Wow I just found this info last night this transmission comes from a Acura Legend it would allow you to do a LS or SBC longitudinal it comes as a 5 speed standard or a 6 speed and a 4 speed slush box as you can see the diff is mounted more like a THM 425 from GM
I am not 100% certain but I believe the Legends engine spins CW. Just a heads up to try and verify you don't end up with 5 reverse gears .
Actually, I have started on it. I've got the top chopped and the front clip shortened while waiting for the adapter. This week I've been working on the rear engine compartment and modified the cradle to accept the longitudinal positioning of the SBC. I've done something a little different in modifying the rear. Something I haven't seen here on Pennocks. Keeping my fingers crossed it's not a complete failure. The adapter was a little pricey, but they make a top shelf product. It cost $2000 with pressure plate, clutch plate and starter.
one thing i must make is a air intake tube that go's from 6 inch oval to 3 1/2 inch round i think i know how to do this. one way is to take a 3.5 to 4.5 exhaust reducer and squashing the 5 inch side down so it ends up at 6 inches wide by about 3 inches tall
Dam injectors not firing well time to start testing them i know the ignition works as it start every time with starting fluid but i have tried to do a injector test that did not work
I thought the same thing Will but i did a ohm check on the injectors as well as looked up what they were and they were high z and ohm tested at over 11 ohms
thanks i thought it sounded good and responsive just need it to burn off the rest of the Marvel Mystery oil and the rest of the oil that was in the exhaust from the other engine
well i will be plumbing the cooling system and do what i need to do to the shifter for the new cables as i got 3 inch stroke cables and only needed 2 inch but nothing a little steel and welding wont fix
you know it gives me a sense of pride like all the folks who build something you put your heart and soul into so it feels great when your peers approve of it
well the shifter is all in and hooked up i had to do 1 mod to the cable bracket on the transmission and i now know i could have used 90 inch cables with 2 inch throws
thanks doublec4 i took today off from working on it and will be back on it tomorrow and depending on my what i can spend this month on it it could be on the road by the end of June
I have decided once i get all i need off my 88 gt T top car i will give it away for free with T Tops intact i think the car could be rebuilt if you want to take the time to repair some of the places i cut or just take it for the T Tops but the whole car must leave I will let every one know when i am done with it
worked on the brake lines today and will finish them up tomorrow and i will put the axles and rear struts back in if i had a throttle cable bracket i could drive it around the yard but i need to find some parts so i can fab something up
wow i am down to 3 things before i start on body and interior and that is throttle cable bracket , exhaust hanger's and the 2 rear bolts on the front K member need to be put back in . it is going better than i thought it would and i have never worked on a fiero that was taken apart this much .