Honestly I myself am dying to know how the material is. TY for reminding me that I needed to maybe order some. Momma's 87 needs new outers in a bad, bad way. Perhaps I can look into ordering a set tonight
Honestly I myself am dying to know how the material is. TY for reminding me that I needed to maybe order some. Momma's 87 needs new outers in a bad, bad way. Perhaps I can look into ordering a set tonight
If you get these and find they work let us know and maybe document the mod. I too have been think of ordering them for my 3800 SC swap/project car. My DD 87 GT's wipes are in good shape, but the project car's are shot! I know some guys make them for sale, but it seems they are not doing it lately or for that matter any more. I don't want to step on feet nor do I want to start making them for sale either! I just want a viable solution for my car.
[This message has been edited by Robertzep2 (edited 06-28-2013).]
I am definitely going to get these when I do my dew wipes, I really don't want to have to pay $80 for another pair. I would assume you can just take the old mounting brackets off (they are only riveted on I think) and put them on the new ones.
$53.98 after shipping for two 4ft pieces to my location. I don't know if the shipping costs of $13.98 will apply to everybody so...
The order process is kinda wonky. You have to register first. Then we chose to pay with Paypal. Well the site is not linked to PP. Perhaps I will get a PP invoice soon but haven't yet. Sent a message to their "Support team". They will, "reply to you shortly". Was the response from them.
Wonder if we could get a bulk rate??!!??
I don't wanna step on toes either as posted above. However if I can save myself a few bucks well then whoever said being frugal was bad?
$53.98 after shipping for two 4ft pieces to my location. I don't know if the shipping costs of $13.98 will apply to everybody so...
The order process is kinda wonky. You have to register first. Then we chose to pay with Paypal. Well the site is not linked to PP. Perhaps I will get a PP invoice soon but haven't yet. Sent a message to their "Support team". They will, "reply to you shortly". Was the response from them.
Wonder if we could get a bulk rate??!!??
I don't wanna step on toes either as posted above. However if I can save myself a few bucks well then whoever said being frugal was bad?
Cool, let us know how they're made and fit. btw I clicked on the wrong size units when I posted, yup we need the 4 footers.
[This message has been edited by Francis T (edited 06-29-2013).]
So received Paypal request this am, Monday July 1st. Sent Paypal same day. Have a tracking # already!! So far all seems well with fast shipping and processing.
I can't wait to get my hands on these!!
Momma's 87's outer dews are so bad you could snap pieces right off.
I will be more then happy to snap tons of pics of them when they arrive. Also I still need to order the RD dew wipe tool. Glad for this thread, I now remembered it.
UPS delivered this today. Could look worse I suppose.
Thank goodness for the wooden stick inside I guess! Yes that is a piece of wood they stuck in the box to prevent bending damage. TY for that!!
The end look.
Now we just wait for the Rodney dew tool to come in the mail. Should be any day now. Then I have to convince Momma to leave her car at home for a day!
While I wait I need to start thinking about all things rivets. I wanna say I read some where around here that the rivets need to sit as flush as possible. I've got to find a good rivet gun and the right rivets.
Hey I just ordered a set today and i have to say those look really nice in the picture, yeah i got the dickman tool and it worked pretty well with cardboard shims between the tool and the glass Edit: my shipping was 3 dollars more and i live in michigan ------------------ Unconditional Surrender
[This message has been edited by chorcob (edited 07-05-2013).]
If you get these and find they work let us know and maybe document the mod. I too have been think of ordering them for my 3800 SC swap/project car. My DD 87 GT's wipes are in good shape, but the project car's are shot! I know some guys make them for sale, but it seems they are not doing it lately or for that matter any more. I don't want to step on feet nor do I want to start making them for sale either! I just want a viable solution for my car.
Came with a great helpful hints, tricks, tips sheet. I already replaced the dews on my 86se. I borrowed the RD tool last time. It was kinda a PITA but not as bad as it sounds.
Now if I can just convince Momma to leave the car at home.....Lets see earlier it was, "I gotta run to the bank". And now she, "went to get a soda".... Sheesh..
Anyway I'm thinking of pulling just the passenger outer dew wipe and starting there. I still need to get rivets and a rivet gun. I wanna see what they used at the factory and try and get close to that as possible.
Any suggestions?? I know for a FACT that someone here has helpful info. Guess it's top secret. Well I'm not out to step on toes and all of that stuff. I just wanna fix something and save myself some $$$. Is being frugal a bad thing??
For the felts and the guide piece that the mirror bolts go through. Pics of it loading now..
First I pulled the door handle surround and arm rest
At the back of the doors inner skin I very gently pulled and reached inside with my long skinny flat tip screwdriver and pried this connector out of the door. I was VERY careful not to rip it out of the door skin. If it does rip out of the door skin your door might not stay on right and you may need to repair your door skin...
Same thing at the front door skin corner. Again be very very careful that that little white connector does NOT rip out of the door skin. Pry it out of the door.
Now I pulled this metal strip. 5 screws IIRC. It holds the inner dew wipe on. Came out fairly easy for me. Just try to remember it's orientation.
Here it is out.
Now the inner dew wipe just lifts up and out. TY to my lovely assistant
Remove the two rubber end pieces/caps. Three screws each, pretty simple and self explanatory. Pulled the mirror. 10mm bolts, 2 of em. Again pretty straight forward. DO NOT drop the bolts into the door!!
With the inner dew, end caps and mirror pulled I had TONS more room to go at the 5 screws that hold the outer dew wipe to the door frame. Rodneys tool gets into the screws and has great bite. If it starts to slip you can feel it immediately. Jamming my finger between it and the glass made things pretty simple. Either your fingers gonna get crushed if the tool starts to slip in the screw or the screw will turn. You don't want to strip the screws. I did it last time on my 86. That time I use my dremel to get a couple out.
Anyway 5 screws and the outer wipe pulls up and out. And here the beasty is
So the rivets are very flat as some of these pics will hopefully show. They hold the dew wipe felts on and the thing where the mirror bolts through.
Old, meet new.
So heres where i find myself. Rivets and felts. More pics to come. Any tips please feel free to chime in. I'm off to Lowes or the Depot. We need a new BBQ grill anyway....
oh yeah i forgot about those rivets, i thought you were talking about the ones for the window glass or something. but anyway i took my panel all apart already and am now waiting for the dew wipe material.
Ok so my pics show the arm rest still on. I was able to pull most of the needed parts out without removing the whole arm rest. I removed the top arm rest screw and it gave me some more room. Then later pulled the complete arm rest.
Epic fail at Home Depot. Believe it or not they were sold out of rivet guns. WTH? I even had an "associate" with her scanner doo-da check the store inventory. Weird! Scored a cool fire ring though!
Anyway I think that's ok as I need to try and research rivets and what not. I took a quick look at Fastenal's site and looking at what is on the factory dew wipe, I'd say it is a flat head solid rivet. This probably isn't the right one but only an example. http://www.fastenal.com/web...code=&filterByStore=
So it's rivets, rivets, rivets. Then we need to start looking at the felt pieces.
Please if anyone has any ideas or advice feel free to chime in.
Should have came into my store... we have a but load of the right rivets ya need in brass, steel, aluminum. Oh and rivet guns too lol
Lol that would be one long haul for a few rivets!
Really though, we just need to find the right tool for the job. The super double secret tool and rivets. Then we need to find the right felt material for the brushes.
Go to ace hardware or any hardware store around for the rivet gun. I am also looking for felt, i went to a local auto glass place and they didn't have anything like it. Could probably use just about any durable cloth type material that will dry out.
For the felt, how about using the material from a whiteboard (dry erase board) eraser. Something like this: I was looking at my eraser at work and it is a different color and seems thicker too, than this picture. Just a thought... Any news on the rivets weloveour86se? Thanks for sharing your experience with these! I can't wait to start mine.
Dremelled all the felts and mirror mount off of the old dew wipe. Measured, double measured and marked and drilled holes and slots.
Cut to length and notched front/hinge edge.
And walla! Pretty straight forward, pretty easy. Did it with some odds and ends drill bits, a gutted ball pen for marking, rivet gun, rivets, tin snips, angle/side cutters, dremel....
Now wait for the rain to stop and go install. Then do the drivers side.
At first I couldn't see any reason for this cut out. The long notched out piece on the factory dew wipe. You can see the difference between it and the one I'm making.
I looked like three times for why it could possibly be needed. So I rolled without it and went about installing my dew wipe. Well it is very necessary.
Even with a helper holding the mirror in place there is NO way your going to be able to get the mirror bolts on. I was able to get one of them on without the notch but the second was impossible. So I had to pull all the screws back out, bring my dew wipe back inside and made the notch. Just used my dremel again. Easy...
And here you have it...
Lol notice the rain on everything? Well I was so excited to install my dew wipe that I said screw it and did it in the rain! Fits like a charm and got a, "Good job Daddy!" from the Missus and a high five! That right there is worth ever ounce of effort. Super easy job that I did at the kitchen table with a few odds and ends tools that I already had. The only thing I had to get really was the rivet gun and that was had cheaply enough. Hell borrow one if you can.
Now to convince Momma to leave the car again so I can do the drivers side...
[This message has been edited by weloveour86se (edited 07-11-2013).]
AWESOME! And yes I was shouting! Thanks for sharing with those of us whom need a solution to the dew wipe situation.
No problem!
Now the only thing we need to sort out is a suitable felt material. Yes I reused the old factory stuff. I'm actually considering pulling it and turning it around. Only the top edge shows any wear. The bottom half looks like new. I just need to figure out what kind of glue to use to attach the material to the metal backer pieces is all.
Oh yeah... Sorry to the OP for high jacking your thread
I did this exact same thing last summer but accidentally bought the chrome lip one... So I need to redo them, I will buy this material! I took the windows out though, and then replaced the rivets holding the window in with quarter inch hardware. It will make them really easy to redo this time. I reused the old hardware too
Unfortunately the chrome lip is really rigid and has to reside on top of the door skin. I may just cut the chrome lip off instead of making new dew wipes
[This message has been edited by zkhennings (edited 07-11-2013).]
I took the windows out though, and then replaced the rivets holding the window in with quarter inch hardware. It will make them really easy to redo this time.
This sounds like the way to go. I'm no Mr. Goodwrench though so for me, monkeying with the window scares me a little.
That chrome lip sure makes the edge clean but IDK if I would like it at all.
Honestly if any body can go through all the work of pulling and reinstalling dew wipes they can make their own. The hardest part thus far of the whole process is the remove and reinstall of the wipes. Suns out so I had a chance for a couple of pics. Looks pretty darn good if I say so myself.
Looks pretty darn bad, factory drivers side. Now if Momma would just leave the dang car home.
Weloveour86se nice write up!. What dremel insert did you use? I have some of the reinforced discs for cutting. Is that what you used?
Yup that is it. For the notched or elongated screw holes I just used a regular dremel drill bit and hogged the holes out.
Incidentally JCW carries the dew wipe material. I have the newest paper catalog and they show 2 different versions. $16 per 4 foot piece. Looks to be exactly the same. I haven't looked for it online yet though.
Super easy, fun, gratifying task. Gathering material and remove/replace is the bulk of the work.
I did this exact same thing last summer but accidentally bought the chrome lip one... So I need to redo them, I will buy this material! I took the windows out though, and then replaced the rivets holding the window in with quarter inch hardware. It will make them really easy to redo this time. I reused the old hardware too
Unfortunately the chrome lip is really rigid and has to reside on top of the door skin. I may just cut the chrome lip off instead of making new dew wipes
Got the exact same ones. I dident both with all the other hardware... over a year and still works perfect. I actually kind of like the chrome piece..(dident think I would at first))
PFF'er SHAWNWIL and myself have been chatting via PM about this. I mentioned that we needed a good guide felt material among other things. Well he took the ball and scored a big time touch down IMO. TY Shawn!!
I'm going to order a foot and get a look at it. Whats a few bucks in the name of R and D?
Then do we really need a source for new guide felt brackets and the mirror brackets or could we just rehab and reuse? I do have a powder coat setup I'm getting ready to fire up!! Anyone have any old dews with hardware still attached?? I will buy the parts!
Just did mine this way. The weatherstrips were $54 shipped and I got a couple feet of the window channel lining from Rubber The Right Way for $8 shipped. A couple bucks for rivets brought the total to about $66 bucks to do both sides.
I recovered the tabs with the mohair liner from Rubber the Right Way. I attached my pieces using 1# tinners rivets ground flat for clearance.
[This message has been edited by seajai (edited 10-01-2013).]
I have new mirror tabs and the felt tabs on hand if anyone wants to go new. Either are $1.50 ea. So $9.00 would do a set of dew wipes. I was looking here for the felt material
Funny how things get lost in archives. This was just forwarded to me. https://www.fiero.nl/forum/A...090907-1-067338.html Rich-good to hear you sell the tabs new as I've seen some rusted ones and I bet the fit would be tighter with new vs drilled out old ones.
[This message has been edited by fierocarparts (edited 10-02-2013).]
I have new mirror tabs and the felt tabs on hand if anyone wants to go new. Either are $1.50 ea. So $9.00 would do a set of dew wipes. I was looking here for the felt material
PM sent. LMK and TY for your time. BTW I really love my license plate wrap! People ask me about it all the time when I am in Momma's Subaru!