Hi folks,
sorry I've been too busy to check in here over the past few months, but I've been busy with an OLED based trip computer for the F-body.
After a while I realized that this would look nice on the Fiero too, so I did some software adaptations.
I think it's now in a state that it's ready to be shown here, this is what it looks like:
You can read about it here:
Fiero.deor if you want to read the whole story, check into the F-body world:
F-body forumThe F-body forum has quite a few videos as well. I did post some Fiero-vids to the Facebook group as well, but I'm just too busy to post everything everywhere ;-)
It's been installed in my daily driver for a few weeks now and I love it!
I'm currently in the process of getting rid of the extra box, and putting everything (!) on a circuit board that is going to be a drop in replacement of
the stock Fiero speedometer board. I do have to recycle a few parts from the board, namely some ICs and the spring clips for the air core instrument, but still this is going to be a very clean upgrade. All wiring for extra components (i.e. outside temperature sensor, GPS input, 12V hot at all times, etc.) are done through unused terminals on the stock speedo connector.
I'll post more when there is more to post ;-)
Visit my website: www.fieros.de for lots of technical and other Fiero related information
Maroon 87 GT daily driver with Firebird Body Control Module, Power Window Controllers and Dash mounted Scantool/Trip Computer