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3800 SC or V8? by Pontiacguy86
Started on: 05-06-2012 11:04 PM
Replies: 345 (17112 views)
Last post by: bjc 350 on 05-10-2014 12:27 PM
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Report this Post05-21-2012 06:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for weaselbeakSend a Private Message to weaselbeakEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
"More reliable period? Seriously? Points? LOL Thats funny. I'll stick with my FI car that starts instantly hot or cold, performance remains fairly constant regardless of altitude, throttle response, fuel economy and so on and so on.. you know, why every single MFG on the planet switched to FI back in the dark ages. You seem very attached to the good ol days, you do realize that most family cars of today could stomp even the best muscle cars, right? Most of todays performance cars can embarrass super cars (that cost 10x as much) of just 10yrs ago. Technology is your friend. "

You are absolutely right. FI is much better and easier on engines to boot. Having had plenty of both, being that old, I'll take an old small block going to LA from Iowa over your BMW M3. If there is a problem I can probably handle it without a tow truck and 2K missing from my bank account. I've seen more than a few FI systems sitting dead waiting for someone with both the training and equipment to get it right. My Grand Marquis is now 15 years old and nobody, including Ford, has found a cure for the mystery timing rattle that comes and goes on this 4.6. I want to see you even change the fuel filter on an Olds Alero on the side of the road, or put a fuel pump in a 2 door Blazer. I don't tend to carry the garage with me when I go for a drive.
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Report this Post05-21-2012 08:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for ericjon262Send a Private Message to ericjon262Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
not many people carry fuel pumps and filters on their road trips, and to say fuel pumps going out is a common sight? I've never had one go on me, and I can only think of one person in my 6 person family who has in the past 10 years, and I cant think of any friends who have either... maybe it's a northern thing? and to be honest, I rarely see newer cars and trucks on the side of the road (newer being post 1990) and when I do they look like they've probably never had an oil or filter changed...

also, FWIW, the newest vehicle I have owned is a 1991 Camaro, most of the cars and trucks I have owned were mid 80's all have never had reliability problems, with 1/2 of them being fuel injected.

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BV MotorSports
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Report this Post05-21-2012 08:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by weaselbeak:

"More reliable period? Seriously? Points? LOL Thats funny. I'll stick with my FI car that starts instantly hot or cold, performance remains fairly constant regardless of altitude, throttle response, fuel economy and so on and so on.. you know, why every single MFG on the planet switched to FI back in the dark ages. You seem very attached to the good ol days, you do realize that most family cars of today could stomp even the best muscle cars, right? Most of todays performance cars can embarrass super cars (that cost 10x as much) of just 10yrs ago. Technology is your friend. "

You are absolutely right. FI is much better and easier on engines to boot. Having had plenty of both, being that old, I'll take an old small block going to LA from Iowa over your BMW M3. If there is a problem I can probably handle it without a tow truck and 2K missing from my bank account. I've seen more than a few FI systems sitting dead waiting for someone with both the training and equipment to get it right. My Grand Marquis is now 15 years old and nobody, including Ford, has found a cure for the mystery timing rattle that comes and goes on this 4.6. I want to see you even change the fuel filter on an Olds Alero on the side of the road, or put a fuel pump in a 2 door Blazer. I don't tend to carry the garage with me when I go for a drive.

#1 if I have any problem with my cars, they have warranties and road side assistance. That's why you carry a cell phone. Der.... My toys are just that, toys. They break I tow them home. Thats life. :^)

#2 Who carries fuel pumps, filters, tools and 200# worth of other crap in case their POS breaks down? Because if you have to, that is exactly what the car is.

#3 Grand Marquis... thats you fault for buying a ford product. LOL

#4 Wouldn't be caught dead in an Alero and I aint putting a fuel pump in anything if I dont have to, that is why they have tow trucks and service centers.

I have been driving for 24yrs now. Never had any car fail to get me home that I wasnt out doing something stupid in. FACT. And that includes owning 25+ Fieros since '92. M3? Yes please. Funny you bring that up. I almost bought one 2 months ago instead of my current 14k mile 88 GT L67/F23/PT67/w2a toy. Yet here I am, with another Fiero. I guess we can thank the dealer for laughing at me when I said I'd pay cash for it. 'Cause that really pissed me off.

[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 05-21-2012).]

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Report this Post05-21-2012 09:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for WillSend a Private Message to WillEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by weaselbeak:

You are absolutely right. FI is much better and easier on engines to boot. Having had plenty of both, being that old, I'll take an old small block going to LA from Iowa over your BMW M3. If there is a problem I can probably handle it without a tow truck and 2K missing from my bank account. I've seen more than a few FI systems sitting dead waiting for someone with both the training and equipment to get it right. My Grand Marquis is now 15 years old and nobody, including Ford, has found a cure for the mystery timing rattle that comes and goes on this 4.6. I want to see you even change the fuel filter on an Olds Alero on the side of the road, or put a fuel pump in a 2 door Blazer. I don't tend to carry the garage with me when I go for a drive.

What about a '99 Corvette?

I have a '92 BMW 535i with 262,000 miles on it. I wouldn't hesitate to drive it across the country, except for the fact that it only goes 23 highway miles on a gallon of gas. A fuel pump change in it would be perfectly doable on the side of the road and only take about 15 minutes. I could do it with a GM pump, too.

The difference between new technology and old technology is that new technology can be poorly applied and still work well enough, while old tech had to be perfectly applied in order to work "well enough".

Don't mistake the poorly chosen design compromises for inherent problems with technology.
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Report this Post05-21-2012 09:48 PM Click Here to See the Profile for av8fieroSend a Private Message to av8fieroEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
BLAHHH BLAH BLAHHH, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Build what you want for the reasons YOU want, who really cares what anyone else thinks about their cars swap. A question like this just turns to crap on this forum.It's just not worth it, the idiots come out in force on this topic and for what? I know, I used to be one of them and it's just a waste of time. Build what you like and what you think will be fun and be done with it, either swap has it's pro's and con's. Good luck either way you go


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Report this Post05-21-2012 10:09 PM Click Here to See the Profile for WillSend a Private Message to WillEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by av8fiero:
Build what you like and what you think will be fun and be done with it,

Fine with me... just don't tell me how fast it is without a timeslip to back it up.
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California Kid
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Report this Post05-21-2012 10:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for California KidSend a Private Message to California KidEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Hey Will, my car is weally, weally fast !!!
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Pete Matos
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Report this Post05-21-2012 10:37 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Pete MatosSend a Private Message to Pete MatosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:

#1 if I have any problem with my cars, they have warranties and road side assistance. That's why you carry a cell phone. Der.... My toys are just that, toys. They break I tow them home. Thats life. :^)

#2 Who carries fuel pumps, filters, tools and 200# worth of other crap in case their POS breaks down? Because if you have to, that is exactly what the car is.

#3 Grand Marquis... thats you fault for buying a ford product. LOL

#4 Wouldn't be caught dead in an Alero and I aint putting a fuel pump in anything if I dont have to, that is why they have tow trucks and service centers.

I have been driving for 24yrs now. Never had any car fail to get me home that I wasnt out doing something stupid in. FACT. And that includes owning 25+ Fieros since '92. M3? Yes please. Funny you bring that up. I almost bought one 2 months ago instead of my current 14k mile 88 GT L67/F23/PT67/w2a toy. Yet here I am, with another Fiero. I guess we can thank the dealer for laughing at me when I said I'd pay cash for it. 'Cause that really pissed me off.

So basically you are a rich fellow that not only pays other folks to build your car for you but also if it does break down you do not even pop the hood to check it out. Personally I have owned many new cars but in the last quite a few years I almost never buy new cars. I also am not above carrying around tools and typically failure prone parts such as ICM's and other stuff in the back of my car especially if I am going for a long ride somewhere. I guess in your estimation that makes my car a POS? I know you are just trying to make your point here but honestly you come across as kind of a stuck up guy. I could give a rats ass if your dealer insulted you when you offered to buy a car cash. Somehow you feel that telling us that makes you better than the rest of us? I sure as hell cannot pay cash for a brand new M3( I would not even if I could) but I am where I want to be in my life thus far. There are lots of folks here that are doing quite well in life but they somehow find a way to not only NOT come across as a rich prick but also can be quite generous and kind and helpful. Personally I respect everyone's view of what they should do with their own car including yours. Perhaps you can find a way of showing it to us without coming across like you do..? I am not perfect and I am quite sure I have annoyed a few here with my posts but I can honestly say I TRY to be helpful and more importantly learn from those here that have been there and done that. I am happy you can afford to pay someone with the skills like Dean at Whodeanie customs to build your car. You should be very thankful that you are in such a position. A truly well established person would not have to boast about it as you do. Quite frankly I have always had a lot of respect for people who have the skills to build what they dream of themselves especially when they are on a tight budget but that does not mean I have less respect for those who have made their money in life with whatever work they choose to do. It is only when it gets to the point of arrogance that I get turned off. I don't know you and I am sure you are a good fellow and an honest to goodness Fiero guy but maybe if you refrain from telling us how much money you have it might be easier to see it.... just a thought. Personally I cannot wait to see what your Whodeanie Built turbo fiero can do, he is quite talented and when I met him in person it was evident of his confidence in his skills and experience. Sometimes you just need to meet a man and talk with him in person a few minutes to get a volume of understanding about who he is. Dean has that from my experience. I hope to be able to have that kind of confidence of my own skills in CNC machining and fabrication some day. Peace

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Report this Post05-21-2012 10:44 PM Click Here to See the Profile for av8fieroSend a Private Message to av8fieroEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Will:

Fine with me... just don't tell me how fast it is without a timeslip to back it up.

LOL! Thanks for proving my point, this pointless arguement is just not worth it.............If you want to build a drag car [3800, V8, or whatever] or a street car[3800, V8, or whatever], go for it. The only opinion that means anything is your own, everyone else's is irrelavent
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BV MotorSports
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Report this Post05-21-2012 11:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Pete Matos:

So basically you are a rich fellow that not only pays other folks to build your car for you but also if it does break down you do not even pop the hood to check it out. Personally I have owned many new cars but in the last quite a few years I almost never buy new cars. I also am not above carrying around tools and typically failure prone parts such as ICM's and other stuff in the back of my car especially if I am going for a long ride somewhere. I guess in your estimation that makes my car a POS? I know you are just trying to make your point here but honestly you come across as kind of a stuck up guy. I could give a rats ass if your dealer insulted you when you offered to buy a car cash. Somehow you feel that telling us that makes you better than the rest of us? I sure as hell cannot pay cash for a brand new M3( I would not even if I could) but I am where I want to be in my life thus far. There are lots of folks here that are doing quite well in life but they somehow find a way to not only NOT come across as a rich prick but also can be quite generous and kind and helpful. Personally I respect everyone's view of what they should do with their own car including yours. Perhaps you can find a way of showing it to us without coming across like you do..? I am not perfect and I am quite sure I have annoyed a few here with my posts but I can honestly say I TRY to be helpful and more importantly learn from those here that have been there and done that. I am happy you can afford to pay someone with the skills like Dean at Whodeanie customs to build your car. You should be very thankful that you are in such a position. A truly well established person would not have to boast about it as you do. Quite frankly I have always had a lot of respect for people who have the skills to build what they dream of themselves especially when they are on a tight budget but that does not mean I have less respect for those who have made their money in life with whatever work they choose to do. It is only when it gets to the point of arrogance that I get turned off. I don't know you and I am sure you are a good fellow and an honest to goodness Fiero guy but maybe if you refrain from telling us how much money you have it might be easier to see it.... just a thought. Personally I cannot wait to see what your Whodeanie Built turbo fiero can do, he is quite talented and when I met him in person it was evident of his confidence in his skills and experience. Sometimes you just need to meet a man and talk with him in person a few minutes to get a volume of understanding about who he is. Dean has that from my experience. I hope to be able to have that kind of confidence of my own skills in CNC machining and fabrication some day. Peace


OMG you have stepped in so deep its not even funny. This is the mother of all assumptions. I really cant stop laughing! You newbs crack me up. Yeah, I have owned 25+ Fieros and never spun a wrench, had my own shop, performed just about any swap under the sun (Fieros, REAL Ferrari's, Cosworth's, Skylines, Evo's, WRX/STi to name a few), run in SCCA, drag racing, road racing, street raing, the NURBURGRING ... nothing.. nadda zip. Yep you got me.

Rich prick? You do realize some of us buy Fieros because we actually LIKE them, not because they are cheap, right? I get so sick of people whining about those of us that sent a car out to be built. You dont know JACK about me. You have no idea who I am and what I can do. Maybe I just cant be bothered to go out in my nice climate controlled garage and get dirty busting my knuckles on a car. Maybe, just maybe, I have other more pressing issues to deal with these days. Or maybe, my other hobbies take priority. Oh wait, I am restoring a Fiero thats setting in my garage right now when I can pry myself away from other commitments and such.

[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 05-21-2012).]

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Report this Post05-21-2012 11:53 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Pete MatosSend a Private Message to Pete MatosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Yep I got ya alright.......

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Report this Post05-22-2012 10:06 AM Click Here to See the Profile for WillSend a Private Message to WillEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by California Kid:

Hey Will, my car is weally, weally fast !!!

Ever had that injection tuned for gasoline instead of methanol?
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Report this Post05-22-2012 11:19 AM Click Here to See the Profile for California KidSend a Private Message to California KidEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Will:

Ever had that injection tuned for gasoline instead of methanol?

Purrs like a lion ready to take your head off !!!

Wasn't kidding about about it being fast.

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Report this Post05-22-2012 11:29 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Pete MatosSend a Private Message to Pete MatosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
That's pretty cool, is that some kinda stand alone fuel injection computer or something? I thought you had some kinda cool intake with multiple throttle bodies, were you able to make this work with the other system? Pretty cool man. Peace

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Report this Post05-22-2012 11:40 AM Click Here to See the Profile for California KidSend a Private Message to California KidEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Pete Matos:

That's pretty cool, is that some kinda stand alone fuel injection computer or something? I thought you had some kinda cool intake with multiple throttle bodies, were you able to make this work with the other system? Pretty cool man. Peace


It manages the entire engine system, right down to cooling fans for radiator and oil cooler. This was part of the Hilborn Package I ordered, just plug jumper wire into Laptop containing program and dial in what you need.

Here's a full picture of all the engine electrical:

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Report this Post05-22-2012 03:20 PM Click Here to See the Profile for mattwaSend a Private Message to mattwaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:
I get so sick of people whining about those of us that sent a car out to be built.

I have alot more respect for owners who built their own car themselves, rather then throw dollars at someone else.

Having said that, I do find it very irritating when someone buys a brand new sports car off the lot, brings it to a car show, and boasts to everyone how awesome/fast it is. To those specific people, it just shows me you have money, not skill. It's a SKILL, to build a car/engine swap with what money you DON'T have, it's being resourceful. You have to use what you have available to you. Now that's not half-assing it, that's just a lack of effort.
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Report this Post05-22-2012 03:53 PM Click Here to See the Profile for WillSend a Private Message to WillEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by mattwa:

Having said that, I do find it very irritating when someone buys a brand new sports car off the lot, brings it to a car show, and boasts to everyone how awesome/fast it is. To those specific people, it just shows me you have money, not skill. It's a SKILL, to build a car/engine swap with what money you DON'T have, it's being resourceful. You have to use what you have available to you. Now that's not half-assing it, that's just a lack of effort.

In the same vein, the guys who buy fast cars and can actually *drive* them to their potential deserve cred too. As was said above "The car is driven more than it is shown". Well if you haven't taken it to the strip, road course, AutoX, RallyX, etc... Then where have you been pushing the car to its limits? Public roads? That's smart.

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BV MotorSports
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Report this Post05-22-2012 05:12 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by mattwa:

I have alot more respect for owners who built their own car themselves, rather then throw dollars at someone else.

Having said that, I do find it very irritating when someone buys a brand new sports car off the lot, brings it to a car show, and boasts to everyone how awesome/fast it is. To those specific people, it just shows me you have money, not skill. It's a SKILL, to build a car/engine swap with what money you DON'T have, it's being resourceful. You have to use what you have available to you. Now that's not half-assing it, that's just a lack of effort.

And I hate it when those you cant afford to have a car built,***** and whine and somehow consider their car or their effort to be more than what it is. Its jealousy plain and simple. I know, I used to read about all these awesome builds over the last 11 years I have been on PPF and be like "meh, they bought it, not built it" in my envious state. "Mine is sooo much better", yeah that made me feel better but even I knew that was a bogus and lame excuse. That, and I really didnt trust anyone to do it. Way too many horror stories out there.

But what about those of us that have built several cars over the years but no longer have the time or desire to do it? We just suppose to give up? Are we to let our cars set in the garage collecting dust? Maybe I worked my ass off and have more money than time now. Actually, you know my actual feelings on the matter? **** *** to any of you, I don't need to justify what I do or how I do it. Its my money, and my car. I'll damn well do what I please. Yeah, I have some money..but I freggen earned it. You want some, do the same.

Sorry to single you out... but I have personally been building and modding cars long before you were born. So you are preaching to the choir. And what makes this worse, my 88 is the first (and last car) I will ever send out. I dont care how well it turns out. The delays and lack of paperwork & receipts have left me unsatisfied. And yes, the builder knows this all too well. My litany for the last two months..."I shoulda done it myself". Seriously. So if I seem really pissed and easy to provoke, I hope those reading this can atleast understand to some degree.

[This message has been edited by BV MotorSports (edited 05-22-2012).]

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Report this Post05-22-2012 06:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for mattwaSend a Private Message to mattwaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I don't trust anyone else either, really, when it comes down to it. I rather build it myself, and if I don't have the time or desire to do it, nothing gets built.

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Report this Post05-22-2012 07:29 PM Click Here to See the Profile for JustinbartSend a Private Message to JustinbartEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by BV MotorSports:

At least you are "building" it somewhat right.

Turbo 3800 E85 F23 5spd spec5

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Report this Post05-22-2012 07:30 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Sigler85GTSend a Private Message to Sigler85GTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
how's it wrong to pay someone to build your car?
what's wrong is buying an already built car, replacing an o2 sensor and saying you added additional mods
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Report this Post05-22-2012 07:39 PM Click Here to See the Profile for troyboySend a Private Message to troyboyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Will:

In the same vein, the guys who buy fast cars and can actually *drive* them to their potential deserve cred too. As was said above "The car is driven more than it is shown". Well if you haven't taken it to the strip, road course, AutoX, RallyX, etc... Then where have you been pushing the car to its limits? Public roads? That's smart.

Will time for you to move on, your life can't be that pointless that you have nothing better to do than worry about how I drive or not drive my cars. I enjoy all of my toy's and thats all that mattters to me and as someone once said "If I'm driving a car I think is cool, what anyone else thinks is irrelevant"
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Report this Post05-22-2012 07:49 PM Click Here to See the Profile for mattwaSend a Private Message to mattwaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Sigler85GT:

how's it wrong to pay someone to build your car?
what's wrong is buying an already built car, replacing an o2 sensor and saying you added additional mods

Because replacing an O2 sensor is not a mod. Unless it's going from a non-heated to a heated sensor. Which I plan to do with my 4.9.
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Report this Post05-22-2012 08:03 PM Click Here to See the Profile for engine manSend a Private Message to engine manEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
the way i look at it is if someone is running there mouth on how there car can run 11's then they need to prove i have heard to many i have a 11 second car or i have 650 HP BS talk prove it . If someone said they have a fast car i don't really have a big problem with that though because maybe it is fast to them but not to others it is only when they claim it can leap a building in a single bound
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Report this Post05-22-2012 09:06 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Sigler85GTSend a Private Message to Sigler85GTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
smh.. i think you misunderstood me Matt. i wasn't calling an o2 a mod. Im giving him credit for ADMITTING it was built by someone else. clearly if you read some of his posts he knows what it takes to build and swap. sure, fault someone for not being like you and wanting to pay someone else's bills in exchange for a toy.
now if you bought something built or paid to have it done and didn't give credit where it was due that's bullsh+t. "added parts here and there" like a vehicle for sale in the mall when you didn't affect the performance is also taking credit for sh+t you didn't do.

just realized Im off topic so 3800 for the win.
(but i have ecotec dreams every night)
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Report this Post05-22-2012 09:19 PM Click Here to See the Profile for WillSend a Private Message to WillEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by troyboy:

Will time for you to move on, your life can't be that pointless that you have nothing better to do than worry about how I drive or not drive my cars. I enjoy all of my toy's and thats all that mattters to me and as someone once said "If I'm driving a car I think is cool, what anyone else thinks is irrelevant"

Looks like I hit a nerve.
Is your life so pointless that you're worried about this thread?
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Report this Post05-22-2012 09:28 PM Click Here to See the Profile for mattwaSend a Private Message to mattwaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Sigler85GT:

smh.. i think you misunderstood me Matt. i wasn't calling an o2 a mod. Im giving him credit for ADMITTING it was built by someone else. clearly if you read some of his posts he knows what it takes to build and swap. sure, fault someone for not being like you and wanting to pay someone else's bills in exchange for a toy.
now if you bought something built or paid to have it done and didn't give credit where it was due that's bullsh+t. "added parts here and there" like a vehicle for sale in the mall when you didn't affect the performance is also taking credit for sh+t you didn't do.

just realized Im off topic so 3800 for the win.
(but i have ecotec dreams every night)

I do give him credit for that. I know he built lots of his own cars, I'm just not one to pay someone else to do something I can do myself. That's just me.
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Report this Post05-22-2012 09:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for bmwguruClick Here to visit bmwguru's HomePageSend a Private Message to bmwguruEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
My v8 was fast and my 3800 is fast. I have dynos and track runs, but that is my business. I am content and I have enough confidence that I don't need to prove anything to anyone else, but me.
To keep on topic, I don't really like either the 3800 or the v8 for a fiero. The v8 is out of character and the 3800 is better, but a pushrod engine is like having a 8 track player. I like the 3800 over the v8 for personalpractical reasons, but it is time to step into the 21st century.
I will still keep my 3800 for a while, but I sold my v8 last year.
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Report this Post05-22-2012 09:44 PM Click Here to See the Profile for mattwaSend a Private Message to mattwaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I see absolutely nothing wrong with pushrod engines for reliability and fuel economy.
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Report this Post05-22-2012 10:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for dobeySend a Private Message to dobeyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by bmwguru:
The v8 is out of character and the 3800 is better, but a pushrod engine is like having a 8 track player. I like the 3800 over the v8 for personalpractical reasons, but it is time to step into the 21st century.
I will still keep my 3800 for a while, but I sold my v8 last year.

So your next swap will be an electric with a 1.0 liter Honda generator? You know, to jump into the 21st century.
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Report this Post05-22-2012 10:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BV MotorSportsSend a Private Message to BV MotorSportsEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by dobey:

So your next swap will be an electric with a 1.0 liter Honda generator? You know, to jump into the 21st century.

LOL, I do like this guy. My British mates would call you, Cheeky Monkey!
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Report this Post05-22-2012 10:52 PM Click Here to See the Profile for troyboySend a Private Message to troyboyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Will:

Never understood this point of view. I have fun driving a Chevy Aveo when I travel despite the fact that even *I* think it's a completely lame car. If I'm driving a car I think is cool, what anyone else thinks is irrelevant, and I'm going to have fun at the track or strip and want to share that.

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Report this Post05-22-2012 10:54 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Pete MatosSend a Private Message to Pete MatosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Hey man how is your supercharger setup progressing on your choptop? That is one sweet car you got there man. I like fiero's in orange anyways. Peace


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Report this Post05-22-2012 11:01 PM Click Here to See the Profile for MstangsBwareSend a Private Message to MstangsBwareEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by troyboy:

I have to throw in a LOL....
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Report this Post05-22-2012 11:09 PM Click Here to See the Profile for nosracSend a Private Message to nosracEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by mattwa:

I have alot more respect for owners who built their own car themselves,

I have alot more respect for owners who build their own Planes and then actually fly them. Car building is weak sauce in comparison....

However, I can't do well actually don't want to build either as I got other sKills...
rather then throw dollars at someone else.

What.... you never made it RAIN $$$...Oh the things I could show you...grasshoppa

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Report this Post05-22-2012 11:31 PM Click Here to See the Profile for JustinbartSend a Private Message to JustinbartEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by nosrac:

What.... you never made it RAIN $$$...Oh the things I could show you...grasshoppa

Then you need to make it rain on your trans and rain down some aluminum heads on the block.

Turbo 3800 E85 F23 5spd spec5

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Report this Post05-22-2012 11:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Pete MatosSend a Private Message to Pete MatosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Hehehe...... rain it down man. And while you're at it, rain some my way will ya!! hehe peace


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Report this Post05-22-2012 11:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Pontiacguy86Send a Private Message to Pontiacguy86Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Lol well this thread got a little carried away. Thanks to the people who actually gave good advice and pros and cons for each engine. I still haven't decided which one I'm going with yet. I'm not planning on making a super fast racer just something that looks and sounds good and have some power when I want it to. Thanks everyone
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Report this Post05-23-2012 12:07 AM Click Here to See the Profile for troyboySend a Private Message to troyboyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Pete Matos:

Hey man how is your supercharger setup progressing on your choptop? That is one sweet car you got there man. I like fiero's in orange anyways. Peace


Thanks, all is going great with the choptop but now I'm focusing on the restoration of my wifes Enterra Vipre. Not sure if I'm going LS, N*, or 3800, alot will depend on if she wants to keep it manual or go automatic.
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Report this Post05-23-2012 05:16 AM Click Here to See the Profile for OreifClick Here to visit Oreif's HomePageSend a Private Message to OreifEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Pontiacguy86:

Thanks to the people who actually gave good advice and pros and cons for each engine. I still haven't decided which one I'm going with yet. I'm not planning on making a super fast racer just something that looks and sounds good and have some power when I want it to. Thanks everyone

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