------------------ Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. (Jurassic Park)
Originally posted by no2pencil: If you are no longer going to continue with the site, would you mind if I grabbed the context from the wayback machine archives & hosted a copy?
Would never without permission. I had reached out this morning & didn't hear back. Best of luck with which ever direction you decide to go. Thank you for the content, it's helped me over the years.
Originally posted by no2pencil: Would never without permission. I had reached out this morning & didn't hear back. Best of luck with which ever direction you decide to go. Thank you for the content, it's helped me over the years.
If you ever need help with hosting or anything Ogre just sing out, I'm sure between myself and the litany of other IT guys on the forum we can sort something out. The Cave has helped plenty, many times over.
Originally posted by Gall757: I still get nothing from the PFF links, but the link below is working for me (Firefox). The Ogre's Fiero Cave
Because most are Comcast links and dead.
http://fierocave.shorturl.com/ link above currently point to archive "mirror" site. Is not a compete copy of dead Comcast site so some pages have problems.
Thank you for all that you have provided over the years, and thank you ahead of time for all the advice that you still deliver. An absolutely humongous service provided to these little econo wedges.
Originally posted by edfiero: Is there any way to put the CAVE's contents on Facebook, or other reputable, but Free site?
Absolutely No.
Facebook and other "social media" are no use to me. FB reputation? Barf. Unlike most, I've read Foolbook ToS/EULA etc. Those Doc's makes NSA look nice and a Great way to give Thieves free ammo. Many users do not understand how to use what little privacy tools they have and worse, FB keeps moving/changing privacy settings. Even Worse many profiles are setup by kids etc for X person and never used privacy tools. What to Sue? Nope. FB like others force you to go to Arbitration.
Google and other search services are "block" using Robots.txt and Meta data in each page. This is why you don't find much using Google. I have no interest giving them even 1 penny for my work.
The only reason I started the Cave was because Cliff thought that any "FAQ" was "dumb..." Big problem was and still is Very few to no-one was and are going to keep answering questions with any real details. Only Years later did Cliff create "FAQs & HowTos" section so Nubes didn't have to use Search. (Never mind most people won't bother even trying to search.)
Cliff had first version of my cave at PFF but quickly got problems w/ that setup. Is been on several "PWP" services since... Sprynet Eathlink then Comcast.
One of my first cave pages was DIS problems and only a few pages. I used the old Java menu because adding pages was Very easy. The site was design so is process by local browser because back-end services didn't exist at first then had some but were often worthless or can change or disappear.
Cave grew quick first few years... Because the site became my copy/paste answers to most Q on PFF. Post some data for problem at hand and related cave page(s) for more info. Very helpful when I had my Stroke. Side Benefit people can use the Cave 24/7/365. Why did you do that? PFF and other forums basically are like calling a Help Desk for a Computer at work... How many times can you can reset a password etc for a end user w/o going insane? This is Why most IT Help Desks have very high turnover of employees. Many quickly hate the job and quite. I've seen many people go to lunch or even a smoke break and never return. I was on "2nd level" support and still get "please install my printer" 5-10 or more times per week.
To make the problem Worse, Aftermarket "Service" books have missing or wrong data. Examples: A very old FAQ is FOSG but most of that don't cover much detail or even have pictures. (I've seen this FAQ around ~20 years ago.) Haynes and Chilton's books have many problems, like Hanyes Fiero book Ignores DIS and 700 TBI on 87-88 L4. Haynes allows Used axle nuts but GM, and many others, Factory SM Never allowed this so where does Haynes get torque # for used nuts?
A few years ago I dumped Java menu mainly because Java is a nightmare just for security alone. Java degraded so much so now is no better security then ActiveX from MS and ActiveX was a nightmare right from the start.
New menu is a pain and added ~8Kb size to each page but TextCrawler and beKEY macros did help allot. Most pages passed HTML5 validation w/ minor errors.
[This message has been edited by theogre (edited 11-02-2015).]
Very sad the host is no more... At least it's still available to view.. for now...
Ogre, if you do not find a host for the cave would you think about offering the ability to purchase a copy of it on a disc? There is very valuable information on there and I know I would be more than willing to purchase a copy of The Cave if it were on a disc or whatever for future reference.
------------------ "Discord" Red 1988 GT under restoration!
Originally posted by Shho13: Very sad the host is no more... At least it's still available to view.. for now...
Ogre, if you do not find a host for the cave would you think about offering the ability to purchase a copy of it on a disc? There is very valuable information on there and I know I would be more than willing to purchase a copy of The Cave if it were on a disc or whatever for future reference.
Disk copies are easy... Because the site is "Client Side" only processing. Most/all current browsers will work to access the files.
most likely won't make much or any money... The disk will likely show up quickly on Pirate Bay etc. Same for Kindle et al... Most Digital books are on PB.
I don't care if people save copies for their own use. I even gave permission to quote pages on some sites.
What I don't want things like myfiero.oceanmoon.com is a complete ripoff of my and others pages. He/she even Removed my copyright notice AFTER I b__h but did not remove the pages. That is why all pictures now have the "water mark."
Ogre, I may be misremembering. But didn't you have the Cave a few years before PFF? I pretty sure I remember you being one of the few places I could find information on the Fiero in the mid to late 90's.
Originally posted by Jason88Notchie: Ogre, I may be misremembering. But didn't you have the Cave a few years before PFF? I pretty sure I remember you being one of the few places I could find information on the Fiero in the mid to late 90's.
The Ogre's Fiero Cave is after PFF. If you mean The Ogre's Cave, home.comcast.net/~the_ogre/, then yes. It was one of escape link on old menu. I did have some IT data etc but removed all of that years ago.
[This message has been edited by theogre (edited 11-03-2015).]
I've change where/when shorturl links points to at web.archive.org. I guess Comcast got call by or made a call to archive.org before killed the servers. Now should get 10/15 archive for most/all pages.
NOTE: Cliff still hasn't fix PFF links at top and bottom of pages and are dead.
Thank you for all that you have provided over the years, and thank you ahead of time for all the advice that you still deliver. An absolutely humongous service provided to these little econo wedges.
My little beast would not be running if it was not for ALL the help and time you took with me! Your site has helped so much countless times. You are a true asset to the Fiero community! I could not have done it without you! Thank you for everything!
------------------ Please forgive my typos, I'm typically posting via cell.
1984 Indy Fiero SE Pace Car Replica #770 "SE" Stormtrooper Edition Rescued, resuscitated and reversibly modified! (I'm so not done yet!) Poly all round & Black Drag DR-34s Frt: 225/45 on 18x8 (47 offset w/ 8-9mm spacer) 1.5 coils cut off 1984 WS6 springs Rear: 265/35 on 18x8.5 (45 offset) Coil-overs w/ 10 inch 300lb springs & 7 inch sleeve
a while since I have been in the cave I didn't even know about this. Is there a CD of the original all inclusive cave available to buy? Just in case you don't find a way to keep it here.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't
a while since I have been in the cave I didn't even know about this. Is there a CD of the original all inclusive cave available to buy? Just in case you don't find a way to keep it here.
Originally posted by ryfel:
I would also be willing to buy a disc, and no problem signing(clicking agree) an EULA or whatever you need done, my poor Fiero needs the Cave!
Read above, he won't do that, and the archive.org is not going away, they have been here since the dawn of the internet and their plan is to archive it all. BTW if you have any dead links go there they might have it.
Just use the link below
Originally posted by theogre:
http://fierocave.shorturl.com/ link above currently point to archive "mirror" site. Is not a compete copy of dead Comcast site so some pages have problems.
[This message has been edited by sardonyx247 (edited 12-19-2015).]
I have used the data from the cave uncountable times for repairs and alterations that I have worked on. If you need me to, I can send you some money in paypal or something.. That seems right to me... Not the CD or anything.. I recognize resource value when I see it.. I have used the information and am happy to help out if it is needed. Sad to see Ogre go, but I support what he wants. Lots of resources going away it seems with Ogre, and the V8 guy going out.. Who is next I wonder?
Diddo to what "mrstan" (and others) posted above. I'm in for helping $$ to get Ogre's page up and running again. Any other PFF members want to get together and make this happen?
------------------ "Because in a split second, It's gone" Ayrton Senna