So, after a few attempts at reaching the lever shemdogg referred to, I was finally able to open the trunk

At first, I did not know what the lever looked like and wasn't sure how to trigger it so I took the latch from my other Fiero apart (another good reason to have at least 2 Fieros

). After inspecting how the mechanism worked, I had a better idea of what to do and was successful.
In order to help other newbies like me, here are a few pictures to help understand how the latch works and how you can open it even if you have drilled too big of a hole in the lock cylinder, or if the lock cylinder refuses to turn even after drilling the tumblers out (which was my case.).
First, here is what the whole assembly looks like (this is a top down view):
As you can see in the picture, there is a metal rod (lever) that is attached to the lock cylinder and goes all the way in the latch assembly. When the cylinder is turned by the key, the lever rotates as well and releases the latch to open the trunk.

Here's a top down view of the lever once rotated by the key:

Here is a back view of the latch assembly, showing the lever in the closed and opened position:
Closed (Trunk locked):

Opened (Trunk opened):

Now, if you drill too big of a hole in the cylinder, the lever will detach from the back of the cylinder and the cylinder with turn freely 360 degrees but the trunk won't open. This is what happened in my case:

At this point, you want to get a long screw driver (ideally flat blade) through the hole to reach the latch assembly and rotate the lever manually. You might have to drill an even bigger hole to get your screwdriver through (this is what I did) Here are a few pictures to illustrate:

And this is how big of a hole I had to drill in order to accomodate the screwdriver (I went all the way up to 3/8 drill bit, in small increments every time not to damage the trunk lid or light lenses):

Hope this helps someone!
87 GT / 88 GT
84 Indy #1863