The oil pressure gauge on my 1988 Fiero Formula has started misbehaving. Most of the time it reads normally, but every so often while the engine is running it "pegs" up to well over the max (all the way round clockwise to the right until the needle is horizontal).
Familiar problem, it seems: the sender unit is acting up because moisture has got into the connector or the top of the unit.
I have found various posts which mention - and some attach - the tech service bulletin which recommends a modification to remove the mounting tube cpmpletely and - even on the vehicles with A/C like mine - fitting the sender unit directly down into the hole beside the oil filter. Means re-routing the wiring and connector as well. The posts above are helpful because they have pictures which help to explain the task (although the actual sender on my '88 looks different to the one in the photos).
Not the easiest of jobs, because of the access problem (I'm really not prepared to take the engine out just to do this!). And to avoid fouling the a/c compressor, or the drive belt, or other stuff down there, the TSB says you have to get (a) a 1/8" nipple to fit the hole; (b) a 1/4" to 1/8" reducer; and (c) a 1/4" 45-degree angle connector (into which, presumably, you fit the new oil sender unit).
Apart from the difficulties of getting at this location to remove the tube and then install the sender, the TSB assumption that the various connectors/reducers/angle-bits required are available at any hardware or plumbing supply store is misplaced - at least in those parts of the world where plumbing equipment has gone metric....
I'm wondering about other solutions. The most obvious one seems to be to keep the tube in place, and to fit the sender into the top of the tube - as it is now - BUT instead of having it sit vertically (with the connector going in the top, and water able to drip down directly into it), putting a 45-degree or, better, a 90-degree elbow fitting into the top of the tube so that the sender then fits into it at an angle or horizontally.
I haven't yet got a new sender, and haven't even looked at whether a 45 or 90 angled elbow fitting is available with the right thread-size. But is there any flaw in my thinking that I have not spotted?
[This message has been edited by br1anstorm (edited 06-23-2014).]