Hey guys,
So its been a few years since I’ve really found any time to peruse around this forum.
I did a 3800sc swap into my 85 about 4-5 years ago. Its been my daily driver for 6 months of the year since I did the swap, and I love it! I haven’t had any major issue with it or found the time to do much work on it since.
With winter finally coming to an end, I’ve got a couple of projects I wanted to work on before putting it back on the road. Just looking for a few opinions and have a few question too.
The biggest issue I’d like to look at is the tensioner pulley for the alt. Originally when I did the swap I never built a tensioner, just build the alt bracket so the belt would be tight. Since then the belt has obviously stretched and it ended up falling off a couple of times right before I took the car off the road in the fall. So I’m looking to track down a tensioner pulley that swings the other way like in the picture, which I found in
this thread
I’m also looking to install power locks and windows. I found a
cheap universal kit on ebay (I know you get what you pay for). I’m trying to do this on the cheap, just wondering if anyone had any experience with these cheap kits? Any input or advice?
And lastly I’m looking to replace a bunch of components in the front end (replaced everything in the backend when I did the swap). Don’t know if I really need any input on this stuff but since I already have it typed out I’ll include it.
Front Ball joint kit - $63.95 -
http://www.fierostore.com/P...px?s=57009&d=338&p=1Front Poly Kit - $64.95 -
http://www.fierostore.com/P...0%20%20RED&d=338&p=2Front Tie Rod Kit - $84.95 -
http://www.fierostore.com/P...px?s=58008&d=324&p=1Front swaybar end link kit $19.95 -
http://www.fierostore.com/P...20%20%20RED&d=45&p=1front swaybar poly bushing $14.95 -
http://www.fierostore.com/P...20%20%20RED&d=45&p=1lower control arm bolds X 2 $ 7.95 -
http://www.fierostore.com/P...px?s=57015&d=338&p=3Upper control arm bolt X2 $14.95 -
http://www.fierostore.com/P...px?s=57016&d=338&p=1Poly ball joint boot kit X 2 $ 3.95 -
http://www.fierostore.com/P...0%20%20RED&d=324&p=1 $295.45
Thanks for you input guys, and hopefully I can find some time to be a little more active around here!