy, it is spilling into tech. You been here for like 2 seconds in comparison to some on this forum. Show some respect for that and learn a little. I hope you do. Before the ban-hammer falls. You are starting crap in another thread as well. Maybe some people just don't get it.

[This message has been edited by Jason88Notchie (edited 07-17-2014).]

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Report this Post07-17-2014 05:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

How about if you post the link because I have no idea what you're referring to.

Patrick how about you keep to the topic instead of trying to defend your countryman against others.

You have yet to say one word about the topic itself in all your posts, have you ever had a tire have a flat spot after storing it? Others have, proven by the many people who have posted.

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Report this Post07-17-2014 05:21 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Jason88NotchieSend a Private Message to Jason88NotchieEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84fiero123:

Patrick how about you keep to the topic instead of trying to defend your countryman against others.

You have yet to say one word about the topic itself in all your posts, have you ever had a tire have a flat spot after storing it? Others have, proven by the many people who have posted.


Steve, it was Furgal that was sending this thread down in flames. But I digress.

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Report this Post07-17-2014 05:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BloozberrySend a Private Message to BloozberryEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84fiero123:
...have you ever had a tire have a flat spot after storing it? Others have, proven by the many people who have posted.

True... and no one here argues that point... people have only mentioned their personal experiences and I learned from that. But to go on beating a dead horse is vindictive. E.Furgal is now trying desperately to defend himself against the very thing he so vehemently despised in this very thread... in his own words: "self-experts". Read it and see for yourself how ironic it is to see him being whipped by his own stick:

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Report this Post07-17-2014 05:58 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84fiero123:

Patrick how about you keep to the topic instead of trying to defend your countryman against others.

Wow, that's all you see this as... as me "trying to defend my countryman against others"?

Out of respect to you as a long time member, I tried to diffuse the situation in this thread using polite discussion with you in PMs. You're making me regret I even bothered.

Originally posted by 84fiero123:

You have yet to say one word about the topic itself in all your posts, have you ever had a tire have a flat spot after storing it?

In one of those PMs to you, I stated the following.

Originally PMed by Patrick to 84fiero123:

I know nothing about windshields, but I do have a lot of cars here, many of which sit for months and months (if not years) before they're driven. My experience is that I've never felt a "flat spot" in the tires when I've finally taken them out for a drive. So I dunno...

There, I trust that now qualifies my involvement in this thread.
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Report this Post07-17-2014 06:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

There, I trust that now qualifies my involvement in this thread.

Until just now you have said nothing about the subject of the thread, in the thread.

And even then it was just quoting yourself from a PM to me.

Others have said in their first posts if they have or not, unlike you who just came in to defend a fellow countryman with no answer to the thread about flat spots on tires. Different people have had them and others haven't so I would say they are not a myth but do still happen, wouldn't you?


[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 07-17-2014).]

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Report this Post07-17-2014 07:13 PM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

How about if you post the link because I have no idea what you're referring to.

ofcouse you don't.. let me see if I can find it.. give me a few days as I suck at search..
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Report this Post07-17-2014 07:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for E.FurgalSend a Private Message to E.FurgalEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by 84fiero123:

Until just now you have said nothing about the subject of the thread, in the thread.

And even then it was just quoting yourself from a PM to me.

Others have said in their first posts if they have or not, unlike you who just came in to defend a fellow countryman with no answer to the thread about flat spots on tires. Different people have had them and others haven't so I would say they are not a myth but do still happen, wouldn't you?


he won't and neither will booze. once someone had an opinion that differed from his he starts with , belittle'n them with your profile doesn't tell me anything.. yadayada yada.. then Patrick will post and post adding nothing to the thread subject.. but I'm the troll. comical.. sad but comical..
but we should bow to them because hay they've been here for 15 years.. so I guess that means, my ideas/post/fact/parts/ are not worth as much..
wonder how many of these high and mighty. support the place.
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Report this Post07-17-2014 07:41 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BloozberrySend a Private Message to BloozberryEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84fiero123:
Others have said in their first posts if they have or not, unlike you who just came in to defend a fellow countryman with no answer to the thread about flat spots on tires. Different people have had them and others haven't so I would say they are not a myth but do still happen, wouldn't you?

That ceased to be the issue halfway down page 1 with your hammer remark. You can spin it any way you want, you were supporting E.Furgal's valid challenge to my point of view when you said "the idiotnet was written by people who have no real life experience in the field they are writing about. Anyone who would believe that BS is dumber than a bag of hammers !" That is what I and others despise. Your remark was carefully crafted to ignite the entire off topic "discussion". You haven't fooled anybody with your later explanation that you weren't slandering me. Even after I stated that others may have a different experience than mine, you continued to try to prove some point by defying me to explain the problem with your defective tires.

If Patrick is "guilty" of supporting a fellow countryman as you claim, then what does that make you? You spurred on, and are now defending E.Furgal and his misguided rants. And now, because you posted you once had defective tires, you claim to have more of a right to post in this thread than Patrick? Where's the logic in that?
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Report this Post07-17-2014 09:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84fiero123:

Until just now you have said nothing about the subject of the thread, in the thread.

And even then it was just quoting yourself from a PM to me.

What's the problem? Because I was quoting myself, my comments are now somehow invalid?

Who sets the rules? Is this Pennock's Fiero Forum or Steve's Fiero Forum?

Originally posted by E.Furgal:

ofcouse you don't.. let me see if I can find it.. give me a few days as I suck at search.

You also suck at diplomacy.

I'll be waiting for a link to that thread. I suspect I'll be waiting for a long time.
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Report this Post07-18-2014 09:53 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Bloozberry:

That ceased to be the issue halfway down page 1 with your hammer remark. You can spin it any way you want, you were supporting E.Furgal's valid challenge to my point of view when you said "the idiotnet was written by people who have no real life experience in the field they are writing about. Anyone who would believe that BS is dumber than a bag of hammers !" That is what I and others despise. Your remark was carefully crafted to ignite the entire off topic "discussion". You haven't fooled anybody with your later explanation that you weren't slandering me. Even after I stated that others may have a different experience than mine, you continued to try to prove some point by defying me to explain the problem with your defective tires.

If Patrick is "guilty" of supporting a fellow countryman as you claim, then what does that make you? You spurred on, and are now defending E.Furgal and his misguided rants. And now, because you posted you once had defective tires, you claim to have more of a right to post in this thread than Patrick? Where's the logic in that?

everyone else including me has said if they have or have not encountered flat spots on their tires. Patrick did not until he was asked to by me, he likes to side step a question and he did so very well until called on it by me.

I repeat my comment about the idiotnet and people who take it as gospel and dumber than a bag of hammers had nothing to do with you, nothing, if you think it did then maybe you have a problem because it was after 2 other quotes I did of other peoples posts, not yours. just as my comment about you was after a quote I posted from you. You have a real everything is about you problem and that you are never wrong. Something many engineers I have worked with in the past have that rubs me the wrong way. Even when proven they made a mistake, like you did when you said I called you dumber than a bag of hammers, because you could never be wrong about anything now could you !

my comment about you was

Originally posted by 84fiero123:

I should have known you are an engineer !
You can't tell an engineer anything !

Bloozberry: Occupation: Retired Aerospace Engineer, Auto Storage & Restoration


And you are just proving that as you know my comment was about you. If I wanted to call you dumber than a bag of hammers I would have outright called you dumber than a bag of hammers and put your dam name in the post as who I was calling dumber than a bag of hammers. But I am beginning to rethink even mentioning the fact that your were an engineer. WTF everything is not about you !

Just because you have not encountered flat spots in any of your tires or any of the people who have stored cars in your facility have, and about that how do you know that? Did you ever ask them if they had flat spots after they picked up their cars? if not how would you know? Not everyone tells everyone what their tires are doing now do they, mater of fact why would they even mention it to you? if they did what good would it do to tell you, its not like you made the tires so why would they bother.

Are tires made better than the old bias ply tires? sure
Does that make them all immune to having flat spots or any other problems? No as proven by the amount of people here who have encountered them. Also by the tires that had belts separate back when steel belted tires first started.
defects are not always every tire or product ever made now are they?
Just because one person comes across a product with a defect doesn't mean everyone is going to now does it?

you need to remember that crap happens, sometimes a defect can happen in just a few products out of millions, it could be because o mold was worn out. Or a mold wasn't cleaned properly between injections.
or someone had a bad day, or any number of other things. It doesn't always mean that every product in a run is going to be defective. it can sometimes just be a few or even just one.
Or am I also wrong about that?


[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 07-18-2014).]

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Report this Post07-18-2014 10:20 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by 84fiero123:
Sometimes what you read in magazines and the idiotnet was written by people who have no real life experience in the field they are writing about. Anyone who would believe that BS is dumber than a bag of hammers !

That was my comment that you so wrongly say was about you, how was that in any way about you? It was obviously about people who read things on the net and take them as gospel, not you, I repeat not about you !!

Although I am beginning to rethink that. Maybe it should also include you as you can not accept the fact that I have repeatedly said it was not about you but about people who read things on the net and think they have to be true because of your repeated accusing me of calling you that when I have repeatedly said it was not. Like I said,

You can't tell some engineers anything they know everything !

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Report this Post07-18-2014 11:23 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BloozberrySend a Private Message to BloozberryEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Let's take a look at your version of the story then. The only person who mentioned the content of magazines was the OP in his original post:

Originally posted by Csjag:
I was reading my latest issue of AAA magazine and I came across tips for storing a car. The author said to help prevent flat spotting of the tires on cars stored for months at a time you should inflate the tires to 45 psi.

Your reply:

Originally posted by 84fiero123:
Sometimes what you read in magazines and the idiotnet was written by people who have no real life experience in the field they are writing about. Anyone who would believe that BS is dumber than a bag of hammers !

None of the comments by roger garrison nor by E.Furgal which you quoted above your comment discuss magazines or the internet. So how can it be related to anything they said? If your comment wasn't directed at me, then clearly it was a direct insult to the OP who did believe what he read in the magazine, and to the author of the AAA article who wrote it. When you slander a group of people, you cannot control who you meant or didn't mean to insult within that group. If you think that is less of a reason for me to step in and challenge your statement, then you haven't figured out social media yet.

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Report this Post07-18-2014 12:05 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
You have issues, or an inferiority complex. I have repeatedly said I didn't call you dumber than a bag of hammers it was said towards the writer of the AAA or whatever it was article and those people who read things on the net and believe them simply because they are on the net. Yet you repeatedly say it was said to you. If you can't accept the fact that I was not calling you dumber than a bag of hammers then maybe I should have said it to you because you are obviously one of those people who can not accept anything other than what they think someone has said, even when told that was not what they meant.

So maybe you are dumber than a bag of hammer as well ! Because as I said some engineers can never accept the fact that they could possibly be wrong about anything. So I guess you fit into that category.

There you happy !

edit to add

Originally posted by Csjag:
I was reading my latest issue of AAA magazine and I came across tips for storing a car. The author said to help prevent flat spotting of the tires on cars stored for months at a time you should inflate the tires to 45 psi.

the writer of the article obviously has no real knowledge about cars in general ! Why you say? Because many cars and trucks now have 45 to 50 PSI as their regular inflation rating !


[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 07-18-2014).]

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Report this Post07-18-2014 12:13 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BloozberrySend a Private Message to BloozberryEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
It's a Catch 22, either you meant I was, or the OP and the author of AAA magazine were dumb. It's as simple as that.

(Edit spelling)

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Report this Post07-18-2014 12:54 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Bloozberry:

It's a Catch 22, either you meant I was, or the OP and the author of AAA magazine were dumb. It's as simple as that.

(Edit spelling)

I can't tell you anything now can Are you that stupid that when someone tells you something is not about you that you can not accept that because you know everything is about you, WTF dude you are dumber than a bag of hammers.

For the last time my original comment was towards the idiot who wrote the article and people who believe anything on the net. Do you have a comprehension problem?

Forget it, you are right, you are right about anything you ever say on anything.


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Report this Post07-18-2014 01:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for gtoformulaSend a Private Message to gtoformulaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I really have reservations about jumping into this one, but here goes. I am reading a lot of posts from forum members with a vast knowledge regarding Fieros and auto repair in general. Multiple posts with excellent tips for everyone that has posted in this thread, however, I think that it's become more personal that topic factual at this point. It may not be possible for everyone to "kiss and make up" ... some things that get said are difficult to forget and forgive. Perhaps everyone should just let this one go and resume all of your excellent replies to those in need ... and you have certainly helped me through a few issues so far.
I managed tires stores for about 12 years, but that was about 25 years ago. We dealt with cold tire "thumping" then and also now in new vehicle applications. Most of the time when dealing with a vehicle that vibrates only when cold the word "nylon" appears on the sidewall of the tire. Way, way, way back ... talking the 40's and 50's (and no, I'm not quite that old) all tires were made of nylon ply. Polyester replaced nylon and that cured the cold vibration issue, but some tires still have a ply of nylon in them. Modern radials with polyester probably won't cause a vibration and modern radials with one ply of nylon might not cause a vibration, but the ones with nylon are much more prone to shaking when cold. That being said, if you jack up a car to keep the weight off the tire it is much more likely that it won't vibrate if you put it on the ground and drive it right away. However, unless you jack it back up and then let the weight of the car compress the tires then the vibration may reoccur.
So what should you do about this? Doesn't really matter. If you have a vibration from the car sitting on the tires it will go away once they are warmed up. Your call ...
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Report this Post07-18-2014 03:03 PM Click Here to See the Profile for PatrickSend a Private Message to PatrickEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 84fiero123:

everyone else including me has said if they have or have not encountered flat spots on their tires. Patrick did not until he was asked to by me, he likes to side step a question and he did so very well until called on it by me.

That's pretty good, Steve. Is this today's comic relief?
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Report this Post07-18-2014 03:58 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 84fiero123Send a Private Message to 84fiero123Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Patrick:

That's pretty good, Steve. Is this today's comic relief?

A simple statement of fact, until I called you in the thread you never said one way or the other if you had them or not,


There now do you understand or is English a second language to you?


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